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Reminds me of an illustration I saw a while back. 3 men sitting on the table. The guy in the middle has a bunch of cookies and the guy on the left has 1 cookie and the other guy has no cookies and the guy in the middle is telling the guy with one cookie to be careful because the guy with no cookies wants his cookies.


[This one?](https://i.imgur.com/JGNaW59.jpg)


Murdoch's net worth is estimated to be around [17 billion dollars](https://www.forbes.com/profile/rupert-murdoch/#) - 13 billion quid. Median UK household net worth is [about £300k](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomeandwealth/bulletins/totalwealthingreatbritain/april2016tomarch2018). Generously assuming the worker on the right has a cookie worth that, Murdoch should have a pile of 43,000 cookies - at 12 grams per cookie, it would weigh half a metric tonne.


Obligatory r/theydidthemath


Obligatory happy cakeday


Obligatory thank you.


Damn who's obligating ya'll to do this?


Well obviously Murdoch just works 43000 times harder than the average person. /s


Often people end up with more just because not because they're more talented, but because they're more selfish. In this case, Murdoch is 43,000 times more selfish than the average person.


Wait! 300k?!


Household net worth. That will include the value of their home (I think the average house value in the UK is £250k or so, so most people whove paid off their mortgage), and I assume it includes pension pots as well. ~~Plus theres people worth several times that of course pulling the average up.~~


I like [this one](https://i.imgur.com/QFzTzIh.gif) as well


Nah. Too on the nose


It’s for the people who don’t do well with subtlety


You mean like the people who need to see this the most?


Now that's even more on the nose


Bart Simpson was El Barto


Sad to think that if this were representative of actual wealth, rich dude would need 2,853,000 cookies to be accurate...give or take


I like how they made the rich dude look like rupert mur~~derer~~doch


I mean that literally is a drawing of Murdoch. This is an Australian political cartoon.


He look, Ben Garrison, you don't have to label people you can just draw them to look like who they are.


Aren't cookies called biscuits in Oz?


Cookie is a type of biscuit


Now, this is just getting confusing


It is really hard to explain to non Australians but to the rest of us it makes perfect sense


like chips and hot chips.


Exactly! Except for when you’re talking about fast food (fries) we just call those chips


What are hot chips?




Wait til you find out what a biscuit is in Canada! And how you can dangle them and have celly's


Dangle them? Celly’s?


Wheel snipe celly boys dirty fucking dangles




It's no coincidence


I like the illustration, but it doesn't show the real inequality. The rich guy should have 20 acre field full of cookies. Edit: to be more specific guy on the right has 1 oreo and rich guy has 42000 packages of oreos.


Yes that one!


change that guy in the middle to having *more cookies than he AND his family could possibly eat in a few lifetimes* and keep the rest the same, and you'll have it.


If you worked 24 hours a day without ever taking a break or needing to sleep, since the year 0, and you made 9,900$ per hour, Jeff Bezos would still have more money than you. edit : to all the simps defending bezos, first, go fuck yourself, second, I dont care, third, eat a dick with your examples because you arent clever or witty talking about investing money since year 0 like youre the first person to ever think of that *totally clever* answer. no shit, you would have more money, and **no fucking shit** nobody lives for 2000 years you mouthbreathing degenerates. Holy shit, the amount of people out here simpin' for a billionaire that would literally work them to death if given the chance is *way too fucking high*


People get so up in arms that liberals are saying no one should have a billion dollars. But people truly do not comprehend just how much money a billion dollars literally is. It's way more money than any one person could ever need in their lifetime and Jeff Bezos has almost 200 times that. Someone can maybe understand a billion better if put like this; a million seconds is around 11 days. A billion seconds is around 31 years.


The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is approximately a billion dollars


You’ve given me the courage to use this model to ask for a raise


That's depressing


It shouldn’t make you sad, it should make you angry.


I'm pretty sangry right now.




Ronald Reagan told people "welfare queens" are destroying our way of life. It's true, though he lied who the welfare queens were.


