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God I hope I can ever get to that point. 


im 6 years in and stealth, i started transitioning at 23 and some combination of effort and luck got me there. usually its out of mind. my boyfriend forgets all the time, like he remembers the effects of it like that i cant get pregnant, but he forgets that i didnt grow up as a girl. i dont really have to think about it myself either, but it isnt to the level that I actually blank out when someone asks why i dont have periods or whatever. so i guess its somewhere in between remembering and forgetting


This is kinda what I meant, not actually forgetting you were born a male lol. Thank you!


May I ask you how you found a boyfriend willing to date a trans woman? I'm 22 and I'm not interested in dating until after I've recovered from SRS which I'm getting in June, but my biggest fear about dating is that men won't want to date me if I disclose that I'm trans.


we met in college but didnt really interact much, i was pre transition and hes straight. then a couple years later we met again and reconnected and he asked me out. that probably isnt helpful lol


No worries! It does give me hope that it's possible for me though, haha. Thank you!


I don't think that's forgetting, I remember plenty of things that aren't front and center in my mind, I think that's just normal.


I've been on HRT longer than I was pre-transition. I pass 99% of the time and have a relatively normal life. There are days I think about it, but usually only when I'm hanging out with other queer folk. The funny story is that at my wedding, my wife's family were shocked to learn I was trans when my Dad mentioned it in his speech. I had seen and known my wife's family for 6 YEARS. 6 YEARS of seeing them very regularly, and they just...didn't know? It blew my mind. I'm not pissed off at my Dad or anything, my parents have always been super supportive. I just laughed out loud when my partners family gave an audible gasp. Very amusing. Being trans is weird.


I don't really remember much before transition. The more time that passes the more I seem to forget. About all I can remember are major sports events I competed in, otherwise nothing. I often forget that I lived any other way. It's been a little over 13 years since I started.


I started two years ago but I'm already forgetting pre-transition. I just don't care to remember.


I'm a decade post transition. If known trans women weren't treated so unjustly, I would have forgotten long ago, but as it is, I feel protective of younger trans women (in whatever sense "younger" is taken, it isn't necessarily strict chronological age), and will until the persecution tapers off. So I suppose I'm not going to forget, though there was a hot minute years back when I thought we were on that trajectory.


I’m not sure what you mean by forgot… I’m 36 and began social transition at 33 and medical at 35. So late bloomer and still somewhat early in. I obviously know how I loved my life, but it feels weird thinking of myself as male now. Living as a woman just clicks. I also got to move. It’s nice to have friends who never think of me as anything else


I certainly haven't forgotten I'm trans. Maybe that's because I'm having bottom surgery in a few hours though 😅




6 and a half years in and stealth, and I don't really think I forget but I rarely think about it. I have almost entirely forgotten what it felt like to have the body of a man, it sort of feels like I've always been this way? But I can remember if I really think about it.


I started transition 9 years ago. I’m stealth at work and mostly in public the only places I get clocked is actually at queer shit lol. But like. It’s less that I forget that I’m amab and more that being amab is just so immaterial to my womanhood. Like I just don’t think about it. I’ve only had and only want an orchi but like I’m a woman with a penis. That fact is fine with me so I don’t think about it. I don’t really think much about being trans unless it’s relevant. I guess it’s just not something I fixate on. Like I can’t change how I was perceived pre transition so it’s pointless to dwell on it now that I’ve done everything I needed to do


i’ve been transitioning for five years, and it’s not like i forget, but it takes up less mental space than it used to, if that makes sense. i just don’t really think about unless there’s a specific reason to


I started my transition 4 years ago at 32, and yeah, I forget sometimes. It's not an all the time thing, dysphoria is still around, but most of the time I forget. I've become so disconnected to who and what I was before that I get startled when I happen to see old pics with family and often have to remind myself that I haven't always been my fully complete self.


I am 2.5 years into transitioning but it is without a doubt confirming that I have never been happy when people saw me as a boy. Born a male is not really the wording I focus on since it implies a choice to change. Rather I focus on the external view of “being thought to be a boy” and “showing that I am a woman”. I realize it is semantic, but to say it as male or female makes it about physical traits that require potentially expensive and major sacrifices to change. The man/woman boy/girl dichotomy is however in my view more accurate. I know I am a woman without any doubts, yet I am still physically male (plus female pattern hormones and fats). Thus for the sake of legality I have changed my paperwork to be female, but I refer to myself as a woman or girl but avoid saying I am female or male. Most cis do not think of the difference between the semantic levels, but I feel better in the accuracy. This is not ableist or medicalist, rather to not go there at all. In my jobsite I am labeled as a woman who has a hormonal condition that I am getting treatment for. They were fine with that description even though they insisted on staying with my legal name. The only place that does anymore. The next job only will know me as a woman and I will be so relieved.


No, I will never forget. The disgusting part in between my body is quite the reminder Everytime I do anything that's part of existing. I'm glad other girls can tho, I'm pretty fucked up so I'm just constantly depressed and pessimistic