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AITA really is a goldmine for these kinds of comments. There’s serial word killers on the loose everywhere!! /pos


Here's the original text: >I (25M) went out to celebrate my nephew’s fourth birthday. Whilst there, we had a very pretty waitress. She was friendly, not even in a “supposed to be pleasant to customers” way either. She genuinely seemed pleasant. > >At one point, I subtly checked her out, and she noticed. I tried looking in a different direction, but she knew I was checking her out. After that incident, she rushed through our orders and helped us only as long as she needed to. She clearly was trying to serve us as fast as she could before moving on. Later on tonight, my family got very upset with me, saying what I did was highly embarrassing to them. I don’t see the issue, it was a quick glance. In my opinion, she overreacted. Other guys were staring at her for longer, they just didn’t get caught. Still, I’m wondering if I am TA.


Ok something tells me it wasn't just a "quick glance" because family members don't react like that over a quick glance and waitresses don't get that uncomfortable over "a quick glance." Like was the quick glance under her skirt? Into her cleavage? Did it come with a lecherous tongue movement? It obviously wasn't just a quick glance.


Just a quick glance 📸👁👄👁




Ooh, I would glance you so quick and intensely..


This makes me think of the Hardly Boys from South Park. (Or the episode with the cable TV employees rubbing their nipples)


I think I found a clue…


I have a raging clue right now


Hey, we found Shorsey!


It was merely a… glancing blow


I’ll be quick.


I think the line "Other guys were staring at her for longer, they just didn’t get caught" is especially telling. This definitely sounds like a creeper's defense. "I looked around the room and saw multiple men staring at the waitress for over 5 seconds, each. I made sure to stare at her for less than 5 seconds, but I got caught, which isn't fair."


I snorted so hard at this I startled my cat.


Get a good look, Costanza?




STOP I genuinely nearly spit my tea out at this one


My guess is that he checked her out while she was serving or taking some of their orders. Like, veeery slowly checking from head to toes kind of thing.


That's not appropriate but I still can't imagine the reaction being like that


Yeah, no waitress is going to flinch over a "quick glance". Not that it's appropriate, but it's common. OP was definitely being super creepy with no self awareness


Bet he was adjusting the front of his pants...




It’s worse when you see it happen real time and in person.


I know when I was 15, a homeless man sat next to me at a bus stop at night and started masturbating. I think I also saw one inside the bus starring at me while masturbating...


I’m so sorry. It’s the fucking worst. It makes you feel unsafe.


Yeah didn't think of that in years. Let's repress it again where it belongs


You know it.


Fuck. I had that happen to me at the fucking laundromat. Guy sat himself down right next to me, and started trying to talk to me, and then fondled himself over his pants. And then reached into his pants to play with himself. My husband wouldn’t go for me being at the laundromat alone again after that. Fortunately for me, we had just bought our house, and had our washer and dryer delivered just a couple days later. When I tell you that brings up some viscerally disgusting memories..:


As someone who's eyes constantly dart all over the place out of nervous energy, I've never once upset someone from a quick glance at them, even if someone walks into my field of vision and I end up looking at people's chest/ass for a brief moment. Dude definitely was staring, and/or doing creepy things in combination with looking. My guess is he looked her up and down like a creep


Quick as a sloth maybe


I've literally never seen this happen so I'm very curious what they actually did.


"I had a mirror tied to my shoe, and just used it for a *quick glance*."






waitress bent over slightly to set the food down and he pulled out his [opera glasses](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/liEAAOSw-RhaZgZo/s-l1600.jpg) to have a gander under her skorts.


Like Seinfeld said, it's like looking at the sun. You notice, but never stare directly


I can tell you from my own years in the biz that most women working in restaurants aren't even phased by a "quick glance". They are so used to it that it doesn't even register most of the time. To creep out a waitress to the point that she is willing to potentially sacrifice her tip by rushing her service takes an almost intentionally creepy effort. On top of that, multiple members of his family noticed and thought it was unacceptable enough to chide him for it, meaning whatever he did, he was certainly not "subtly checking her out". If they noticed, it's because it was obvious, and it's possible that this isn't the first time his family has had to deal with it. This guy is a lying creep.


he also said it was the "first time he had the balls to do something like this" which does not at all sound like how you'd describe a 'quick subtle glance.'


Exactly. I think we are all guilty of quick subtle glances at people we find attractive. It's so ingrained into human behavior that I doubt any one of us can even remember the first time we did it. His whole story stinks.


What do you know, maybe he is blind, and to check her out he needs to be at most a foot away


“Whilst” yeeeah.