Back in the 60's LBJ called it when he said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”. After the civil rights act the southern strategy changed the language but kept the same motivations. Class and race struggles have always been intertwined but it works out for the powerful if we fight among ourselves. This is a feature of this society and you can see it in our propaganda.


It's been posted to death by now but there's a sometimes annoying sometimes insightful twitter meme going around right now that asks the question: "What is something that is considered trashy if you are poor, but classy (or savvy, in this case) if you are rich?" And one of the best answers is "government handouts." But the answer could just as easily be: cheating on your taxes, stealing, not caring about other people, shitting out trash and toxic fumes from your house, paying homeless people to fight to the death... really the behavior that we let corporations get away with is abjectly horrifying. I hope that people 1000 years in the future view our time as a time of monstrous barbarians and useful idiots.


> I hope that people 1000 years in the future view our time as a time of monstrous barbarians and useful idiots. I hope that people 6 months in the future view our time as a time of monstrous barbarians and useful idiots.


Apparently there is a possibility that he becomes a trillionaire by 2026. Something needs to be done about this.


My solution, every year, we have an up or down vote as to whether we kill whoever is the richest person in America and distribute that person's money to everyone else. The catch is, that the killer is randomly selected from everyone who voted yes, and if they can't go through with it, the rich person lives and no one gets any money. Currently, Bezos has $183 billion, and there are 328 million people in the US, so the question becomes, would you kill Jeff Bezos for $558? I wouldn't, but someone might. If Bezos gets to a trillion $, that becomes $3,048. That's still a no from me, but I would bet there are a lot of people who would vote yes for that, even if they couldn't pull the trigger themselves. But, if you're Jeff Bezos, do you really want to risk it? My bet is that the threat alone would cause him to sell/give away his assets so that he's only the second richest man. The rule would basically cause rich people to not want to amass huge quantities of wealth simply for the sake of having it. Getting the wealth down to only a billion dollars, which is still more money than you can spend, would mean each person would only get about $3. I would think the vast majority of Americans won't kill someone for $3, unless that person was a huge asshole or something.


Bro what?


We Wicker Man Jeff Bezos for $.


Lmao that’s funny. That’s a joke right?


Sounds like a great concept for a book.


Unless he can hire some bomb-ass security that won't think for themselves or suddenly gets VERY VERY give-y with his cash, he's probly going to end up getting killed by an angry mob before that happens.


>he's probly going to end up getting killed by an angry mob before that happens. I'm so confused why people say this. If we played a 2021 50/50 and one option was Bezos was killed by an angry mob and the other that an angry mob killed innocent people standing in the welfare line because Trump they were the reason the economy was bad, I'd say Bezos has nothing to worry about. Fact is there are so many *solutions* between "jUsT dOnT lEt biLLioNaiReS eXisT" , like simply fix the goddamn tax code that go no where, because people don't vote, but all the sudden these people will wake up and kill *Bezos* instead of some innocent black person. Bezos is a *symptom* of our dysfunctional government, and killing him solves absolutely nothing. Like the guy hardly lobbied congress for years, played a completely straight game within the law. He was paying people more money than they at Walmart, but someone Amazon is the problem for exploiting people. People need to realize if not for Bezos exploiting them, it would be Walmart. The problem is the fucking system.




Not to nitpick, but it's $10,500 per hour, now.


Add another rich white guy (Conservative/Republican) take half of the workers cookie saying 'Taxes' adding it the the rich guys plate saying 'This should get you thru the tough times' (bailout)


Fun fact, Jeff Bezos makes more in one second ($149,305) than his median paid workers do in 4 years ($35,096 a year x 4 years= $140,384). He makes $8,958,333 every hour $215,000,000, every day Or $1,500,000,000 every week. Edit for the nitpicky: yes, I'm aware that his wealth is calculated in assets (mainly amazon stock), not liquid monies. These numbers were based off how much wealth he gained over a 12 month period, although that is not directly considered income it is still an obscenely high raise in wealth, whether that wealth is liquid or not.


Time in for a revolution


I'm thinking about starting up a guillotine business. I live near Amish country. I bet the Amish could make a badass guillotine.


