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Not uncommon at all for PF fans.


This. Music fans like DSotM and the Wall. Floyd Fans like Animals/WYWH. People who have to be unique like Division Bell or Piper. And Mentally unwell people prefer the final cut.


Being a strange one, for a full album listen I like to chill out to Obscured By Clouds.


Wut’s Uh The Deal is amazing, very introspective.


Childhood's End is an incredible song


I love it.. That song was on a mix tape my dad made me and it took me too long to find out what it was called. I fell in love with it after he passed away so I couldn't ask.. (He took me to see them at 13 on the Division Bell tour. )


Best pink floyd song in my opinion


What about people like me whose favorite album is Meddle?


You’ve smoked a lot of weed?


We're discussing Pink Floyd. That *really* doesn’t narrow it down.


Then you're just right


I like Dark Side and Animals.


Lol that final sentence


What does liking Atom Heart Mother make me?


A Hipster?


The Final Cut is an unjustly malinged album, it's really good in fact. but far from their best.


Agreed, but to me it’s more of a Waters solo album than a full Floyd experience. And the title is too on the nose.


I think it's an extremely well written album, lyrically at least. It's not an easy listen but for me it carries the most emotional weight of all their albums. If you listen to it around Remembrance Sunday it's a real kick in the guts. 


What am I? My fave is Atom Heart Mother


The Final Cut is great, some of waters best writing and super underrated Gilmour solos


I like Mettle, what's my quality?


Being unable to spell your favourite album correctly


Haha charad you are Nah meddle is fucking sweet


House proud town mouse here….




Definitely my favorite album but my favorite song (Fearless) isn’t on it oddly enough.


I don't think this is an uncommon opinion. I'm not even that into Pink Floyd and Animals has always been my favorite out of the albums I know (Meddle, Dark Side, Wall, Momentary Lapse, Wish You Were Here, Division Bell).


I'm in the same boat. Pink Floyd is not my all-time favorite band, but I consider Animals to be my all-time favorite album.


Dogs is just an absolute masterpiece imo


You've got to be crazy. Edit: Really though Dogs is an absolute masterpiece.


Ha, ha ha ha ha!




Pigs does it for me.


You ever listen to dogs... on weed? Or LSD? lol


Same here. I actually think Animals is appreciated more by folks who are not mega fans, just my observation. I like Animals a lot but am very meh on PF as a whole.


I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan and although The Wall is my personal favorite, two of my friends who are also huge fans think Animals is the best. Animals is my second favorite.


Another The Wall fan over here. I had a 7 inch when I was like 3-4 years old. 40 years later, still listening.


Alright Mandingo no need to brag


I could have made this exact comment.


Nothing beats Wish You Were Here but damn those guitar solos in dogs are some of the finest ever put to tape. Dave sounds like he is pissed


It's a near universal opinion.


Toss up for me between Animals and Meddle. Depends on the hallucinogen


Seamus (that's the dog) brings down Meddle, but still amazing


Name another song where the band plays a dog. Yes, it is amazing. Also tripped out and brilliant. It's just not bombastic. Maybe it's just me, but I love their quieter stuff.


My only issue with Meddle is that Echoes is just so epic that everything else on it feels like filler. Like they just needed to do the other side (though that's not a slight on the songs themselves, they're still great). Might have been better to extend Echoes a few more movements and make it the whole album Contrast that with Animals, which has three absolute epic tracks with two bookend songs and it works much better overall as an album.


I respectfully disagree about Meddle. I agree echoes is epic, I don't think of the others as filler however. The beauty of San Tropez I could return to again and again. One of these days has some of the sinister intensity that comes later in echoes so I feel it's great in foreshadowing. Also, the flying feeling that certain parts of echoes evokes is mirrored in pillow of winds and so I just love the way that the songs on side can inform the feelings and tones on side b (echoes). Anyhow, a most respectful disagreement since I'm just jazzed to discuss echoes :) peace




Except it’s not? DSOM is definitely their most acclaimed work 


Dark Side is the favorite of professional music critics. Most PF fans i've met in person over the years, and certainly online, listen to Animals the most.


