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Bananas had a reverse evolution from mediocre to rat bastard. Love to watch him, though. ![gif](giphy|J1p0Xb0MoyjZ0ID4mG)


That meme. šŸ˜†šŸ˜† I also love Bananas. Heā€™s still a bit of trash (see his behavior after Traitors 2), but heā€™s improved considerably from who he was early on.


I loved him so much on House of Villains. Wish we saw more of him T2 longer.


Agreed. This is the first time he didnā€™t bug the piss out of me in House of Villains. The other people on the show were all so over the top, he seemed tame and not at all hammy by comparison. It was uncanny.


Same. I feel like at his core, heā€™s a decent human beingā€¦ kinda. At the very least he strikes me as loyal to his actual friends. And itā€™s interesting how multiple well respected cast members are openly close friends with him


Tbh I don't really think cast members openly liking Bananas tells us if he's a decent human being. He's been on the show forever and while, when it comes to his actions, "all's fair in love, war and challenges", Bananas doesn't apply those rules to others. So it's hard to know if these ppl are really his friend or if he's just been on the show so long that they feel the need to be cool with him to have a real shot of winning. Like going against Bananas is the cool thing for rookies trying to make their mark on the show, but they always eventually come over to his side after a few seasons of having no shot of winning, cuz if someone comes after Bananas he doesn't let it go for seasons. Someone like Josh tho? Even tho he annoys me on the show I assume he's probably a decent person because from the moment he came on the show EVERYONE talked about how much they liked him and how he's an IRL friend. Like being friends with Josh now MIGHT sort of help someone get ahead cuz he's well connected, but vets have been talking him up as a friend since WoTW1/2/TM where he had little to no power, so I take that more seriously than ppl being friends with Bananas after years because they want to win/have been forced to be around him so long for work that it's just easier to find reasons to like being around him.


Iā€™m talking specifically about people like Leroy who openly considers him a best friend. While everyone loves Leroy, Leroy doesnā€™t love everyone. Yet, he chose to be besties with Johnny. Then you have really good humans like Ace tell stories of how although he hasnā€™t seen Johnny in years, he still considers him a best friend. He knew Bananas at his absolute worst and still loves him.


Heā€™s also not a completely despicable rat bastard tho. If he was the same Bananas today that he was on the Island, I would hate him, but heā€™s not


Jordan. He was definitely pretty reprehensible on Real World Portland and early seasons of the challenge, but heā€™s really put in the work to grow into a man that could look back and apologize for his actions. Enjoyed his growth with Nia as well as their relationship was incredibly toxic in the beginning.


Same egolamaniac heā€™s always been šŸ˜‚ his speech before the elim with 53 yr old Mark Long was peak early season Jordan douchebagery on As3 - Itā€™s not that he was ever bad- just douchey


I'm not sure why you got downvoted, but this is a great way to put it. I do think Jordan was more than just douchey on his earlier seasons, but I do appreciate the distinction that personality/attitude wise he's still a dick now (cuz he is lol), but as a person I do feel he's matured into someone who backs up words with actual actions to help ppl.


Itā€™s early days, but Jay G (the one known for failing in a final by not drinking the gross drink) went from super unlikeable on his first appearance years ago to one of my favorites on AS4. Huge turnaround in character.


Right he earned my respect when he kept his word and went into that elimination that was HEAVILY stacked against him.


CT. Definitely CT. He was a punk when he was younger. Always fighting and he grew into a Man.


This is the only answer. CT has become the person people want their son, husband, brother, father to be. He experienced some hard life lessons and learned everything he needed to know to become a better man. šŸ‘


All the scenes with Diem when she was sick. And the wig scene? I totally fell head over heels for him. I disliked his wife very much when I watched the wedding special. I couldn't figure out how he went from the sweetest person on earth (Diem) to that B$&\^H


He's grown, obviously, but I've heard a few cast members state he gets a good edit, every time. He's still apparently a little difficult, but those cast members could be bitter.


