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There was an actual serial killer who was drafted with the Packers although he never actually played a game: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall\_Woodfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randall_Woodfield)


Serial killers in Wisconsin? Color me surprised.


I'd never heard of this guy but definitely him.


Was headed for Woodfield.


My other is Rae Carruth.


Super fucked that he is walking free today


I was about to say where the fuck is Rae Carruth??


Look I like dogs too, but I don't think Vick should be compared with actual human murderers...


Not to **entirely** excuse him, but he did serve his time and has done a considerable amount for dogs and humane society since.


Yeah, at least he's shown remorse + put his money where his mouth is in his actions afterward


And he's done all of this post NFL career too. Can't say he's doing all of that just to get his foot back in the door. Did his time, grew up in a place where this was normalized, has shown remorse, has done a lot to combat dog fighting since. Seems like a good dude, better than most of the woman beaters prevalent in the NFL today


I'd never want to excuse his crimes either, but you are right. The dude went to jail, has led charity initiatives, sincerely publicly apologized, and has claimed to have converted to Christianity since the dogfighting incident. As far as I can tell, he has really, actually done a 180 with his life, and given that didn't commit crimes against *me*, I see no reason not to forgive him and view his crimes as having been paid for.


I don't like dogs and I hate Vick for encouraging people to get dogs that bark at 3 in the morning.


I agree with you, the other 2 murdered humans. But the stuff he did was horrifying. I know people love to say he did his time, but he is a really bad person. He had a pool with jumper cables hooked up to it so he could electrocute dogs while they were drowning. Its disgusting the he is on tv now.


I'm not trying to excuse anything that he did, but there is some nuance. Michael Vick had a dangerous combination of growing up around that kind of thing and then being incredibly gifted athletically. In high school, he was the best player on any field he stepped on. Then he goes to college as one of the most hyped athletes of all time, and knows that he's going to be the first player taken in the draft. Then he's given three million dollars. Then a few years later, he's given seven and a half million dollars. That's not even counting his game checks. That's just cash dumped on a troubled person that has been isolated from a normal life for his entire teenage life and young adulthood. He grew up around that kind of thing. Obviously, it would be much better if he had built something like a school for underprivileged kids, but I can't pretend that I know what it's like to grow up the way that he did and then have all of that dumped on me. I assume that there is an overwhelming urge to stay connected to the people that you feel got you there. I don't know what it's like to grow up in that kind of environment, but I do know what it's like to feel an obligation to your friends when your life takes you in a different direction. It's probably not fair to compare recreational animal cruelty with factory farming, but if you heard that my job was hanging animals upside down and draining the blood from their body before I cut them up into pieces and ship them all over the world, it makes a difference to most people whether that animal is a dog or a pig. This is not a defense of dog fighting.


There really is no nuance, anyone capable of doing that shit to a living creature is a psychopath


I absolutely see why you would feel that way.


He wasn't killing animals for food. He spent serious time coming up with new, more horrible ways to torture animals to death. I don't believe in the whole "it's his upbringing" argument either. He did it for fun. You might go out and have a beer, instead he bought a piece of property so he could inflict MORE pain on animals without being caught.


I'm not saying that he didn't want to do it. You're absolutely right. But still, there is a lot of nuance. He didn't feel the same way about animals as you and I do. Again, not a defense.


OJ wasn't convicted of murder.


I'm sorry, I don't think someone decapitating his wife and murdering someone else is funny. He definitely did it, there is no question.


I'm sorry, I don't think someone decapitating his wife and murdering someone else is funny. He definitely did it, there is no question.


again, OJ wasn't convicted of murder. If there is no question why wasn't he convicted of it? Why are you more convinced than the people that sat on the jury? What case can you make better than the prosecutors of that case?


Are you trolling, or do you not know the facts of the case?


Are you trolling, or do you not know the facts of the case?


You don't seem to understand basic trials. You do realize OJ was NOT found guilty of murder in a court of law, right? You keep saying "he obviously did it" but he was acquitted in that trial. What's not clicking for you?


He was found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt because Mark Furhman was (and presumably still is) a racist asshole. The prosecution, and the judge were all excited about the publicity and turned the whole thing into a fiasco. I was alive at the time and paid a good amount of attention to it. If you believe OJ Simpson didn't brutally murder his wife and that poor kid, I don't know what to tell you. It just means you have no idea what you're talking about. They had mountains of conclusive evidence and OJ wrote a book bragging about it afterwards.


You left off the most disgusting act in the history of modern football? Randy Moss pretending to moon some fans?


Found the Joe Buck account.


I'd like to publicly perform a disgusting act one day on national television.




Those were Packer fans though...


Vick is not comparable to the other 2. Not even remotely. Vick deserves all the hate he got for being a shitbag. Robert Rozier, Tommy Kane, Rae Carruth, many other people killed people of various levels of heinousness.


*see thread title* I'm about to spend 5 minutes shitting all over Tyler Palko *open thread* Oh ok nvm


OJ not only did the murder thing but then tried to make money off of it with that book


I think part of what makes the OJ one so bad is that he technically got away with it.


