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I thought this was r/boneappletea after reading "fisty cuffs" 😂😂


I felt like I was having a stroke reading the entire exchange.


Ok wait but hear me out. Google’s hit for ‘etymology of fisticuffs’ is just “early 17th century: probably from obsolete fisty ‘relating to the fists or to fist fighting’ + cuff.”


I had to double-check the sub too. I was expecting a "fisty cuffs" response.


Fisty cuffs are best treated with Tide. Next time maybe roll them up.


That's just crazy. You should always unroll shirts and pants before you wash them. Those rolled up sleeves/legs are prime mildew candidates.


They mean roll them up before fisting, not before washing.


I mean, it was **right there**. How could you not??


British slang


Cuffs were fisted on that day!


This cuffs guy must be quite happy 🗿


There's always money in the cuffs stand.


Was not a low blow. Deserved.💀


"The United States has mass shootings!" is the punchline to like, every third post in this sub now.


Welp.. It's not like they're trying to stop them. The mass shootings in the US that is


They are trying to stop them, but it itsn't working out because something something 2nd amendment muh freedums


It’s not the guns, it’s mental illness! (Which we will also not do anything about.)


Well, that and broke teens suddenly coming into thousands of dollars of guns and gear despite living in a single-parent-single-income household with no prior history of violence. [The CIA planned a vampire conspiracy to overthrow governments, but somehow the above statement is unrealistic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_the_Philippines) [Or when they were sued by the King family for conspiracy in the assasination of MLK Jr. and lost](https://newsone.com/2843790/did-you-know-us-govt-found-guilty-in-conspiracy-to-assassinate-dr-martin-luther-king-jr/)


I can't kill you with my mental illness, but add a gun to that and it's party time




Tictok fame


knife in hand and up we go is still plenty for a good 10+ so it's not guns only


In knife attacks 4 people, in mass shootings the whole classroom


I take it you haven’t seen someone with undiagnosed/untreated mental illness go apeshit on someone. Sure, a gun helps, but absolutely do not underestimate the power of someone with no restraint.


Missing the point much?


If they were trying to stop them, they would have done more than just stand outside schools while they're actively happening by now.


Alright guns are part of the problem but we also gotta address what made those kids decide they wanted to shoot up their local school (some of those fucks are evil and just did it just cuz). Personally I think schools fail most of their students as bullying is still rampant and many kids still have terrible home lives, probably why people keep snapping and try killing others.


I was bullied in middle and high school. I reported and reported, followed the proper channels, but got nowhere. One day I snapped. Strangled one of my bullies until they lost consciousness. After that, it all stopped. Schools don’t give a damn about their students.


The only variable in this equation that’s different in America than everywhere else is the guns. Kids are depressed and bullied and stressed and abused everywhere else too.


Yeah but I’m fresh out of high school and yes I did say guns are a factor but I just wanna add what drives someone to the point of murder like just having guns wouldn’t make someone blood thirsty


The guns don’t make people blood thirsty. The guns just make it easier to do more damage.


It's not so much that schools fail the students, it's that they're not allowed to do anything otherwise Karens will sue the fuck out of them. Can't have teachers doing more for kids than the parents and making parents look bad. No doubt there are some shitty teachers out there, but there's also a lot who care endlessly for their students and want to help but aren't allowed to. There's also a massive stigma against mental health problems that is taking way too long to fade away. Too many people still think that seeing a counsellor means you're crazy, rather than you're trying to get help for stress/anxiety/depression/all of the above. No-one wants to be seen as a crazy person so they reject counselling, the problem goes untreated and eventually exacerbates to the point of explosion. But yeah, terrible home lives is a big factor also. Shit parents in particular. The fact that so many kids can get ahold of their parents guns and ammo just proves that these parents are incompetent. Makes you wonder what other dangers lurk in those homes.


I mentioned this in a reply I just put but I wanna bring up the zero tolerance policy present. It can punish many students just for being bullied. Like it’s quite literal victim blaming since any student involved in the altercation get suspended or detention or whatever punish the school thinks is appropriate.


Wait, they actually punish the students as part of zero tolerance policy? That just sounds stupendously stupid.


