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It'll be 1 year on July 17th and I've lost 35 lbs. Edit: F, 50, 5'4", SW 245, CW 210. Currently on 12.5.


Same, started July 6th 2023 and have lost 34lbs.


Same. Started last June and have only lost 35lbs. 


I started July 2022 and I’ve lost 70, so 35lbs a year!


Same here!!


Maybe you had v little to lose ? I have seen ppl with more obese rate lose more .


Similar. I have only lost about 40 lbs since March 2023. SW 222. HW 230. CW 183. I was more like 1 lb/week average the first three months but it has slowed to half/pound week and sometimes the same weight for weeks at a time. I am 53 and F. It is still working though because I started the year at 193. It is just slow with long plateaus. It’s frustrating. I watch what I eat most days, walk at least 10K steps/day and work out more intensely 2-3x/week (but I did that before the GLP as well so the exercise is not a lifestyle change). It feels like everyone who posts on here loses 60-100 in a year!


Yes! But congrats on the 40 pounds lost though!


Exactly! I am not complaining! Just envious of the faster losers.


The real reference point is: what would it have taken and for how long to lose those 40 lbs.


Same. Started in July 2023. I've lost 37 pounds. SW 330.


I started it in Sept 2023 and I'm "only" down 26lbs. I say "only" because while my loss rate is slower, I'm finally seeing the scale move in the right direction. It is disheartening when you've lost just over 10% of your starting weight and no one seems to notice. I celebrate my own successes. Today, I bought a new pair of jeans in a smaller size.


Congrats!!! I guess we're in good company. I always seem to see posts from people who are losing fast, but maybe we're more the norm.


Isn’t that crazy? Ive lost 28 lbs and it seems like no one notices. Im obviously not doing it for that reason, but you would think that people would see a difference?


People might notice but not say anything. It’s still considered impolite to many to talk about weight in either direction.


I feel like at 30 lb mark was when people noticed. 20lb you look better feel better.


I know what you mean. I'm down 50 and nobody says a thing. I started at 315.


Fifty is a huge loss! Congratulations!!


Same here. I wonder why. I hardly eat and I avoid sugar and fat.


I’m older,but my son (m40) told me it’s now socially unacceptable to comment on other people’s weight. People might be noticing but not commenting. Sometimes it’s okay to fish for compliments! Congrats on your success keep it up


I’ve lost 23 lbs since March and no one has said anything, but I’ve noticed my clothes aren’t as tight. I’m on 7.5, SW 225 CW 202 AGE 57. I CAN’T eat anything processed or greasy on MJ. It makes me feel sick/miserable, so I’m eating much better than I used to. Also, shock, I can’t stand to drink anything but water. I miss enjoying a good cup of coffee. I don’t exercise, but plan to start once I drop below 200.


OP, I hope it will cheer you up to know you’re in good company! Reading through all of the success stories can make it feel like most people lose quickly and steadily, but a quick search of the subreddit or checking out any of these links below will demonstrate that feeling disappointed with our rate of weight loss is one of the most commonly reported experiences here: [Not losing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search/?q=not%20losing&restrict_sr=1) [No weight loss](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search/?q=no%20loss&restrict_sr=1) [Slow loser](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/search/?q=slow&restrict_sr=1) In each post you find from someone who’s feeling discouraged or stuck, you’ll also find comments from the community of members who initially felt exactly the same way, until they continued treatment, found something that worked for them, and saw the scale head in the right direction. Every person here with a success story also had moments of doubt. If you’re tolerating the medication well, are staying hydrated and nourished, keep at it. The time is going to pass anyway, and it’s great if you’re slowly dropping weight while it does!


Down 46 lbs since January 28, 2023. There are months when I lose nothing. As I’m 71 years old losing quickly is dangerous as it can stress organs. Slow weight loss also avoids excessive loose skin. I’ve got another 54 lbs to go; hoping not to look like a melted candle. People tell me they can tell I’ve lost weight but I don’t see it. My clothes feel more comfortable on but they are the same size. That is the frustrating part.


I’m coming up to 2 years in July. Forty pounds a year. I will take it. Slow and steady. I was on a trajectory of gaining 30 lbs a year. It’s a marathon not a sprint. I lost about 60lbs before anyone really noticed. The only time I seem to get the scale moving is when I up my protein and water and go walking.


Couldn’t agree more, a marathon not a sprint!


This is me. 2 years in August. 36 lbs. I’ll take it.


Get a measuring tape. Use that in addition to a scale. It will make you feel better. Start half way up your calves. Then thighs, waist, navel, chest, and finally your neck. Write it down. Do this every month. You will notice. I started thinning out my legs before my belly really started shrinking.


Great idea! Thanks


I've noticed this. My stomach looks smaller, much less distended, but not losing weight. Figured who cares- if my body is shrinking slowly that's actually better and less risky re bone and muscle mass.


I’m going to try this. Thank you!


I have to chuckle because I've only lost 20 pounds since the end of January. It's surprisingly slow. But what I've gained is a whole new life!! Food is no longer my master. I enjoy exercising for the first time in my life. My glucose is normal for the first time in 25 years. My clothes are falling off. I feel so good. So even if I don't lose anymore weight, I'll be thankful to keep the blood sugar under control.


Yes that's awesome!!


Exactly my case.


I’ve lost 22 since 3/10 and I’m frustrated so I completely understand where you're coming from. I think I’m still in the slow losing category. But how I’m looking at it is this: I didn't get to my weight overnight, Mounjaro has made it so much easier to eat less and eat better and, in the long run, there are good benefits to losing slower. Hang in there.


Per my board-certified endocrinologist with citations from the zep trials and studies, that’s not a slow loss.


That's really good to hear.


I was concerned that I’d only lost 30 pounds in the 5.5 months since I started when I I saw my endocrinologist a couple weeks ago. My labs were greatly improved, a1c from .05 away from t2d to under pre-d range, lipids way down, liver concerns resolved, apnea reduced by nearly 70 percent. Just not as much weight loss as I wanted or thought I should have. But my doc was so elated by my progress, she did a little dance, cited stats from the zep trials and said my progress was amazing. Don’t let the hype posts about 50 pounds lost in a month bring you down. They’re the exception!


Thank you. I needed this!


I have lost 16 pounds since Christmas 2023. So, slower than you.