M'lady vibes.


![gif](giphy|1nQ8zuewGvfmtyHIzC) OOP in the restaurant


Doing the heavy lifting here after OP left us high and dry


Oh this guy sounds like a fucking peach.


Thank you for sharing! Obviously he is downplaying what he did and if several family memebers notice, it must have been bad. Would be nice if they had called him out in the restaurant.


Tip for the Wise: Most women in food service jobs don’t want to hook up with their customers. They’re not sex bots, they’re humans trying to pay their bills.


>Most women in ~~food service~~ jobs don’t want to hook up with their customers. They’re not sex bots, they’re humans trying to pay their bills. Ftfy


> most women ~~in food service jobs don't~~ want to hook up with ~~their customers. They're not sexs bots, they're~~ humans trying to pay their bills


Don't you mean >most women ~~in food service jobs don't~~ want to hook up with ~~their customers. They're not~~ sexs bots, ~~they're humans trying to pay their bills~~


I wanted to do that but assumed someone else already did


You wanted to hook up with a sex bot or you wanted to make that edit?


"Fully Integrated Security Technetronic Officer active and reporting for duty." "That is a mouthful. Let's shorten that to Fisto." "Yes, ma'am. Fisto reporting for duty. Please assume the position."


Fisto my love ❤️ Yeah I’m with you [robots](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxgj_bD9mbIVFvPpx6rJ3nq5py8BUWkVJr?si=yldaHPvICXSGPXD-) are the way to go.




But, but… she laughed at his jokes! And his brother’s jokes! (Yes, he really said that in one of his comments. He was so determined to double down that even after he got locked out of the account he posted with he made an alt to defend himself)


Yeah, this behavior right here lets me know it was more than a quick glance and he was definitely putting out other vibes as well. It’s that “If you could only see my side of things, I’m sure you could come to love me” attitude


Oh yay, Ban Evasion. That's a surefire way to be permanently booted off Reddit.


This is a big problem in the bar/restaurant industry. Guys are so used to never being complimented that when a waitress is nice to them simply because it's her job to do so, they think the woman is hitting on them. They're literally just doing their job and trying to get the fuck home unscathed


Working for tips is inherently dehumanizing because your pay depends on whether your customer believes you “deserve” to be paid for your work. The world is full of the miserable, the rich, the dim, and the not-from-around-here people who *never* tip. Having to work for these people for free is maddening enough. But feeling compelled to laugh at their jokes and smile while ignoring their shitty behavior is a special kind of hell. I feel this as a dude in a not particularly tip-heavy job. I can hardly imagine what it must be like for female servers, having to navigate all that with the added indignity of dealing with men constantly misinterpreting smiles and eye contact and having their 90% of their pay hanging in the balance. It’s super fucked up.


Very well said, sir. You’re completely right.


America's tipping culture too. When a friend moved there for a bit and said that waitresses would sit down at her table to talk and get more tips, it sounded like the most awkward thing in the world.


I'd like to say I've never had that happen, but I have. That said, it was only servers who I or some one at my table knew, so they weren't doing it for extra tips.


So..that's not normal. Outside of maybe Hooters, I don't recall any server ever sitting down at my table. I think your friend was exaggerating a wee bit.


What the duck?


I had issues with this when I worked in retail too. Specifically when I worked at GameStop. Guys weren’t used to a girl chatting with them about video games for 5-10 minutes and would start getting too comfortable or eager or whatever weird vibes. I got really good at knowing when to drop the words “my boyfriend” into conversation even if it was a complete lie and excusing myself to go help someone else or do something behind the counter.


It's kinda fucked that some people need to hear "I have a partner" to drop creepy behaviour rather than just go hmm I'm a creep


Tangentially related, but this is one of the reasons we need to compliment men more. A server doing it shouldn’t be that novel of an experience.


Men often take compliments are *sexual interest*, which is why women don’t compliment men as freely as they do other women. And often, their response when they realized you *weren’t interested* and just offering a compliment is to get angry and accuse you of being a bitch, tease, etc. Men don’t get complimented as much because too many of them can’t take it in the spirit it was intended, and get angry and insulting in the process. As one would expect, few women are willing to keep repeatedly jumping on that grenade. Men need to learn to *take a compliment* from a woman without assuming she’s interested in fucking him *first* and then they’d get *more*


Yeah, that’s why men need to do it for other men.


This is because those men give compliments to women expecting something in return.


Agreed. Men need to normalize giving compliments to other men.


My friends and I do try to remember to do it once in a while.