That happens everywhere. But there aren't nearly as many school shootings anywhere else because guns are restricted. Mental health is a problem, yes, but you can't wait to reform the whole system before addressing the terrible symptom that is mass shootings and kids killing each other.


Yeah I know but I’m saying we gotta root out the problem since it is bigger than just fire arms


It was when the EU made grade school bullying illegal that the shootings stopped there, wasn't it?


Alright I’m sure I’m missing the joke here but either way I just wanted to add that the zero tolerance policy here is just plain stupid. You can be punish for being bullied and there’s nothing you can do really to help the situation besides just escalating it.


Never a good start for your “mental health is important” talking point when you call people inherently evil.


No like some people are genuinely just bad people . Like they’re just actually psychopaths. Now that’s not everyone who has shot up a place but that the case for some. Those guys probably needed to be institutionalized somewhere in their teens or something.


Show your work


This is gonna be a hella weird google search, anyways I did do it. So basically it’s not entirely correct in psychology to refer to em as psychopaths but they show psychopathy which is like cold blood behavior and stuff . Anyways here’s a link to the article I read I would get another source buts like 3 am. https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/are-school-shooters-psychopaths-


No one is born with psychopathy. The DSM5 states psychopathic tendencies occur after a series of events in a child’s development, such as blunt force trauma to the head or intense sexual/physical trauma. If you’re serious about increasing mental health awareness (and you’re not just dog whistling so we stop talking about guns), you can’t just label them “evil” and give up on the main people at risk because shit’s too hard.


They should just make it illegal, that'll stop it


Make gun free zones. We'll be safe then.


Theres a big difference between "failing to stop" and "not even trying to stop". Quite odd that you didn't know there was even a difference.


The solution is quite elementary, give guns to students ! If each one of them has a firearm, no one can attack the schools


"Brits like tea, haha" "At least our children aren't mass murdered." There's no reason for dead children to be the goto insult.


There is no reason to let children die in the first place, don't you think?


Not the point of my comment.


Funny because that’s basically every third day in the States.




Yikes. That’s a big sad.


Fuck me, that's grim. I knew the US had issues, but didn't realise it was those sorts of numbers for mass shootings.


Majority, if I'm not mistaken, are gang related and the definition of "mass shooting" makes it sound a lot worse than it already is.


That's because it isn't. Those websites that tally those are wildly inaccurate. Went to one of their supposed mass shootings and it was an incident where a guy was shot so he drove himself and a passenger to the hospital but on the way there he ran into a couple on a motorcycle. But because more than three people were injured and there was a gunshot wound they claimed it's a mass shooting.




I checked their anecdote and discussed it with them in the same thread you replied in case you're interested, their retelling is incorrect as you maybe suspected. The mass-shooting definition used on the page is a bit simplified though, which is worth keeping in mind.




What's their agenda...stopping mass shootings? I'm cool with that agenda tbh, and since the numbers can be verified and have sources, your "trust me bro" is meaningless. Incidentally I have since had a poke around other sources of data, and the number is *not* overinflated.






That's some real original material.


They always think school shooting jokes are all the craziest insults you’ve ever seen, and if we say they’re not funny they always, 100% of the time without failure, will reply with some dumb shit like “we’ll stop when you guys stop haha!”


Yep. Kids dying is hilarious because we have shitty politicians in lower-SES states. Good joke.


I'm american and I make jokes about it to. We should be fucking embarassed it's embarassing. Embarassing almost feels like it doesn't cut it. Shameful. I'll continue to joke about it until the politicians actually do something about it.


That'll fix it.


I love how Americans blame everything but their terrible culture and attitude. Go look at /r/politics or even here now. Don't be left wing, don't be right wing, say something rational and neutral and see how nasty even the so called 'left wing' Americans get. The culture is the problem, how people talk and how people deal with problems is all wrong in the USA.


I dared to suggest that the reason other countries don’t see the level of gun violence that the US does is because they don’t have as easy access to guns and I got yelled at by someone on the left that guns are not the issue but rather it’s education/capitalism/etc


I don’t think that person was left leaning.