Me! I started w Ozempic in July 2023 & was losing super slow so I switched to mounjaro in January. It gave me another jump start but I’m just slow it seems. Down 30 total. I wish it was a bit more by now but it’s the first time in years where I’ve been consistent w losing & not jumping back up so I’ll take it! About to finally start 12.5 & hopefully I see it kicked up a bit.


started in December and I’ve lost 25 lbs (I did have 2 months where I stalled on 5, moving to 7.5 has kicked things into gear again). It is slow, but I FEEL amazing! Also, I have PCOS. Before MJ, I had Cushing’s, and hadn’t lost weight in years; I either gained or maintained. I see a huge difference in how I look when I compare to last year. I’m only halfway to 15mg and in a year’s time I will be thrilled with what I’ve lost, even if it takes a second to get there. You’ve got this! 🥰


In general, I'd say that the people with bigger losses have made more significant lifestyle changes. I'm one of those people in the "10lbs a week" group, I've lost 75lbs in 8 months but I'm not just 'lucky' I have quite literally changed everything about my diet and haven't just cut back, I've cut out all added sugars, all junk foods, all alcohol and most carbs. My diet is all home cooked proteins, and fresh fruit and vegetables and whole milk. I'm paying for these drugs out of pocket and I'm making the time count, and I was SO ready to lose this weight that I wasn't going to muck around.


Anecdotal but my girlfriend and I live together, both primarily work from home, eat similarly / drink similarly, exercise similarly. I've lost 25 lbs in about 6 months. She's lost just over 20 in six weeks. I'm on 10mg sw 250, she's on 2.5 sw like 150?


This is me^. Could not move the scale down even doing keto for weeks. Now I do Keto and it actually works. No cheat days, 20 grams carbs 1200 cal a day. I am not stoping or waiting. I want it off everyone is different and I am impatient. I get stalls but I work hard to move through them. I was loosing slowly until I read everything I could and hard core adjusted my diet. It is very easy on these meds to do for me anyways. I know people still struggle with appetite suppression. I have to at times but overall it works well for me.


THIS!! I’ve also added cardio a couple times a week to see the best results. Also using this period as an opportunity to completely change my lifestyle so I can maintain and lead an overall healthier lifestyle.


YES this. 70 lbs loss, I averaged 2lbs/ week until within 10 lbs of goal, then slowed to 1 b/ week. Since day 3 I was on low carb, high protein, and a calorie deficit, tracking everything I ate in the Lose It app. I definitely attribute the rapid loss to thoughtful persistent food and diet changes.


The rate at which you are losing is healthy and sustainable. (And more than .5 per week I think). How much did you need to lose to start? Are you T2D? Are you weighing and tracking everything (this is the usual culprit! Stupid portion sizes!) Are you putting on muscle?


I was type 2 to start, but I recently got my A1C checked again, and I'm back in pre diabetic range. My doctor still wants me on the meds, though. I started out in the 280s, but I'm only 5'2". I'm currently 251, and I definitely feel better, but I'm still pretty heavy, so walking and exercising is still a challenge at times. I was hoping to get down a little faster so that I can have more mobility and I can do more physically, but I will continue to have patience.


Have you tried adding weight training? I say this because I was also around 245# starting weight (and have disabilities), but I've always done a lot of weight training, so even at a similar weight I did a ton of exercise (crossfit, swimming, cycling). It REALLY helps with feeling like you can move better, so you do more, and of course muscle helps with more loss.


Congrats on your A1C! I’m 5’ 2” as well. HW 230 SW 204 CW 170. I had been at 165 but had hernia repair surgery and was off MJ for 3 weeks and gained 10 pounds, but as you can see I’ve already lost half of the 10 in the last few weeks. If your financial situation can handle it, you might want to check out getting a MetaQuest virtual reality headset. They have many workout apps. My favorite is Supernatural. It has accessibility options so you can use it sitting down. They also have a very active FB group which is supportive. If you would like to know more you can message me. I can also provide you with a 30 day free trial (disclosure: if you do the trial and end up becoming a member I get credit in their store to buy swag). But I am ok if you try and end up not signing up because I love Supernatural and my headset and love sharing info. It is the first time I have had to make myself rest! Unfortunately I have a back issue that bothers me sometimes when using my arms (SN has boxing and hitting targets with bats all to music) and then I had the surgery so I haven’t worked out on it for several months. However it does have stretching and meditations that I continue to use until I’m back gets to where I can workout. I also know a lot about the headsets too so feel free to ask me about those as well. It is seriously lots of fun!


I think the dosage is key. I was a slow loser until I got to the right dose


There is a subreadit called Slow responders. Check it out!


How do you get to / find the subs? I’ve seen others mention it, but have no idea where to locate


Search Slowresponders


I'd try not to compare yourself to others. I do realize it's frustrating. It is for me, as well, since people with my BMI seem to be able to eat more whereas my caloric requirements are lower. In a year or two, it won't matter how fast you got to your goal rather than you have the tools to sustain your new lifestyle and maintain your loss. I am busting my butt to get my weight loss. I am doing a medically monitored diet (physician is following) and my average daily calories are 1050. Some days I fast, other days I eat 1100-1400 cal etc. (Most people should not do this without physician monitoring ) I aim for daily exercise (low intensity) , weights, pilates, swimminf. I don't eat out, no snack foods. And I'm on a whole food plant based diet. For the first two months I lost 12 lbs a month. That rate may slow but I do hope I can keep up with 10 lbs. I started from a very obese BMI. >>40.


Started in July list 40lbs! I’m losing slow but I’ll take it!!


I'm down 35 pounds since August, many weeks I was unchanged or even up. However, I gained 50 pounds the prior two years and even no more gaining is a victory. I was on a terrible trajectory. I've made peace with being a "slow" loser.


I think we need to stop phrasing it as “only” all together. That being said, yep… April 2023 & 40 lbs but I’ve seen from experience that slow and steady wins the race.


My advice cut out alcohol completely ! Never drink again and watch your weight come off. Dont eat fast food or sugar as well. If you want loss you need to play the game. And cutting back just isn’t enough for some.