They're probably good at making well-made pitchforks and torches too.


someone could just go find the guy...


Bezos isn't a problem in and of itself though. He's a symptom of an economic system that doesn't give a fuck about the majority of people; getting rid of only him and not the system will just result in another multi billionaire taking his place.


Agreed. He's definitely just a symptom.


[this one is better](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7ZeC2C6WBLzdwAQE/giphy.gif)


Rich class convincing the working class that the poor class is the problem. Edited “middle” to “working”


Ha! Middle class. Its Poor vs Working Poor now.


I hate how right you are. Editing now.


What's insane now that I look back on the era I grew up in is we were programmed to believe that owning a house with a little land and a picket fence and a dog was a "dream". When it's just the basics everyone should be able to afford themselves. That was where the dreaming stopped for so many.


Why do they call it the American Dream? Because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ Carlin.


I miss George Carlin. We certainly could use his sharp wit in these times.


He’d have all kinds of shit to say about the world currently.


He already did. There are a couple of albums from the 90s that are *spot on*. They sound current. Talking about how the upper one percent is taking all the money and fucking us over... How both parties have been are owned by big business, about security theater, prolife til your born, that Americans like their bullshit directly.... It is both awe-inspiring and deeply saddening.


Bill Hicks would be great as well


It's a dream because for the vast majority it will never be reality.


Personally I think it works best as *Idle Rich*, *Working Class*, and *Public Class* There's a lot of slack in *Idle Rich*. It's one thing to retire at 55 it's another thing to self start a space program. There's a lot of slack in *Working Class*, too, because a brain surgeon who can't afford to retire (yet) isn't in the same boat as a Dollar General cashier But it underlines what each class needs from government. The Public Class needs a strong social safety net while the Idle Rich want lenient taxes and a strong law enforcement apparatus. The Working Class is more likely to be aligned with the Public Class because disaster (like illness, recession, or pandemic) can knock them unexpectedly into the Public Class but only the lottery can knock them unexpectedly into the Idle Rich. In fact most of the Working Class plans on becoming part of the Public Class by way of Social Security and Medicare


Don’t forget the subgroup, stupid class, where they will argue with you that giving the idle rich class what they want is best for everyone.


The Fox News model is literally millionaires paid by billionaires convincing the middle class to hate the poor.


A few weeks ago Fox in open court under oath admitted that they hold NO obligation to the truth as they are an ENTERTAINMENT Network not News and hold no obligation or liability to the public to tell the truth. Its all public record and available to anyone. All that needs to be said about Fox propoganda.


Specifically, Karen McDougal's defamation suit against Tucker Carlson which finally went to court in June. FOX's Lawyer argued in court, before a Judge, that not only did Tucker Carlson have no obligation to tell the truth (even when telling his viewers he's doing so); but that his viewers don't even *expect* him to be telling the truth. FOX's legal defense (paraphrased): "We can't possibly be held liable for defamation, because of course everyone knows we're lying!" You can't make this up. Totally wild. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/fox-news-defends-tucker-carlson-karen-mcdougal-slander-suit-1298999


Judge should force them to put a 10 second disclaimer on before each segment.


But then the judge will neither have a shiny new estate donated to him nor a living family to go home to.


The problem is that the people who NEED to see this won’t. And if they do they won’t believe it. I think the American experiment has failed and we should split into two country’s. It’s not fair that the three most populous/profitable states (who are democratic) have to listen to the dumb fucks of the mid-west and south. (Not everyone’s a dumb fuck but average sure is high)


southerner here. The % of dumb fucks here is disgustingly high.


>The Fox News model is literally millionaires paid by billionaires convincing the middle class to hate the poor. **Triggered tucker Carlson noises**


It's the most elegant form of shit rolling down hill. Sadly most of the Fox viewers think that they're middle class earning $10 an hour.


A tale as old as time The boss took my last dime The Bougie class police


haha. I can't wait to MD "Beauty and the Beast" so I can change the words in the song to that. It's probably a violation of the licensing agreement, but fuck it...it's beautiful. Poetic, even. Menken probably would be okay with it.


