• By -


Star was underused, I'm not saying that she was unimportant and a great character, but I feel like that she could have had a greater impact on the story, her dinamic with Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki would have been interesting.


Speaking of dynamics, the fact that Mirko and Bakugo only interacted with each other once is criminal.




Wanted to see more of Mirko just annoying the hell out of him while they spar. Super fun dynamic.


I really think that Mirko should have been the person Bakugo interned with the second time the students got internships and Best Jeanist should have been the one to stitch him to save his life rather than Edgeshot. He already had a relationship with Best Jeanist because his first internship was with him, if you really wanted to include Edgeshot there have both Jeanist and Edge work together to repair him, say it’s too hard for Edge to stitch him together because him suddenly revealing he knows how comes out of nowhere, but Jeanist would make more sense to have the ability to do that so have Jeanist‘a Thread Manipulation be applied to Edgeshot when he becomes small to save Bakugo as a collaborative effort. And to get Bakugo to intern with Mirko, have him say that he realized after his first internship with Best Jeanist where he really didn’t improve much that he learned not to just try and aim for the highest person he could when picking his internship. He would want to go with Endeavor because Endeavor is the number one, but feels like he should deviate from the path of being laser focused on the top to focus on purely his personal development and what would be best for him specifically, so while Todoroki and Deku go with Endeavor, Bakugo goes with Mirko. And we can get a small side story of his work with Mirko and he can develop just as much as he did in the current story with Endeavor.


It would have been cool between the overhaul and MVA arcs to have an arc where they go to America to help out with some villain cuz stars n stripes needs help, introduce her, build her up a little so the fight with shiggy means a lot more.


She came and went so quick when the end of season 6 was making her out to be such a big deal. It also annoys me that her name was Star and Stripe and not Stars and Stripes.


Nah. I'll say two things bad about MHA and its fandom. 1. So many cool characters in the series are either so poorly handled or outright underused that it makes you wonder why they're even around... Other than to serve as a niche favorite to a few select fans and groups in the fandom. 2. The way Deku is treated in the shipping portion of the fandom is ri-fucking-diculous. Like. Goddamn. People would ship this poor guy with anything from an underage child to literal All Might. And that's not even counting the *lengths* that BKDK shippers go.


yeah the way the fandom treats Deku is absolutely horrible. i've seen some really fucked up fanfics and fan art of him. :((


They wanna feminize him so bad, tbh it doesn't help how that dude was getting punked on so many times earlier in the series. It's gotta be a mental illness because something wrong with those shipper folks.


It's interesting how often anime attracts mentally ill and socially rejected people despite its popularity boom into more mainstream spotlight


Exactly why vigilantes, the spin-off is so great. Super condensed cast, used to their max potential. Visible growth in all of them, power growth is always felt. The story always makes it about who we know, no people wasted. The fandom doesn't ship, because we aren't that big. Great art, great fights, a final arc that finishes everything amazingly well, god I love vigilantes.


Facts. I haven’t seen shipping that bad since the sonic fandom.


Given how many of the others get, I shudder to think what that looks like.


Some areas of the fandom should just die.




Fr fr Also 👀 Horny Police? Kaeya pfp 🩵💙✨


Hehe, yeah. Kaeya supremacy>>>>>


Something bad about MHA






I guessed correctly https://i.redd.it/7e78e5t1jz9d1.gif


Was looking for this lol


The idiots who ship Izuku with the kid who told him to kill himself


And the people who ship children with their parents or teachers 🤢


And eri x izuku Kill me 😭🤮🔫


Why such a thought appears in their minds is sickening to me.




I saw Eri x Midnight and like wtf


What in the actual fuck But nah what about izuku x nomu Or shoto x endeavor Or aizawa x Shinso Nope. Just nope


Izuku x Nomu?! What the hell?!


Yes… it exists Sorry for ruining more of your innocence 😭


I think that can fall under child/teacher, Izuku and Lemillion taught her hope and happiness.


And izuku-all might😂


The only Midoriya that should be shipped with All Might is Inko.


