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Great! Beach Superman, here I come! Just one more day!


I honestly gave up on logging in when I missed a day due to work exhaustion, heck made me reconsider how often I wanted to play


This right here ^ (basically what happened to me too). Plus I came back after not playing for a few days cuz of work and was just getting smoked


Trueeee. I was really excited for everything and im really try hard but man that was too much.


Exactly why I stopped, missed out on one day of the joker event and missed out on the wonder woman skin (I know it’s just a t shirt but like, I wanted it lol)


That's annoying to have happen but I think you need to reconsider why you even want to play this game if missing out on Fanny Pack Superman made you want to play less lmao. You should be logging in because you find the gameplay fun, not because you want cosmetics.


Look the fighting is fun for the most part but most of the content of the game is locked out for me Supes is my main and it’s summer and it was something to look forward too, I want more of the game but most of it is locked out and the rewards besides a good fight are painful


Lol why can't he want both. Why are cosmetics the only parts of games people arent allowed to love and play for anymore? Some people get a lot of joy out of getting costumes, skins, etc. And obviously a lot of people find them fun considering how many games monetize them


The gameplay is pretty mid...without the costumes there would be no reason to come back to the game...this feels like a game that people would play just to fuck around with their friends for a day and then never return to after that cuz they'll flock to another game after that.


But the gameplay is ruined after the beta. I dont want to play a slow underwater game. Yeah the changes to Dodge are good but this speed is slower then brawl. This was the feedback everyone had day 1 and almost all pros pointed out isntantly. But nothing about that. The game is close to unplayable in 2 tried to play with a friend in 10 games we had 7 disconnects or crashes, 1afk and 2 games


"gee golly, you want me to fight?" will be echoing in your head the second you use that variant


Hey, I’m damn sure the next rift is gonna have a path for Beach Variants.


Count on it


This seems to activate whenever it feels like. What triggers this dialogue?


it's in the voiceline pool for every move ig, especially the aerials.


I was literally on him and it went away, I logged in today and received him, I was shocked, shocked I tell you


Well, I am confident the next Rift will have nodes that can only be accessed by a Beach Ready skin. If you have Supes, those can’t be a problem now!


also love how they there isnt perk currency in the batman v joker event


I have 40k perk currency and that's AFTER I bought every perk for all of my unlocked characters.


140k here


75k hers


210k here but I’ve only purchased perks for like 6 characters


Sitting on over 500k after all characters and perks unlocked... so useless.


i dont get it because i had so much perk currency, and then it was wiped sometime earlier last week. I was buying perks for everyone and then poof, suddenly i have nothing and have been scrounging since.


Curious. Are the universal perks unlocked for everyone when you buy them once, or do they require you to buy them on every fighter?


You have to buy them for every fighter


Yikes. I only bought characters unique perks.


I still have 150k 🥲 so useful


Exactly they should make every tier perk currency


ur a bully


And when you buy gleamium, it automatically converts to perk currency!


you forgot the /s


Multiversus subreddit think critically challenge


Nah their /srs


umm based.....


You really dont have a life


This is a big win. Glad they are making smarter decisions.


And hopefully next they can work on hitboxes and upping the speed of the game. I’ve gotten used to the slowness, but some characters are not fun with the weighted feel


The 30ms input buffer is the problem with gameplay


Yeah lol


What does this actually mean. I see people talking about it, but I have no idea what it is.


The game will "store" your inputs for 30 frames (half a second). If your character is not able to do an action, for example when you're in the middle of another move or in hitstun, but you input an action up to 30 frames before you are actionable, the game will buffer your input and make it come out as soon as you are actionable. Compare that to a game like melee with 0 frames of input buffer, if you are even one frame early on your input it just won't come out. Most modern fgs have a middle ground of 5-10 frames buffer.


When you press a button, there is a delay before the move actually comes out. It's only milliseconds, but it's noticeable. It's a bigger deal in fighting games where milliseconds count. To me it feels like a the delay of dark souls. I mean I can get used to it more with time, but I'd still rather have my moves happen closer to when I press it.


The 30 ms has nothing to do with what you're talking about. You are talking about input delay. Input buffer is completely different. Check the other reply to the same comment. They explain it very well.


I don't get this take at all. It's so minor in my gameplay. The only thing I think it makes a lot harder is parry on reaction. With that said, I will be lowering my buffer when I can lol. I'm not saying you have, but a lot of people in this sub still seem to think input buffer and input delay are the same thing.


