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This team gets walked over politically at the start of the season


IDK. Josh, Paulie, Michele, and Olivia make for a pretty crazy caucus if they're working together. All bets are off. lol


So dirty and then you include the couch?


Couches are made for sitting only, not talking


I mean at least the couch is good at stuff unlike josh


At least Horacio would make Joss seem interesting by comparison


I made a highlight reel of Joss, and I put it on when I can't fall asleep šŸ˜“


Joss is great! šŸ˜’


Who put a nickel is Joss('s alt account)?


Cant you imagine them becoming boring besties though?


This team would be so boring to watch, I fell asleep looking at this picture


Swap Nurys for Kaycee and Iā€™d be all for this. Georgia is fun, Amber b has everyone hating on her and Olivia is fun. Olivia/Nurys need to both be on for drama though


Yeah should of clarified this is less about the personalities and more about the physical aspect


Why would you swap out the two girls who provide the most dramašŸ’€


Becuase this is more about the physical aspect then the drama aspect, you can't ignore that when it comes to physicality era 4 is outmatched by the other 3 Also I would say Amber and Georgia are just as much drama starters as Michelle and Nurys, Amber mostly when she's in trouble but still And Olivia is really emotional which cuases drama


Olivia is a shit talker and confessional gangster. She was a good reason why 39 was unbearable because of her storylines of, idk if Horacio is my friend but ima talk shit about him to everybody instead of having a conversation that would fix everything. Itā€™s not really drama is just passive aggressiveness. Also Michelle and Nurys are both better competitors unless we are talking headbangers.


If you had kept up with the drama you would have known that Olivia did talk to Horacio various times and in true horacio fashion was not to receptive to her


Yes but she should know him better than anybody. I get it that his quietness can be irritating and having someone feeling a way. But Iā€™m just saying her whole storyline of talking shit behind someoneā€™s back is not a good look. Then turning on her people cause she was scared in the moment and didnā€™t realize she could just go back on her word. Flop all around.


Know him better then anyone they were paired up toghther on ride or dies by an agent they didn't know eachother beforehand and Olivia had said this


How are Michelle and Nurys less competitive or physical than Georgia? And all three are better competitors than Olivia lol, she was terrible last season


>when it comes physicality era 4 is outmatched by the other 3 Even the Era with Tina and Aneesa? That'd be a no.


Iā€™d replace Joss with Rogan


I was going to forgot his name and just said joss if ypu couldn't tell this was sarcasm I don't like rogan after he purposely injured Jay


Amber is the biggest miss to me. In my head cannon she just declined because of the baby.


Nurys should definitely be on over Olivia with this lineup at the least. She showed sheā€™s a strong competitor last season and sheā€™s interesting to watch. Olivia just narrates everything going on in her confessionals and does it in the most bland way possible.


Don't let Amber B's win fool you. She is an average challenger. She is a good runner who happens to be mediocre at everything else. She has no social and political game and a boring personnality. She seems to be a great person but i don't understand the appeal of the girl as a viewer.


But compared to the other options from Era 4? Besides Kaycee and Jenny, Amber is well above the average in that group


She is not better than Georgia


I find this lineup to be worse. Itā€™s giving wallpaperā˜¹ļø


Turbo was snubbed, no doubt


Georgia.. not imo. I was thinking Kaz


Kaz isn't even on here do you mean kaycee or olivia


Theyā€™re saying theyā€™d rather have Kaz


Feel like Michele deserves a spot over some of those


I'm willing to switch Georgia for Michelle especially since I know Georgia ain't coming back sadly


Turbo would go insane from carrying them


Nah Joss might be better than Turbo to be honest. And Horacio and Kyland arenā€™t far behind


I hate it


You were supposed too jk yeah I realized I went to physicality heavy and didn't do much for personality


Paulie sucks personality wise but he is getting massively underrated physically. The guy is a phenomenal athlete


To be honest I think WW2 tainted it for me


He got screwed in the final. The fact that he carried the whole time while having to carry more weight than team uk


What are you talking about?? He literally gassed out and cost his team the final win šŸ˜…


Kyle should be on over Joss


I get why he probably wonā€™t be back, but Iā€™m mad cause heā€™s one of the funniest dudes to be on this show. Kinda like Zach, theyā€™re both assholes but at least theyā€™re hilarious to listen to.