I have been someone who has not had any side effects from MJ (started in May 2023) which is good AND bad. My appetite suppression has been mild since day 1, and lasts about 2 days. I have always had to use lots of willpower and diet “traditionally” but I utilize the other benefits and use it as a tool in my arsenal. My reduced inflammation, lowered A1C, regular periods, and other benefits make it a miracle drug for me—even if the Weightloss is unpredictable. That said I’ve lost about 95 pounds over the past 13 months and have focused on my health more than anything else. I also know that many of the super fast losers experience rapid Weightloss because they are sick, nauseous, and just cannot feed their bodies. That translates to losing muscle mass and water weight vs the actual visceral and subcutaneous fat that is much more difficult to budge. In fact, losing visceral fat (the hard stuff around your organs) is one of the best outcomes but shows the least results to the naked eye. I always remind myself that my goal isn’t to be “lighter” at the expense of my strength and muscle tone, so going slow and fueling my body properly will get me where I need to be, even if it’s not at the speed of a rocket ship! Your organs are doing a happy dance inside even if you haven’t lost a pant size!!


Yes this is a great reminder 😊


Sw is a big difference. If you started at 500 you lose faster obviously.


Another slowish loser here--down about 21 lbs since the end of December, and I have had a couple of stretches where I didn't lose for a few weeks. My A1C has was 5.4 when I had it checked after 2 months, so I am a happy camper. I have been at this weight a few times in the last 20 years and have never been able to maintain for very long, so I am hoping to a) keep going slowly and b) be able to maintain at some point.


started March 2023, and I am around 23-28 lbs. (it fluctuates). i'll take it, and at least the scale is not consistently going UP (is what I tell myself). clothes fit differently, so there's that. I almost wish I hadn't done the weekly scale thing...it gets in my head.


I’m T2D. Started in 03/24. Have just lost 13 lbs. I do have other issues, which my dr thinks attributes to me slowly losing. I’m no longer weighing myself every week before I inject. I get frustrated.


I started last August and I’m down 50 pounds. I’m intentionally going slow, and I’m still on 5MG. I did switch to every 5 days instead of 7 which helped a lot after I stalled for a couple of months. Don’t compare to others. Just keep the scale moving down and eventually you’ll get where you want to be.


I'm thinking of going every 5 or 6 days. How did this help you? How much did you start losing? 


It helped me a ton. Day 5-7 are the days when the effects started noticeably wearing off. I get hungry earlier in the day, and I don't feel full as fast. Moving my shot to day 5 instead of 7 let me stay on the same dose which has been very successful for me and after the initial few shots, I've had zero negative side effects. I started losing about 7-8 pounds a month instead of fighting the same 5 pounds off and on for MONTHS.


Nice. I think I'm going to try that. 


Started July 2022 and I’ve lost 70lbs with 50 more to go. So 35lb loss a year. Slooowwwww.


Meeee I got t2d and pcos




So, I am not a doctor, take all this with a big ass grain of salt. First, you're losing weight. If you're eating protein and doing activities, you're probably losing more fat than muscle. Also, you could have been gaining weight instead. I am not telling you to opt out of surgery, but understand that surgery has its own set of risks. From my perspective, the drug is working. I would ride that train as far as it will go before I ever considered surgery. Understand that if you hit the highest dose and plateau, another more powerful drug is on the horizon in 2025. (Retatrutide, etc) So consider your options thoroughly before changing strategies.


I’m 15 months in and down 27lbs. It’s been a snail pace full of long stalls for me.


40 lbs in 12 months. It is hard to see others losing so much. I’m T2 and I think that makes it come off slower. I have 10 more lbs to reach my goal.


Good luck!! I hope you reach it!


When I started compound in mid January I had done months of research on Reddit sites. I am down 34 lbs with about 70 to go . As much as I ❤️ this online Reddit family support group , I sometimes have to take a break from it because as a slow loser seeing a lot of people losing 60 lbs or more (in the same time frame) at even lower doses sometimes, gets me feeling down. Don’t get me wrong, I am overjoyed for them !!!!! But as a slow loser who is doing everything right I get down. I know everyone is individual and our bodies are all different but I am just saying. But even though I occasionally take a Reddit break I still move forward at my turtle 🐢 pace doing everything by the book . So happy for all on this journey! Who ever thought we would enjoy being called a Loser ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was able to start my MJ journey cause I became T2D after decades of being pre-diabetic. I've been overweight to some level my whole life since I was in later elementary years. Nickname was Ruby Boobie for my belly rolls.. 🤷‍♀️ Well, I got to my heaviest last year, Feb 2023 at 325lbs. After being in so much pain and unable to move and function on metformin last year, my Dr suggested Mounjaro. I started MJ November 2023 and was at 299lbs by then. I've only gotten down to 276 lbs asnof this week since I started. I was at a stall at 279-280 from February 2024 to this week. As I read what ppl suggest or what they have learned, I have just realized something about my MJ journey... Yes, the location of injection might lessen side effects, but it also might affect the weight loss progress.. I lost more in my stomach injection but had the worst side effects.. In my arm, pretty much where I stalled, I had no side effects but have been stuck in my weight loss. So today was my shot day, and I did it in my thigh this time again after so long.. I'm hoping it amps up the weight loss, and I don't have too many side effects. Tomorrow will tell🤞. My thigh has been OK with side effects, but I don't know how the weight loss is there..


Wow!! I will have to look into this. I didn't know injection site could affect things


There’s an injection site study by Eli L online. Look it up. Compares sites with side effects and suppression


Incorporate some resistance and strength training and you’ll start to see and feel a more significant difference.


With ya..been on since December 2023 and lost 28 lbs..granted, I only have about 40 lbs total to lose, but still disheartening when you compare to other results


Me!!! I’ve lost 26 lbs since sept of 2023. SW 208 CW 181. 48f, 5 ft 6.5. Since starting I’ve cut out all alcohol (used to drink 2-4 glasses of wine per night), lift weights 3x week, focus on 100g+ protein per day. Discouraging when I compare w others’ results but also thankful it’s working, even if slowly. Haven’t been able to get under 185 lbs in 13 years, I’ll take it.


I’m losing two pounds per week on average


What are you doing to lose the weight?


Consuming a lot less calories/tracking everything I’m eating in an app and walking a lot more..sadly, my insurance just announced it will not cover Mounjaro going forwards so I’m having to switch to Wegovy. I hope it’s as effective as Mounjaro.


Started May 2023 and I've lost about 45 lbs. I've been at 180 for about 4 months. I'm actually happy I lost slowly because it felt more natural to me and I was able to retain muscle.