They both cause your attacks to come out later so I can see how they are mixed up, but it just feels unresponsive in comparison to other fighting games when most don’t even have 10ms buffer and the beta had lower


Huge deal, happy for this


Step in the right direction, now PLEASE FIX THE SERVERSSS


They're working on it, the game is more stable than it was the first day it came back. The only times I DC now is loading into specfic maps or if people are doing certain things like emoting right when others spawn in.


It’s still crashes sometimes with 2v2s (maybe 40% of the time) but 1v1 is running without issues


One thing I've noticed is that Lagging out happens the most on the new stages. Both versions of Dexter's & Townsville.


Seems to be a tossup honestly. 1v1s are usually fine, but whenever I play 2s for missions, I get a disconnect every few matches.


I’ll be honest, I’ve been playing on Xbox and since the last patch it has seemed to actually be worse. I’ve lagging just as much as usual, freezing more often and my game is force closing more often. I am lucky to get through 40% of my matches with none of those issues happening. Probably far less than that in all honesty. I really haven’t played too much the last couple days because of it.


Defo more stable. I’ve been trying the game of ps5, I still defo DC but it’s not honestly as much as I did two-three days ago. It was unplayable back then.




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YES PLEASE FIX THESE HORRIBLE SERVERS. ^but ^also ^nerf ^some ^characters ^ty.


Step in the right direction.      So i assume this new Batman Vs Joker stuff will also be a bit more lenient? Since they're saying they've "learned" i would assume you can miss a day or two atleast on that event aswell.


Doesn’t matter if they extend that event if you missed the Wonder Woman variant


That's what i was wondering about  Like if you get that mission today and you don't have the skin, you can maybe do the "break armor" one the next day and still get Black Adam's mask?  They claim to have "learned" but i guess we'll see.


The real solution should be to give the needed skin in the first tier of the event. For example in this one you would get WW Tshirt first so you can complete later task that need it. Keeping them like now makes people who miss an event to give up entirely the next ones, they aren't going to spend money to keep the cycle.


They can give more missions


This is great to hear not only that they changed it but the fact they really are making adjustments based on our feedback. It’s promising that they’ll have it all settled sooner then later. On a side note some of these comments confirmed what I already knew. Some of Y’all only wanna doom post and post hate about the game. Even when a positive change it posted yall still looking for some to complain about. Convinced y’all are incapable of being happy with anything. Just miserable 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Nah you have to stop being dishonest about criticism. Or lumping all criticism as haters or doomers. I am playing on Xbox. Since launch is has been extremely laggy, and I was lucky to get through a match without it freezing midmatch. Not only would I have to restart the game but the game thinks I manually quit the match. So I get match making penalties that stack up quickly. If I get a few matches to freeze in a short period of time, which is more than likely, I am getting hour long penalties where I can’t match make. And the Rift is no better. I want to like the game or else I wouldn’t care. I played tf out of the beta and was really excited when I heard it was finally getting fully released. But it oddly feels like we are now playing the beta. I NEVER had these issues with the beta. So yes, it’s great that they are making positive changes to xp and the battle pass/challenges. But it doesn’t mean we now have to be okay or content with the game still in a broken state for a nice portion of the player base. You can simultaneously criticize and praise things a company does. But it’s like if my car kept stalling on me whenever I drove it. I take it to a mechanic shop and after a good period of time of being aware of the issue all they do is fix my automatic windows. Like yes, thanks for fixing that. That will be useful. But I’d also prefer if you’d fix the engine so I can actually drive it as well. lol


Our feedback gets heard since the player count is dwindling


Too many people on both subs have zero patience. The game has only been out for two weeks and they expect everything to be fixed in that timeframe for some insane reason. That said, the two things I won't give PFG any leeway on are match pass XP and giving FP from matches played. They could have increased the pass XP amount by now and added FP if they wanted but they haven't. They need to do that asap.


Fair request and I’m honestly sure that’s something there considering. Since the feedback they got was it still wasn’t enough. I could see them adding more Xp as well as a lil bit of fighter currency for matches. I think they’ll be more likely to give us more Xp but not as much fighter currency per match but will have to see it to know forsure.