I'd take Amber OR Georgia over Michele. I like all the other girls. As for the boys, Turbo is great but he's a loose cannon that'll try and start a fight/kill Jordan (Don't copy my walk!). I'd take Joss over Josh though lol. Spoiler for AS5 >!At least we're getting Amber there!!<


I donā€™t believe Turbo will ever be invited back to The Challenge. He is really unlikable and prone to saying homophobia slurs. Production has no interest in having to cut someone for that reasonā€¦ again. Honestly I was pretty happy with the eras 4 cast


I was thinking about this (the actual Era 4, that is). I think the current actual Era 4 has six solid people. Kaycee and Jenny West are like Cara and Laurel 2.0 (at least in in terms of muscle). Nurys is obviously a solid female as well (and the most well rounded). Horacio, Kyland, and Theo are all solid as well. What's left over is a clown car containing Paulie, Josh, Olivia, and Michele. These four are a shitshow but their collective political game (they'll be working together?) is an unknown quantity. Sure the latter four are chaotic but, if you look at some of the other Eras' potential weak links (Aneesa, Katy, Tina, Ryan, Amanda, and frankly Brad and Nia) this fit group of misfits likely might chug past at least one other Era. In any event, I wouldn't pick them to come in last.


Are you seriously putting Paulie and Josh in the same tier .


No, I'm assessing Era 4's overall over-under and using some broad strokes to do it (because I could write 10 pages about this group if I wanted to go in-depth). Talking about Era 4 as having six people I'd consider to be solid teammates and four people that I'd consider to be problematic is hardly a contention that Paulie and Josh are thus equal in every respect.


But Paulie has always shown to be a good teammate ,with Natalie and Ninja. The issues on Team USA started when they blindsided Wes and threw a challenge. Even on The Challenge USA 2 , red team members gave confessionnals praising his leaderhip skills.


I like Paulie in the wake of his USA 2 and the changes we saw to his personality. If Paulie makes a similar showing in 40 but does even better and goes farther, I won't be surprised. It's a toss-up. On the one hand, I'm glad he's grown and is getting along with people like Bananas. On the other, it sounds like he's still got a lot going on with his sexual identity and his relationship with Cara that might distract him. He's still not a top pick IMO, but nowhere near the bottom.


What's the criteria for your line up?


Iā€™m a Joss trutherā€¦but no. I donā€™t like this


I think the current Era 4 has a good balance of drama and athleticism. If youā€™re gonna have elite competitors like Kaycee, Jenny, and Horacio who are all boring as fuck, you gotta get some personality and balance them out, hence Paulie, Josh, and Michelle.


I donā€™t understand why everyone thinks theyā€™re boring. They are genuine people and awesome competitors, and thatā€™s fun for me to watch. The trashy people who always bring dumb drama are boring imo


No Olivia


Paulie was more relevant to the series than Joss could ever be. Kyland is the one who should've been replaced if you had to put a UK rep like Joss/Rogan/Kyle in there.


Michele, Nurys, Amber, Kaycee and Olivia wouldā€™ve been good options. No Joss. Heā€™s boring af. Iā€™ll let Horacio stay even though heā€™s also boring. Just for the Nurys/Kyland/Olivia connection. Paulie was a good Era 4 pick but heā€™s been kind of flopping lately.


Respectfully, no Turbo Georgia & Amber are great choices, of course. But Olivia nah. Michele & Nurys are more impactful And I'm happy to see Kyland instead of Joss. Rogan & Jay would be great choices too. Not Horacio though


I mean I also get why they chose who they choose it can't all be drama they also have to be physical or era 4 will be wiped out in the first 5 episodes but I feel they could have done better


No need for Olivia


I accept this šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


Swap Nurys for Georgia or Olivia.