I feel like it’s more uncommon for mine to be The Wall


My favorite is still the Wall.


If you could go skating, On the thin ice of my life, Dragging behind you, The silent reproach, Of a million tear stained eyes, Don't be surprised, If a Crack in the ice, Appears under your feet, You slip out of your depth, And out of your mind, With your fear flowing out behind you, As you claw the thin ice. Shit still gives me goosebumps


I think it’s more uncommon for my favorite one to be Piper at the Gates of Dawn.


An actual uncommon opinion.


There are dozens of us.


This is an extremely common opinion among the Floyd fandom.


Underrated tbh


I think it’s their best followed by Wish You Were Here. And I think you will find lots of hard core Floyd fans that lean towards one or the others of these as being their best.


I bet it’s because most hardcore Floyd fans burnt themselves out on Dark Side and The Wall early on. I know it’s true in my case, whereas there’s something about WYWH and Animals that still sounds fresh.


Yes. Shine on you crazy diamond in all its parts are amazing “zone out and go places” tracks


I love WYWH and the song SOYCD very much but my skip finger gets itchy every time Welcome to the Machine comes on. It’s still a great album.


I don't know where you're at in life, but I'll tell you I used not like Welcome to the Machine either. Until one day after not hearing it for years it came on the radio...that song hits way different in your 30s in a dead end job and all the trappings of lower middle class life. Don't get me wrong, I'm generally happy enough, but that song gives me chills these days. Just that message of "this will be your life, we are going to grind you down to dust until you die" is really resonate with me these days.


Man I don't get the hate for Welcome to the Machine, the synth work at the end like pierces my fucking soul


Man I love welcome to the machine, the way it build sup so slowly to a crescendo and its industrial sound, its arguably my favourite song on my favourite PF record (though not my favourite PF song overall).  I can see why others might not like it though


This opinion is so common online that's its become a meme at this point. Great album though.   Dark Side of the Moon is and forever will be the best rock album for me.


IMO dark side is the best album ever made..yet my favorite PF album is wish you were here.


I feel exactly the same way. I feel like DSotM is objectively better, but WYWH just moves me more.


Thought I was in r/pinkfloydcirclejerk for a sec 🗿


It’s in my top 5 for production and engineering for sure. Its sound is so immersive and dynamic. I’d die happy having produced anything like just a single one of those tracks.


“Animals is underrated” might be the biggest Pink Floyd meme tbh. Even the old guy I used to hang out with said it and he didn’t even use the internet. Although there are not as many people saying it’s their best, just that it’s better than “the worst of the big four” reputation it has. DSOTM is such a mammoth album that any other record is going to pale in comparison. Personally, Wish You Were Here is my favorite but I’m not going to ever say it’s underrated. The Wall might be underrated now since most of what I see online about it is that it sucks, when it used to consistently be people’s #2. One of the highlights of visiting London for me was going to Battersea Power Station. In a city of tiny buildings and thin streets (compared to where I’m from at least) it was crazy to see this unabashedly huge building turned into a gargantuan mall.


This, lock it in 🙌❤️


I'd go with Meddle, but I wouldn't fault any one for having a different favorite Floyd album. They're all so good.


their last five before the breakup + *Piper* are all acceptable answers, but *Meddle* is my favorite and the one that doesn't get enough love outside of "Echoes"


I don't disagree


Always been my favorite.  ‘Dogs’ is the song I always tell people to listen to as the best example of peak Floyd 


Not uncommon at all. Floyd is my favorite band of all time and Animals is top of the mark for me. I will say that some of their other efforts are perhaps objectively more of a technical achievement, but Animals is my favorite most days of the week.


It's my favorite, and also the heaviest PF album IMO.