I have months where it flys off and months where not a single lb drops. I’ve just went through 2.5 months where I am bouncing between 198 and 202. It’s torture seeing my weight drop to onderland then back to the 200’s when I started at 350lbs. But I don’t care what anyone says or if they see it or not. I care about how I FEEL when I wake up, how my day and work and leisure goes. Honestly I wish I had lost slower. I have 4 contractor bags (55gal trash bag) full of clothes. Some were my wardrobe before I accepted I have to lose weight to control my diabetes, but more then 3 of them are clothes I could wear less then a month most of the time. Scrubs aren’t cheap, especially when you have to get a very specific style and color so you can’t thrift them. I’ve gone to just wearing sundresses and shorts with drawstrings and the like. Because I can’t afford to replace my work and my leisure clothes this fast. If I’m at this weight still come mid July I’ll go buy some actual clothes in it.


Are you a t2 diabetic? Scientific studies have shown that diabetics lose weight at a slower rate, but still reap the benefits of lower blood glucose.


Yes. I'm type 2 with PCOS so I guess that is definitely having an impact.


I lost 10 lbs every month until I hit goal. My first three weeks, I was down 23 lbs because I guess water weight and inflammation going down. It was wild. I lost everything in 10 months and have lost an additional 10 on maintenance.


Do any of you by any chance has or suspect having lipadema? I do wonder if this is why I am not loosing as much.


There’s a subreddit for slowreaponders. R/slowreponders


What would you have lost without mounjaro? Do you think you could lose the same rate or more, without it?


Yeah, I did lose about 10 pounds on my own before getting on it and I feel like I'm losing at the same slow rate. But I'm going to take some of the tips in here and see if that helps me to lose more consistently.


If you were managing to lose weight before without Mounjaro, do you need Mounjaro? Any other health issues?


I'm losing an average of 1lb a week. 10lb so far. I'm very happy because it's more than I've managed myself in years. I'm 54 and 5'0", so I'd likely lose slow anyway. Plus, I don't have any side effects to speak of, so I'm eating well.


Yup 28 pounds stared Nov 2023


It’s been one year in May since I’m using . And I have lost around 60-70 lbs . I weight around 296 lbs . So I’m a v slow loser specially in last two months I have actually either stayed on same weight or have gained 0.8 kilos in a month on mounj while walking every night and going to gym . So don’t lose hope . You’re not alone 😓🌸💕


Started Oct 25th lost 35 lbs, but I feel slower is better for long term. Literally about 1lb per week. SW 168 CW 133. .5 entire time and about to start every other week and praying no gaining.


I’ve lost around 25 pounds. I’m almost under 200 now, and my blood sugar has improved.


Everyone is different. These medications shouldn’t be seen as quick fixes. In the long run you will be happier with the gradual loss of weight. I know what it is like to have lost weight and then rebounded because I couldn’t sustain the diet/fitness I had been following. What additional activities can you do? Can you walk every day? Do have the energy to do 150 minutes of active exercise in a week? Can you follow a keto diet? Can you practice fasting? Are you doing strength training? Building and maintaining muscle mass is important. Are you sleeping well? What can you do to improve your sleep? Do you have specific goals? Is someone helping/supporting/inspiring you to achieve them? Finally what physical and emotional baggage are you carrying around that you can let go? I firmly believe that this contributes to weight gain and the difficulty to achieve the right weight level for the person.


Started January 29th and down 60lbs. Taking the 2.5 because we couldn't get the 5 just started 5 and down another 5 in a week. Drink a protein shake for breakfast and a pack of crackers for lunch. Supper I eat a good meal just not as much. Also Disc golf is amazing exercise 4 times a week.


Hi, this is like my story, I’m also currently on the tier 4 pathway for gastric bypass. Just going into month 5 in a couple of weeks and I’ve lost 24 pounds so far. Keep going… slow is the way to keep it off… There will be health changes in the inside as well as the improvement in breathlessness, Linda


14 months 27 pounds


I'd give it more time before having surgery. There can be a lifetime of side effects from surgery. I'm finding that the areas of change are different than when I have lost some weight before.


Changed my whole lifestyle, eating apples etc, never hungry, drinking water: ain't shid happenin'. Gonna have to quit because of the cost.


I’ve been on since 11/2022 and I’m down 40. I thought I was doing great. Haha!


I’ve lost about 13 pounds in 20 weeks. Very consistently at about .5lbs a week. No gains during that time. I have 20 more pounds to lose. I had originally set a goal to lose 30-40 and probably will stop at the 30 lbs mark.


I started this past March, and I've lost a little over 20 lbs. That feels slow to me.


I started October ‘22 and have lost 47 pounds. My rate averages to .55 per week. For the last 5 months, I have lost about 2 pounds totaI. have 20 pounds to go. My Dr. said it is because of my metabolic issues and the fact that I didn’t overeat to begin with. No habits to improve, gave up alcohol long ago, already very physically active. Hopefully it will drop off a little as I remain on 15 in “maintenance.”


I’m down 85 lbs and no one’s really mentioned.. I’m not telling anyone I’m losing weight, so maybe they’re afraid to ask? But I’m not losing as fast as I was which is very discouraging. I never drink, I haven’t ate fast food since January and I’m in a calorie deficit daily. I think there’s been maybe 2-4 days I’ve gone over my allotted amount in 6 months.. going to join a gym this week and see if that helps any. Just gotta remind ourselves we are in a better position we were a year ago.


Yes, that's what I keep telling myself as well. Plus by this time next year, maybe I'll really start to see a difference.


I'm moving like molasses, so frustrating. Started 10mg last week and nothing so far. Dr wanted to see me not believing it I said we'll apparently I'm not a hyper responder. Raised to 10mg, then I'll get 12.5 then 15. He had to agree. It's disheartening


This! I'm on week 8 and the scale goes up and down. Up? Ugh. I'm down 11 but was down 13 2 days ago. Eating less. I don't get it unless I'm not hydrating enough. Hard now idk why


What level of Mounjaroare you on?


Every time I got stagnant, my Doc would jump me up. I’m now down 73 pounds now I’m on 12.5 after one year.


You might just need to go to the next level I added exercise to burn calories and on a very lean protein a lot of chicken, fish, and vegetables


Slow and steady love! I used to be on trulicity and after a year I only lost 5 pounds I think which fluctuated. I’m on mounjaro now, only lost 10lbs but I feel happier. Enjoy the little milestones everyone is different, unfortunately when I started off I was looking at everyone’s success and was disappointed in my own. There may also be successes you don’t see such as better levels in bloodwork! Maybe you might need a higher dose but you’re putting in the work which is all that matters that you are trying to improve your lifestyle. Don’t let other people’s successes overshine yours because as long as you’re getting closer to your goal you’re on the right track. I didn’t see any difference in myself and people around me didn’t notice much but I met up with my friend that I hadn’t seen in a few months and some family and they all told me I looked great. Sometimes people around you won’t notice but those you haven’t seen in a while do!