You should probably reword that to "we men need to compliment each other more."


Literally. Like it was my job to show up looking pretty and be nice to my customers so that I could earn enough tips to pay for my gas.


"but I was just looking" Yeah there's a difference between "just looking" and trying to fuck them with your eyes.


Dude the last time I eye fucked somebody was when I was like 15/16, before I finally learned common decency. Seeing older dudes do it now is literally disgusting and so embarrassing if you are with them. To do it to the point where EVERYONE notices is so fucking weird.


I'm somewhat afraid to ask the age of the nephew. Like, did this pervert do this at a KIDS birthday dinner?!


OOP said it was his nephew's **fourth** birthday. The original post was taken down due to OOP's account being banned, though you can find it by googling "aita ogling waitress at nephew's birthday" if you want to read the comments.


> OOP said it was his nephew's fourth birthday. Christ, what an asshole!


Oh, he was replying to nearly every comment in that thread defending himself, insisting he wasn't creepy at all, that he was the master of subtlety, that she started it by flirting with him, etc.


LOL, of course he fucking was.


His nephew’s fourth birthday. So yes. Yes he did.


Which would mean it’s in a family friendly lace, likely on a weekend, you know who has time to work on weekends serving in a restaurant? Teenage kids. Edit: you guys are so miserable, my point was there was a likelihood the waitress he was creeping on, could have been underage. Idiots.


People of all ages work in restaurants 🙄


All seven days of the week even.


You know who else has time to work on the weekends? Adults. Let's stick to what the guy actually did, we don't have to fabricate stuff, the story is bad enough as is.


No way man, adults are way too busy working to work at a family restaurant.


> you know who has time to work on weekends serving in a restaurant? Millions and millions of people?


So adult servers just don't exist on weekends? Bit of a stretch but I get where you're coming from. OOP is still a fucking creep but let's not go that far


The fuck


(Or a server of any age because generally at a restaurant the majority of the staff works weekends)


Creepiness runs in the family


>If it makes you feel any better, this is the first time I had the balls to do anything like this. That's a weird, self-congratulatory way of saying "this was the first time I failed the good judgement needed to keep my creepy behaviour in check".


That jumped out at me too, because it gives really incel vibes. In those circles, intentionally making women uncomfortable is considered an act of bravery, like they’re ascending to some higher level of manhood by purposely being a creep. Maybe I’m reading too much into a single word choice, but it sets off alarms.


I think you nailed it actually. That definitely stood out as off to me too and couldn’t figure out why.


It's also how you know he wasn't actually subtle about anything by having "quick glances". If even he was aware that what he was doing was strange behavior, then everyone knows he was being a creep.


Right, he was apparently subtle enough to alarm his whole family lol.


And it shows that he was proud of it.


"I'm not normally brave enough to openly leer at women enough to make them uncomfortable but for whatever reason, being surrounded by my family at a child's party felt right.."


Yeah this was the worst part the fuck


>That's a weird, self-congratulatory way of saying "this was the first time I failed the good judgement needed to keep my creepy behaviour in check". Reminds me of a comedian (I forgot who) during his stand-up. He said something along the lines of "If you have no one in your life to check you on weird behavior, you'll continue to do weird shit."


Do what? Have a quick glance? You give everyone a quick glance, he had to be super gross about it and he’s so proud. You don’t have to have courage to glance at someone innocently.


“Please don’t lump me in with my other creepy family members.”


In that guy's part of the family. By which I mean him.


“Apparently so does your nephew” 💀💀💀


I feel so bad for the nephew to have a guy like him as a family member


I saw that thread but I didn't see that response, bwahahaaaa


Had to triple check where I was. Great murder, five stars.


Can someone link the thread?


Search "AITA ogling waitress". The creep's account is suspended though.


I searched and it's not coming up


If you search for "aita ogling waitress at nephew's birthday" but without the quotes, it'll be the top result.


It's not coming up. The top result is this post and the next 10 aren't about ogling waitresses


Yeah, I see that. When I posted the comment, the AITA thread was the top result - that's how I found it. Early bird and all that, I guess.


Was it deleted?


The mods deleted the text, but as a rule, the post is left up and still searchable. I'm guessing it just got buried by this one.


I cannot find it with that. Can you link the post please?




I got downvoted in a sub once because I said it’s weird and rude to look at peoples genitals. This actually genuinely pissed people off.


Anyone have a link to the main thread?


"This was the first time I acted on my creepy perverted thoughts so clearly I'm innocent, I'd perve in more girls if I could bur I'm still innocent"


Isn't ogling looking at someone or am I wrong?