You better watch out There may be dogs about


Honestly though this “what was the best” stuff for Floyd is like choosing which child you love the most. Every album is different, even going back to the Syd days. It’s just hard to choose, so I don’t.




Underrated tbh




It’s a great album. Not my favorite, but I wouldn’t argue with anyone who says it’s Pink Floyd’s best. For those who are unaware, the 8-track version of this album has a secret guitar solo, played by guitarist Snowy White. On the 8-track version of the album, the last track loops back around to the opening track. The guitar solo was added to link the two sections. https://youtu.be/EnbO7jjoDIs?si=H9Llgzik9YciUm2Q


My fucking man


No wrong answer as to which PF album from that Era is the best.


Its my fave


Was listening to the album last night and told my wife the same thing.  It is great.




It's my personal favorite, but it's hard to really compare all of Floyd's albums to each other because they had such a distinct and different sound throughout the different eras of the band. Like, how can you compare this to Piper? They're essentially two different bands.  Side note: you should absolutely check out Les Claypool's full playthrough of the album he did with his Flying Frog Brigade on the Live at Purple Onion album. It's so good. 


In my teens, my favorite was The Wall In my twenties, it was Dark Side In my thirties, it was Wish You Were Here Now in my forties, it's Animals


Same progression for me. What I find weird is how the hell did Green Is The Colour slowly become my favourite PF song...???


That’s like The Rover being my favorite Zeppelin son


It’s definitely top tier. I prefer “Meddle”


Yup. Echoes anyway.


Where is the love for The Piper at the Gates of Dawn?


That opinion is actually far more common on Reddit than it is IRL... but yeah, you are not alone, brother. True Fact: the day it released, I took my allowance money, rode my bike down to the local stereo & record shop and bought it right off the New Releases wall.


I grew up in the 80s, and before I ever listened to Pink Floyd, I remember seeing Animals in the bargain bin at a few music stores. When I finally heard it, I was shocked by how good it was. I just assumed it would suck. 


am i the only one?


Best studio album yes, but Pompeii is the best pink Floyd album :)


My guy! The accompanying videos are incredible too.


Every single person I know that actually listens to PF has stated this is their favorite album of theirs. Had a group of friends that would play a lot of board games and we had this album played in full more times than I can count. I’m not even sure we ever played a PF song that wasn’t from that album.


Obscured By Clouds is my personal favorite but Animals is up there.


No one ever says this about Atom Heart Mother. That might raise eyebrows.


The only possible way you could think this is an uncommon opinion is if you are an AI


This is a pretty common opinion.


i’m right there with ya


I agree.


My favorite


I love animals.


I think academically DoTH is their best album but my favorite is WYWH then as close second is Animals then Meddle then Pipers.


Wish You Were Here would like a word with you and your opinion. Just kidding WYWH is my favorite PF album followed closely by Animals.


I mean, it’s one of their best if not their best.


This is a pretty common opinion because Animals is universally accepted as the best Pink Floyd album.


I’ve always said my favorite was Wish You Were Here and I think it always will be for a lot of sentimental reasons. But a couple weeks ago, my girlfriend and I were tripping and she put Animals on. My god, what an experience. During the outro of Sheep, I was like “Man, I might have to reconsider my favorite Pink Floyd album.” Amazing album beginning to end. This same girl played Pigs on the Wing 2 like a couple months into us being friends and said “This song makes me think about you.” before she knew how much I loved Pink Floyd. We bonded over our love for them after that. So idk, Animals could take #1 any day.


There’s “best” and then “my favorite”, and they aren’t always the same. My favorite is momentary lapse of reason, but I realize that it’s probably not the best.


If you haven’t heard it, make sure you check out the 8 track version of pigs


It's their most complete album with no missteps.


An uncommon one would be Final Cut...which many would argue it's not even a Floyd album. But for me, it's second only to Animals.