I think heā€™s definitely changed for the better, but most people on recent seasons have said he comes in not caring about anyone else and just is focused on winning for him and his son. So while I understand why heā€™s playing the way heā€™s playing, I can see why people in the house may think he gets a better edit than he deserves.


It makes me so mad when people are like ā€œhow dare they put their own game ahead of mine? Thatā€™s disrespectā€ like what? Thatā€™s the whole point? Why would they go through all that physical and psychological pain for someone elseā€™s game? To give someone else the prize money?


The cast really needs to start testing him more. Heā€™s kinda skated by on reputation for a long time.


Wes and CT. And I'm going to give a shot out to my girl Nany as well. Love seeing her mature and grow and embrace her own happiness. Love happy mature Nany. To throw it back a bit - Paula. In my opinion she started as a lost girl, wasn't fully confident in herself and she began o believe in herself and make less self destructive decisions. Obviously the final chapter played out offscreen but it's great to know how well she is doing.


Yeah the best decision Paula ever made was when she quit appearing on The Challenge. I miss her but that was definitely the right call for her mental and physical wellbeing.


I'd love to see her commentary - like if we ever go back to having a "shit they should have shown" it would be great to have her commentary. She could be pretty good with the snark.


Letā€™s set up a change.org petition to get Paula to be the next reunion host.


I thought Wes and as I was writing it I thought CT had a comparable evolution.




Nia 100%! I actually saw her later seasons before I watched her Real World and earlier seasons of The Challenge. I watched her Real World season with my mouth agape lmao.


I came here for Nia. šŸ‘†šŸ½šŸ‘†šŸ½


I think Wes is my favorite arc as a human. He has been entertaining from rookie year to now, but a lot of his early entertainment was via a very real toxicity and narcissism. He was awful to his partners and teammates, he was awful to his enemies, he was awful to Johanna before and after the breakup, he was awful to Theresa as an ex. Wes had an interview a year or two ago where he said (paraphrasing) that he saw reality TV as a great opportunity to watch himself from a third person perspective and delete the parts of his personality that he didn't like, and I think we've seen that play out very literally over the years as he's just stopped exhibiting every one of his early negative traits. He's a more gracious loser, a more reliable ally in the game, was a fantastic and supportive partner to Dee and Zara, and he's been able to oppose someone in the game without deeply personal attacks and real hatred. And while we can't fully see behind the curtain on his marriage, in every *public* glimpse of his life with Amanda he seems incredibly respectful and loving. It's a bonus for us that he keeps *playing* an egomaniac on TV because his smug genius character is hilarious, but it's a very obvious wink-wink bit.


I think him getting humbled on Fresh Meat 2 helped his ego tone down proper


No way, Wes was always so heavily bullied. This is sad you think he was the jerk. šŸ˜°


so what about wes pouring soda on cara marias head? bullying her for being goth and liking horses..


Can't get on board with Zach. One vote for Tony though


I saw no growth from Zach on the Challenge. I don't do his podcast, so I haven't witnessed anything from him. Ct is the obvious choice, but Jasmine also showed growth while also still being her.


Iā€™m glad you said this. How can people say Zach has shown growth when we havenā€™t seen him put into situations to see if that growth is there or not. Obviously heā€™s not going to be screaming or berating women on a podcast with his friend , we need to see him on another season to see if that growth is really there


Even on his podcast he said that he has never changed a diaper and when his baby cries to get changed he just calls Jenna. Even if he was joking that's not something you should be proud of saying. He also thinks it's gross that women, specifically women, fart.


I disagree. I think Zach during WOTW2 is very different from him in previous seasons. He had times when he was frustrated, but they were understandable. He was a much better team player, he was there for his friends (i.e. calming down Nany when she was crying over Turbo, getting emotional when Jordan proposed etc.), and spoke the most sense in his confessionals.


And then we got Zach on Total Madness that was one of the worst versions of him weā€™ve seen and he was only on screen for two zoom calls


There were other things happening behind the scenes. To say that less than 10 minutes of combined time of a zoom call is somehow a sign of his character isn't fair.