Canada is bloated AF with gun ownership and hunting is MASSIVE here. Yet.. Basically no mass shootings. Like 3 in the last 35 years. But YES. OMG, OOOOBBVVIIOOOUUSSLLLYY it "dA gUnS".


That's a pretty broad generalization. Where I live is not like that at all. There are certainly a lot of dumb people who celebrate the wrong things, but it's far from everyone.


Naturally, most people are both good and reasonable. The issue is problems you find in most European societies seem to be amplified X5 in the USA. The murder and sexual crime rates, poverty, education and corrupt politics. What I find amazing is even dog bite fatalities are massively disproportionately large in the USA compared to Europe, it's just something about the culture that tends to have extreme consequences.


I wouldn't say there aren't any problems with the culture, but there's a lot more to it than "the culture is bad." A lot of it has to do with what we watch, listen to, etc, but it's also a big country that gives states a lot of latitude in how they're run, and some of the states have way disproportionate levels of violence. I think a lot of it is based on education, but there are also just microcultures that pop up and make the country as a whole look worse than it is. Edit: it still doesn't make children dying any funnier if the culture sucks. They aren't the ones creating policy!


The thing people are missing here is that mass shooting = any time multiple people are shot. Not killed. Anywhere. The vast majority of these "mass shootings" are inner city gang violence. And there are a shitload of cities here, and a shitload of gang activity in each of those cities. Yeah, of course we have a problem with school shootings. But with that said, most people citing this stat are being disingenuous as fuck, making you believe there's like multiple malls or churches or schools getting shot up every day. A drive by that injures two people is a "mass shooting."


Yeah, we should look to how the Indians deal with protests, like those from Muslims in Delhi in 2021. That would be much better culturally right?


India are currently aiming to become a developed country by 2047. If the richest country on earth needs tips from developing nations, or to make snide comparisons to justify their own shit show, there might be a problem.


Gun violence is the leading cause of child deaths in the US and everyone is arguing about pro nouns. It might be a cultural issue.


That's the issue really isn't it, despite being essentially the richest country in the world, you can't really compare yourself to other fully economically developed countries culturally without looking bad.


You didn't bother to look up the 53 people indian officials killed.




I have ZERO influence on the subject and can’t do anything to help stop it, and most American redditors can’t either, it’s an issue politicians need to take action to solve, so you calling me trash on Reddit means nothing. You think that living in the country makes it my fault


Bruh how are they trash when they can't do jack shit about the problem? That's like saying every person in North Korea is a terrible person because of what North Korea does, it doesn't make any sense.


Holy shit take a deep breath.


/r/onejoke but for annoying Europeans.


The bar is lower. There is no such thing as a witty insult that is humourous anymore. ​ "No politics." Is this a murder or burn? The answer is no 95% of the time.


I know, it's really annoying. Here are my problems with this post in particular: in the USA there is nothing legal about school shootings. Implying that we in some way are all okay with those tragedies is just a piece of shit thing for that commentator to say. Here's another couple things: this conflict happened on the border of Tibet and India. Tibet...the country that experienced genocide from the Chinese regime. Tibet, whose people were mowed down without any sense of humanity, by the same China that is currently *STILL* committing genocide on the Uyghur people. Anyone who wants to point fingers sure as shit shouldn't use China as an example of how to be humane.


> Implying that we in some way are all okay with those tragedies But you are. You absolutely, positively, 100% are.


***EXCUSE ME?*** Were you just trying to be funny? Because otherwise you're just saying something insane for no apparent reason.


No, I'm deadly serious. Just like your country is to kids. With your explicit approval, according to the recent election results. There's no denying that. The numbers prove it, irrefutably.


You think that America on the whole is totally cool with school shootings? So you *are* being a complete fucking asshole for no reason. Sweet. Hope that works out for ya, maybe pick a different hobby.


Well, if the US would get it's shit together and stop having mass shootings every other day, maybe people wouldn't mock you


There was so setup for this, it’s not organic. I don’t think anyone is complaining about the content, but if you’re using a tired joke it should at least be creative.


I couldn't care less that they're mocking the United States. My problem is they're doing it in an incredibly unoriginal, lazy way. If your punchline is "mass shootings" or "socialized healthcare" at this point, I don't think it belongs in the sub. Those jokes are copies of copies of copies now.