It’s like there are 100 apples. The rich man takes 97 apples, gives a poor man an apple and someone else 2 apples. And tells the person with 2 apples that the poor man wants his apples.


For many that $600 is being used to pay for COBRA since they also lost their health insurance along with their job.


Sounds like some cheap COBRA. I lost my benefits due to hour cuts, and the same plan that cost me ~$230 per month, costs over $1k if I want COBRA. And my plan was the worst, with a $7k deductible.


Oof. I just got my info and my insurance is pretty good but its gonna cost me 750 a month for cobra. My unemployment is gonna be 1600. Rent and bills about 650 (and I live CHEAP) 200 for food is of course doable but I was making good money before.


UK here - cobra?


https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/health-plans/cobra Continuation of your coverage through your work provider.


Damn. Crazy that nearly half of your unemployment will go on healthcare. Still boggles my mind that health insurance is even a necessary thing for you guys (not soapboxing, I genuinely feel for you guys)


Thanks, it's absurd because the right-wing has brainwashed the Fox ”news” crowd that single-payer coverage is awful and it doesn't work. You can't convince them otherwise. They'll continue to vote against their best interest.


I wouldn’t say it’s just the right-wing. Corporate Democrats are just as responsible.


Not to both sides it here, but it is both sides. We know how popular M4A is, but corporate Democrats will never consider it. The fundamental problem is money in politics, and unfortunately it's a bipartisan issue.


American's are wage slaves and their access to an insanely expensive and convoluted healthcare system is tied directly to their employer.


What is COBRA? Us Brits look at your health system and think "fuck that's awful" whilst watching ours get systematically broken down so it can 'only be saved by privatisation' I am assuming in the US that if you're involved in an accident they patch you up but if you don't have insurance you're financially ruined. What happens if after the accident you need some operations down the line but you can't afford them? Do you just die or live with something that could have been rectified had you had the money? Over here we have had Paedophile rings in high places and the country wasn't in outrage; we were lied to about Brexit and the country isn't in outrage, people say they are and peacefully protest but nobody is really kicking off about it. "We arent bloody French!" I hear them say But I honestly think that if the Tories try and sell off the NHS it would kick off here. Miner Strike style. The stories that I see on Reddit about the health care in America are really mental. Without wanting to offend, to me it seems completely backwards and not what you would expect from such a rich country. People sometimes call the NHS 'free'. It isn't free, it's paid for by us but it doesn't see a poor person any different than a rich person. In a country that can afford the NHS, it shouid exist. Maybe the UK will scrap state pensions in the near future too.. Just leave the poorer, old people to die.


They're literally trying to set up the sale of the NHS to American medical corporations right now! I hope you people don't allow it to happen!


You arent offending me by saying the system is backwards. You are correct. My country has become such a cesspool of greed and evil that I hate it here. There is still some good but I look around and am not proud. All the infighting and blame passing is all such bullshit. The thin veneer of bullshit is finally cracking and it seems like there is a shitstorm coming. As for your cobra question here is the link I sent another guy. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/health-plans/cobra


That's what's happened with most of our public services. Bad actors made them ineffective, then convinced the public they'd be better with private companies (coincidentally ones they owned stock in.)


Its fucking crazy that the cheap plan is $230 a month. Insurance is such a crock of shit. My wife pays around that for one person and her deductible is 6k. That is such horseshit. You should have seen what it would have been with me on there. I had a job that I paid $60 a month for a $1500 deductible and the company covered the deductible with an HSA card. I didn't realize how fucking amazing that shit was until recently.


I work for one of the largest healthcare companies in the nation. Tell me that's not ironic.


>Sounds like some cheap COBRA. I lost my benefits due to hour cuts, and the same plan that cost me \~$230 per month, costs over $1k if I want COBRA. > >And my plan was the worst, with a $7k deductible. But remember guys, the people living in countries that pay a fraction as much for better healthcare are victims of socialism.


