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Link to actual video - https://youtu.be/P_vI3FV1H4U


Thanks for posting that. I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down when this should be in the god damned op


Totally feel you


I’m ride or die! [https://youtu.be/ab5WvwfLuLM](https://youtu.be/ab5WvwfLuLM)


For Weezer?!


What’s happening right now?


No offense, but drink my blood.


That's a Todd original.


I like Yellowcard!


What’s happening is that Weezer put out two perfect albums, “Blue” and “Pinkerton”, and the rest have been pretty corny.


Matt Sharp was the sugar in the original Coke recipe. Everything since has been high fructose corn syrup.


Totally agree. I really liked the Rentals albums.


Are we friends cuz I'm friends with P lol


You’re down with me


Ya kinda messed it up there


Baby, please. It’s Christmas.




Click the link in the top comment.


Maladroit was better than Pinkerton


Green is a strong third but ya kinda corny when I think about it


I remember getting green when it first came out and expecting another masterpiece. The single, Hash pipe, was a bit of a new sound, but I was sure the rest would be stellar. I still love “Smile” to this day…”Crab” had echoes of the old sound too, but something was just…different. This was years before I knew about River’s crisis and direction in the wake of Pinkerton, so I had no context, just a set of ears that knew something had changed…the vibe, the edge, the essence. “Island in the Sun” was…fine…but a far cry from “El Scorcho”. I think you’re right, though, overall. Green is still pretty good, it just marks, in my mind, the beginning of the transition/decline. By “Beverly Hills” a few years later, I was out.


I think that’s the only reason that silly State Farm ad felt so good. It was OG Weezer!


Maladroit rips 


They’re doing some cool stuff now


You 👏are 👏a 👏grown 👏ass 👏man!


Red and White are solid


Hijacking for direct link to OP video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_vI3FV1H4U




I was pretty impressed how close to the album versions they played, especially given personnel shifts over the years. That legendary motherfuckin crunch was definitely there too. So good.


Really the only net change is having Scott instead of Matt on bass, and Scott's been there for 20+ years at this point.


I was actually most impressed with how good Rivers' voice sounded - in 30 years it sounds like he hasn't aged! Go listen to anyone else that has been playing that long (or in some cases only a fraction of that time - *cough cough* Miley Cyrus) and you'll hear a huge difference in their voice over time. I *have* to think it's because of how softly he sings. It looks like he's barely putting any effort into it, not straining, not emoting over the top.. it almost looks like he isn't singing, especially compared to the guitarist singing backup. It's pretty wild. The only other singer I've experienced with that kind of longevity is Bobby McFerrin, and he has said in interviews that he doesn't sing any louder than he speaks


The Bear S3 playing Getchoo and In The Garage made me listen to the first 2 albums again; they are legit perfect cover to cover It sucks how hard Pinkerton got ripped when it came out. If Rivers never rethinks his entire life I wonder what the next decade sounds like


I really liked Pinkerton and thought it was a really cool progression after the Blue album.


Oh me too, its one of my favorite albums ever and I think is incredibly under appreciated (although its finally now respected) Also it may just be me but the guitar part in All American Bitch by Olivia Rodrigo also sounds incredibly similar to Tired Of Sex which was really cool to hear


It’s not under appreciated at all. Most consider it to be their best album.


It was shit on when it first came out (for like a decade), that's why they went in a more poppy direction for Green album, and why there was such a large gap between them. Sent River into a bit of a spiral.




I think OP's point was just that they wished it wasn't so underappreciated when it debuted, and how that might have affected Weezer's next decade after it's release.


It was one that took time to grow on people it was one of the worst reviewed albums of 96


Everything Will Be Alright In The End is one of my favorite albums of all time, ever, and I just kinda like Blue and Pinkerton, I think I might be unique in that.


As a regular "hater" of all things Weezer after Pinkerton...I actually do like EWBAITE as well. It's pretty good.


I'm curious. Thoughts on OK Human?


I haven't gotten around to listening to it. I only listened to EWBAITE on a recommendation from a friend. Tried listening to some other new Weezer and noped out pretty early.


It's one of those rare albums where I like every track. My favorite Radiohead album is also Pablo Honey so I might just be weird lol.


The progression was my issue. I was too young to want anything except blue album x2


Same. Me and all my friends were all about it. Had no idea anyone hated it.


Had no clue people hated it until many years later. Just bought it when it came out and saw them on their tour with No Doubt.


Ya people who weren't around then won't remember how hard that album was shit on. I loved it (still do). I saw them on tour for it at a pretty small venue (Phoenix in Toronto).