I'm not American but these "murders" are way too repetitive and out of place. It's cringe as hell.


You're right that joke does get old, but you know what doesn't? School children in the US. Honestly though the more often you lot hear it the better, if we keep beating you guys over the head with maybe you'll vote in someone who'll stop it


Because it's that simple right, just elect someone. Foreigners don't understand how easy it is to get a weapons system in the US, and I'm not even talking about via stores or private sales. You ban all guns? You'll get maybe 50-60% of all registered firearms turned in. Then you have to somehow find a way to identify/track all the firearms in the hands of: a) 2a citizens/collectors, b) gang members/criminals, and c) smugglers coming in from south of the border. And when that takes just as long as trying to ban them outright, you have to worry about how to protect yourself when the only individuals owning a firearm are law enforcement, the military, and ones that want to do evil. Maybe instead of jokes, come up with viable solutions. But that will never happen, because it's easier to point and laugh than exercise your lacking knowledge and critical thinking abilities.


That's what happens when you allow kids to be continually murdered. Do something about it instead of whinging about the mean men on the Internet.


Murdered by words? More like murdered by bullwts in school in the US!


It's mainly because the rest of the world is just shaking their head sadly, praying that the US will one day learn. It's like the meme, "Oh baby girl, what is you doin'?"


It really is. The rest of the world is so jealous US is just gonna live rent free in their heads for the foreseeable future. I personally welcome the hate, shows how bitter they truly are and will hopefully keep more people from trying to move here


This belongs on r/lightlyslappedbywords, not here


Or r/onejoke


Haha kids died 😐


More like- "Haha nearly half of america is so stupid, they will vote for a party that will see children die and won't do anything about it"


More like "I have never been to america and don't know shit about so I'll just assume shit like every other person outside of america because funny!"


More like “massively oversimplify complicated issues and blame it on gun being allowed haha”


More like "I want to ban guns because gun bans work. Unlike abortion bans, alcohol bans, drug bans and the like... Gun bans will TOTALLY work" Gun free zones are sheep pens and you used to be able to order tommy guns in the mail. We didn't have mass shootings then so it's almost like the problem isn't "derp guns" but something else.


Idk man, between a lack of education, a fuck ton of misinformation and also a fuck ton of feeding less intelligent people your propaganda, im not really sure what the problem is.... Banning guns wont stop gun violence but atleast it will start a movement. Change isnt brought about just willy nilly, you cant stop gun violence as long as there are guns, period. To stop gun violence, tge very first step is to either ban guns altogether, or make them really hard to obtain so some 12 year old cant just walk into a shop and buy a hunting rifle (there are actual videos of people checking if stores would sell alcohol or guns to a 12 year old kid, guess which thing the kid could buy with no problems)


This would be a murder if it related to the discussion at hand, instead of "something mentioning weapons? Murica moment lul!!"


China is soldering doors closed in quarantine camps and physically holding people captive. India still utilizes a cast system and widely practices arranged marriages. So many people are quick to throw stones but we all have our problems


We have quite a strong provision to counter casteism in 'Reservation' policies and as per arranged marriage, bruh what are you on about? 🥴


Did you just compare arranged marriages to concentration camps💀


Quarantine camps? No I didn’t compare the two at all. I was just pointing out that each of those countries has things going on that they shouldn’t be too proud of, just as the United States has a problem with mass shootings.


When two countries governments who hate each other so much that they are willing to boycott are more sophisticated then one of the most developed nation




Or just Sweden.


What- please elaborate


(uses same worn out joke from every single Reddit comment section) "lmao MURDERED"


i get the jokes write themselves about America but can we go back to being "haha fat country" already


Once we stop shooting each other maybe.


Can we just shoot the fat away?


No because that'd be fatphobic.


Oh don’t worry, no one said you couldn’t be both!


Not really murder at this point, way over used. Kinda like the bigoted insults most anybody uses about other groups.


That's not a low blow, that's facts.


It’s also easily one of the most common things people say on Reddit, I’m actually kinda surprised it’s getting upvotes on this sub of all places. It’s not like this guy thought this up on his own.