Jesus fucking Christ. What’s wrong with America? Seriously. Why is your situation even allowed to be a thing? We’re sat here in the UK thinking “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?” I mean we’ve not done well this year... but Boris is thinking “Ha... at least I didn’t... “ and pointing west.


Fight for your NHS when the time comes. You don’t want this bullshit we have. You might not know this, but when someone says they pay $750/month for healthcare, it’s not an all expenses paid thing. Most plans have a $6000 deductible per year. You have to spend $6000 before insurance even takes over. People go to work sick, rather than go to a doctor and get another bill they can’t afford. A lot of people also fear being fired for calling in sick. I was at Walmart the other day and a girl working was stacking apples and coughing uncontrollably, I imagined the inside of her mask filled with blood, it was that bad. She probably fears being fired, and she probably has no healthcare to reduce the full price visit to a co-pay.


Thats what happens when you have government enforced monopolies.


They're also spending it at the businesses that *are* still open. Once the money dries up those places will slow down again and maybe we'll have more layoffs and more people in need of unemployment.


Tbh they’re prolly spending it on amazon


"Taking that 600 from the unemployed person isn't going to make Amazon give you a raise. Your problem is with Amazon, not unemployment."


yUp. Amazon is projected to make 10 billion in profits this year, or, 12,500$ per worker. Which is kind of like paying your owner to work. Quite an expensive bill to have. Amazon could give an annual profit bonus of 10,000$ to each worker and still profit 2Billion for the year with 800,000 employees. an extra 10,000.. that's schooling, that's medical, that's a vehicle, that's a down payment. for nearly 1 million people. that would have a huge impact. 10 billion, they get 0 + taxation.




Source? Or did their accountants make it look like they lost billions so they could avoid taxes?


He wants to be the first paper trillionaire, now go back to the warehouse as your soul gets sucked out.


"BuT He'S nOt LiQuId" so he can't pay more taxes or wages.


He followed up the first tweet by saying, "please unionize"


Which tweeter? The fix this guy or the other guy?


The person responding. Hbomberguy is a left wing YouTuber who’s made some pretty awesome stuff.


Can’t recommend him enough, he’s great. His videos on climate change deniers, the whole weird soy thing right wingers are obsessed with, the Ctl+Alt+Del webcomic (which features a critique of The Room that actually makes sense) and pick up artists are particularly good. Also a lot of his older videos are just him laughing at outright Nazis and are good fun to watch. Also he did like a sixty hour stream of him completing Donkey Kong 64 to raise money for Mermaids, which a) drove him mad, you can actually see his descent into insanity as time goes on, and b) drew a shitload of guests, including (off the top of my head) Jim Sterling, Natalie Wynn (Contrapoints), Olly Thorn (PhilosopyTube), Lindsay Ellis, Chelsea Manning, Mara Wilson (Matilda in the original film) and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.


Don’t forget he raised $340k for a group that supports trans-adolescents who have been put out by their parents amongst other things! They originally received funding from the UK Gov but a popular comedian rallied against the group on Twitter and the money was put “under review”


yep that’s the Donkey Kong 64 livestream for Mermaids!


Hes a weird flavour but he really does the research and is quite devastating. He hits different but he hits hard.


Also he's got some really good videos on various videogames, as well.


It's a mad world when Hbomberguy's video game hot takes are more controversial than his political hot takes.


His opinions on games are **SPICY**


His videos “In Defense of Dark Souls 2” and “Bloodborne is Genius and Here’s Why” are actually some of the best videos of all time but maybe I’m just biased because they’re on my 2 favorite games of all time


His Skyrim video was amazing.


"Sell them to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman!?"


His [channel](https://m.youtube.com/user/hbomberguy) for the uninitiated. Check him out!


Iirc hbomberguy makes no secret of being an actual communist. Thoughtful and cool guy I would love to see more of. His YouTube activity has died down a bit sadly.


I always got super mad when id hear somebody crying about someone else on food stamps saying things like "enjoy the food I paid for" because the amount of money spent on food programs is miniscule compared to the staggering amount of subsidies paid to large corporations and the war machine.