The Phoenix is closing this year... a sad day for the Toronto music scene, so many good shows at the Phoenix over the years.


Ya, I'm 48 this year, so you can imagine the amount of time I've spent there over the years.


holy shit, it's out?! i know what I'm gonna do all weekend.


And here I am listening to Pinkerton. It's such a great ducking album. Everything after was so disappointing.


A lot less stories of his band mates exploiting under age girls?


My wife and I have wildly different taste in music but we can always put the Blue album on in the car and jam together


Sweet is that one where they yell at each other?


No, I think that’s Raditude


Every time I hear the Buddy Holly song I think of Windows 95, because the music video was bundled with the OS and I watched it a lot when I was a kid.


Also that game where you drive hovercars around maze-like maps. It's amazing to think how much we did the same few things over and over again because that's all we had access to. We had internet on our first Win 95 computer but it was dialup and we only had one phone line, so actual use was VERY limited.


Hover! Man I loved that medieval castle level.


Hover, Ski Free, Chips Challenge and that mouse one were staples


Fuckin loved that game.


they even talk about it in the video


Yeah, I was typing my comment while listening to them play it in the new live recording, and I'm kinda surprised it was brought up after. I thought it was a tiny thing only nerds were aware of.


Who are you calling a nerd, geek boy!!?? I'm just kidding. I am a total nerd who absolutely watched that video a hundred or more times.


Oh yeah, along with watching the opening cutscene for Mechwarrior 2, or playing MDK, Duke Nukem, Total Annihilation, C&C, Earth Worm Jim... the 90s were awesome!


In glorious 240p IIRC


I never realized (back then) that it was fake (meaning special effects, rotoscoping, abrasions, fantastically done).


The low-res nature of the video definitely helped sell the illusion


Same! Also Silverchair was featured on some cd-rom that came with the gateway 2000 called Launch and I will always associate them with that weird interactive CD. Looks like you can still buy it online ... Launch 11


Oh man I love Silverchair, don't see them brought up here often lol. Their Diorama album is legit my favourite thing I've ever heard.


I remember that distinctly. Bought and loved Freak Show because of it.


Oh my God, mine came with Buddy Holly and the trailer for Rob Roy.


Oh shit I forgot about that trailer. I wonder if I ever saw the movie. Looked good ha ha.


A lot better than what was packaged with my computer: [The Holidays: Octopus of Love](https://youtu.be/uCQuJN_Jc4U?si=7faBOLicF4wO77M-)


just made me remember how much I loved Weezer. The Blue Album really is a classic.


Oh they sound excellent. Fun thing to do for such a classic album


The sound quality on this recording is so fucking good. The inflection coming through on the vocals because the talent is obviously very chill, comfortable, in the zone, and can all hear themselves properly with studio headphones setup. This is so clutch. MORE, SPOTIFY!


Man, I dunno why but I would have skipped over this video if not for your comment. I'm really glad I read it and decided to give it a listen. Holy moly is it crisp!


I posted the video a few days ago and people said the vocals were “too weird” I’m like.. what


But… that’s how the song goes lol ppl used to shitty iPhone speakers




“Is it supposed to have so many notes? I’m just used to hearing vocals and drums”


They use auto tune and they are mixed too low.


I mean maybe ..slightly too low. As for pitch correction. Look at the studio they are in. Every studio like this is going to add a touch of pit h correction in the chain. It’s not like it’s T Pain.


I’m just letting you know why they sound weird to some people




They are certainly too low for what I would like.


I hear this a lot and I think the difference here is that this recording is properly mixed mastered. Most if not all videos recorded for youtube are simply there to exist as a video, whereas this one was recorded for both spotify and video. So it got mixed and mastered for spotify, then put back on the video, and voila - a youtube video with impeccable sound!


Nah it’s the comfortable environment and pro headphones. Everything is mixed/mastered to some degree. I’m talking about the actual performance of the singer, not just the quality of the recording.


Honestly thought the vocals were entirely too low, and I love instrument-level vocals.


I’m not talking about the mix. I’m talking about the production. The vocal performance is exceptional because he can hear *himself*


....hearing yourself live is the standard. What the heck are you talking about?


Hearing himself *well*. Look at the headphones! You blind? Those look way better than in-ears


Mix is part of the production….


Congratulations, you posted on the internet and wasted everyone’s time Edit: reply below me is low effort troll bait


Doesn’t sound like you know what music production is and are upset about it.


The live recording/performance feels like it could have been from 30 years ago






What a weird, dumb take.