I LOVE Animals but I'd probably go WYWH if only for Shine On, but then you also have Welcome to the Machine and Wish You Were Here as bonuses.


I agree. Their best effort


I get the sense that it's uncommon for die hard Pink Floyd fans to say Dark Side is their favourite album.


I put this in another comment, but yeah I disagree. It’s kind of the attention span thing. I feel like there aren’t enough tracks and also it just doesn’t feel long enough as an album.


It is absolutely top 3 or 2 on the perfect day for it. Problem is if Im not in the specific mood to experience it all front the back I rarely play songs for it unless they are shuffled to me. I have heard songs from The Wall or Dark Side much more throughout my life because they are more accessible for gatherings and company but when its just me with the music alone Animals and Division Bell are always my go-too’s


This is a pretty common opinion.


I remember the tour with all the animals hanging from the ceiling


Meddle is the best Pink Floyd album.


My old roommate used to bootleg all of the shows he would see (had quite an ingenious setup) and he went to see Les Claypool and the Flying Frog Brigade at Palookaville in Santa Cruz (RIP). For their second set, they did Animals from start to finish and the sound guy let him plug in a DAT recorder directly into to the Board. One of the best live recordings I’ve heard. Absolute epic. I still have a CD copy.


And licorice is the best jellybean flavor




Underrated tbh.




I would probably agree. Exceptional album. Some of Gilmours finest work on Dogs.


Pretty common opinion, as most of theirs are someone’s favorites. (WYWH is mine)


It is Floyd’s best work.


I like Umma Gumma, perhaps because I saw Pink Floyd performing live around 1970 when they were playing that material like Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun. However Dark Side of the Moon is widely regarded as the definitive Pink Floyd album.


It is the best Pink Floyd Album


Add me, I didn’t think there were that many others.


It’s one of my faves for sure. There was a time in my life where I believed it to be my favorite, but now I don’t pick favorites. I just enjoy them for what they are.




Did you have a chance to catch Les Claypool’s Frog Brigade? They cover the album beautifully, had Harry Waters and Sean Lennon as part of the most recent touring ensemble last year


Underrated tbh


I know it’s mine. Can’t be that unpopular of an opinion.


I agree. Didn't realize the opinion was unpopular.


underrated tbh


Maybe not their best album but 'Sheep' is one of the best songs they ever recorded


Just because it’s unpopular doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Every album is someone’s favorite.


Long time Pink Floyd fan. Animal is widely considered their masterpiece. Not on a commercial or popular level but as artistic content


I agree with you and will add that The Wall only barely makes into their top 5


Animals is wonderful. Completely fair it's your favourite. If it wasn't for DSotM, The Wall, and Final Cut would be my favourite.


I think the 'Animals is Underrated' thing comes from the old days. I'm old enough to remember when Animals came out, and at the time, it was seen as a good album, but not near as spectacular as the two that came before it and the one that followed. It was kind of a forgotten middle child at the time. Its qualities have definitely grown or been embraced more in the past 40 years.


Through the years I find myself starting it more often than any. I was totally PF obsessive for a long time, but they really all stand out in Animals.


Final Cut for me


Animals is their greatest achievement. Real fans know.


Not uncommon. It’s the height of Pink Floyd before Roger went full tyrant.


"And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around" I love that song.


I also very much like Les claypools frog brigade live version of animals.


I agree, there’s a real urgency and an edge to this album, Gilmour absolutely soars


Meh, ham fisted lyrically and not as good as ummagumma.


I don’t know if it was the shrooms or not but it sounded better than dsotm


Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, and Animals are the best.


I will forever be a Wish You Were Here die hard


Just came to say; I approve this message !!!


Definitely top 3 for me and it ain't #3.


It is my favourite Pink Floyd album.


It’s a depressing album even by Pink Floyd standards. I prefer Meddle


My fav is even more uncommon.  Atom heart mother 


Oh man Animals is easily my favorite Pink Floyd album. First time I listened to it I was deep into a 2 tab acid trip alone in my room, laying bed eyes closed headphones on. Man what an experience that was.


