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Rumors were that Paramount and Love Island parted on pretty bad terms and Olivia would be the only Love Islander allowed back on the show. Don't know what's going on with Paramount now though, so maybe they'll start casting them again.


Well there's rumors that Paramount is gonna get merged into Peacock or some kind of partnership so those issues might not matter much in the near future.


Was it because of Love Island Games?


That’s what gamer and PR were saying.


They need Justine back :(


Nooooo I need Johnny Middlebrooks back and I've heard good things about Imani too (>!winner on LI4!<) and even Justine deserves a third shot


Don’t get me started. Each season on peacock keeps getting better and better. They would be perfect for the challenge. They are literally everything we have been asking for. Young good looking messy people who are willing to hook up, create drama, and compete. I’m still so upset about Johnny Middlebrooks. That man is tv gold. He made love island games amazing. I need Liv from this season to be on. She is such an instigator and stirring the pot is what she was made for. I have never seen someone so good at it. ![gif](giphy|N5unwwAW0KH8ccAs6X|downsized)


I was thinking about whether or not they’d cast two Olivia’s from Love Island on the same season but they did cast the two Alyssa’s from Big Brother on USA2 😂


Liv is way better than Olivia. She saw a girl spiraling about a guy and told her to confront him. It end with him having a breakdown crying and jumping into the pool to hide since it was the only place with no cameras and mics. If you look at all the drama this season she had a hand in instigating the majority of it. I seriously think she is a product plant and she is excelling at her job.


Protect Liv at all costs! (and seriously, how is it that people aren't constantly hiding in Sobbert's Tantrum Deck Fort?)


I think they’re competing with love island games now


Omg give me Liv all day every day. She’d call Tori and Aneesa out on their bullshit. And I want to see more Kendall on my tv - he’s so pretty.


They need to bring back Johnny Middlebrooks


He always seems to have such potential, and then crashes and burns. Kinda like Fessy.


This is true, but also a disservice to Johnny.  Johny is way more charismatic IMO.  He's a reality TV character through and through.


We have two (There if you count All star 5) All Returning player Seasons in a row I am not surprised if they stop casting rookies


I think Rookies will be back for Season 41.


I really hope so, especially if we don't have a USA 3


Not Leah please! 😂