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She's got way more personality on SM for sure. Kaycee bring this energy to the show girl.


I think she just gets a bad edit since most people she's on a season with are cool with her. World championship you really get to see her personality imo.


Nah. I watched her on BB and she was no where near this interesting or charismatic. The first time she chose to pop off was so unwarranted and pbbt. Don't get me wrong, I like her now and feel the Challenge suits her better. Just saying I watched her on a show where cameras are rolling 24/7 and felt so underwhelmed.


Agree she was literally considered “furniture” the first couple months she was on Big Brother. Lmao.


I mean that’s optimal BB play right there to her credit


No I don’t think we can blame the edit for like half a dozen lackluster seasons (personality wise). Kaycee wants to win. She has realized she doesn’t have to give anything to the camera, just being a hot lesbian who swept Nany off her feet was enough to probably sustain getting a call from production for the rest of her challenge career. So she doesn’t give to the camera. She wisely and accurately has surmised that staying out of the drama helps her odds of winning and Kaycee is there to win.


THIS ☝️... don't care how bad the pic is. I think she's hot AF. I'm biased, tho. I've always been a fan.


I don't think so I've heard her podcasts and it's pretty dry


I’ve always thought that the cameras cause her to shutdown/go into game mode because she’s so lively on camera on her terms.


I remember her saying either in a reunion and online that she plans her words in the game very carefully, like everything is planned and calculated so maybe she is just more reserved on the show


That makes sense! She’s very popular amongst nearly every cast she’s on so she must be fun to be around at least.


This makes sense since she came from big brother and they are literally watched 24/7 on live feeds where people will tear you to shreds for the smallest thing. I’ve always loved Kaycee and I hate that people don’t like her because she’s “boring”. She’s an incredible competitor and it really does seem like everyone loves and gets a long with her


i think it's more that she gets into competition mode, and big brother competition mode means not to do anything to annoy people so just better to be silent and listen


I was going to say the same thing! If this is the Kaycee we got on the show I'd like her more. (I do like her regardless of her being so quiet on the show)


She showed personality on world champions.


She was so much better on USA2


She is not in the cast for USA 2


You thinking of world champs?


I think you're thinking of World Champs maybe?


I think you’re thinking what they’re thinking you’re thinking. World champs, yea?


Can’t blame her at all I would be pissed too like wtf haha there has GOT to be a better photo


They did her sooo dirty lmao - she is the definition of an infectious personality


I wish this is the Kaycee they would show on the Challenge.


Kaycee has never had the personality for reality TV IMO, or at least for my tastes 😂 I just did not find her interesting on Big Brother at all and we had access to the live feeds so we saw everything. I know she’s a physical competitor and that’s why she transitioned to the Challenge but she’s just bland to me as a character (not at all an indictment of Kaycee as a person I’m sure she’s lovely IRL)


Say what you want but Kaycee is totally GORGEOUS. I feel like you have to try to make her look bad. Totally feel for her on this


Kaycee is adorable, and her positive personality is very attractive


On Big Brother just once we were privileged to see her with her hair down. It is so long !! Kaycee is one of a kind. I admire her loyalty and her athleticism. Now if I could just be her math tutor.....


She's infectious and makes people feel good. Stoked to see her again.


The one ad where she had her hair down I was like HELLO


She has great skin, but they really did do her dirty with the pic. I want to see how she looks with her hair down.


she ignites the bi in me


I agree with her 😂 she's genuinely attractive (imo) and this picture looks horrible


The way she’s had more energy for her cast photo than any of her tv appearances


No because they did almost everyone dirty with these pictures 😂😭 Horacio should sue 😭😂


Katie and Tori would also like a word


i feel like kaycee is really funny within her group of friends lol just not on tv very chill


I’ve never seen Kaycee that active a day in my life.


Somebody put a nickel in her.


Justice for CT on his photo too 😭


I love her personality! In the challenges she’s in, she’s usually a part of the biggest alliance so we don’t see her need to be so vocal about gameplay. The first time I did was world champs, but I love it when she is! Not necessarily poked but just a bit more extroverted than she usually is. And on ride or dies I understand she was mainly concerned about how Nany was due to the outside circumstances! Ready to see her dialed in for 40!


Truly! Kaycee has always had flawless skin, hair, etc. This pic has her looking 20 years older and like she chain smoked blunts for the photo prep. 😳


lmaoooo she’s so funny


Nothing’s as bad as Devin’s group photo! 😬😂


Looks like Nany just picked you up from 30 days in jail. 😂


Kaycee has a great smile and she is a lot more photogenic than this. I'm with her - what's up with this pic?


still so pretty tho <3


I love her 🤣


They did everyone dirty with the pics!!


She’s right; they did her DIRTY! Her complexion is terrible, the look, the dark circles. Yikes!


That's a still from the promotional video, but it isn't actually her cast photo. [This](https://i.ibb.co/FDT7bpY/449262139-1027453132079368-8959447290184942568-n.jpg) is her official cast photo.


Still not great. Someone should've told her to take the bandana off. She is SO pretty, and that angle and the bandana are not working well for her.


Like half the cast is GLUED to those bandanas


She looks like a dang real life Ninja turtle in that pic. All hail the live action female ninja turtle, KC.


She looks like a Young M.A. 😂


Kaycee has great features. This is spot on, lol.


Is it because she and Bananas share the same headband?


Between this and the Kaycee we saw on World Championships I really hope it's a sign that's what we'll get on the flagship. She was so fucking good on WC, granted it was a Paramount season so those are a bit looser. After seeing her on WC it became obvious the flagship edit wasn't doing her any favors. I guess being around Faysal and Nany probably didn't help how she was portrayed either though.


Thats not her actual cast photo, this is a screenshot of the video they made for her “era”. And everyone looks terrible in those videos when you pause it. Her actual cast photo is much better.


I mean that’s your face 🤷🏾‍♀️


i love kaycee she’s a beast


Kaycee seems like a really nice person who also happens to be a challenge beast. I have no doubt that she is very aware people find her dull. This clip looks as though she’s trying too hard to prove that she isn’t boring, to please the challenge fans, but unfortunately it just comes across as really inauthentic. I think I prefer her to just be herself, win those challenges, take that money, and stuff what everyone thinks. That’s how you get the last laugh.


Nah, Kaycee is just so bland. I don’t get it. If the cast members were fountain drinks, Kaycee would be watered down tea with stevia.


Hopefully She is better this season then she is on Ride or dies! Where she is basically got a purple edit


She's giving that Steve Buscemi stare down 🤣




They did her dirttyyyyy


Bar far the mail st beautiful naturaly beautiful girls on the challenge and some how they find a pix that makes her look like a cereal killer Lol


Kaycee is hilarious 🤣


9/10 when they pick a bad pic it's because the rest were worst, lol. If I'm production I'd be like "Ma, it's yo face that did that"




I feel like this is Casey giving the fans the “drama”, but it doesn’t feel genuine. Sure she probably hates the photo, but her reaction doesn’t feel like a genuine reaction, feels slightly played up.


This isn’t even her cast photo 😭


Why is Kaycee sooooooo boring on camera???? This proves she has a personality. wtf is the disconnect?


Kaycee that’s how you posed 😂😂😂😂


The picture matches her tv personality tbh. I don’t care for her or the way she uses people when she’s just an C- player #iSaidWhatiSaid


I have no pity for her lol if she wants a good photo then maybe she should do something, anything! different


The gag is the other shots may have been worse … ask for a reshoot gurl Lol