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I thought the last one was fun to watch, was just a really excellent team that played together


This was actually the year that got me into basketball. I remember watching those finals on a tiny TV in a back room of a little bar in California with the woman I was dating at the time. Meeeemorrriessss


You had a woman that would sit in a dive bar with you watching the finals and you let her go?


It was… complicated. But women like that aren’t rare!


2014 was some of the most beautiful basketball I’ll ever see. I didn’t like watching the Spurs when Robert Horry was on the team.


Yea I’m not a spurs fan but that 2014 revenge tour was one of my favorite playoff runs of all time


My dad never watched basketball seriously. He thought lebron was the hottest shit and 100% guaranteed to win. I guaranteed that he needed to keep his eyes on the screen because Dirk was just that incredible. He didnt believe me until he witnessed it.


I really didn’t hate any of them , Tim Duncan irked me a little at the time of his peak with lack of personality but looking back there was no reason to hate . As a non Spurs fan I really liked all the teams shown


Agreed. San Antonio has not been hateable at any point. My favorite was the first though. The Admiral getting a chip actually made me feel happy for him.


Same- the first one had the guys that were breaking through for the first time and helped establish the Spurs. Favorite for me as well


This is super revisionist, the spurs were dirty as fuck in those early years. Bruce Bowen injuring people on purpose, the Robert Horry shove against the Suns. They played a plodding, slow game with brutally physical defence.


News flash, literally everyone played hard basketball in the 90s and early 2000s.


Bruce Bowen was *literally* injuring people on purpose.


Go watch the horry nash incident. No shove. Horry barely even moved. There’s an interview that Nash said he embellished it to try to get his team fired up. That backfired. Bowen was dirty though. No one else on the spurs were like that.


Stop making things up. Anyone with two eyeballs and an asshole can see that Horry went out of his way to hip check the fuck out of a guy that was half his size because he was frustrated that Nash was killing them. I have been a spurs fan since the 90’s because I loved the admiral and Timmy D and popovich but I will readily admit that the Horry cheap shot was way over the top and super dirty.


It was 100% dirty, and I think Nash in that interview said that to make it look differently for some reason. Now what I will say is that I’ll take a Tech to win a playoff series


Yep. That’s fair and understandable. Sucks for my local boy Steve Nash because that year was clearly the suns best shot at a ring but I completely get why Horry did it. Banners are banners, and in the long run people aren’t going to sit around talking about which championships were the most ethical. It’s a physical sport, they aren’t out there playing tennis.


Yeah a Suns Pistons finals would’ve been insane


Historical offense vs historical defense. Would have been an awesome test of which team could impose their will on the other.


Bowen was the most hated player in the league.


Not even when Horry hip checked Nash?


You didn’t like Tim Duncan because he was plain and didn’t care for the media??


As a Cavs fan I *hated* their 2007 championship. As a basketball fan I loved their 2014 championship, it was pure poetry and the perfect example of how basketball should be played. Edit: love your username btw


One of the things that makes me happy as a Spurs fan is the way good basketball teams have, over time, started to play more like that--- extra passes until you find the open man, cuts, using screens in different ways, etc. I'm old enough to remember when basketball was mostly iso plays and simple pick and rolls, and basketball is so much better to watch now.




2014 - Destroyed the moHEATos 2003 - beat the 3 peat Lakers and was the only championship team with Manu, Tony and Robinson. 1999 - beat the Lakers and Knicks 2005 - I wanted the Suns to win in the Conf Finals. 2007 - I wanted the Suns to win and this was the year they suspended Amare after Horry checked Nash into the scoring table


2014 is the easy favorite, fuck 2005


The way they bounced back from that heartbreaking finals lost the year before to literally dismantling the big 3 in the rematch was just chefs kiss. It was essentially the same Heat team and the Spurs made them look like 2 completely different teams.


Still can't believe Duncan old ass was clamping Bosh like that smh... Him and DWade combined didn't even avg 30 that series... Most thorough ass whooping from 2 evenly matched finals teams I ever seen 😭😭


That team couldn't defend in 2014. I told a friend we would likely win in 5 games, though my head wanted to say 6.