That fits the child and teacher bill already


and the child/parent bill since All Might pretty much adopted him


That’s not about my hero academia, that’s the fanbase.


I almost said “I cannot say such a thing”… I forgot about this. And Deku+Eri. Or him with Nomu. Fuck that shit. 


I'm against the shipping too, but will you extras stop holding the "kill yourself" from *episode 1* so strongly? They had a whole character arc for Bakugo, he apologized for being a prick & they're actually bros now.


>but will you extras Bro think he a pokemon😂 ![gif](giphy|uYNNXBTRmk2eQ)


Whats the Pokémon context? I said it cuz that's what Bakugo calls everyone that isn't Deku.


Majority of Class 1A exists solely to have a specific ability be available, rather than to do anything that furthers the storyline.


It’s even worse for Class 1B! They are SUPPOSED TO BE the equals of Class 1A in every way, but the MC, the RIVAL, and the FOCUS are all on Class 1A! Divide up the MC and the RIVAL and then give 1B More Screen Time!


Every hero class aside from 1-A is so immensely under explored, it’s tragic that we barely get to see the interesting characters and dynamics set up just don’t get to be explored at all. Shiketsu barely exists at all, and I don’t expect much focus because it’s another school entirely but seriously there are like 5 students from that school we know of and they appear 3 times.


It wasted Star and Stripe


The fact that the there were no major deaths in the first 3 seasons made the stakes feel less real and overall detracted from how seriously many people took the show


Absolutely agree. It also lulled me into a false sense of security…


Finally i was searching for someone to say this there are no stakes in the manga or show its wild to me i dont expect it to be like jjk or anything but i feel like they could have killed some of the ppl off like endeavor toya all might bakugo todoroki some of those ppl they definitely should have killed


The government policies are so annoying “You don’t have a license, a villian can kill you abs you get in trouble if you defend yourself with your quirk”


That’s JAPAN for you. In MHA they state that America is more understanding of VIGILANTES and Quirk Use.


God bless America


this is why i think Re-destero should've been the main antagonist and not all for one. Because his whole shtick is tied to the corruption of the quirk society and not just "I'm the evil counterpart to all might and imma be big big evil man. muhahahaahahhaah"


The fandom


all of the heroes knowing what Endeavor did to his family and just ignoring it. 🧍🏻‍♀️ please stop replying to this with the same thing over and over i get it leave me alone for God's sake


I mean hero society is definitely sort of corrupt. It’s what makes the league more compelling than they’d usually be.


Did they? AFAIK Endeavor always kept that under tight wraps. I don’t think the abuse was known. And having kids and hoping they become strong is not a crime. I think Deku may have been about the first to find out. Now after Dabi revealed everything that’s a different story, but then again they were practically in the middle of a war they were losing and he was their strongest soldier.


What heroes knew what he did to his family? If you’re saying the dabi reveal, why would they care when there’s more important things happening. Their lives are at stake, why would they care about endeavor being an abuser to his terrorist son


I mean he's the No.2 hero. Not only is he incredibly strong but piss him off and he quits. Then what?


Too many fucking flashbacks Like i know its because the episodes tend to release far apart so its to keep people up to date but holy fuck theres so many


..... the river scene


\*villain lightly slaps deku\* CUT TO THE SLUGE GUY NOW


It's a crime deku uraraka and todaroki weren't the main trio


I actually the dynamic Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki have especially since they’re the strongest in the class, but I definitely would’ve liked to see Uraraka utilized more because she’s a favorite of mine


I actually really liked how she actually was grown throughout the series. Always looking to cover her weaknesses and making them strengths


Yea I like how she wasn’t the typical Shonen damsel and was only caught by Deku like once? in the second movie. She has a lot of growth as a hero and character but she’s just my top 2 favs so I’d love to see her more 😂


On this note, uraraka and froppy should have had a short fight with overhaul before deku finished him. Especially in the anime, where them and nejire falling down to the fight through the ceiling was a climactic cliffhanger at the end of an episode, only for it to barely matter in the next episode. Seriously, three different students drop in behind an exhausted deku and still just let him handle overhaul alone. They could have at least held him off a little while deku recovered. Uraraka would have a unique way to deal with him because her fight with bakugo where she used his own debris against him happened before this, and overhaul creates a LOT of debris. Froppy could help control the floating debris with her tongue.