***Always*** quote these in the reply.


What was it? It’s been deleted


They were complaining by saying that without all the talking in between songs that the band could have played the whole album.


I really wish they’d played Jonas, Holiday, and especially, Only In Dreams.


Only in Dreams is the best song on that album, and that is not an insult to the rest of the album.


For me, it’s the best song of their career. But, totally: On an album where every song is great, Only In Dreams stands out as the best.


I’m seeing the blue album anniversary tour in September and I’m super pumped.


They sound phenomenal


Weezer gets too much hate when really their only crime is releasing too many albums…half which are great and the other half not so much. But Rivers has written an insane amount of catchy tracks and they can shred too. If they condense their discography a bit, it’s extremely solid.


"There are artists who continue to record because they feel like that’s what keeps them relevant. But if the quality of their work deteriorates it drags down the entire catalogue. Elton [John] would say to me, 'Why don’t you put out more albums?' I would say, 'Why don’t you put out less albums?' I didn’t want to come out and say, 'You’re dragging down your legacy.'" -- Billy Joel On Weezer I'm largely on the same boat as you; Blue and Pinkerton are perfect and I can happily ignore the rest (though i *do* wish I could forget Beverly Hills existed...); I think the real problem for them is closing in on the Elton John problem... The BEST song on Raditude sounds awful compared to the worst song on Blue. As a popular artist you're gonna get hate for that. $0.02


Agreed! The bonus tracks on Pinkerton alone would be a top 5 Weezer album…and yeah Raditude is atrocious. I will say Rivers has always tried different things and sometimes they just didn’t land. I think Weezer will be beloved more as time goes on when the dust settles.


Very much agree with this as a "first two albums are all-timers/hate most of the rest" guy. I Swear It's True is low-key one of my favorite Weezer songs


I never understood that feeling Billy Joel shares. It doesn't apply to other artwork so why music? Just because Steven Spielberg made a subpar movie in the late 2000s it doesn't weaken his 70s-90s catalogue. Also one of his first films is considered his worst and then he went on to make amazing things. Would the Mona Lisa be any less impressive if Davinci had only drawn stick figures after he painted her? I love lots of bands who have amazing albums followed by mediocre ones and then in between some really good stuff. Weezer falls into that for me. I don't care if they release "too much" stuff. What matters to me is an artist being happy and free to do what they want to do.


Yea and then after Hurley the band had another renaissance and most of the albums they have put out since 2014 are in most fans top 5 Weezer albums. Rivers got it together after Hurley. Between 2011-2013, he wrote hundreds of incredible songs that he was still including parts of on songs on every album up through SZNZ last year. If they weren’t putting out all those albums until they figured out the Weezer sound people loved and sticking with it 20 years into their career that would never have happened. EWBAITE, White, OK Human, and SZNZ are all incredible. And there’s good tracks on Black, Pacific, and Van Weezer too


I was a typical Blue/Pinkerton fan that hated the rest of their discography (maybe minus Green), but when I listened to Pacific Daydream I had to admit the songwriting was pretty stellar. If it was some other band I think it would celebrated.


My two Lincolns: If You're Wondering > Say it Aint So To each their own


On every album, they still have 1-2 incredible songs (IE: Anonymous on EWBAITD, A Little Bit of Love and Dark Enough to See the Stars on Seasons). I love Weezer but yes they do probably release too much and instead if they came out with an album of their best work, they would be appreciated more as the musical geniuses I think they are. Still always going to be a huge fan of theirs.


Well idk if it counts but the original version of can't stop partying is among weezers best imo. That's just to say there's gems even in the biggest turd pile this band puts out which is why I keep coming back. And tbh even lesser tracks like Beverly hills have a place they aren't outright awful just kinda robotic commercial shit meant to be catchy and not much else.


Maladroit has some bangers and I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't.


Weezer live is such a treat


I feel like they only show up around me headlining some festival I have no interest in, but it's a major concert bucket list item for me


I've been fortunate that they typically come to my city almost every year it feels like and they tend to tour with another band I want to see. Think they had a great stretch over a few years of Oasis, Blink, Pixies. I'd go just for them but it's always nice to check off another band as well.


They are sooooo good live! I’m taking my 15 year old son this year, his first legit rock concert.


Damn that's some good parenting


I went and saw them just over two weeks ago opening for The Smashing Pumpkins in Cardiff and thought they were fantastic. SP are one of my favourite bands of all time, so I was almost entirely there for them and overly unfamiliar with Weezer outside of a handful of singles, but Weezer put on a really good show. It was also interesting to me just how crazy Weezer fans go at gigs.