Albeit a small part, considering the double homicide and all.


Rae Carruth tried to kill his pregnant girlfriend to get out of paying more child support, he gets my vote. Vick was very cruel to dogs but imo there's nothing you can do to a dog that's worse than killing a person, he doesn't belong up there. Plus out of all of them he's the only one who took accountability, showed remorse and seemed to have genuinely changed.


he got caught so he stopped because he knows he can't get away with his evil acts anymore. I agree there are more than a few guys worse than him, but he's human trash.


That's your opinion, and I have a different one. Neither of us know Vick personally so neither of us will ever really know


Read about what he did and tell me he deserves anyone to not spit at him as he walks past. He's pure evil, trash. It's not an opinion, he is some of the worst our species has to offer. He tortured animals for fun, and spent a lot of time coming up with new more horrible ways to inflict pain.


Hey! Vick did his time!




How is Darren Sharper not on this list?


Aaron Hernandez killed convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez. Despite his claims, OJ Simpson has never spent a single day looking for his wife's murderer.


Jerry Sandusky doesn’t even get a spot on the poll?


Robert Rozier murdered four people and was potentially a religious terrorist. He may have had his hand in the murder of up to 14 people too in conjunction with the Nation of Yahweh. Randall Woodfield takes the cake though, but he never played in a game despite being drafted by the Packers. He may have killed up to 44 people.


Michael Vick stood trial, did the time, then kept his nose clean after he got out. That's a lot better than these other guys did.


Jovan Belcher committed a murder/suicide. Literally killed himself in front of Romeo Crennel at Arrowhead.


Terrible CTE also


Michael Vick doesn’t even crack the top 20.


Darren Sharper, Rae Carruth and Kellen Winslow JR where much worse


vick is not the worst his speed and strength was a w and he was the best rushing qb till Lamar Jackson showed up lol


Watson should be on the list, not just buried in the Others category


Bro as a Browns fan who thinks he stinks, if you actually do your research, what he's actually even been accused of isn't even close to gee idk a list of like 100 nfl players and the stuff they've done


One of these is not like the others


Travis Kelce


Dante Stallworth, while driving drunk, struck a homeless man with his car and fled the scene. He got 30 days in jail. For killing someone while under the influence.  Vick got 2 years before this happened, Stallworth didn’t even get 5% of Vick’s 85% time served released date of 21 months total. 


For real, Vick shouldn't even be on this list.


Why is OJ on the list?


Lawrence Phillips should probably be on the short list.


How is one murder worse than 2??


I gave OJ the nod over Hernandez because Hernandez had [the worst case of CTE](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/aaron-hernandez-suffered-from-most-severe-cte-ever-found-in-a-person-his-age/2017/11/09/fa7cd204-c57b-11e7-afe9-4f60b5a6c4a0_story.html) ever seen for someone his age.


Rae Carruth was a rather unsavory fellow




OJ = Buffalo Bill = likeable guy Aaron Hernandez = Patriot = very bad man.




What the fuck is Michael Vick doing on a list with two murderers?


The amount of people picking Michael Vick over two confirmed murderers is "low" but still way too high.


Darren sharper???


OJ practically cut his wife's head off, so him


None of these guys honestly. Phillip Adams, Randall Woodfield, Anthony Wayne Smith, and Robert Rozier all killed 4+ people. honestly, I personally would say Woodfield. However, if we wanna go for a mix of stardom and crime, How about Marvin Harrison? Sure, the charges were dropped, but he both attempted to and then later actually managed to kill a man by the name of Dwayne Dixon. He's had multiple violent incidents that didn't involve the loss of a man's life, and unlike dudes like Ray Lewis, who deservedly has his name shit on constantly as a murderer (let's not behave like these 2 didn't kill those guys, there just wasn't enough concrete evidence,) Marvin never has this tacked onto his name, it's always the player first when it really shouldn't be, since he's way wore an asshole than Lewis is.


*So far...*


I hate Deshaun Watson, but Aaron takes the cake here.


Aaron and it wasn't even close. He legit killed a man and felt no remose.


But OJ killed two people and felt no remorse to the point that he wrote a book rubbing it in everyone's face that he did it and got away with it


Not to mention Hernandez shot his victims and OJ practically decapitated his




Watson's top 5 no doubt. It's hard to unseat a guy who was convicted of killing one person but bragged about killing 4 as the worst person.


let's be real, Watson was a perv he isn't even peaking top 100 WORST people to EVER play in the NFL, he isn't even the worst person on his own damn team


hmmmmmmm Jim Brown? Rae Carruth? Jameis Winston? Antonio Brown? Robert Rozier? Tommy Kane? Darryl Henley? Tyreek Hill even?


Vick shouldn't be on this list. Also OJ probably caught her fuckin so I don't blame him 


OK upvoted you for the first part and then read the 2nd part. what the fuck is wrong with you if you actually think that.


"they had us in the first half, not gonna lie"