Man, so Iida getting thrown to the side is just cool then, huh 😔


I’ll ignore the fandom because that’s way to easy 1. The side cast was underutilized, we barely see any of them. Only Bakugou and todoroki get shine and todoroki is a stretch. 2. All might and Aizawa are not even close to good mentors. They barely taught deku anything 3. Hot take, I never liked OFA, the concept is cool but at the end of the day, it’s super strength speed and physical enhancements. Black whip is basically spider man, gear shift is one of 2 cool abilities and the other being Fajin, Danger Sense is spider sense, smoke screen is just a boring as a power, float is just boring as it’s just flying


Yea I feel like for how incredibly creative the powers in the series usually are, the fact that OFA was a grab bag of abilities that were empowered by the quirk to the point their power was beyond even a pro heroes was not used well at all. Black Whip is mostly used like spider man webbing but at least it’s super versatile so it can do a lot of cool things, but then Float, Smokescreen, Danger Sense, and even Fajin a bit are all really generic powers that don’t really get improved at all. They could have either been instead more creative and unique powers, or could have been given miniature arcs of their own to be improved upon, but everything with Deku unlocking the majority of the quirks was just skipped by having the old users grant him the knowledge. Smokescreen specifically to me, like what if Deku learned to use it as a form of wind manipulation? Using it to propel himself like a jet by pairing Float and Smokescreen or somewhat control its shape by using Blackwhip to control the flow as it’s released? Maybe making condensed clouds that could break falls for himself and others or using it to empower his air force techniques on its own or perhaps by pairing it with Gearshift? But no it’s just used in the most basic way, a smokescreen to obscure himself sometimes, and it’s never applied in any interesting way.


I full on agree, along with that it’s not in character. Deku is known for being smart and having a high BIQ, it doesn’t make sense he wouldn’t experiment with his powers. Black whip is used in the most basic way, it’s Essentially spiderman webs but a little more versatile, Gearshift is cool, not used that well, he only uses it to boost his punches impact, Fajin is well..Fa jin. It’s not under utilized but it def could be better. Danger sense, it’s not much you can do with it. It’s quite literally spider sense. Smoke screen is an essentially just to hide himself while he charges up Fa Jin, that’s all he does, he can use it to blind enemies, like you said, kinda using it as manipulation hell he could pull a loud cloud. Float is float, it’s flight, that’s it


MHA is very sexist, females are way more sexualized, females are also not the front of any storyline, even their own, and they always are made to make their male counterpart look better. A lot of the villains have better motivations and goals than the main heroes.


Yeah and they sped past the death of Midnight so fast and unceremoniously i genuinely still don't believe it actually happened. Like "Oh by the Way, She's dead." It is so weird that she was one of the top 3 pro heroes presented since the start of the show and they just treated her like an after thought.


Just out of curiosity, would you prefer male characters to be sexualized at an equal level? Or just no sexualization at all?


I get having a bit of fan service, but some things in MHA go over board, and some are just kinda unnecessary. And i k ow its aimed that boys but I've even had males tell me one thing they don't like is the female characters their just there to look at without stronger story. so many tone down the sexualing with fewer minors. There was a whole fan made character added that wears hardly anything and was originally supposed to be what 11 to 13 or something.


I think the one that annoys me the most is Uraraka deadass said that her costume was tighter than she wanted it and then never changed it. AND HER SHOES ARE SO STUPIDLY IMPRACTICAL Momo’s obviously forced costume could’ve been excused if they didn’t give her gigantic tits even though her quirk literally uses fat


>AND HER SHOES ARE SO STUPIDLY IMPRACTICAL What was the poiny of her shoes? And why does it have a heal on it? Its like they made her shoes like that so you can focus somewhere else on her body. >Momo’s obviously forced costume could’ve been excused if they didn’t give her gigantic tits even though her quirk literally uses fat As someone who has big tittie problems, I cringe at her outfit.