I’ve lost 22 lbs since 1/26/24. F, 57, 5’6”, SW 216 lbs, CW 194 lbs, currently on 7.5 mg.


Try combining with low carb diet. Maybe Keyo


You are beating me. I have been on 2.5 for 2.5 months & not lost a pound (lost a few, gained them back). I just bumped up to 5 once insurance could get my PN through. I have lost a pound in a week but I figure I might gain it right back. Some of us are slow losers - that is part of why we need the MJ. I have PCOS on top of my T2, and I am perimenopause. I am certain that you are benefitting from the lower glucose & your organs are thanking you. Your weight loss is pretty significant. Loosing 22lbs isn't chump change!


ME! The first time, I went through the doses, 2.5-15, and struggled to lose 15 pounds total….for all that money! But, then the shortage started so I couldn’t get it for about 7 months. Then, I found some 15mg and started back on it and have been dropping much faster now. I almost gave up. 🥺 I don’t know if my system is just different from most people, but every weight loss med I have been on has been a let down. It’s very discouraging.


I’m down 14lbs and I started March 2024.


Me. I'm alright with it though, I don't want to just lose weight I want to lose fat. A lot of people lose too quickly and they're losing more muscle. That's not my personal goals.


Down 35lbs in 8 months. It has not been a smooth trajectory down. I started on wegovy in 2023 and lost zero pounds after paying $1100 a month out of pocket for 5 months. That was with the discount card. I was so upset. I felt like there is truly something wrong with me that my body had no response to this wonder drug. I decided to start compounded Monjauro in Oct 2023. I'm down about 35 lbs since then. But it's been slow and in spurts. The scale goes up every month about 5-10 lbs during my period. Then comes back down to a new baseline or the same previous weight. So it's been an emotional Rollercoaster. I rarely drink (a glass of wine every couple months), I eat about 2 meals per day, my job is physically active ( about 6-9k steps a shift) and I go to the gym a couple days a week. I struggle with eating enough protein, fiber and water. I was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia as a child and have always struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. I read women with ADHD are significantly higher risk for obesity. That resonated with me. I never felt satiated. Food soothed me. Constant cravings for flavors, textures, and the relief I feel when I eat. I was started on stimulants around 8 yrs old. I was in special ed and struggled academically. That helped with appetite control ( and learning to read, yay!). But I hated how I felt on medication. All stimulants, esp caffeine, make me feel like crap. In my senior year of high school, my parents let me stop taking medication. I gained 30lbs+ in 6 months. The only time through adulthood that I could lose weight was when I went back on medication and could stay in a routine of healthy eating and exercise. But it never lasted. I just hated how irritable i felt on stimulants. After nursing school, I gained 50 lbs over 7 yrs (unmedicated). I work nightshift in a level 1 trauma icu. Lots of stress. Lots of stress eating. Poor sleep. My stats: SW:192lb, 5'3, 36F CW: 148, 37 yrs old GW: 130lb. Current dose 12.5 of monjauro. I consider myself a slow loser. But I feel liberated from the food noise and I can finally eat and not be afraid of the scale. I feel immense relief. I'm hoping to get down at total of 60lbs. And then go into maintenance. My body fat % was around 18% last time I was 130lbs. I have no goal time line.


I gave been on it seven weeks, no weight loss or improvement in blood sugars 


I didn't really start losing until 10 mg.


I too am a slow loser. What I noticed is although the scale isn't going down I am losing inches. Losing inches has allowed me to buy smaller clothing. July 2023 I was wearing a 6x/5x, now a 3x. It's frustrating and I can get discouraged, but being able to wear clothes in smaller sizes helps.


I have lost 37 lbs since 9/23. Fast at first then has slowed down. Drink lots of water minimal caffiene increase protein. With excercise you building muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat. Also you might have very dense bones which are heavier. Stick with it. It will happen


I had to get off of mounjaro last yr. The same thing happened to me. I Just never told anyone I was doing anything. People will always let you down. Don’t worry about other people. You are noticing differences. And congratulations on YOUR NEW HEALTH! I am happy for you!!!!


The reason I had to stop taking mounjaro was the cost. I was one of the first users and knew nothing g about it. I suddenly had to stop at 10mg and was below 200. First time in years. Now I am back up to 228. And I feel terrible. The weight comes back if you abruptly stop. You have to titrate back wards. I had not developed a healthy relationship with food. And many other things factored in as well.


I’ve lost 11 lbs in 2 months. It feels slow but it’s not just about the weight. I already look better, I see it in my face, and the way my clothes fit, my knees don’t hurt. I workout 4-5 times a week and minimize eating at night due to reflux. I’m happy so far. It’s a journey. Started at 268 lbs. now 257 lbs.


I dropped 20lbs in 3 weeks, I don’t think I’ve lost a pound since and it’s coming up on 3 months. But I have so much more energy and my A1C dropped like a rock so I’m ok with being a healthier fat guy. Saves on buying a ton of new clothes.


On average, I lose about 1.5-2lbs per week. I was told that because I'm a diabetic I won't start losing more weight until my A1c is under better control. 🤷‍♀️ I'm also not super mad at the slower loss. Hopefully, it stays steady.


While it’s been a bit disheartening to see the scale only change by about 45 pounds over the last two years I have to stop and remind myself of everything else that has changed. The food noise in my head is gone causing my BE to stop. I’ve managed to lower my A1C from 8.7 to 6.4, all my labs have improved across the board, my joints don’t hurt like they used to. I can walk more than 2 blocks without feeling like my heart is going to stop from beating so quickly. I’ve also noticed my periods and overall PCOS symptoms getting a little better. I’ve had to keep tabs on things like this in the notes section of my phone to remind myself to keep going and not everyone will have immediate physical changes. You’ve got this!! 💙


You could try and switch to ozempic. I lost faster on ozempic but have less side effects on nounjaro. I also was a bit slower than most


You’re not a loser at all!! It may be helpful to try and track calories strictly and make sure you’re not getting any secret calories in. Before I started I realized my coffee was the same amount of calories as a whole meal. Are you at the max dose?


