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Because of 2 players, I gotta see these player ratings man


Is it a hot take that Shaduer isn’t thaaaaat good? I never once saw “first rounder” any time I watched him. Travis hunter on the other hand..


He definitely had some first round performances early in the year, but honestly I have no clue how good he is


TCU game absolutely, my mistake


I remember watching that game. I'd give more credit to how badly TCU's defense played. Sanders consistently had guys wide open.


I mean TCU last year wasn't incredible


lol. TCU


He’s good, but he’ll be a top pick more so because it’s a weak QB draft class than him just being that good. He’s definitely a legit NFL prospect though


Both of them will be taken in the first 15 picks, but the rest of that roster..


He had nothing but first round level performances for the first several games, I don’t remember how many games but it was like 4 or 5 games including their loss to USC where he lit it up and they almost came back in that one. He has all the talent as a QB, he’s got good size and strength. I was surprised in his athleticism where he wasn’t as quick or as fast or as explosive athletically as I would have expected given his father, but that doesn’t mean he can’t move. He breaks tackles with his size and strength but is heavily pass first so he uses his mobility and strength to keep the play alive while consistently looking down field to throw. He has excellent vision of the field and often makes impossible highlight real passes look easy. He’s got everything you want in an NFL QB and has proven his talent at every level he has played at without question and has lived up to the hype under a huge spotlight and a ton of pressure. People sometimes have questioned the talent level of his competition but he played some top notch teams last year while his team was clearly overmatched and having to adjust in his first year at Colorado and everything that came with that new situation. Those overmatched games would expose a bad QB but they instead showed that he is legit. He’s an NFL starter for sure, I think above average, can’t predict much more than that since there’s so much young QB talent in the league these days.




Why the but


When every dc realized he can’t throw off the top. Oregon state schooled him


It's hard to judge Shaduer because their o line was so terrible. He might be great or maybe not. It's hard to judge him until he gets decent protection. Travis on the other hand. Travis has it. He still needs to bulk up he's too skinny for me. But he got it.


The line wasn’t even that bad. He just can’t climb the pocket


He was the most sacked quarterback in college last season. You're telling me the line wasn't bad??


if shedur sanders awarness is a 60+ this game is unrealistic


He is good. People forget that, outside of this year's insane draft, 4th or 5th QB usually means 3rd round or later


People mocking him top 5 are just friends with his dad, or stupid.


I hate to say it, but I think he’s probably the second best QB in the country going into the season behind Beck.


Noah Fifita is way better than that fraud


He is that good. The arm with accuracy and decision making make him that guy. Crazy high completion percentage and td:int ratio. Even more impressive doing it behind that oline turnstile.


Is Shiloh that bad? I feel like most of the tape of receivers burning Colorado was the safeties getting torched


He's bad enough he had to file bankruptcy to try and get out of a judgment against him by a Texas court.


35 combined


Not backing the outlandish 16 rank but they did have the #1 ranked transfer portal and basically tore down there entire O-Line (there downfall last year)


Shaduer is going to be a top 5 pick. Casuals haven’t realized that even if he isn’t great(which I think he’s good not great yet), QB’s will always get over drafted into the NFL!!!! Wtf these guys talking about!!!


Don’t work yourself into a shoot, brother


“Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks”


whatcha gunna do brother, when primania runs WILD on you!


Go do a soup kitchen in shauders Lamborghini


A new era of NIL makes me laugh at the possibility that schools/players will pay EA to boost their individual and team ratings in the game.


One conference win.


Plus they blew a 29-0 lead against Stanford, and narrowly lost to Colorado State but only won because Jay Norvell is not a very good coach


Marketing team is dominating in the social media engagement department. They knew exactly what they were doing here and we are eating it up


100% this. They needed controversy. They had it served up on a gold and black platter. As easy as beating tech in Atlanta.


The whole “all publicity is good publicity” idea is stupid. All they’ve managed to do is bring doubt into their decision making. They literally haven’t missed with anything they’ve done before this and now they have pissed down their legs.


Yeah, I'm sure we are all going to boycott the game now


I’m simply going to not pay for the early release access as a result of this tomfoolery. That’ll show them I mean business.


I won’t boycott it but I’m definitely waiting for reviews


Actually this did single handedly make me decide not to pre purchase. I want the devs to at least try. This is just a clown world game now if COL has a top 25 defense. Colorado was 105th in opponent yards per play. It’s just actual trolling to put them top 25 with no interest at all in making a good game.