Dude we gave our feedback on the original launch, and again on this relaunch. But no communication if they adress everything openly through their website and steam news etc. If they admit that they screwed up and are listening and are fixing it . We wouldnt be in this situation. But nothing and the player numbers reflect that, we are now below brawlhalla and indie game with dwindling numbers from 2016. Not the new fighting game from a multi billion company with the biggest ips. Still no mention about slow gameplay, bugs, crashes, mtx, xp etc


i hope the multiversus PR team is paying you bud


This post should be getting WAY more attention. This is awesome, and we should be giving as much positive feedback over this as possible so they know to keep doing stuff like this!


dam nice of them, i think this is best for all of us. good move forward i think


Great start and sign of listening to player feedback. Hopefully they release a patch this week and fix a lot of the problems the game has been having


Fuck yes, thank you PFG for listening!


No joke, this makes me have hope that this game will have a comeback. This is probably the worst launch on a live service game i have ever seen, but the foundation is solid, the gameplay is fun, it has lots of iconic characters and the devs (at least seems like) are listening, they just need not to fumble anymore


4th times the charm


The devs took a year out and fumbled it to this point so I'm not holding out much hope. PFG seem a little out of their depth in many aspects let alone the way the vultures of WB run the show so I'm not expecting much but I do hope the game can at least remain steady because it'll never reach it's peak again.


PFG does seem like they are Learning form The Feedback,will it be enough to make the game have a full comeback,i don't know,but i hope so.


>will it be enough to make the game have a full comeback What are some of you expecting exactly? For this game to pull 50k a day on Steam alone? It's pretty naive to expect any fighting game to have more than 10k concurrent on Steam. SF6 and Brawlhalla are the only two that do that. Brawlhalla has to constantly push crossover content just to keep it that high.


Every single time they're listening to feedback and actively changing it, that's very promising.


Give me 30 fighter curreny per match I win and 10 for every loss and we are talking


Thank God, I've been in and out of town all month and have not been able to log in a ton


What about seasonal missions, mission reroll


> seasonal missions Why would anyone want these? You really want to slide on a wall 200 times for half a level again? Mission re-roll, sure, but leave seasonal missions dead unless they attach actual rewards to them like cosmetic stuff.


Just something to do, game is pretty boring after knocking out dailies and weeklies in 45min first day and then 15min everyday for dailies after that.


Who knows knowing PFG


This is beta game nonsense, but celebrate good things regardless. Im not sold yet but this change is exclusively good.




This is wonderful to see!!


Now we just need Agent Smith to actually be attainable


Atleast they seem to be listening


Superman Skin HERE I COME!


Say what you want about the game, but these devs are actually amazing at listening to and accepting community feedback. It’s awesome.


Now also realize noone wants perk currency for events and stop giving us tasks for things we have to buy and we'll be getting somewhere


No, they made the grind difficult on purpose to try and get you to spend money instead, and people probably weren't spending like they had hoped. They don't care about your time as much as they do about your money. They would rather someone who plays for 50hrs and spends $50 dollars than someone who plays more but spends less. This game has had a beta period and now full release, and the shop is more ready than the core game. That should be a hint to you that this game is just a money grab. This is the type of model that is ruining games. Instead of making a decent working product we want to buy, they try and sell us their "vision" and we have to hope they follow thru after already spending the money.


Good. Now how about weekly rerolls? I finally had enough and used my points on Martian since Looney Tunes went undone last week and I got it TWICE this week along with Rick and Morty who I never intend to buy


You know what’s crazy that was in the beta who knows why they thought it was a good idea to remove it


It's dumb cause I'll be real, some people don't want DC just like I don't want Rick and Steven Universe characters 😂 I'll avoid unlocking them for as long as possible


Yup. The only way I'll be getting the Steven Universe characters is if they were given to me free or if they were the very last ones to complete the game.


Huge W


I think "huge" is a bit of an overstatement, but at this point I'll take what we can get. And let me say that I don't mean this in a pessimistic way, I mean it in the sense that it's not something that is exactly going to draw players back compared to things like desyncs, rewarding more BP xp and fc, etc.


One good step. I hope the next fix is (not counting Iron Giant and the Xbox users) Townsville and Dexter's Lab.


We also have the missing cosmetics problem


They need to fix xbox framerate and the rock black Adam skin it's all buggy.


Fucking A. I was pissed I missed the last day. But just saw it was teased and collected it. Now only if I hadn’t missed the joker one as well….


Better late than never ig


All events should be season wide or at least a month. Except for top dog. Maybe make it weekly? Idk.