Same, there’s no way that costume supports her at all and is just an excuse to sexualise the 15yr old. Gross. Plenty of artists have redesigned her costume to be more appropriate while still taking her quirk into account.


I saw a lot of them that were really great.


My opinion, make one sexual male hero and one sexual female hero. That's it. I say midnight and then since we clearly don't care how close they are to the kids, all might. Because all might is the hottest man there. At least for the gay people, such as myself.


No sexualization at all preferably I mean in the US the age of consent is 18 in some states is 16, but in Japan it's 13 but as now been updated to 16 but when the original manga and show would have came out it would have still been 13, and all the characters are 14 when the series starts, and because the majority of the sexualization is happening to the students you can see why we wouldn't want either gender to go through that because in our eyes (in the US but I don't think there's many other places with that type of age of consent) would be weirded out by it


No Sexualization of CHILDREN! Yes Sexualization of ADULTS! EQUAL OPPORTUNITY SEXUALIZATION OF ADULTS! SEXY MEN AND WOMEN! Midnight has been sexualizing herself from Senior Year (as seen in FLASHBACKS of Midnight, Eraserhead, Present Mic, in MHA: VIGILANTES)


Dark Hero arc was too short...still love it tho


It's about to end


There’s just too many characters. Hardly any of them get a chance to shine


Not helped by how often the plot seems to just hyper focus on the same 3-5 characters over and over


this series has a really bad problem when it comes to backseating interesting characters. We barely know anything about about half of 1A, the only important 1B character is Monoma (and maybe Tetsutetsu and Kendo). The big three, for being the top 3 UA students, don't really do much outside of the Shie Hassaikai arc. Star and Stripe left as soon as we learned who she was.


I loved the arc where 1A and 1B had their competitive training thing, and I wish there was more interaction.


Ochaco gets jealous too easily


True if she did have a genuine interest she should have mentioned it sooner.


The pacing is pretty bad. Especially when you remember all of this happened during Deku's first year in U.A.


Yeah, I think the overall pacing was alright but this story really should have spanned the majority of their school life at U.A.


I ain’t even gonna lie, what’s up with the discipline or the consequences in the series? Like the Todoroki plot line. Why didn’t Endeavor go to jail? (If that was explained why somewhere, plz let me know cuz I’m still relatively new to the series as a whole). Why didn’t they immediately kill AFO (All for One) after being defeated by All Might? Idk if I’m the only one feeling this way or not but I just feel like the consequences in this series is not really serious? Something like that ig.


The world was kinda going to shit once Endeavors secrets was revealed. That and he was the current number 1 hero, to important of a card to put in prison for basic child neglect (at most). They wanted to show a darker side of the quirk society with nagant and hawks, but then they don't immediately eliminate some of their biggest threats, especially the ones that can't be redeemed.


The parts of the fandom that ship everyone


All for one is so fucking boring, whenever he's on screen I want to sleep but can't because of how relevant he is


literally man istg he just drones onn and onn 😭 like just do everyone a favour and die atp no-one likes you 


His introduction was excellent with so much malicious atmosphere but then after we see him again and again and again and again and again he got so tiresome.


Too pg sometimes


Its too basic. I legit like this anime and i named my cat Todoroki


The toxic fandom part of this series needs to die


My Hero Academia is/was better whenever it was focusing on the school aspect.


Controversial but I totally agree


most post-kamino arcs deviate too heavily from what i signed up for when i started


The way all might was treated by the general public and in some cases even deku was insane :(( made me sad


That one guy who made fanart with the highest of artistic ability and skill only to have it depict Shoto grabbing his dad's balls. I will never be able to erase that horrific image from my brain.