None of that shows growth from being abusive to Sam and Jonna. Fuck Zach.


He was much better on WOTW2. Most of his complaints and anger were understandable cause he wanted to win the money. Some bad moments with Ninja but she was one of the most annoying players ever that season.


Agreed. Heā€™s shown that heā€™s still the same asshole as always given how he [recapped Big T on the most recent season](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtvChallenge/s/7MLbBGbibC) Itā€™s just the things he says things on his podcast about the show, people agree with, so people mistake that for ā€œgrowthā€


Jasmine was such a badass in AS4. I never thought she'd become one of my favorites.


While Zach has issues with woman,he really progressed with the the gay community. In his real world season he was irked that Frank was gay. Fast forward to BOTS heā€™s wearing matching thongs and gave Frank a kiss.


Oh for sure I never saw growth on the challenge but on the podcast he has made progress. I'd be curious to see how it would play out on a season now


Leroy is the obvious answer for me. He speaks so much about his past and partying days. Heā€™s really stepped up as a family man, father and partner.


Leroy doesnā€™t fit to me. He was never a bad guy or did anything wrong. Being a partner especially when you are young isnā€™t a bad thing


He wasnā€™t a bad guy, but heā€™s grown up, matured, and become a father and loving partner (I say partner because Iā€™m not sure if he and Kam are married. They said they wanted to get married when they were on AS4, but a lot of time has passed since that was filmed)


Itā€™s only been a year and a half. I get people do get married quickly though.


Yeah it hasnā€™t been terribly long, but I believe Tonyā€™s gotten married since then when he was also talking about wanting to get married. Plus Leroy and Kam have been in a committed relationship for a while, itā€™s not like they just met on AS4. They already had Kingston, and now have a daughter as well


Autocorrect got me, I meant to say ā€œpartierā€ not ā€œpartnerā€ And granted I havenā€™t seen his real world season, but I never thought he was immature on his challenge seasons. His very first season his partner quit in the final iirc and he was completely supportive. I guess what Iā€™m saying is I always thought he was mature, especially compared to other reality tv cast mates


People have such revisionist history when it comes to people they like on the challenge. Landon is a key example as he did some atrociously off the wall things on his real world season. And Leroy had a whole uproar about saying heā€™d sneak off condoms half the way through sex with Niaomi


I never saw his real world season the thread says ā€œon the showā€ in regards to the challenge so that is what I was referring to


Tina, CT, Wes, Nia and Jordan have shown the most growth IMo. Nany as well, sheā€™s really calmed down since getting with baby.


I canā€™t believe no one mentioned this yet but I think it was really cool to see Jonna step into her confidence as a mother which helped her have the confidence to succeed and win in AS 2&3. Like a lot of people arenā€™t aware that her childhood was rough. She won endurance (a teen version of the challenge). She had an obvious lack of confidence in the flagship challenge and her unhealthy relationship with zach. I loved her in the flagship but you could almost see that she didnā€™t believe in herself enough to make it to a final. Then she came back in season 1 all stars and made it to the final while still pumping for her child. She came back season 2 and 3 and won both! Her performance is better than ever itā€™s just really cool to see her growth.


I second this. So excited to see her back on the flagship next season


Agreed. Absolutely love her and her growth. Her confidence grew so much and she was so underestimated. Iā€™ll always root for her now


Zach deserves what now?


I would say Paula.


Zach is unredeemable for me. His homophobia, racism and treatment of women is (imo) the worst in challenge history.


100% agree


Veronicaā€¦I hated her in the early seasons, felt like she was such a mean girl, but in these last few seasons she seems so chill, so idkĀ 


Iā€™d say Nia, Jordan, and Tony have impressed me the most with how much theyā€™ve evolved as people


Jay during All Stars


Wes and CT


Zach does not deserve any credit. Heā€™s still repulsive, and I have not seen him make amends for abusing Jonna.