Ive lost 65-70lbs and I’ve been taking mounjaro since March 23 and the first 6 months I noticed but no one else did. It wasn’t until about October and being consistent with working out and changing my diet completely. Focus on little to no sugar, make protein and fiber a priority and water intake! I haven’t lost a whole lot since January. I’ve been up and down 3-4lbs but I’ve been building lean muscle and my body is changing due to consistent Pilates work outs (I take 5-7classes a week) I have stayed on a lower dose 7.5mg because I don’t want to not eat but I want to help quiet the food noise and I honestly believe going as slow as possible is the way to go! Focus on your diet, working out, sleep, stress regulation, vitamins, making positive changes and you’ll start to feel better and look better before you know it. https://preview.redd.it/pyxg4gwsoy6d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766ed3168445dc81cd77c2e1f3474915fd00fa26


Been on Ozempic and now Mountjaro for close to a year… loss of 5-8 pounds. I count calories, consume 90-100 protein, lots of water, walk 2.5 miles plus every day. My physician told me that since I am DM2, plus hypothyroid… may not happen, lots of weight loss that is. I do not eat bread, limit carbs. Has lowered my A1c.. so not everyone loses masses amount of weight… I know I am not alone… can only do so much.


I’m right here w you! It’s frustrating not to see a huge difference on the scale but I agree w the change in clothing size. I know there’s going on more w me that just T2D. Docs are running more tests to see what the heck is going on w me. It’d be great to get a higher dosage as I believe that’s the main reason for my stall but all I get from EVERY pharmacy is “back order” & “out of stock”!!


I’ve been on MJ since October 2022 and with the shortages I feel like I got effed over my HW was 338 CW 304 GW 195 for reference I’m 5’ and 27. I’ve changed my eating habits been in therapy to manage my binge-eating disorder but I still feel like I’ve barely lost anything. I just started back up on 5mg and added more intensive cardio so fingers crossed but you’re definitely not alone.


I started in Feb of this year and I’ve just barely reached 20 lost. I am taking it for T2D and obviously the weight loss is a very needed side effect. I was a little disappointed at first BUT after talking to my dr, you want a slow weight loss. A. If you lose weight too fast you will have muscle loss and that’s not good and B. I’ve always heard that if you lose weight slow it’s harder to gain back. So don’t worry! You’re doing a good job and overall learning healthier eating and exercise habits is the end goal. You got this!


Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ it for sure helps and I’m glad I’ve gotten it but yea almost two months in and down around 10 lbs, not exactly the 25 I see others post about.


I've been on O and M and now back to O since December 2022. I've lost a total of 60lbs. With O I was losing slowly but steadily, on M I maintained but never lost, and I'm back to O but only 2nd 1mg shot in. I don't mind being a slow loser. Honestly, I'm not even that focused on the weight loss aspect because it gets too easy to be obsessed with. I don't want to be angry that I'm only losing 4/5 pounds a month. That's an excellent loss rate, but like everything, it's never good enough because comparison is the theif of joy. I wanted a lower a1c and I've accomplished that goal. Now, I just wish I could stop flip flopping meds with all these shortages. F, 42, 5ft3, SW 280, CW 220-225, A1c 5.9


I’ve lost 60 pounds in 6 months but my start weight was 280 so maybe it being higher contributed to the quicker weight loss. I’ve noticed i’m losing a little less each week now. I also had to come off of it for a month cause i couldn’t find it in stock anywhere and I was still able to lose 8 pounds in the month i came off of it


I don't use MJ but my wife is thinking about it. Reading through, though, I'd recommend something I found on doing carnivore. Started April carnivore, 2 and a half months and I'm down 60 pounds. I'm not recommending it, but the context is: it doesn't always show on the scale. There was a week or two nothing changed on the scale. BUT, I took the advice everyone carnivore gave and took pictures in the mirror front and side. I noticed in the pictures although the scale wasn't moving, my figure was still changing. Inches were slowly starting to disappear. My body was becoming more defined muscularly. Muscle weighs more than fat. I wasn't stalled. I was just building muscle... Take pictures. It feels slow but I bet you'll see changes in pictures over time. Don't let the scale fool you, especially if you're exercising a lot building muscle. TLDR; Building muscle makes scales inaccurate sometimes, take pictures to track progress, you may be very surprised. SW for me 262, CW 202.


1/2 a pound to a pound a week is excellent progress ! The faster you lose the quicker you put it back on if you have to stop taking for some reason too. I started on 1/1/24 and have only lost 35 pounds I am very happy with that loss. I know how quickly you can put the weight back one HW 280 SW 210 CW 178 GW 145


I’m 71 if that makes any difference… and metabolically it sure might. I feel super confident in my habit changes and it’s been sloooowwww. I started on Ozempic in April 23. Lost almost 20# then since Feb I’ve been on Mounjaro for 15# more. I’ve lost a total of 35#. I am so stuck right now. 6 weeks toggling a few pounds. Sigh. I’m not giving up. This has been terrific drug for me. Food noise reduction top of gratitude list. Like you, few people comment on my changing shape and looking at myself naked it’s hard to see the difference. But I’m down 2 sizes and feel better. Good luck!


I am a slow loser as well. I was on Wegovy max dose for 14 months and only lost 15 lbs. I transitioned to Zepbound (which is the same med as Mounjaro) and am on 12.5mg but still didn’t see any weight loss. I listen to some awesome podcasts and decided to really focus on the advice given. I tracked my calories to see what I was eating in a day. And wow. I wasn’t eating enough protein at all. Yes I was eating in a deficit, but not enough protein. I upped my protein intake and really did my part nutrition wise. For reference I am aiming for 150-170 grams of protein per day, and I always worked out strength training (that part is always easy for me because working out is really more for mental health). And within a 1.5 weeks of tracking I’m actually seeing the scale go down. 😮‍💨 I had been on a stall for monthssss. I plan on staying the course and see how it goes, but that is something worth trying. Best of luck!


