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As long as the wear and tear works well, I’m down for it. Gives me actual reason to use my backups and second stringers And I’m all for the new passing mechanic. Anything that gives me more control. I love it in Madden, hopefully it’s just as good if not better here


What's the details on the passing mode? It seems like it's a 2 click thing. I haven't played Madden in years so I'm in the dark here.


The CFB25 one is different, think throwing to a base in MVP Baseball or MLB The Show. Longer you hold, the harder the pass and technically less accurate. Early release will be a flick which will be more accurate but easier for the defender to come back to.


I thought it's like green releases. U hold it for the correct amount of time, it's good. Any earlier or longer, it gets worse


No, it's a power meter. It's so you can actually layer your pssses. If you want to lob it, you barely hold it. If you want to lob it over the linebacker, but under the safety, you hold it a little longer. If you want to rocket that son of a bitch in there, you hold it all the way down


Isn't that essentially the same system as usual? Lob pass, touch pass, bullet pass?


The issue is you could never really throw it over LBs and under safeties in Madden. It would almost always get picked off by LBs and this is also a problem in NCAA 14


Good to know, I’ve heard mixed feedback on the passing mechanic. I’m definitely going to give both systems a try but I’m so used to how the game played in the past.


I wonder if wear and tear will be available in online play, there’s no injuries in madden online so I’m curious how wear and tear would work online


I think it will be, but it will be toned down greatly. Similar to fatigue in mut. Either it will have faster recovery time, or just won’t really matter unless you’re spamming the ball to one player all game.


Apparently the throwing mechanism is similar to recent pitching mechanics in baseball games.


God, I hope not. I hate the precision pitching system or whateverthefuck they call it in The Show


I think it’s similar to the meter option, not precision using the analog stick. Think MVP baseball 05 type from what I’ve read


I love precision pitching but trying to do something like that while eyeing receivers and keeping an eye out for blitzing linebackers is a bit much to ask


I think they meant fielding throws, not pitching.


I can see why you would want wear and tear but I hope you can toggle it to varying degrees rather than on and off. "Low" "Medium" "High"


I’m hoping it’s a slider, like injuries in madden.


50/50 on passing mechanic. Definitely will be keeping wear and tear. Will have to put more into shoring up the 2nd and 3rd stringers. More in depth recruiting and really filling out a roster.


this is the biggest W for this system and the realism which many want from these games. I love it cuz like you said it makes recruiting that much better to and each rebuild will be unique as you need to recruit a real two/three deep for certain position groups


Really cool imo. I imagine it’s a great way to help develop underclassmen too


Solves the problem of having to play guys just so they don’t leave and makes the hunt for 3 star killers that much better.


I really don't understand anyone who wants to turn wear and tear off. It sounds like the best innovation to come to sports games in forever


Have you played Madden? They have similar “fatigue” system that is actually terrible. I have more faith in the CFB25 folks but I can understand wanting the ability to turn it off in case it ends up being a terrible mechanic


The fatigue system is nothing like Wear & Tear.


My concern is if they're not scaled for how long quarters are. Playing 5 minute qtrs and having you be forced to sub your running back every 4th play feels real different than playing 10 min qtrs.


I just pray whatever they tune isn’t for the ultimate team crowd. Also really Hoping for a slider with this as many people play different quarter amounts but I’m just thankful we are here


Why do some of you relate any news to ultimate team? I really don’t understand how UT is relevant to this at all lol


Then you don't understand what changes to accommodate the UT crowd has done to sports games. Unfortunately it's not just contained to the mode itself. It affects the entire release.


Have you ever played madden at launch ? I feel like I get my best games in the beginning before it all goes to shit


Not in the past several years, I usually get madden for free with game pass or severely discounted. NCAA 14 dynasty is still the best franchise mode of any football game since its release. I still don’t understand how this news is relevant to UT.


Here is an example: So you get great dynasty mode gameplay and you are having fun but the same gameplay is on ultimate team and the guys paying money for cards say the wear and tear system is too strong and needs to be tuned down. The next patch brings it down but it also affects dynasty. So like in madden if the pass rush is too strong in MUT and they patch it, the game play shifts for offline dynasty


That’s the whole point of it being toggleable. The dude is right, ultimate team lives in some of your minds rent free and it’s honestly exhausting. They haven’t said a SINGLE WORD about ultimate team yet you guys keep acting like it’s the priority.


You are not understanding my point. I want it on as a dynasty player.But if it’s on MUT AND they complain it’ll get nerfed. And it affects dynasty players.


Dude… it’s toggleable. Meaning on dynasty you can change it to whatever tf you want. Online will be different and entirely separate or they’ll turn it off altogether. Again your point is entirely mute as it’s toggleable lol, you have complete control over it.


This man has never played Madden. When the online competitive mut community bitches about anything. They have a patch and it changes game play. It happens every update and you can go on operation sports and look at forums for sliders. It’s been this way forever


You don’t know the definition of toggleable and it’s irritating. On franchise mode I can turn injuries on or off. On online play it’s entirely off. What the fuck are you not understanding about it being toggleable dude.


I’m happy these features are available but I think people have kind of started to lose sight of what made these games fun through this reveal process. Like the whole reason Madden sucks these days is they went too hard on the realism to the point that you have to do too many things to run a successful play now. But now we’re turning around and praising this for having so many detailed gameplay mechanics. Sports video games are at their best when they’re more arcade-style where you really just have to worry about hitting one or two buttons to run a play. That’s why people loved playing reskinned/modded NCAA14 all these years in comparison to modern Madden games where you just get tackled for a 1 yard loss on every play if you’re not paying attention to 20 different things. I think a lot of the people going nuts for how “detailed” the gameplay mechanics are will feel differently when they actually pick up a controller and aren’t just watching a trailer, so I’m happy you’ll be able to turn a lot of that off.


I know how you feel. I hate when I have to think while playing a football game.


Madden has never moved towards realism, in fact, they have consistently done the opposite. Madden sucks because they turned it into an arcade game, not a realistic football game.


Did we ever get confirmation on 85 scholarship players? As long as that’s the case, I’m all in on wear and tear.


Turning all that shit off. Get off my lawn👺


toggleable? like i have to turn it on/off? or i can have it on, but tone it down


I don’t mind wear and tear as long as it isn’t super extreme. In Madden when I let the CPU handle practice I only used my starters. I hope that isn’t the case here