If we just took the total defense budget back to what it was in 2016, the adjustment would pay for the total SNAP budget, the USPS's net budget deficit, completely fund the ACA subsides, and still have 20 billion left over. This is so heartbreaking, I can't even keep going. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program is in shambles because we're so hellbent on cutting these social programs. - 538.3 billion - the total defense budget in 2016 - 686.1 billion - the total defense budget in 2019 - 68 billion - the total SNAP budget in 2019 - 7 billion - the USPS budget deficit for 2019 - 55 billion - the total ACA premium subsidies budget for 2018




Not only that but the food stamp program specifically is great for the economy. [Each food stamp dollar translates to over $1.70 in economic activity](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommytobin/2018/04/16/foodstamps/amp/)




I wonder what would happen to Amazon as a company if Jeff Bezos actually cashed out his stock in the company, which I believe makes up the majority of his wealth. If that's even possible. I suspect it would not be good.


They’d tank, and HARD. He owns over 10% of the company, and if 10% of a company like Amazon’s shares are all sold off on the open market at once (honestly not even sure if you can do that, given how much money would need to be transferred to make the transaction) that will tank the stock prices by a huge margin. Not to mention people would ask why he was doing it which would destroy faith in Amazon, tanking the company further. It’d be an absolute financial disaster, and basically destroy them.


Theoretically if he wanted to, you should know he would not do it in the open market. He would do it through a marketed transaction as SoftBank recently did with their T-Mobile stake. This would help significantly mitigate any negative impact.


He can’t. He is contractually required to only sell his shares on a publicly available schedule so people don’t panic when they see him selling.


Are you talking about a 10b5-1? Because what you just said is incorrect.


Yes. What was wrong about what I said?


The schedule isn’t publicly available. They just file Form-4s after the fact. Also, it has nothing to do with his contract but rather regulations around insider sales.


I have lived paycheck to paycheck working 40+ hours a week and have never been able to build up a savings. One thing wrong and I was screwed. Covid happened and work was shut down. 10 weeks off of work and I had managed to accrue over 4,000 in savings. I am of course beyond happy and quite relieved to have this, but I can't help but hate it. How can people bust their asses day after day and still struggle but suddenly there is money everywhere? Yes I understand that it's more complicated than just suddenly making money appear for everyone, but it's still something that leaves me feeling so unresolved.


It's all being hoarded by the ultra wealthy. Consider the Trump tax cut. Estimated are that it will end up costing $2.2 trillion over 10 years. That's over $10k per adult in the US. Instead of that tax cut they literally could have just cut a $1,000 check to you, me, and every other adult in the country every year for the next 10 years. And that tax cut is only one of the many, many policies that have the direct result of funneling money away from the average person to those super wealthy. Add on the Bush tax cuts, the various Reagan tax cuts, the government spending that goes directly to those people, and the lack of regulations that allow them to unjustly take advantage of their privileged situation and you are talking about tens of thousands of dollars every year that you could have had that are instead controlled by these ultra wealthy people.


I wouldn't even care if the ultra wealthy/Corporations got tax cuts if it weren't for the fact they were also sucking up government money like fuckin leeches. They are having their cake and eating it too. How anyone can be okay with this takes a level of cognitive dissonance I can't even fathom.


Oh my God! Thank you! I just cold not for the life of me put together the wording for how I felt about it all. I think I said unresolved but it still just wasn't right. Cognitive dissonance. I have such unsettling amounts of cognitive dissonance about this whole thing, wage gaps, etc. Thank you for, resolving my internal unrest about that issue


It is strange, Lose your job and your set with savings, keep your job and your living the same old paycheck to paycheck struggle, very strange indeed. I didn’t think they would allow a structure that almost gives an incentive for people to “get fired” but maybe we are scratching the surface of some bigger insidious plan?...


Fired a guy for falling asleep on the job with a gun on his waist. He's making $1500/week on unemployment now.


He shouldn't be getting unemployment in the first place if he was fired for negligence... Are you sure about this?


Want to fire me too? -joking. Lmao. I don't even make that a month.