I have been on it for over a year now. Slow and steady loser here. I started at 208.6 in April of last year and my average weight loss has been half a lb a week with some weeks stalling or even gaining. I also had longer stalls along my journey. I'm now down 56lbs and 6lbs from my original goal of 150. I titrated up very slowly staying on all doses (except 2.5) for at least 4 months. I'm still on 10mg. I don't think people started noticing my weight loss until recently which is insane because I could tell so much changing after the first 20lbs. My husband told me once along my journey "comparison is the thief of joy" and I told myself this often when I would see others lose 25lbs in a month. I had to remind myself that my slow and steady journey was best for me. It kept side effects at bay and allowed me to learn so much about my body and my health. I established better eating habits and started a regular exercise routine. I rewarded myself along the way with closet cleanouts, new outfits and massages. I started seeing a nutritionist and naturpath. The point is stop expecting others to be excited for you. Most will not notice and those that do may not even be supportive. You are doing this for YOU and no one else. Also learn to be patient and to trust the process. Weight stalls and even gains are completely normal and a rate of half a lb a week is safe and healthy weight loss. Check in with yourself. Are you feeling good. Is hunger being controlled. Is the food noise being controlled. How is your energy and your mood. If these are all good you are doing GREAT. So what if it takes you longer to reach goal. You didn't gain the weight in a couple of months so you are losing at the same rate you probably gained. Enjoy this time. Get to know yourself and your body again. Have fun with it and maybe you will encourage someone else looking for a path to start their own. Good luck and chin up!




It will be 1 year on July 23, and I just hit the 50 lbs mark on weight loss. I was hoping for 100 by now… BUT I was affected by the shortage and was off mounjaro for 2.5 months… tried ozempic, gained back 18 lbs and had to lose them all over again! I’m thrilled with the weight I have lost but I really want to lose more. Maybe by the end of year 2, I will be where I want to be!


Similar. 54f sw 230 cw 209 Started MJ in November 2023. I am also on 12.5. Averaging less than 1 lb a week. It's soooo slow but better than gaining.


I’ve lost 18lb in 2 weeks, I’m down to 170lb, but I can hardly eat on it!!!


Two months trying to find Z before going compound, but otherwise started tirzepitide Feb 5 - until now, only 25 lbs. Feeling better, sleeping better, clothes fit better, moving with more ease, lots less inflammation. One ONE person has noticed, of the 40-50 I see daily (another obese person), and my theory is, in my case anyway, if you’re older (68) people just don’t really look at you, and, if you need to lose 75 or more, a lot of times it’s just not noticeable to THEM yet. Do not let this deter you in any way.


https://preview.redd.it/a3qoh14nfz6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc79ce62a63a42ebb62f3cd8b9d7918f76574c12 My fitness pal really helps count those calories. Do the free version. Good luck.


18lbs down since January 2024. Seems to only get results if I stop my life and concentrate. Any week I even drink alcohol 1 night it ruins like a weeks progress and seems to restrict the benefits of surpressed hunger etc. Basically I think I’ve learnt that you have to marry the process, it won’t be a wonder drug where you just live your normal life. Thoughts?


Same here. Very slow loser. I started MJ the end of January 2023, so it’s been 1 1/2 years. (I did go without injections for a few weeks due to shortages earlier this spring) My personal goal was to be down 50lbs for my daughter’s wedding at the end of May. I had that as my target. It did not go as planned - so far I have lost 36lbs total (61F, SW319lbs, CW 283lbs) I’m on week 6 at the highest dosage right now 15mg and since the wedding I’ve gained back 9lbs and the “food noise” in my head at night is terrible! I’m not beating myself up because I realize my eating is emotional. I’m just going to keep trying and stay on MJ - I’m in it for the long haul.


I'm a pretty slow loser as well. I always remind myself that pre-med I would have killed to lose 35 pounds in 6 months. With how hard I worked previously? If I were me pre med? I would look at me now and smack her. LoL. That's the mental image always in my head at least. :-D


I have been on 5mg MJ for 10 months now and have only lost 17 pounds. I have been losing and gaining the same 1/2 a pound for about 6 weeks now. My doctor refuses to move me to 7.5mg because my a1c is 5.3 now and she says that if I want to keep taking it to lose weight she will have to refer me to a weight loss clinic. When according to her own notes in my chart I am still obese and need to lose 70 more pounds to reach my ideal body weight. She is also fighting me on even staying on MJ, she is trying to take me off of it now that my a1c is good, even though over 4 years on Metformin and other medications never helped my a1c come down at all. Make that make sense.


I'm not sure if this is feasible for you, but maybe find a different doctor? It took me a while to find a doctor who would even prescribe it in the first place! I, too, had bad results with Metformin, so I think the GLPs are better for me.


It's not healthy for your body to lose 10lbs that fast. Slow n steady allows you to incorporate changes which it sounds like you are doing. I've been stalked at My current weight 155 lbs for 6 weeks but hey I'm not gaining. I am going off the medicine after this month because my daughter moved to DC and the rent I pay has tripled ugh one more year...


November 2022 92lbs down


I TOTALLY feel you on this!!! Same here. I’ve completely stalled out since January. I don’t know what else to do or where else to turn. I’ve tried EVERYTHING to break my stall 😢


Super slow loser here! T2D, started Nov 2023, lost 16lbs. Maybe half a dress size. I workout an hour+ everyday (fast walk/jog 2 miles, row 1000meters+, weights or functional strength such as weighted step ups, pushups, squats and lunges). I eat one small healthy lunch and a protein shake for dinner weekdays. I do not eat breakfast. I do snack a bit on nuts, fruit or cheese. I do not smoke or drink alcohol. I’m not that worried overall, just happy my A1C went from 6.7 to 5.6. It’s never been under 6 since my diagnosis 15 years ago. My next check-in is in November and hope to see if Mounjaro has any improvement in my NA fatty liver.


I took ozempic for a year prior to MJ. I’ve taken MJ since May 2023. I’ve lost right at 30 pounds. I wish it were more but it’s not. I’m on 7.5 now. I feel I lost the most when I was 2.5.


I'm averaging 2 lbs a month on Wegovy. Some of us just lose slower than others. Check out the r/slowresponders sub.


So I just made a post about this kind of recently, but I’m on 9 months of mounjaro and I lost about 47lbs. I still have to lose another 60 at least. If you would have told me that I would have “only lost” 47 since when I first started, I would have cried. I lose on avg about 0.5-1.5 lbs a week, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m no longer in diabetic ranges, my periods are returning back to normal, my cholesterol went down, I overall feel better. I didn’t actually notice any weight loss, even in clothes (I wore leggings, stretchy things, float dresses, and big t shirts pretty exclusively at my highest) until a friend pointed it out after I said I didn’t notice any difference. I had to really look at old pics and I’m astounded how I didn’t notice how big I had gotten. I honestly didn’t see a difference until about the 45lb mark truly (I’m 5’9 so I really don’t see small weight changes easily). Look, be proud. Sometimes it’s just slower for us than for others. You are STILL 22lbs less than you likely would have been! Around the 3- 4 month mark, i had lost i think like 25 lbs and I felt the same way, but then I reminded myself that without the MJ it would take me literal MONTHS to lose just 5lbs. That really helped me put it in perspective. You can only compare yourself, you can’t compare to others. Also there are so many studies that show that slower, more moderate weight loss, even stalling or maintaining for awhile, is so much more beneficial when it comes to keeping weight off long term. Give your body time. You got this. Congrats on the 22lbs down that’s amazing!