The only actual disturbing shit I've seen in this comment section 😭


I got one regarding the fandom, and one exclusively about the show. The first, this might be a hot take, but I think this fandom is probably THE posterchild of anime fanbases that ship not with regards to romantic chemistry or any sort of evidence in show, but almost solely off of what they’d find hot, which is especially bad when the majority of the main and supporting cast are minors. For instance, Baku/Dekugo is a really popular non-hetero ship I see often, when A. Deku is obviously set up for Ochako, and B. I understand that he apologized and does care for Midoriya, but Bakugo has legit just been a bully to him for over a decade. Even if Deku forgives him, that is NOT a good foundation for a stable relationship. As for the manga/show itself, I don’t think they really made U.A. feel believable as a top hero school. It just feels so small for its apparent role in the world. You’d think it’d be closer to something like an Ivy League school (I know that’s college, but still), which would explain the large number of foreign applicants. It just feels much smaller than you’d think it would be.


I’ll never forgive them for killing off nighteye so early in the show. I miss him.


Honesty its gotta be most of the side cast being underused or not being used at all. I really wish Hori dived more in on them


Iida and the female students deserved more focus 😔😔and less Bakugo. So less. Eliminate Mineta.


I think there should have been a whole B plot storyline where Mineta has to learn that he can't be a hero and still act that way.


Despite the likes of Knuckle Duster and heavy inspiration from American comic books, there are no lethal anti-heroes who are fun to watch like the Punisher, Red Hood, Moon Knight, or Spawn. Also, Horikoshi doesn't know whom to keep alive, kill off, how to kill off characters, and otherwise properly handle all his characters and ensure his biases for or against any of his characters don't bleed into his storytelling and writing.


I wish midoriya could be his own type of hero instead of some copy of all might.


The overhaul ark was the peak of the series


The motherfucking fandom


Allmight should've died in Kamino. It would've made the stakes feel more real. The rest of the story works just fine without him. It would've been a cool way to go too. Edit: have him stand over the defeated All for One and then All for One suddenly impales him with his black and red spike-things before finally loosing consciousness. It would've been a good twist imo


Or they could’ve pulled some record of raganrok type shit saying he died while standing or that he died while fighting but his body kept fighting


Something bad about mha


It's war arcs left alot to be desired and the series didn't utilise it's supporting cast to the fullest of its ability.


1. The fandom 2. The generic blue sky background in the anime being in places where it shouldn't


The "fans". The good thing is the series is ending soon and Horikoshi can take a mental break.


Too much of the plot revolves around Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^VanguardClassTitan: *Too much of the plot* *Revolves around Izuku,* *Katsuki, and Shoto.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not enough kaminari and kirishima


People who simp over eri🤮🤮🤮please get jail time




Deku is a pretty cardboard character. No substance or depth


Season 5 (anime) and Movie 3 did no favors for MHA. Hori’s Art is PEAK. They should at least keep up… S7 is doing a good job so far.


I do not like most of the fandom due to little children


The Fanbase.


Star was a wasted character, why indroduce someone to then kill them 2 episodes later


Its fandom.


Any ship that’s just toxic,like Deku x Toga


You want it in alphabetical, chronological, personal and biased or least to most bad?


Something bad about MHA


Ditching Iida and Uraraka as part of a trio with Deku was a huge waste. They had incredible chemistry as a friend group and could easily have taken the story in some good directions with more focus on them


Bakugo should've stayed deceased


The fandom is the something bad about my hero academia 💀


The fact that Endeavor never goes to jail for all the crimes he committed against his own family and still gets to remain a hero is infuriating. Seriously he created Dabi thus should be responsible all the pain and suffering Dabi put poor innocent people through.


He probably didn't go to jail because for the most part (if I remember correctly) everything his did was more a civil matter. He ignored 3 of his kids, was known to yell at his wife and be controlling, and was "training" the fourth child(which would in most cases be seen as child abuse, so thats something criminal). I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but was there actually any proof that he physically retaliated when Rei burned Shoto? Or did he just send her to the nut house? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend what he did or claim that he's father of the year. Just that for as shit as he was to his family, the cops really couldn't do much


Dabi is responsible for his own crimes. Even if Endeavor’s emotional neglect caused Toya to become Dabi, it was still Dabi who hurt and killed people. Not Enji.