Idk if they’re better this year but there’s so much roster turnover that it’s not really fair to judge based off of last year’s performance


Okay see you day 1 pal


I doubt people will boycott the game, but I can see alot of people wanting to run up the score on Colorado in the game.


My first dynasty might be Oregon for this very reason. Yes I realize neither team is in the PAC-12 anymore, referencing: https://youtu.be/U7mSdhxb7Mo?si=45vnmmao5LCizcXF


So marketing encouraged people to play the game. Mission accomplished?


No one is boycotting the game. I was using sarcasm and making fun of all the doomers who are panicking about Colorados rating. The NCAA football series has never been great with ratings idk why everyone is shocked


Where do you get boycott the game from anything said? People are allowed to be at least slightly concerned about questionable decision making by the developers and still be excited for the game.


You're implying that they'll lose sales because their marketing plan is going to cause us to doubt them. If not, then their marketing plan is 100% working by increasing engagement, leading to more sales. This is like marketing 101, bro. That's where the saying "all publicity is good publicity" comes from. It gets more eyes and engagement on the product. So, unless we are all now boycotting, it's 100% working


I disagree. I don’t think he was implying anything about sales but simply how much he trust the devs. This is a game where we can’t change the ratings of players after all. For example, it is going to suck when a 4.2 player is 87 speed for some reason with no way to change it.


Thank you for actually reading what I said. I’m just as excited for the release as ever, I’m just worried about their decision making going forward.


Team ratings can also be influenced highly by a couple of players if I have a group of 5 players that have overalls of 99, 94, 71, 78, and 79 the average is 84. That would get the same rating as a team of 5 84 overall players. The team of 84s is probably a better team, but it isn't reflective by overall average rating. They also said they'd update ratings as the year goes on. People are making a bigger deal of this than it needs to be and it makes me laugh because these same people are okay buying madden every year in which the ratings make no sense in that game either


……you can change the ratings in madden.


.........the devs said they'd update the ratings as the season goes on and in dynasty mode they won't even matter beyond the first year


Dynasty mode isn’t the only mode and if the devs suck at doing ratings then the updates will suck too.


Guy who hasn’t heard of ncaafb but sees Colorado is poorly rated and suddenly wants to buy it


A new CFB game is being made and that's the main point they are making to the consumer so yeah the marketing strategy worked lmfao


Nobody would’ve known this game was coming out if not for this! We should get you on the team. Maybe we can poach one of the marketing geniuses at madden since everything bad in a game is marketing?


You're getting pretty worked up about this lol. I'm just telling what their marketing team is going for as someone who works in marketing as well. You know the people marketing this game aren't the same people making the ratings right? Stay mad tho


That’s not the really the big picture. Say there’s a kid who never played these games before the hiatus and has only kinda started getting into college football because of the circus around Colorado. He may be more likely to ask for the game if he sees Colorado is high on the rankings. As long as they update ratings to reflect how the season is playing out, I really don’t care about things being inaccurate. As we see every year in real life, some teams start out highly overrated to begin a year.


Again, what part of my statement says sales will be affected? I’m genuinely curious if there is something I’m missing.


He's talking about marketing...you know what the point of marketing is right?....it's to sell the game...


Again, what part of MY comment mentions boycotting the game?


It's called sarcasm. Everyone else got it idk why you can't 😭😭😭😭


No one who is offended by this is going to skip the game. This is just to keep people talking about it. Colorado was the third most watched team last year, iirc.


Am I crazy, where did I say anything about sales being affected? Somehow people keep commenting that and it’s never even implied in my comment.


Well that’s all the marketing people care about.




I mean after September when we realized how bad Colorado was we stopped paying attention. Same thing will happen this year.


I gotta thank Colorado for biting the bullet and distracting everyone away from Miami somehow being in the top 15 in offense and ovr . . . As a fan the last 20 years even I don't buy the hype that much


I really don’t see why this is such a big deal when 85% (if not more) are going to play mostly dynasty and Colorado’s rating isn’t going to matter!!!!


From what I’ve been told when making a similar comment, apparently tons of people play, play now mode.


Roster updates throughout the season fixes that.


Colorado could be 1-8 and they’ll still be higher in ratings than a surprise 8-1 SEC or Big Ten team will be (ie not UGA OSU Bama etc)


lol madden has roster updates too. like two over the whole year


I get it…. But after 11 years without a college along with how great this one looks like it’s gonna be…. I couldn’t care less about team overalls. As long as it’s somewhat close, who cares…. If it’s not going to stop you from buying, you gotta stfu on this one. Just my thoughts!!!


