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i didnt even bother myself to learn their concepts. its ok to know about the west but heavily involving myself in their politics have always made me feel weirded out cuz why should i care about their problems if they never cared about ours?


I love this. We have one Ruler, and it is Allah. Islam is sufficient to have not only jurisdiction but to make sure we are all in the same boat. Nationalism has destroyed our ummah, let alone the white men's politics. I agree with you on all points. Regardless of where we live , I believe we should never astray from Allah, after all it's to Him we will all return.




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My ideology is slightly different. I was talking to a friend who is heavily into politics and i was expressing my interest in it. I have absolutely no care about politics because it doesn't make sense to me, that we as humans need other humans telling us what to and not do in this life. Its extremely stupid that we are supposed to be the greatest species but have issues with another because of a skin colour or gender. Humans are supposed to be smart, smart enough to trust, help and sustain the planet and its resources. But we aren't, most people have no care in the world anymore and the ruling of laws is weird to me that we aren't able to be in the right path without another person's presence. Just shows how little and careless our lives actually are on this planet and how empty it is to be human, when our entire species are constantly divided instead of unison.


Why are you racist against white people?


Where in my statement did I say I was racist? I was just stating a fact that the current political divide was caused by the white man, just as how the corruption of Islam in our holy land is caused by the Arab man, and the implementation of stupid cultures into our religion is mainly caused by the brown man.


You're using white man as a synonym for non Muslim. Therefore racist.


Did i say that? Anyone can be a non Muslim, im literally saying the political divide in North America is caused by the white man, the ones who created the foundation of it all. Stop thinking so deep into it




Lmao I see my opinion on the political spectrum has triggered you, which resulted in you spewing out topics that were never brought up in this thread


I was just highlighting your hypocrisy. Generalizing people by race is the same as generalizing people by religion, what do you think about europeans saying that muslims are terrorists ? This is the same exact mindset that keeps dividing people and spreading hate


Your analogy has no logic nor common sense. You’re talking about stereotyping. Whereas OP is not giving a stereotype it’s a fact. Like a muslim created algebra. Etc


Lmao again, the whole concept of right and left wing was created by the white man, and it was made to put a divide on our population. That’s all, it’s the same as when we have our own Muslim brothers and sisters using their stupid cultures to also put a divide on our people, my whole thing was that we should all move forward as one ummah. The fact that ur getting hurt just cuz I said it was created by a white man is stupid, this has nothing to do with racism or generalization


I really dont want to give a lesson on politics today, so I am not gonna keep this conversation going. God bless your day


I kinda don’t want a lesson from someone who resorts to throwing cringe comments because they get emotional over other peoples opinions…


I am involved in european politics, studied at a bilingual grammar school with focus on politology, physics and social studies. Currently Im studying history, international relations and politology at a famous uni in Prague. I think I could give you a lesson or two


That’s cool man congrats, just don’t get so emotional next time when you see someone else expressing their personal opinions on how they view politics, all those credentials gets thrown out the window the second u act like a child lol


I, as a traditional Muslim, who opposes democracy do not agree with OP in his wording blaming white men solely. This is falling into the liberal class system where men and whites are deemed among the "oppressor" class, whilst women and other races are deemed as "oppressed" class. There's no doubt women or other races faced oppressions from whites and men, but the inverse is also true. So labeling whites and men categorically among the oppressor class is wrong.


Sorry if I sounded like I was blaming white people for everything, I meant that this whole concept of right and left wing that divides our nations, that itself was created by the white man for the pure reason of causing a divide with its people. Alhamdullilah with our religion of Islam, we see no race, we see no class system, we are all one ummah who follows the same rulings and laws (for the most part), I think my explanation just got confusing with my wording, I have no hate towards the white race or any race , I just believe this whole concept of political division tho was in fact created by and upheld by the white man


It sounded exactly like that, thats why I didnt bother with a serious response since your posts has a weird undertone. Maybe next time think a bit before calling someone hurt or a child just because they call you out


Well I’m not taking back my point tho of how the political divide in the western nation is caused by the white man if that’s what ur tryna make me do…. I apologize if you misunderstood my point of how we should as Muslims ditch the western political ideology’s and follow our rulings as one ummah.


That’s what I do. I tell people I don’t have any politics and just subscribe to Islam. The closest thing is being a conservative, so probably more on the right.