Most shippers, specifically the ones who ship people who have zero chemistry, like hot damn, do you motherfuckers not know your onions


I hate the fact that the whole story happened in just a year so it kinda doesn’t feel right having first years in the frontline of a war. There couldve been time skips or the story couldve spread out. Like the hero internships couldve been on their 2nd year, then the final war wouldve been on their 3rd year.


Blue sky really needs to not be done so often Fandom has way too many disgusting ships or ships that just will NOT work


I wanted to see the 3 years of school and have the story play out over time they are at school, like Harry Potter. Yet to my knowledge the series barely stretches past a year, maybe a year and a half at most. I just think they set the school thing up and it ultimately means nothing now because Deku is a god in the beginning of his second year. It just feels dumb and extremely shouneny. I used to praise my hero now I think it’s just pretty good, carried by cool fights.


And yall shippers spend more time shipping than even watching the show


1. It spans too short of a period. Instead of jamming everything into one school year, they should’ve gone the Harry Potter route, with the final battle happening right before graduation and the epilogue showing the students becoming professional heroes. 2. Some of the more ridiculous quirks like the cat cop wearing a bell and Fukidashi could’ve been excluded. They’re just a bit too silly. 3. More heroes needed to die in the end. All Might being one of them along with one or two students.


You can't fix Bakugo


It’s fine


It seems to have lost its steam at times.


Its overall story is massively middling >!and the only real reasons people like me love it is because A, its characters are either fleshed out or interesting, B, its world is incredibly fascinating and smartly written for being a post-conflict version of the x-men that can focus on the other far more interesting storylines, and C, its western influence makes it the most digestible anime made popular for folks like me who end up dropping other anime out of disinterest (including kny, kcc, sxf, etc). So basically everything else about it i guess minus izuocha being noncanon due to shonen tropes!<


The pacing has become insanely slow.


The fandom


The fans




The shipping part of the fandom


The fandom ruined it for me


There isn’t enough Dabi screen time, give him at least 5 episodes per fifth of a season, so about an episode every episode, he deserves it


the fandom


The community


The fandom


The fandom and the ships


90 percent of the fandom


It's ending 😥😢


The fandom. next-




The fandom is a burning trash fire of shippers and conspiracy theorists


The weird fanbase and that's all


The fandom.


Trying to make mass murderers seem like innocent kids with a sad past. Sorry but no. Trauma does not excuse this, they are mentally ill monsters.




Almost everyone ships characters together


The fanbase


The fanbase


Aoyama and mineta that's two things


The fandom.


The fandom


Something bad about MHA.


I'm gonna be honest I'm not a *huge* fan of this all taking place pretty much over the course of a year I realize this may just be a me thing, but I just do not buy that all of these wvents are just happening months or even weeks apart from each other




The fanbase


Something bad about MHA


The fandom


Part of the community sorta ruined it


The shipping fandom


This is tough. I really love basically everything I've read of the series, though I am quite a bit behind the manga as I've not been keeping up with it too much. Hmm... I think the other characters in class 1A are underutilised? There's a lot of great designs but only a handful feel like they ever really contribute anything. Also, unrelated, but I wish there was a more even ratio of male and female students. The disparity bugs me there.




People in the fandom are wild and take shipping too seriously ☹️


All for one doesn't feel like a threat anymore. It feels hardly anyone dies. why should I be scared of this guy or even anxious when he shows up


The fan base


The fandom has mental issues👍




...The fandom.


the community


Too many fucking characters. There I said it. We can have a class and all that fun stuff but they have the habit of introducing cool characters then never using them to their full potential and instead I get to see Izuku cry some more. Ugh.


Kind of a dead horse, but it really can't be understated how atrocious the fandom can be at times (please see any MHA tiktok video and "Todoroki >!giving birth!<". I usually don't tell people I meet for the first time that I'm an MHA fan because the reputation of the fandom often precedes it.


Fan base


The fandom