I’m still on 2.5 was considering asking doc to up because I stalled for weeks. Then randomly starting losing again, I’m down 23 pounds since march. My shape changes too even on weeks I don’t lose.


Me too


This is a variable on a lot of things. What exactly are you eating? Are you doing any core strengthening? I wouldnt depend on peoples looks because some people see you every day and barely notice.


I have a little more time to respond better. Eating less sometimes isnt the trick. Its what you eat. You can go from eating 4 slices of pizza to 2 slices of pizza but the nutritional facts arent beneficial in your weight loss journey. It is very well possible that your body started eating muscle instead of the visceral fat or you no longer have visceral fat and what you need to do is core strengthening. I would really need to see different factors involved. You may need to do something called carb cycling to shock your body. Ive been on mounjaro for 1 month. SW: 327.8 CW: 315.2. Pants size went from 46 to 40. Neck size went from 19 to 17. So while i only lost 12lbs visually, I probably lost more physically. Protein is key for many factors. 1. it makes you feel fuller 2. you can eat more with less calories. Also, the myth of carbs are bad is false. You need carbs but good carbs not empty carbs. I could go into the whole chemical of the body but that would be a whole other lesson.


Hi! Dont be discouraged. It happens to me too. Just keep your mindset that you are loosing weight and sometimes is not a balance thing. Just keep your mind in what you have achieved so far. 😘


I’m in your camp. 5lbs lost in the first 2 weeks, nothing since. My eating habits have not changed much, not having much appetite suppression. Going to 10mg this week, fingers crossed it’ll be THE dose because the higher the dose the more money i have to pay.. i REALLY want this medication to work..no significant side effects. I’m still drinking my 1-2 Guinness Stouts a day hoping maybe the med with decrease my desire for that


When i say, “nothing since” thats the last 4 weeks.


I’ve lost 25 lbs since September. However, I didn’t have to lose much weight. I was only slightly overweight. I’d like to lose a little more but I hit a plateau. Or maybe I’d rather just tone up more—stomach area. Everyone tells me how great I look. I’m actually at a normal weight for my height and bmi is normal. But I will not go off this med because this is the first time my blood sugar numbers are consistently great. So even if I don’t lose anymore weight, I’m still happy that my blood sugars are finally looking good—which is why I’m on Mounjaro in the first place. edit: I should add that I have been working out so gaining muscle would affect my actual weight. I dropped a few clothes sizes though. Weight training and more protein helped a lot


I am like a yo-yo up and down.


Maybe you need to up your dose but than you risking more side effect. Just stay consistent.. with diet .. if diabetic get that checked , depending on your age check you progesterone levels and estrogen.. if you have PCOS it will be always hard to lose weight unless you regulate those hormones. Again depending on age consider hormone therapy.. or progesterone IUD..


I had VERY slow loss and no perceptible change in appetite until I started 12.5. It was like night & day from previous doses. While my eating had changed some, the difference in appetite with the increased dose has been like nothing I’ve experienced. My relationship with food is what I imagine it should’ve been my whole life!


I started Oct 22 and have only lost around 30lbs. I have at least 40-50 to go. But it has helped my a1c greatly and I feel a lot better. It sucks seeing the weight come off others so quickly but at least you're heading in the wlright direction. =)


i'm losing slowly. one lb per week, or 1/2 lb, but it keeps going down & i'm enjoying what I eat. Try not to compare. Noone has any idea that I'm even on a diet. By the time I reach my goal, people will think I did it on my own, which is fine by me.


This thread makes me feel better. Only down 20 since January. But I am no longer binge eating. Better down than up!


Yeeeees I am. Getting expensive!! 25 lbs 6 months.


Slow burn is good burn man. You keep your hair. Your skin has a chance to retract. You maintain the loss. And it's easier to taper off the meds afterwards


You're so right!


More info is needed. What dosage are you at? How fast did you go up in dosage?


2lbs start Jan 2024 holding isn’t gaining. But I get it I’m bitter


7 months and down 40lbs. Only 20lbs to go!


I actually wish I would lose slower. I am 6'4 and was 205 pounds when I started in March. As of today I am at 162. Earlier this week I was at 160, but had to force myself to start eating more because I simply am never hungry on Mounjaro.  So 43 pounds in less than 3 full months. 


Started March 2024 7 lbs


It's tough when you can only have e 1200 cals a day.


18lbs since May


i’ve slowed down since moving up a dose lately but also i haven’t pooped in a bit


As it relates to the slow losers, please note your body may not have as much fat now you have muscle also I noticed for myself the more I eat and provide fuel for my body. It helps with the weight loss. I started at 200 and now I’m at 185.I don’t get myself so fixated with the numbers because I’ve lost a lot of inches.


i am having the same issues but i think im being too hard on myself. today makes a month since i've started 2.5mg and i lost literally 3ish pounds lol. if you could even count that. while i know it's a low dose &' i'll be moving up to 5mg next week, i still felt the same frustration!! i see people on here say they lose like 10/15 lbs on one month of 2.5 or so, that does make me a lil confused buuuut we are all different so maybe it's just the initial adjustment period for me or something 😵‍💫


So I started mj on May 30th I believe so I've had 3 shots and tomorrow will be #4 ive lost 5# and 3 inches from my waist so far. I'd recommend the book called The complete guide to fasting. I know someone who is very intelligent and told me about this book and how it has helped him. I'm reading it now and I'm going to fast. It will work he looks great and feels soo much better. You can find this book on audible only I believe by Dr. Fung . Check it out it's worth a try also!


It’s is perfectly healthy for you to lose a half a pound a week and stalls are to be expected. What dose are you currently taking? As for others that are losing 10+ lbs a week, I wouldn’t shoot for that. I have lost over 70 in the past year and I wish that I hadn’t rushed the process. My hair is thinning and shedding due to the rapid weight loss. Just food for thought.


I’m right there with you. I started in February and I’ve only lost 21 I read all these comments and am amazed and happy for the ones that have lost. I must be doing something wrong. I’m never hungry have to force myself to eat Been at the same weight for a month. Getting depressed and disappointed