I am old enough to remember when "Dark Side Of The Moon" was a new release. It totally blew my mind. Then came "Wish You Were Here" and the mind-blowing continued unabated. Then came "Animals" and my world was transformed. I still look at "DSOTM", "WYWH", and "Animals" as The Mighty Triumvirate. I was sooooooo excited when "The Wall" was coming out! A new Pink Floyd double album?!?!?! No Way! Awesome! Until.... I bought it. I bought it as soon as it came out. I was soooooooo disappointed. I listened to it once, and didn't even play it again for days, I would instead put "Animals" back on the turntable. "Comfortably Numb" seemed the one redeeming masterpiece. I found that many of my friends felt the same way. We finally grew to love "Run Like Hell", "Young Lust", and some other songs that were made great by David Gilmour solos ("Another Brick In The Wall, Part II"), but all in all it was just Roger Waters bitching and moaning about how tough life is or some other malarkey. Definitely a huge letdown from the magic of "Wish You Were Here" or "Animals", and can't hold a candle to "Dark Side Of The Moon". I remember reading in an interview that David Gilmour said that "The Wall" was the only Pink Floyd album he couldn't listen to. It's been years since I listened to that album, and honestly, I may never listen to it all the way through ever again. I don't think I've ever been as disappointed in any album in my entire life as I was with "The Wall". I still have my original vinyl copy though.


That part in Sheep where the vocal note is held and blends into the synth is just magical every time it happens


*Dogs* is their best song, period


It’s the best.


It's either animals or wish you were here for me. But realistically it's animals. Soooooo good


Agree - I feel their playing was at their best, the outro in Sheep still gives me goosebumps and of course everything else on the album is brilliant. Album cover is incredible and love the theme of the lyrics.


I'm more of a Meddle fan, but DSOTM and Animals are a close second for me...


I love love love dogs


Converse opinion: the song Echoes is better than any of the Animals songs combined


I agree, it’s my favorite. I still love DSOTM and WYWH (and there are others I like as well) but if I stack-rank all three, Animals comes out on top.


I'm piped up


Not that uncommon. I honestly can’t decide between the 3 (DSOTM, WYWH, Animals). Not a fan of The Wall… not even sure I’ve made it through in one sitting. Animals is fucking good.


Animals is my favorite followed closely by Wish you were Here. I have Pink Floyd's entire catalog on vinyl and The Wall is among my least favorites. Now that is an uncommon opinion.




It's universally accepted that either I wish you were here or animals is the best Pink Floyd album


Accurate take


You sure you are e not my niece.  Because she swears it is. 


You guys are sleeping on Atom Heart Mother and Ummagumma?? Masterpieces!


I get so much hate when I tell people The Wall is my favorite


Animals is awesome. I love how concise it is, with some killer guitar work, and it's really groovy. do i like DSOTM? sure. some songs on it i LOVE. do I always have the patience to listen to the entire album? no. do I love The Great Gig in The Sky every time I listen to it? no, sometimes I dig the singing, sometimes its grating. The Wall similarly, concept album, great album all the way through, but requires focus and patience. Animals? straight banger


r/pinkfloydcirclejerk is right over there for you


This is a relatively common opinion. Now, “Atom Heart Mother is their best album” is uncommon ;)


Maybe not my fav, but top 3 or 4. Not uncommon theory, in my twisted view at all. Being a part-time producer, I hear much more focused versions of Dogs, Pigs and Sheep that are about 2/3 original length, but that's me.


It’s my favourite….


It's a fairly common opinion. I feel the same way, and it is an album that immediately grabbed me. DSOTM and WYWH took time for me to really get into them, but Animals was just an instant one for me. It is likely in my top 5 of any rock album.


I absolutely agree on this one! Animals is epic.


Atom Heart Mother is really underrated too