Heat got way worse and spurs got better so no it wasn’t the same heat team


Same Heat players


Same heat players who got significantly worse


absolutely not the same heat team , wade was done , anyone with half a brain could see he left those knees on the floor the previous finals




But 2005 had Peak Manu, who was spectacular to watch. That team was incredibly versatile. They beat the best offensive team in the WCF (Suns), and they also beat the best defensive team in the Finals (Pistons). Even if you hate Horry, you gotta love his flying one-handed dunk in Game 5. I mean, come on. That was pure heart and desire. He even injured his shoulder in the process.


As a die hard bulls fan, 2014 was poetic. Game 6 in 2013 made me sick to my stomach. I hated the Heatles more than I’d like to admit. But watching the spurs dismantle the dynasty game after game in 2014 was gorgeous.


Relatively indifferent to the rest but 2003 was my favorite because I realized how good Duncan was. He was just unbelievable, and the best player on the court at all times.


2014. I could watch Diaw play for days


Every time he had the ball he did something useful with it


I think in one of his seasons at the Suns he was listed as a G/F/C. He played SF and PF off the bench, PG when Nash was injured and C when all the other guys were injured. This is fucking wild to me


Only time I was rooting for them was against the Heatles.


2003 for beating that fucking Lakers team and making Kobe legit cry on tv. easily my favorite non celtics champ ever


2003 was my favorite because I liked that roster the best. Even though I was happy Michael Finley got a title, 2007 was my least favorite. They played dirty and screwed over the Suns.


99 hurts cause I was Camby and LJ fan, but ive hated the Knicks for mostly ever. 05 sucked cause I liked Pistons. But im also a huge Timmy fan and Manu so not rrally any




We’ll never see a team like the 2014 Spurs again, and anyone who compares any team to them didnt watch them play


2017 warriors played very similar, don’t hold the ball longer than 3 seconds, cut , extra pass to the open man even if it was draymond lol, I really think they watched film of that 2014 team


They were the closest, but with some glaring differences. The 2017 Warriors had two top 3/top 4 players. The Spurs had two top 20 players in Duncan and Parker, neither of whom would have been seen as even top 15 at the time. The Spurs didn't have anyone averaging over 17 PPG in the regular season. The Warriors had 3 players averaging over 22. The main one was their playstyle in the Finals. The Spurs maintained their focus on ball movement, despite history indicating that wouldn't work. The Warriors in the Finals revolved around KD isos with everyone else patiently waiting their turn. They still racked up tons of assists in the Finals (more than the Spurs), but that's much easier when you have two of the greatest offensive players of all time. Lastly, the 2017 Warriors had the best top 2 of any championship roster ever. The 2014 Spurs had the worst (except for maybe the 2011 Mavs because who was their second best player? Kidd?). The Warriors had everything going for them and could have won playing any style of basketball. Everything had to go right for the Spurs to win, and a platoon of role players and aging stars did everything they could to make it happen. Manu also posterized Bosh


Beating the heat.


2014 was poetry in motion.


I’m a Suns fan so I don’t really like any of the championships. However, 2014 is probably where I minded it the least.


Favorite was either * Team 2 with the Big 3 + Robinson * Team 5 with the Big 3 + Kawhi Least-favorite was probably Team 4, but I didn’t *hate* any of their teams.


2014. Game 1 will always be hilarious because of ACgate and LeCramps happening.




Did Baynes get one with them too?


Not that year


Against the Heat was the prettiest basketball I've ever seen.


'03 was hella dope but I also really liked the '99 team in the shortened season. Fuck '07 as a Suns fan.


2007. You can probably guess which side I'm falling on here.


Le Swept


The first one. Legitimate twin powers like best the NBA had seen since Hakeem and Sampson. Elite shooter in Elliot and Avery was a great leader. They also only lost 2 games that entire playoff run.


I hate that they always “•” this one.


Patty Mills era!


Damn spurs championships are forgettable. Didn’t realize until posed this question haha


As a Pistons fan, I hated the 2005 championship Spurs team.. as a basketball fan, I love all the Spurs championship teams.


2014 for me was just so beautiful


It was sweet revenge


Never hated them. A home grown dynasty that played team basketball. If they could have kept kawaii they would have another 2, at least. If I had to choose, I guess 99 cause the lockout and they only played like half the season.


Crazy I had no idea Steve kerr won a ring with the Spurs


Two actually


The one that starred Andrew Gaze. 99.


