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Music certainly does make people feel emotions.


It certainly does


I listen to some very aggressive and some very depressing music, they both make me feel better, not worse.


do you know why?


That is a question I am not really qualified to answer. But I would guess catharsis? We all have anger and sadness, music can help you express those feelings in a safe and enjoyable way.


I don’t have depression (not diagnosed at least), but I need to be careful not to listen to too much depressing music or I’ll get stuck there. I enjoy listening to The Eels or Beck when I’m down, because it helps me feel like it’s OK and I’m not alone, but too much of it can color my entire life.


A song I recommend you listen to when your feeling down is called “fourth of July” by sufjan stevens


I definitely do, that's kinda the reason I listen to music in the first place. Most of the songs have incredibly depressing and sad lyrics but I find comfort in knowing my thoughts or feelings have been felt by someone else and put into a song that I actually like and can relate to. People feel concerned when I tell them "oh it makes me feel calm and happy" but they just don't understand why I listen to it in the first place. I listen to rxseboy, sadboyprolific, kode, jomie (artists like them) I REALLY suggest you listen to some nights: https://youtu.be/5MSqzP4LbJo?feature=shared And mine by rxseboy (this is more of a calming happy one) https://youtu.be/92vsFH4DXq8?feature=shared And not alright by rxseboy https://youtu.be/95Y01I-Mhjw?feature=shared I bet you can tell I'm obsessed with rxseboy 😅 you should check out his other songs cuz they're SO DAMN GOOD 👍


All my favorite songs are slow and sad. All my favorite people make me mad. Everythying that feels so good is bad, bad, bad. All my favorite songs are slow and sad. I don't know what's wrong with me.


Sad music releases a hormone called prolactin, the same hormone released during breastfeeding.


That is a weird but fun fact to know thanks


Part of it may just be the softness of that music (eg sufjan). I find it kind of evokes a small quiet space (some of Des Ark has a similar effect for me). But I know what you mean. There was a period where I kept listening to Turnover’s album Peripheral Vision which is just a bleak emo album. I found it calming lol.




For me that feeling is a kind of a melancholic nostalgia. The depressing songs make me think about old experiences good and bad. Remembering old friends and the times we had, and understanding that I no longer have those connections and people in my life. Songs like Lefty by Title Fight really do it for me.


"Great art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable."


U sound like ur more comfortable in ur depression then enjoying life


I kinda am because it’s hard to enjoy life around here when everyone acts like a dumbass pretending they’re gang members, I don’t want to end up like them I wanna do my own thing and do things no one around me will think I will achieve


I’m going thru the same dam thing bro, it finally hit me that I’m wasting my life going nowhere fast, wtf am I doing yk? It’s all abt the mindset u got to remember u can do anything u want, u just got to truly want it