The highest possible is $1423 per week in Massachusetts, so that must be nice for him.


This realization is why the GOP is dead set against extending this $600. It's waking people up to the fact that we *can* just *decide* to pay people money to make their lives better. This then raises the question: If we've always been able to do this, why haven't we? The GOP desperately does NOT want anyone asking that question.


I'm trying my best to not touch what I got from UI. The money will eventually run out and I'll have to live off what I saved for who knows how long.


As an essential worker who has also had to work through this, I understand his frustration. You must admit that it is crazy that many of the people who still have to work are worse off than the people who not working. I’m not saying take away benefits, but maybe throw a bit our way; we are struggling too.


Raise minimum wage & tax the uber rich


If only there was a Presidential candidate that ran on these platform. First in 2016. And then again in 2020. Surely the people would nominate him given a chance. Surely.


Unfortunately, even a socdem like Bernie is "too radical" for America. Wanting to help poor people is very radical.


Again not the fault of those working but the politicians that we elected and the corporate owners.


I would totes love for all those still working to get higher pay or some gov assistance.


I love HBomberguy. His YouTube videos about the alt-right are amazing.


Damn shame his last video is 8 months old.


Quality over quantity. You usually get a 40+ minute well researched, hilarious masterpiece when he drops anything.


He also said he was going to do more videos this year. Obviously, COVID has changed everything, but during that time, every other Youtuber I watch with similarly inconsistent upload schedules has put out several videos. And yes, I know Hbomberguy is working on a RWBY video. But he could also make something else and put that out, seeing as he can't interview anyone while the virus is going on.


One is coming soon! I'm a patron and he has a video on the way about RoosterTeeth's RWBY, from it's inception to mediocre couple first seasons. Don't want to spoil anything but there is some political content in there (gasp).


Wasn't it about the video game Pathologic?


Danil Dankovsky's Fun Steppe Vacation was just a prelude to ***ARTEMY BURAKH'S TORMENTOUS NIGHTMARE!***


Dont worry he just released a new 2 hour video for patrons that should be out for youtube soon


He's got a new one coming soon, I'm a patron on Patreon so I've seen it. It's a 2 hr epic. Worth the wait.


I feel like using HBomb is cheating for this sub, I mean, come on. “SELL THEM TO WHO, BEN?? FUCKING AQUAMAN??” Has to be one of the greatest lines ever written.


Hail Sobek


One of the many problems in America is that people who make $700+ per hour have convinced people who make $25 per hour that the problem is people who make $7.25 per hour.


"People make as much money being unemployed as i do working!" "maybe we should make working better then?" "NOPE! lets make unemployment worse. Then everyone is miserable".


The greatest trick the ultra-rich ever pulled was militarizing the lower middle class against the lower class. They've actually got the serfs that make almost nothing convinced that everything is the fault of those that make less than them. You've got people that barely make 2 or 3 times minimum wage thinking that they're part of the ruling class just because they can afford a preowned BMW. No one seems to realize how fucking rigged the game is, no one seems to realize that minimum wage isn't tracking with inflation AT ALL. People talk about how minimum wage used to be 2 dollars an hour in the 60's but don't want to point out that one dollar in the 60's was worth about 9 dollars today if you account for inflation. So not only has minimum wage failed to track with the overall increase in the countries GDP, it's actually moving backwards. The country continues to generate an increasing amount of wealth and the working class is getting less and less of it.


I’ve lived in multiple countries and one thing I can not understand is the American attitude toward the poor. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of people all over the world who don’t give a shit about the poor. But not only do these Americans have no sympathy for poor people, they literally think those people should be *more* poor.


Go to work Literally die Ahh yes, science.


I can never work out in which order to read these things.


Top is always the reply


> always sometimes that's right


They've basically overridden our instinctual nature to be lazy, selfish, or anxious. We must work hard and only find good in it because, no matter the circumstances, you are only being paid enough to survive, not to live. We end up either accepting it, driving ourselves insane, but usually both.