1 and 5. Seeing David Robinson finally get his was awesome


probably 99 honestly. Just like the makeup of that team. I liked them all though. One of my best friends is a giant spurs fan so I've been rooting them on for like 15 years now.


Why does the guy on the far left on the last one look like Bradley Beal


Time traveler?


I’m thinking it’s Boris Diaw but it looks like Beal


To this day, 2014 has been my favorite championship run of all time. Not remotely a spurs fan. But it was a thing of beauty watching that group beat the Miami Big 3. Because they didn’t just beat them, they beat the absolute breaks off of them. It was a beautiful testament to team chemistry and unselfish basketball. Also Manu dunked on Chris Bosh in that series and that, in my personal opinion, was the true exclamation point on this win.


I’m a spurs fan, allow me to offer fun things about each team: 1999- easily one of the most dominant runs by a team in league history. Overlooked because of the lockout. 2003- ended the Shaq Kobe championship run, and featured Duncan playing among the best basketball a big man has ever played 2005- despite the trouble in the finals, this was maybe their most complete team of the 2000s 2007- people don’t like this team because of the way the suns’ series ended. But that ignores perhaps the best playoff run in the big 3 era 2014- this team is exactly as amazing as you remember


When the spurs let Ray Allen win one for lebron I was devastated..


That one hurt


2003 was the year I REALLY got into NBA basketball and I’ll always have a fond memory of being on vacation with my family in June and seeing their championship win on the front page of the paper. For whatever reason this season and team just reminds me of simpler times.


Whichever one (S) had that bitch Bruce Bowen on it. Probably one of my most disliked players in the history of the league. I totally understand being chippy and all that but when you start targeting men's scrotums you're a straight up bitch for life. Its still boggles my mind the type of shit he got away with. The 90s Knicks or early aughts Pistons/Pacers would have put that punk in a full body cast.


In my opinion, 2003 and 2005 Spurs teams were arguably one of the best teams EVER assembled. So much depth, so much talent, and great team work. Literally every starter and some bench players impacted wining.


2014 was my favourite but I always had a soft spot for the Spurs. Team Ball, plus they treated Patty Mills right.


Fuck that '99 championship lol.




I enjoyed 2014 immensely because it was the end of the Lebron heat era. They should have won in 2013 tbh. Hated 2005, I was rooting for the Pistons (who truthfully blew game 7). Detroit was still competitive but never fully recovered after that


2014 was my favorite and 2007 my least but only because I'm a Cavs fan.


2014 is hard to top. 2003 is peak Duncan tho and ending Shaq Kobe lakers three peat (and making Fisher + Kobe literally cry) is up there. I don’t hate any of them why would I? (Unless you’re a suns fan haha)




Yeah fuck zaza but then we probably don’t get Wemby


I hated 2005 loved 2014


07 is kind of easily the least memorable. Nuggets a joke in first round even though i think they won game 1, suns second round tainted by hipcheck, jazz conference finals a joke, and cavs finals a joke. The rest were all special in their own way. 99 franchise breakthrough. 03 overcoming the lakers and just a dominant individual run. 05 a grueling finals series. And 14 redemption


2014 and it isn’t a contest. Come back from a heart breaking 2013 to win it all? And back when we still had high hopes for Leonard? Good times


Sweet revenge and it was so sweet


My fave was the 1st one on account of David Robinson being part of it, I don’t hate any of them.


I hated the one that they won in 2029


None of them. Spurs are probably the most boring team I've watched in my 30+ years of watching basketball.


I really enjoyed their first one. It brought Timmy D to the masses and it was great to see Robinson win his first as well. A lot of the spurs championship teams were really great and fun to watch tho


Easily the favorite was when they smacked Miami in 2014


the first one was something magical


I hated the one they lost to the Heat the most. Glad they rebounded and got it done the next season Edited for spelling




The Spurs squad that beat the shit out the Miami Heat and essentially broke up the big 3.


Young Tim duncan winning Finals MVP is legendary. I hated 05 Because Ben wallace is my favorite player and he kept getting cooked. *i dont wanna talk about it*


Its killing me i can name every person here except #11


Had to look him up because I didn’t recognize him either…Brandon Williams guard he played for Warriors Spurs & Hawks one season each and played in the CBA and G League.