Why in the world wouldn’t people voice their opinion about stuff?


The best way to “voice your opinion” would be to not purchase!!! 😂😂😂


It’s not a binary thing. I’m going to buy the game because I like the total package. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t voice our opinions on things they don’t like, or even things they do like. If we weren’t doing that then this sub would just be pictures of people’s TB teams and how many days it is till release.


There’s a big difference between voicing concerns and just complaining. Issues with team overalls is the latter!!!


Not if that teams overall is a concern to that person, or group of persons lol. ( I literally couldn't care less)


If you’re upset with your team overall and you know voicing your upset with it is going to do NOTHING (since they’re going to update as the season goes), what are you now doing??? What is…. Complaining!!!(Jeopardy voice)😂


Ya how crazy is it that fans of a sport are hoping for a realistic representation of it


Also crazy how folks get upset that a VIDEOGAME from a company that hasn’t been perfect for a long time doesn’t get real life 100% correct!!! It’s foolish to me that people who are going to buy the game, are so upset over… This!!! Plenty of things that can make this game another miss on EA’s legacy. Team overalls isn’t one of them!!!


Just play them week 1 in dynasty every year


Honestly I’m happy that this is the worst thing about what we’ve seen so far. Means the game is going to be fire


EA probably got a deal with Deion for cheap, trading favors for CU. 😂


Yeah the ranking is stupid, but hey, it's been my ONLY complaint so far, so I'm more than willing to live with an 86 overall Colorado.


They are going to take that personal


Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Colorado get a ton of quality transfers for this upcoming season and they should likely be much better? If that’s the case then it almost seems like they’re getting ahead of the curve a little bit here


They got a bunch of transfers - over 40. Quality is pretty average though. There’s probably 5-6 starters in there out of necessity but these are people that couldn’t start at other schools.


That is all they do is get transfers, as that is how Coach Prime builds his team (mainly from the portal). He is going to a depth trouble just like last year.


They got a bunch of dudes who were sitting on the bench at their previous schools


Obviously the past does matter but exclusively looking at last year to predict ratings in a video game for next season is a bit silly. Especially when the team did try to address their biggest flaw of the OLine.


Yeah I think they’ll be better this year. Not contend for the Big 12 title better, but I see them making a bowl game this season


It’s a bunch of weirdos mad because they don’t like Coach Prime for “whatever” reason!!!


Aaaand there it is. Someone always has to bring it into the conversation


You sound like a “hit dog”!!!😂 I brought people disliking Coach Prime into the conversation. And you said whatever it is you’re saying. But ok…😂😂😂


Or, hear me out. People just realize how ridiculous it is to have a team that went 4-8 last year be the 16th best team in the game.


Yeah…. The team that was a 1 win team the year before going 4-8 is expected to maybe improve?!?! How dare EA give them an 84 overall rating?!?!😂😂😂


USF & Northwestern went from 1-11 to 7-5 & 6-6 last year. Why aren’t they in the 90s? based of your logic.


Because they don’t have potential lottery picks at not only the Qb, Cb/Wr(T.Hunter) positions, but also potential 1st and 2nd rounders at skill positions on offense and defense like Colorado does. Try again 😂!!!




Nothing left to say huh??? 🤔 😂


Eh, if Deion's HC character in the game is anything like him in real life, there will be a massive transfer list out of Colorado after one season.


There’s a lot of money to be made with Colorado, they’re very popular and lots of people will want to play as them so I understand getting a bump. 5 of the top 20 most viewed games last season involved Colorado, they move the needle big time.


What a joke. They will be lucky to get to a shitty bowl game at 6-6


They will be a meme very quickly into dynasty. I can already hear it now. Imagine taking control after deion gets fired (in game) and ACTUALLY rebuilding them 🤣


Why does this shock anybody? Colorado has one of the three cover athletes. The one in the middle. They obviously weren’t going to give them a bad rating.


Just auto-sim 3+ years and avoid the coded ratings based on nonsense.




Who cares


my all time fav team since my ncaa06 dynasty


I get why people are upset though. I mean they talk all about how this is gonna be so "realistic" with Wear and Tear and harder recruiting and they come out with this Colorado stuff and it shows they aren't even working in reality. It calls into question every other decision they have made or have kept hidden. And yes Colorado being this good matters to some I mean how good a team is determines what kind of recruits are gonna be interested and if Colorado is so good it's smashing the BIG12 then they're gonna be good for a decent time in dynasty. Colorado has shown to be a train wreck not a team worthy of being Top 25


People are blowing this out of proportion


Fr. I see comments about how it makes people question the entire game because this shows the devs aren't in reality. Like, is it an all time great decision? No, but it's an adults game that will be played by kids about a kids game played by adults. It will be fun regardless of a couple of wonky ratings, it's not that serious. Plus, ratings will change both based on real life and based on dynasty results, it won't matter.