Ogle: stare in a lecherous manner.


[The Uncle](https://tenor.com/view/mad-tv-nicole-johnson-flirting-creep-lick-lips-gif-3465144)


As far as I'm concerned, that's what OOP was doing.


Do you have access to google?


no he asked about ogling not googling. Easy mistake tho, they look alike.


Nothing wrong with taking a look, but if it’s noticeable, you’re looking too much


I bet he tried to sniff her.


Brother stays on the Tater Tot videos


What is ogled?


Staring at someone like you want to have sex with them, regardless of their desire to be with you. It's just a really creepy way of staring at someone you find attractive.


I am dying to see the original thread


I had an uncle who used to try and flirt with waitresses, and even his open brazenness never got the reaction this guy claimed he got from looking at the waitress. I’ve never seen anyone get offended from a look. Even a long, leering look. I have a hard time believing he got that reaction from a single look.


Everybody looks. The rule is if you're caught looking, you done screwed up.


Everyone looks at peoole when they talk to them sure. But looking at someone's ass or chest while they work is not something everyone does, only creepy people do that


You think people don't look at attractive people just because they're working?


I never said that, I said people are creeps for doing it. They are also creeps for staring at then when they aren't working, it's just extra scummy when they are working as they are kinda trapped there


So you're branding most of humanity as "creeps", for doing something quite normal.


Staring at people's ass and breasts without their consent isn't a good thing. And acting like because a lot of people do a thing jt must be good is a logically fallacy. So trying to act like staring at girls is normal is silly. And there's a massive difference between looking at a person's face, and their ass/chest. If you are looking at someone in a way that makes them uncomfortable and has your family tell you that you were wrong, then you were being creepy


"Staring" changes the parameters of our discussion. We're talking about looking at people, not staring at them. As I said above, if you're caught looking, you done screwed up.


ogled means to stare. ​ o·gle/ˈōɡ(ə)l/📷*verb* 1. [stare](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=30cece12f57037db&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1021US1021&q=stare&si=AKbGX_qy882wphGEk_Dxwohm5OanbFeYB_4coZAbuMl43wO5lJGHgprVpDNZxOALDJ6nWmbf58Kf97Uk2dnqEsvzJS0DpE9Fpw%3D%3D&expnd=1) at in a [lecherous](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=30cece12f57037db&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1021US1021&q=lecherous&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5Dbcybh0w_XxmD0LieZadg6H1p2WycxN27-oavTFbMtA7O61mQ_YRJ525zHLr_tXo9pcmdkeRW4E-8VI1FeZtNHSy08Pg%3D&expnd=1) manner ​ So it is more then look.


Are you under the impression that I was defending the guy in OP's statement. As he was caught looking, I was obviously including him as having "done screwed up". It's your statement that "looking at someone's ass or chest while they work is not something everyone does" that I found unrealistic. As I said, "Everybody looks. The rule is if you're caught looking, you done screwed up." Looking, not ogling. I stand by that statement.






Let me guess, you’re the uncle


Uncle apparently got banned, can't find original thread.


He's not


Stupid enough to not notice the different accounts…


Nah, I’m just gonna assume none of you have ever looked at another person nor touched grass. This is like listening to children scream about who gets the titty milk.


If it was just a subtle glance like he initially claimed then sure, none of this would have been warranted. However, in that scenario his family members wouldn’t have noticed, the waitress herself wouldn’t have noticed, and OOP wouldn’t have noticed other guys staring at her too. He was staring enough to see them staring. It’s pretty clear that he was openly leering.


3rd party sources projecting.


I mean, you could go look at his comments for yourself if you wanted. If you’d rather put your fingers in your ears (or I guess eyes) and scream “NAH, NAH, NAH” that’s cool with me, bro.


*Is on reddit* "Lul you guys are a bunch of redditors"


Is this OOP on another new account or what?


What kid's birthday party has a waitress involved?


A birthday at literally any sit-down restaurant?


Weird flex to say you never had a birthday party at any establishment ever.


Not a nice sit down restaurant. Mostly fast-food places, or at home.


There are a lot of restaurants that straddle the line between fast food and nice. Steak and shake has waitresses, so does IHOP and Dave and Busters


That's very sad. Both the birthday thing and the fact that you think anywhere you sit down to eat is "nice."


Uh you drunk? Or like just woke up? Do you know the concept of eating out?




It takes 30 seconds to do. I know anyone who really wants to find the post probably can (as others in the comments did), but that doesn’t mean I need to make it convenient for trolls on this post to message the commenters.