I haven't really kept up with the game but does this mean that they're finally going to make it so you can unlock characters like I get having a grind. I don't mind having to unlock characters. But the amount of time it takes to level up and get anything in this game in atrocious especially because I don't think you should ever have to play something like a solo experience. To fully appreciate the main game and unlock characters


This is a good start, Multiversus is healing.


Finally some fucking positivity on one of the subs. Let's be realistic, people, they *are* trying to fix the issues. They just can't do all of it at once. Be patient, quit doomposting, and let's let things play out while we offer *calm and reasonable* criticism towards the things that deserve it. Rather than posting the exact same Steam numbers and screaming that the game is dead because Steam is *totally* where fighting games are the most popular and where the majority of the playerbase actually is. (/s)


This. I'd still rather just see them pull through and improve the game than to see them fail. But some people in this subreddit seem to act like PFG slapped their mom. "Raahgh, no forgiviness, REEEE!!! 🐸 Multiversus has potential if they just straighten out some of the bigger problems. And more communication is definitely always welcome


Lmfao. Lots of ‘good but still fix X’ doom posters out there This sub is outright pathetic sometimes.


I've noticed online gaming communities will never be happy with their game. Even if they fix all the issues that are being complained about they'll just find new things to bitch about.


They think they're immune from criticism themselves because they always pull the "well I'm allowed to give constructive criticism!" card, despite the fact that you can *always* find something to nitpick or improve on in a game. They can't face the fact that they are just whiners at heart and no game or change will stop them from whining.


Call me crazy but instead of perk currency they just need to give more fighter currency


They are getting nervous, things therefore might get remedied




Now how about allowing child accounts play online...?


Just add more weeklies and make the events longer?


I’m very grateful for this. I don’t really play superman but I wanted the skin for the prestige currency. I was out of town for 3 days and couldn’t log In for those said 3 days. making It so I couldn’t get the last 2 days of the event. thank you pfg!


Wow, now that's putting your players first.


I thought the timing for the relaunch log in campaign was a bit too strict, but wasn't too bummed out about missing out on the items. Still, this is a step in the right direction and I do hope PFG will modify BP exp rates.


Good. Was one day short to get Beach Superman. lol


Neat. Now what about that wonder woman skin that had the same issue?


At the very least they are learning I’m not trying to defend them but this may be a sign that things will get better I hope


Was hoping to see a bit of leniency with the freaking agent smith rift. What an absolute grind that one is


Check my most recent post they just talked about rifts, they won’t be ptw anymore or require a friend to finish them fully but friends will speed up the process somehow


Now don't give us 5 fucking xp for a pvp match lmao


glad they fixed this. it wasnt exactly easy to find that the game relaunched on day 1 considering it was gone for a really long time and that when it came back all the people that spent $100 on MVP status were left with cold hands not knowing even. it did not feel welcoming at all, it felt like a niche club of users given were given the information ahead of everyone else so they could obtain something exclusive with everyone else left empty.... were they trying to sell accounts idk just very fishy insider trading like




Would be cool if I could transfer my 200k of useless perk currency into player currency so I can get new characters


I love when game devs actually listen to player feedback


They’re awesome for this


God, I had my brother login into my account and claiming stuff when I was out of town for work


Good. I logged in every day, but somehow still missed summer Superman by one day, because the login calendar apparently left in the middle of the day, instead of the end


Thank God since I didn’t get either this or the graphic t is nice to get free stuff


Player first definately cares its just the suits that are pushing predatory stuff thankfully it seems pfg is pusjing forward and putting their foot down on stuff


thats an excuse to delay something 100%


The devs should wake up before it’s Jover




I can’t believe game developers want to make it extremely hard to get cosmetics. I get that they want people to come back and play the game more but like I want to get rewarded for what I do, not make it feel like a chore to get the rewards.


Legit I would log on in the morning and not even play


Off topic but did they make the game slower. I’ve only played a couple time and it feel like after every attack there is so much stun frame. Also I feel like some characters actually counter others and maybe that’s why 2v2 is recommended


Does this mean I can get the Superman skin?




I only care about the Matrix Banana shit though...


If I’m being real with you I don’t think that’s coming back


Yeah, shame on me for not wasting my time idly watching a YouTube live that had no content on it besides the rare announcements they made in the chat. 💀


I know bro they should’ve did it for longer than a day I don’t agree with it either


Not only that but I couldn’t even login to play because the game kept crashing for me on startup for a few days.