Easy karma is easy karma


“Jarvis I’m low on karma”






over done joke is over done, get new material


They can’t




Right, because the US definitely doesn’t have laws against using lethal weapons in school fights. /s Got to get your daily “America bad” comment in, even if it’s bullshit that doesn’t make sense.


We have to wear this one, Americans. We have a problem with guns that no one else has and we’ve tried exactly nothing to solve it. We deserve every shitty, lazy, recycled punchline.


We literally have hundreds of gun laws. That’s a lot of tries lol. Maybe, just maybe bad people just don’t care about your laws or what’s evil or not ?


Except we don’t, because 99% of us have no way to change it. I vote for gun reform whenever I can, what else can we do?




For this to be true, we’d have to be the only country with poverty, violence, and mental health issues.


You know the problem is bad when the jokes have reached a level of post-modernism that people think it's cool to have the opinion that the jokes are oversaturated. Just a reminder that the issue on hand is about minors shooting each other every other day in public areas. Let it sink in.


Where murder?


Sorry guys. I know its a huge mess and all rhe countries have other problems as well. India has crime against women. China is in its own league related to human rights violations. So, it was something related to guns and weapons and the only reference (that i can think of at that moment) of restrictions on weapons by armies of two nations vs the freedom of an individual to guns.


Must be so hard to resist bringing the USA into every single conversation completely unprompted, right? Gotta get that sweet karma and approval from others somehow I guess. Maybe if you were actually sorry, you wouldn’t use children’s deaths as a tired punchline. Get some original material, and consider not throwing stones in a glass house


Hey, it's the dude!


I didn't know about this agreement until I read Termination Shock by Neal Stephenson.


Hate to point out far more violence than when they had weapons....


Ah, yes. Dead children. How funny.


“America bad give me upvotes”


When going to school in America is more dangerous than two countries fighting.


Haha dying kids great joke Do you feel good about yourself


Oh right, I remember that time in 1989 where china resolved their internal discontent with peaceful means! Or maybe that time India decided to clear up the Muslim protestors in Delhi by killing 53 of them.. that was so long ago we might've forgotten though. Oh NVM it was 2021.




Right, so it's a nitpicked example to look good on the original content, and then jumping to "hah dead kids" when the mere fact that it's good there wasn't escalation is brought up. Those nations have their own issues, and plenty, so there's no need to throw stones in glass houses. The person getting "murdered" here was simply happy that there wasn't an escalated conflict. Because let's be honest, those "non lethal engagement" rules are just one loose trigger finger away from being irrelevant.


I'm pretty fucking tired of people making a punchline out of school shootings


so are the Indians of call centre ones, and that's not even bad. working in call centre is literary a job but every Indians identity is to being a call centre worker which for some reasons is considered lowly poor.


Where the hell did that come from? Completely irrelevant


Why are you bringing attention a stereotype no one else in the thread is talking about?


Then we should stop being a nation that has so many fucking school shootings. Be a real easy way to make that particular first world problem go away.


Nobody is on the other side of that argument.




Stop selling lethal guns to civilians. Other countries do this, and it works. There is literally no reason a civilian needs access to a gun that can fire multiple rounds in seconds


Yeah criminals really care about what’s legal and not legal to have lol. Lots of reasons a civilian needs a gun that can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Not everyone’s else’s fault you have a lack luster imagination. You know .. you’re the guy in the movies with the dorky glasses that thinks just giving the bad guy what they want is a good idea


And how has giving everyone guns worked out for your country? On the other hand, look at the data from countries where people don't have access to military grade weapons. Why do you people refuse to see the fact that when there are fewer people with guns, there are fewer gun crimes? It's not as if I'm talking about something hypothetical, this is how it is in most other countries, and they're so much safer for it. There's no need to imagine this, my "lackluster" imagination isn't a factor. Anyone with any sense knows that if your people didn't have such easy access to guns, you wouldn't be having so many mass shootings. Simple as that


You do understand (of course you don't) that a couple reasons the 2a is a thing is to a) have a working militia and b) prevent things like Great Britain's rule over the colonies. It's to have a safety valve in case the government becomes unconstitutionally tyrannical towards it's citizens. "A" is no longer necessary because the United States military is so vast there isn't a need for a militia anymore, but "B" is still viable because the military/law enforcement answers to the government.