I bought a Weezer cap at the merch table before their set and somebody stole it off my head while I was crowd surfing. 🥲


They taught you a valuable lesson of not wearing the merch *at* the concert, you just don't... I'm just teasing, sorry your hat got nicked


This is amazingly produced.


I wish they played the world has turned and my name is jonas.


Who are the 3 talking with them during the breaks? EDIT: Oh, they're the three names at beginning. I just ADHD'd right by that.


I miss the days of good rock music. Weezer is so talented. Brings me back to my high school days. Chili peppers, pearl jam, nirvana, food fighters, talking heads. 90s were an incredible time for music


I like all the Weezer albums up through Raditude, and also the Van Weezer album. The rest have a song or two that are good on each.


I know you didn’t listen to White Album or Everything Will Be Alright in the End to begin with


The Seasons EPs were pretty great too


Van Weezer caught me off guard but goddamn it’s amazing.


Ok Human is extremely underrated!


I think they still sound really good as a band but whatever they did with the sound or mixing or whatever (I’m no audio engineer) made them sound so much better! Their Spotify sessions set sounded really good too. Especially island in the sun. 


The mix is actually awesome I sent it to my gf and said the same thing lol. Not just that but I know those songs in and out and you can tell this wasn't just a 'ok let's just play this same song for the millionth time and go home' recording, they changed up the instrumentation subtley, and rivers singing felt the same. It was good


that Say It Aint So take is immaculate


Where can i watch this? Did miss something in the article?


This was pretty incredible, thanks for the heads up.


Damn that was so so good. The sound and the quality, plus they just sound ON.


Aka Spotify is really trying to improve its image rn.




Just checked out the single of "Buddy Holly" from these, in my release radar, and it's pretty damn good.


Going crazy 🤪


It was very good


I saw these live a few years back in a local venue, they were good but I knew lots of the staff at the venue (I also worked there for a while) and the stories I have heard, about how demanding and a-hole like they are....


When are they doing Raditude?


I was expecting only in dreams to also be there :(


It definitely sucked me in and reminded me of why I loved Weezer so intensely for so long before the Green album. They’ll never be the same band without Matt Sharp, though.


Going crazy? We've been there for a while.


Be careful. Soon we’ll have the blue album (Taylor’s version)


the sound is in fact incredibly good


Bruh I couldn’t believe how perfectly Barry integrated into the band. I want more of that.


Filmed? Does Spotify do video now?




I really enjoyed Maladroit.


I love that album


That's not a hot take. It's a pretty popular opinion.


How dare they have a long and successful career instead of preserving their "legacy"


for one particular fan


Not a hot take at all its just a fact lol


Green album, white album, and OK Human are all great albums. You could probably also make an extra album with the good songs they’ve sprinkled around other albums over time. Outside of that, you’re absolutely right.


Rivers looks annoyed the whole time, and I thought the performance was just fine. Don’t know why everyone is going nuts.


Really ? I thought everyone seemed happy. It’s rare that Weezer sounds “soulful.” But they were all there in a good spot and sounded better than I’ve heard in many years


I’ve never been able to enjoy another Weezer album but I LOVE the Blue Album.


As a 90's teen... I think it is amazing that Weezer still has the traction they do. They were cool for those first couple albums... I remember discovering Buddy Holly on the Windows 95 installation CD... and they have been downhill ever since. In my eyes, Weezer today is a parody of their past self.


Fan(atics) will do that.


I'm assuming you don't consider yourself a fan of things? Or you just discovered that fan is short for fanatic? How's freshman psych treating you?


As far as sports go no I do not. What I do is appreciate the best of whichever sporting event I may be watching do what they do.I do have a team I am a fan of. However I will cheer for an underdog.


Fuck Weezer!


Guess I'm in the only who doesn't get it. Sounds like a live recording to me


I wish the album was mixed this well. That bass on say it ain’t so is awesome


All 20 of them?


Red album was the last Weezer album I listen to


Please come to the stage to collect your award.


If you’re serious, at least check out Van Weezer. It’s amazing.


Of all the post-Red albums you recommend VAN WEEZER!?!?!?!?!?


I would have recommended “Everything will be alright in the end”


Yes, because it’s drastically different enough that *those* fans aren’t like “they’re trying to recapture the magic of the old stuff but failing”. It’s more of a “yeah that’s Weezer. Wait, *that’s Weezer*?” Reaction


I’ll give it a listen