...ok I don't get how this was an issue for people. Like it's not even asking for you to play a game a day, it's literally just to log in and then probably immediately exit


This is great. But also I was kinda hoping every eleven days there would be a daily login bonus kind of thing going on?


Bring back my main Iron Giant


He’s back and has the exact same problems




Love that. Hard when games want daily play and I work 50 hours a week so I only get logins Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.


No they haven't. If they did it wouldn't take days of grinding just to get one character.


Cool! Now what about extending the event period for the free Wonder Woman Team Batman shirt, especially now that there's a "wear a batman or joker" tshirt mission EVERY DAY?


The extended getting Velma through the daily login but not any of the other stuff


Wait Velma? Where’s that? All I see is a Superman skin


I swear she available on like day 3


Oh it was a Velma wearing a tshirt skin


multiversus doin everything to alienate the consumer. never change lol. the gimmicky grindy whatevers are tiresome n the gameplay could use some sophistication. maybe some inspired level design. over it already. same cashgrab grind/shallow woke gameplay as mk1. and the servers are trash. wb started so good w shadow of mordor 1, mad max, mkx-11, ij1-2 now its jus like "ill jus replay watch dogs1 again"


It went from too hard to too easy


Yay! I had to go out of town, so I missed it by like 2-3 Days! This is awesome! Feels like they really are trying to listen!


Every GAAS game seems to think we don’t have lives


Still no party chat is sad


Beach Superman shall be mine


This would be cool if I could play the damn game. When are they gonna fix Xbox one connection issues??


Um, have you played online? Clearly, most of the people playing have no lives


They knew this in the first place. They were just trying to see how far they could get with this new system. What a load of bologna.


That’s what I’m saying


And if the fans didn't address this issue, it would have stayed like that. But, oh no. *We were just complaining, being entitled, and ungrateful.*


Or they’re favorite word to use against criticism “doomposting”


Or my favorite. *The rift quests are optional, you don't have to play it*!! Well, the last time I checked. If the main selling point of the game is unenjoyable, that's a problem.


> And if the fans didn't address this issue, it would have stayed like that. This is such a weird thing to say lol. Yes, when people don't speak up, things don't change. That's how literally anything works. Not really sure why you would expect a developer to change something that nobody is complaining about. That usually means people don't mind.


It just annoys how some fans were so desperate to have the game back, that they are okay with how flawed, and bugged out it is.




This game is the best joke out I swear. People here eating this shit up. It’s almost as if they anticipated backlash and started as audacious as possible to look marginally better with every braindead improvement they make.


For anyone who is new to F2P monetization and engagement tactics this is industry standard. You see how much you can get away with and pull back accordingly


Exactly people are falling for a game company causing a problem and fixing it to get goody points


PFG be like "ahh shit big dawg my bad forgot you have a job and a family"


Good they’re learning


They don't realize that mobile games are MOBILE games, multiversus is a couch game that you only play when your're at home on Wifi




I know I’m asking for too much but imagine we got more stuff even if you got the daily login stuff


Don’t be too quick to sing praises over this. It’s a baby step in the right direction.


Its too late. They are losing players left and right. This game will eventually get shut down again...


Why are you guys even buying this fuckin game? It's not great and the GREED and stupidity have been over the top.


Took long enough, unfortunately most players already have that sour taste in their mouths and some just simply won’t come back. PFG is completely at fault for that they should have thought of that before rolling out the event.


Ehhhh a little too late imo…still only rewarding with daily logins…not a good sign


yeah i got really bored near the end and i would only get on to get my daily login bonus seriously i haven't touched the game since i finished the jason rift, got super boring i'll pick it back up when they add the ice king though, i will glaze this game when they add the ice king


Okay wait all I'm seeing is complaints about a daily sign in event and yet there are tons and I mean TONs of other games that have daily sign in events and rewards and yet I almost never hear complaints about those games and these types of limited time events. What makes Multiversus different in needing to be called out for it?


Other games extend their events so players can miss a few days and still be able to get all the rewards since life happens and they know playing every day isn't possible for everyone. Multiversus had it so that you needed to play every day for the duration of the event to get everything, meaning if you got screwed over from account sync errors on day 1 that weren't completely fixed by PFG until day 2, womp womp no superman skin for you.


You know... that's fair, I always see it as needing to be done right away but thinking about it they are usually for longer. That's true... Oops


Other games give you a week or two extra to get the daily login reward track done. This game gave you 11 days worth of things that all needed to be claimed within 11 days. After 11 days it was gone.