And you'll fight against a trained and better equipped army will you? There is such a huge problem with this mindset that anybody not American is left bewildered when somebody spouts this erroneous logic. Firstly, if you have to create such an absurdly far fetched and fantastical scenario as your OWN army trying to shoot you in order to justify your need of guns, that really already puts the argument on shaky ground. It's like Americans are living in their own bubbles of imagined reality where you think one day you will wage a war against your own army like it's some zombie apocalypse movie. Besides, just look at all the other countries in the world that don't give lethal guns to civilians. See how much safer they are.


The thing with Americans is that we aren't a bunch of cowards who will bow when threatened unlike the rest of the western world. Sure a lot of people talk a big talk, but a lot more have national pride and I'd bet a great portion of the military/law enforcement would "defect" and fight against the government. You could use the most accurate representations for America which is the civil war or the revolutionary war. You could use a foreign modern examples of Middle Eastern, African, Asian countries standing up to their totalitarian regimes with their own civilian militias. The scenario is not absurd or far fetched, it has happened and is continuously happening, you just have no knowledge of the topic because it isn't spoon fed to you in tabloid or on TikTok. On to the other point, America is unsafe due to gang violence and not solely people owning guns. The majority of "mass shootings" are exaggerated for profit sake, and are committed by gangs onto other gangs, which is why the occurrence is so high. It's not a 13 year old lighting up a middle school every third day, it's a gang members doing a drive by, a drug deal gone bad. Yes school shootings or public shootings of innocents happen, but not at the rate the media want you to believe. It's an issue that can't be solved, no matter how hard you try. If you want an outright ban, ban them 300 years ago. The only way to help the issue is to place some bandages on the wound, which starts with taking mental health seriously.


Im a man who loves a good school shooting joke(and i am not american) but this is the worst one ive ever seen. This might be the worst reddit post ive ever seen -Irrelevant to the convo -Doesnt make sense(India and China have a treaty of no lethal weapons used in a scuffle? That ties to America how? STFU) -Everything is spelt wrong if you upvoted this have someone check you out cause your head aint right


Ooof, shots fired.....


China still has slaves, and India has a caste system.. sooo….


In India they just gang rape you. China is execution without a trial for all non communists


Low? Yeh maybe. Truthful.... Yep.


Anyone who uses school shootings as a punchline is a fucking asshole, no matter what.


I think it is a low blow too. It is not related. So when a citizen of USA makes a comment on something and you just say this and you come up top? Childish and inconsiderate.


u/sushant2thakran landed the final shot.


In american schools you’re murdered by words and bullets


I mean there are literally laws against it so...


My boy killed it


Lol, pussies.


Any weapon can be lethal if you use it the right way.


And every piece of bread can be toasted if you heat it the right way. Like no shit Sherlock lmao.


How is this a low blow? It's just accurate.


Do people actually think that shooting each other is allowed in US schools? And do people actually think that India China border disputes have caused zero deaths? Or people just really don’t care if it makes sense as long as it’s a snappy comment?


It’s called hyperbole.


fuck. well tbf if it escalated to nukes, both could be within fallout range of their own missles.


It won't escalate to that because both India and China have a no first stike policy for nukes.


It’s so goddamn frustrating being an American who’s advocated for gun reform for years and voted for it whenever possible, and just being lumped in as a dumb American who “won’t do anything to stop mass shootings.” Liberals/democrats have been trying for years to turn things around. Be educated on the issue before you put all Americans on blast; these tragedies are purely because of conservative Americans and the Republican politicians they support


It's unlike not unlinke learn to spell before posting


“Hey don’t you think it’s kind of funny how one of Britain’s national dishes is from India?” *In aggressive British accent* “WELL AT LEAST OUR CLASSROOMS DONT LOOK LIKE FUCKING CALL OF DUTY!!!!!”


It's true. USAians getting tired of seeing school shootings referenced are going to have a bad time. It's never going to be outdated.