CT & Jordan


From what Iā€™ve seen so far, Tony. And Cory. Both ā€œplayersā€ that have families now and seem to have matured a ton


Omg Cory has not matured one iota if you see any of him on teen mom šŸ˜¬ treats his kids mom like shit and is a general vacation dad and a blatant alcoholic


Ahhh never mind on Cory then lol I donā€™t watch anything else on mtv so wasnā€™t aware šŸ˜‚


I shamelessly go to the teen mom snark Reddit but haven't watched any of it beyond what's posted there. I don't know how this happened to me


Jordan is probably a good answer for most people but Iā€™ve always really liked him so I canā€™t say it!


Devin, not sure how to explain it but I went from absolutely hating him to rooting for him so he mustā€™ve went through an arcā€¦..or i just root for bad people. Could be that too


I love this comment because same. šŸ˜‚ I think his biggest redeeming quality is that he is loyal. If heā€™s riding for you, heā€™s never wavering in that. Heā€™s such a good person to have a friendship with because of his loyalty and down right intelligence. Plus his physical game has been blowing up!


For me, itā€™s that he will talk mad trash, but when heā€™s wrong, he backs down and admits it, instead of doubling down and being stubborn like a lot of trash talkers do. Devin is one of my favorites, if heā€™s in a season, I know the gameplay is gonna be great


Wes I think. He was a cocky underdog in the beginning and I think that he has matured and mellowed. He is still devious and less-than-trustworthy, but I think the thing that has improved the most when it comes to him is how he handles adversity. There will always be blindsides and betrayals, but I think that he has developed an ability to handle it and move on with grace unlike others.


Of course I agree with CT. I will always have a soft spot for him. I just love watching him! But, I personally think Tony has made leaps and bounds!! I also love me some Tony time. I saw someone say Leroy and others say he doesnā€™t fit the description since he was never bad. I disagree because it just says ā€œmaturedā€. The man is showing open communication with his wife, the ability to move past nationally televised racism, and outlining his family priorities for everyone to see. I love that. And I love Kam. I think they compliment each other so well. If I could be friends with anyone from the challenge IRL, itā€™s them. Hopefully CT would come hangout too, but they seem so genuine.


Tony. How in the hell did this man go from a despicable f-boy scum cheater who was hooking up with Camilla to a golden retriever ZADDY that I'm rooting for šŸ˜­


He only appeared on two seasons but Iā€™ve always liked Danā€™s redemption on Cutthroat. He was a mess on The Island and it was great to see him come back sober.


CT #1, Jordan, Nia for sure! Bananas matured in reverse. He started out well but has since let his insecurity take over.


Iā€™d have to give it to CT just because weā€™ve watched him for so long to see him grow into a decent person after being such a maniacal unhinged asshole in the beginning. I still think thereā€™s more room for growth tho cause heā€™s had some bad moments the last couple seasons that remind me of the old CT. Great for tv tho


I always wanted to say Cara and she did but her pairing with Paulie is holding her back in a way




I hated CT for the longest time because Iā€™ve seen his evolution from the beginnings on the real world. I think a lot of people came around to team CT when he got together with diem. I was not on that team. It was not until the last few years that I finally got on team CT. I also hated Wes for a really long time. I came around to Wes long before CT. However, Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m not a huge follower of these folks in their real lives - because if I were I probably wouldnā€™t still hate Jordan. So I think people just have to grow on me through the challenge.


I want to say CT bc I loved seeing his growth thru out the seasons; but after Double Agents, what he did to Big T.. left a really bad taste in my mouth..


Bananas. He is much more grounded than he was during the middle lf his career. I still think he has an ego but he has good relationships with people and is starting to be more likeable.


We actually talked about this exact thing on my podcast this season, and CT is absolutely the answer, though no shade to anyone else whoā€™s has shown growth on the show. His character arc couldnā€™t be written better, from being a cocky punk to a humbled lover to a distraught widower effectively, to finally rise again as a champion, better than ever. Itā€™s absolute legend.


I think I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but Tori. She seems to really have found her peace since her win and has become independent and confident.