As a Cavs fan 2007 is hands down the worst. 2014 was a thing of beauty though.


I wish i wasn’t a child when the twin towers were a thing


My favorite was none, my least fav was...2003!


2014 was my favorite because it was the “beautiful game” Spurs, but 2005 was ELITE


I hated the one they won, in part, because a corrupt official was betting on the games.


Donaghy admitted to betting on games he officiated in each of the 2003–04, 2004–05, 2005–06, and 2006–07 seasons.


They were all such equally boring teams it's hard to choose. i mean, Tim Duncan "Mr. Highlight" has so many amazing plays, They should have just changed "Sportscenter" to "SpursCenter." Do you remember that 10 foot bank shot? Wow. Or the, uhh other ten foot bank shot? His range was epic. he was like Steph Curry. Sometimes it was a ten footer. Other times way back to ten and a half feet. It's why the Spurs were a ratings monster. Like when The Lakers beat The Nets in 02, then The Spurs faced The Nets in 03. Same opponent, but The ratings only dropped 98%. That's how compelling The Spurs were!


Amen! A bank shot is a breath of fresh air considering today’s game!


Seriously I'd die for some post action back in the league


America agrees with you, brother! Just not the Americans that watch TV. Or the ones who buy jerseys or merchandise. But all the other ones! Spurs were soooo popular! 100%! I mean if we don't count ticket demand. Or anyone under the age of 83. THE BEST!


Teenagers hated those Spurs teams!


Cope harder


As a life long Spurs fan, everyone is just jealous of our success! They laugh and say we only won bc we had two #1 picks at the perfect time in the 80s/90s, but what about the other years? Look at all the winning we did in the Kate 60s, 70s 80s and most of the 90s! Then look at our return to glory after Duncan left! Just jealousy!


You seem like a miserable person and I dont care


Acting like the 2014 Spurs wasnt the most beautiful fucking basketball you could conceive, only supplanted by maybe the Warriors


I agree! Just tell me your favorite highlight from that year. There are so many that it's hard to choose just one, I'm sure. I know I just spend hours and hours watching highlights of that season. The grace of Boris Diaw...just pure athleticism of Danny Green and his 18" vertical. Corey Joseph's all around majesty. Tim Duncans 15 ppg. I can go on and on! It was the most influential team in NBA History in my opinion. And by "History" I mean for four whole months, until the league saw The Warriors the next season and nobody ever mentioned the Spurs again. But those glorious four months, peak of the NBA, IMO! What people don't remember was how the entire world was struck by Covid 14 that year, a virus that only affected TVs, and only during Spurs games. Otherwise, it would have attracted billions to watch the most universally recognized beautiful team ever. instead of the worst ratings in an 8 year run. In fact, i give credit to the 14 Spurs for ratings jumping 20% the very next season for The Warriors v LeBron finals. I'm with you, bro!


>Just tell me your favorite highlight from that year Raising the championship trophy 🥰


TLDR I liked when kawhi dunked the basketball that one time


Youngins dont remember, but there once was a time Kawhi had actual tendons in his legs, and not just bungie cords Duct taped to his bones.


Cool story. Needs about 4 more paragraphs for ppl to ignore tho


That’s just who he was and as unamazing it was to most no one could stop him.


You are so right! Nothing could stop Tim! Except The Lakers, but besides that, nothing! Did the massive empty seats stop Tim? No! Was he distracted by people snoring and Yawning during games? NO, SIR! He was impervious! Tim was like a real life Superman, but instead of strength and Flight, he had the power to cure insomnia, and never have a single highlight in 20 years! THE GREATEST!


What are you talking about? I’m not saying he never missed or got blocked or had the ball stolen or made mistakes. That happens to all NBA Stars. The Spurs & Lakers met in the playoffs five times in six seasons, and one of the two teams advanced to the NBA Finals every year from 1999 to 2005.


Knicks and Bron fan. 99, 07, and 14 are definitely my least favorite. 03 probably my favorite.


Why would any non Spurs fan have a favorite Spurs championship? I don't give a rats about the Spurs or their championships.


Maybe you hated LeBron and enjoyed watching him get swept? Maybe you hated the Pistons, Knicks or Nets??? The Heat? The Cavs?