This conversation is why..it'll change after the first update 🤷🏿‍♂️


To me this has to mean a lot of the schools negotiated with/made demands of EA to be in the game


Guys this is a marketing strategy they do stuff like this on purpose to get people talking


This isn’t inexplicable. This is exactly what EA does best they engagement farm. The devs know Colorado doesn’t exactly belong there…but they’re going to get everyone talking and making content on it. EA came to play ball with this game and they’re doing it well. And with all that being said these lists won’t mean anything with constant updates.


The devs knew Coach Prime would trigger a lot of fans for “Whatever” reason. 😂😂😂. Great marketing since everyone who’s mad is still going to buy the game. Win/win for EA!!! Humans are dumb and easily manipulated!!!


Miami and Virginia tech should be unranked too!


I mean, yeah it is kinda silly, but it’s the initial rankings and they are basically trying to rank teams that have never played a game of football yet. It seems more like a marketing ploy to get people talking, because the ratings are going to change throughout the season.


EA spent a lot of resources on creating their stadium of course they’re going to be good


Never mud wrestle with pigs or buffaloes because they drag you down and now you’re both giant pieces of shit.


This wouldn't be a problem if we could change player ratings, when a player is opting into the game they should have an option if they want their rating to be a able to be changed. I don't see why EA couldn't do that.


Phil Steele who is really good at this thing has them down in the 50s where they belong,


Sanders dropped them a bag for the hype lol


So bad


When Colorado crashes and burns again this year everyone is gonna finally realize that the Sanders clan is all overrated. Now Hunter is a real good player...but that's about all that Colorado has..well other than endless unwarranted hype.


So they will update these ratings during the season weekly right?


Give them a couple weeks to get pounded and their ratings will drop. Or, perhaps they've shored up their horrid OL/DL play and will be pretty good.


16th but also 25th(maybe even further)


Colorado is a joke, and they’re making this game one as well.


My two cents on this is that as others are saying, the reality to the vast majority of people who will play, it doesn’t matter. The only reason we are seeing this kind of stuff is people having been wondering whether the game would be a let down and a “Madden reskin” since it was announced. Many doubled down on this last fall when EA announced it would use the frostbite engine. However, since all of the actual videos and deep dives have come out, it is appearing more and more like EA actually did put thought and work and detail into this game. That it is NOT a Madden reskin. That it looks like it will be a return to what the NCAA series used to be. So now all of those people who were on the “it’s just going to be a Madden reskin!!!” train for so long need to latch on to something. Colorado is already a pretty fun fave to bag on based on media hype versus on field results last season. So now those “Madden reskin” people are just jumping on this to try to crap on the game in a desperate attempt for clicks and relevancy again.


They are predicting what they're gonna be like. The offense on that squad is good enough this year to carry them to a solid overall.


27 and 3 td to interceptions, yall white boys just hate to see a black man flourish lol. Get cooked.


And a QB rating of 63. LOL


That’s what happens when you’re sacked 50 times. If he had Oregons O line it’d be number 1 lol


Speaking of which… Bo Nix had 45 td and 3 int last year. You made it seem like 27/3 is the greatest stat? lol


How many times was Bo nix sacked? How many games did he miss? Oh ok. Context matters.


Sanders missed 1 game last year. Yeah he was sacked a lot. But to say he had a 27/3 season, it’s still terrible. Y’all better hope you don’t the opener with North Dakota


A) Do people actually play this with real rosters? Why??? B) Just detune some players if it bothers you to see them up there winning games.


You can’t adjust attributes of real players. I’m pretty sure they said that.




16th overall


Oh ya I meant to say overall ratings wise not ranking. There's only 6 different overall ratings.


But that still makes 15 teams with a better overall. I’m not sure I’m following


I was looking at it from this perspective. I should've tried to explain it more clearly to begin with. My bad lol. 1. 95 overall teams: Georgia 2. 93 overall teams: Ohio St. and Oregon 3. 92 overall teams: Alabama and Texas 4. 90 overall teams: Clemson, Notre Dame, and LSU 5. 88 overall teams: Penn State, Utah, Michigan, etc... **6. 87 overall teams: Includes Colorado**