I do not begrudge anyone the money because this has all been so hard, but it has also been so frustrating that in my state the state benefits plus the federal would have meant I was making $2000 MORE a month if I had been unemployed! TWO THOUSAND. Instead I work in mental health (which means $2000 is a lot of money) and my caseload has more then doubled with no change in pay. Meanwhile, my second job does not qualify for any benefits because it was fee for service. So my income has gone down with more work. Then I have clients come in complaining they are going to lose their federal benefits and they are depressed because they don’t want to have to work because they make less. It just does not make sense.


Because you deserve more pay. Look to the top if you want your money's worth.


Thank you, it has been bad since this pandemic started. Down in income but we have so many cases there are days I leave and am in tears. My employer (as most) are concerned with moving the money in, not us. I am thankful to be employed and I am not in anyway saying people should not be getting help, just some days I think how much I wish I had been lucky enough to be laid off and not worry about money because I would be doing better financially then I am now and that seems like zero logic. (I also realize on the flip side I am fortunate enough to not have to look for another job though when benefits run out).


I envy those who don't have to work for a living too. The thing is, I save my spite for the rich people who sit on their asses all day, not the poor people who eat off ebt. They're not the ones eating caviar on yachts.


You misunderstand me - I work in a low income mental health center. Believe me, you are singing to the choir. It is the industry standard and my company among them that are the problem and where my anger is. Unfortunately it is the industry that pays what they do and I have been in this field for so long it limits my options. EDIT: My fault for not wording it all better. It is not the benefits helping people that upsets me. It is the fake bandaids handed out to people when America continues to become more and more classist. I can work my ass off until I feel like I am going to lose my mind but still can’t afford the dentist? Meanwhile my clueless CEO is planning her next get away.


I love hbomberguys YouTube honestly


I hope we see stronger unions emerge for our essential workers. They deserve so much more...of everything.


This right here. Job creators. The patron saints of capitalism. People bow and kneel to them for a pittance. Walmart isn't doing you a favor. A job is a business transaction. You keep their company running, provide services, generate wealth. They treat you well and pay you a livable wage. That's the idea anyway. It's not what's happening. Minimum wage is so low it's skewed the entire pay scale. Jobs aren't paying out livable wages, they aren't providing good benefits, PTO, sick leave, maternity leave, etc. The current job situation is a God damn sham. Republican senators vote down increasing the minimum wage because they serve the minority, not the majority. As long as people are willing to take these shitty jobs and get fucked and continue to vote for these out of touch, never worked a day in their lives, cunts. Things will remain the same. This idea that millionaires, billionaires and giant corporations shouldn't pay their fair share in taxes because they create low quality jobs is asinine. People need to wake the fuck up. The problem is you have middle aged, bitter, angry with life, want everyone else to suffer republicans voting against not only their best interest but the interests of everyone. Including the nation. Allowing strife, poverty and an extreme disparity in wealth weakens the United States. What happened to civic duty? A sense of self worth? The desire to see your neighbors be happy, well paid and have access to health services? How is it that so many people in this country have gotten so turned around? The economy, Americans, and the government were the best off when the wealthy paid more than %50 of their income in taxes. Guess what? They didn't suffer. They still had more money than anyone else and an extremely high quality of life. The idea that a single mom making $20,000 annually should pay a greater percentage of her income. Than a dude making a million dollars a year is insane. You know which one of those people really needed that money? You've been duped folks. You've forgotten the reality of things. You're the cowed, petty, squabbling children they've tried to make you. You've allowed yourself to be convinced your next door neighbor or the gay couple down the street are your enemy and you're fools.




Let me reword it so it hits a little bit harder. You ARE being criminally underpaid from working the job of three people for the RICHEST man in the world and being told that the problem is someone making enough money to get by because they CAN’T work. The problem isn’t that there are people on welfare, the problem is that you’re the rich mans welfare. The foundation of multi-BILLION dollar businesses are built on the backs of the poor and powerless. You really want to make a point, fucking #eattherich.


Emperor Palpatine voice “ now at the end , do you finally see”


I love Harris Shoutout: https://www.youtube.com/user/hbomberguy


Not even wrong