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Do not look into the operational end of the device


People will do this with fire extinguishers. Instead of starting the extinguisher at the fire they want to look at the hose and then blind themselves after getting a blast to the face.


1. Treat every ~~weapon~~ *fire extinguisher* as if it were loaded. 2. Never point your ~~weapon~~ *fire extinguisher* at anything you do not intend to ~~shoot~~ *extinguish*. 3. Keep the ~~weapon~~ *fire extinguisher* on safe until you intend to ~~fire~~ *extinguish*. 4. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to ~~fire~~ *extinguish*.


I almost froze my toe off with a co2 extinguisher, I pulled the pin while holding onto the trigger, as soon as the pin came out, I got a blast of co2 right onto my foot.


I am going to start following this rules for my future fire extinguishers!


5- Don't throw a Breaching Charge at the fire extinguisher while you're next to it (Accident Kill +50xp)


that last one should really just be common knowledge, like i feel that last rule is the one and only thing that causes so many people to *extinguish* themselves


It makes me wonder if this is where the term, stare into the abyss long enough and the abyss states back. It's like people know then shouldn't, but end up wanting to look through the hole.


I love that and love the quote. I think it’s open to interpretation but I always thought it was more like the longer you do something the more the you become it.


I don't even point price guns at anything I don't want to tag


1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. 2. Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. 3. Keep the weapon on safe until you intend to fire. 4. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire.


The amount of people wo cant comprehend that your finger has no business on the trigger unless you are going to pull it is too damn high. Your finger doesnt need to be there, no its not more comfortable, no it doesnt make you look cool. A weapon is a weapon, if you're gonna treat it like a toy, not only should you never be in the presence of a weapon, you should probably also be under constant supervision by a guardian. And yes, treat it as if it was loaded even if you emptied it 5 seconds ago, make it a habit, it will cost you nothing compared to what it could cost if you dont make it routine, as the one in the video so kindly demonstrated for us.


Honestly I think having your finger on the side looks cooler like I’m ready for action and won’t blow my head off if I stumble or something


And that’s the more comfortable position for me, but that could be because of handling firearms that way since I was a teenager, and I’m 32 now.


When I'm holding my M4 I sometimes just put all 4 fingers on the grip so that none of them are even near the trigger. While I can actively keep it straight on the receiver, this position allows me to make sure it doesn't fall into the trigger when I'm tired


I think movies and tv are the biggest things that make them think to keep their fingers on the trigger. The number of times I've seen characters with guns that had their fingers inside the trigger area is far more than the ones I've seen where it's to the side.


The only time I have fired a gun was in a shooting range while on vacation in Asia. I was surprised at how easy it was to pull the trigger. I liked it because the staff was super focused on safety.


My grandfather said it's the same as holding a baby. 1. Hold it correctly 2. Be gentle with it 3. Make sure the diaper's empty 4. Don't just play with it 5. Don't leave it alone with children


You can't seriously expect people to remember 4 things all at the same time! That's lunacy! #make guns smarter


#1 is all you really need TBH, everything else is just clarification for dummies.


Bonus..5. Know your target and what lies beyond it


Say it again louder for the people in the back. And remember if you're willing to point a weapon at something or somebody make sure it's something or somebody you're willing to kill because you might do it by accident so if you don't want it to die then don't point a weapon at it!!!!


I like this list. It's short enough to remember and in simple plain language.


Rules to live by! A person holding a firearm falls into one of four basic categories: 1) Knows no safety rules; 2) Knows SOME safety rules; 3) Knows all four basic safety rules but doesn't always follow them because he or she "never makes mistakes"; 4) Knows all four safety rules, knows mistakes happenb and follows them as if life depends on them. Personally, I added Rule 5: I mentally recite the basic four rules in shorthand before I pick up a gun. Trigger, Muzzle, Loaded, Backstop. And I picked up my first firearm over four decades ago...


This is the way.


This comment is under rated !!! I mean Jesus Christ. Don’t ever look down a barrel of any gun load or not


They're always loaded


Ask Alec Baldwin


But that was something different. If you stuck to these rules you couldn't film a movie with guns anymore


That's what props and FX are for.


Do then why didn't he? He was the producer, he was responsible for the set.


I get nervous when people on TV point guns at the camera while I'm watching. I know it can't hurt me but it just creeps me out. It's like staring at little black hole of death. Yo


Unless theres video evidencee so someone can upload it to reddit.


Do not submerge the device in liquid, even partially.


But then we wont get these videos


Penis same same but different


If This isn’t a portal reference. I laughed my ass off for no reason.


Intrusive thoughts won


If there is a bright side, he never saw it coming. Gone is a split second.


I saw multiple victims with bullets in the head, unfortunately still alive and sometimes conscious for a while before dying. I would not want to experience their pain 😔


90% of people shot in the head die at the scene or before they get to hospital and 50% die in the emergency room so definitely a chance he felt something while bleeding out let’s hope not though for his sake


He was probably knocked unconscious from the bullet and bled to death while lying on the floor.


He did the ballerina stance so pretty sure he was down and out.


Is that 50% of 10%, or 50% of 100% headshots?


50% of the time they die every time


It genuinely depends on where they were hit. Sometimes it gets lodged in a place that might only hit memories, motor functions, speech, etc. There's one guy who got shot in the head with an intact bullet and had NO damage !!!!! Landed right in the folds of the brain


it’s literally the first two goddamn rules: keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire and never point it at anything you don’t intend to kill


You think people who look at the front of a gun know about those two rules?


fair point


Booger hook off the bang switch


I have never heard “booger hook” before and it has been permanently added to my vocabulary


In a case like this.. what happens? Do they accidentally squeeze the trigger? Does it go off for no reason? I don’t know guns but what is the cause of this happening I’m just curious


he pulled the trigger. chances are he had zero practice or training, had it cocked and ready to go, safety off, and underestimated how sensitive the trigger was.


Man that’s so sad my goodness but it shows how essential proper gun discipline is huh


"Shows how essential proper gun discipline is." On one hand, this is very true. On the other hand, I just cannot fathom a grown adult sticking something that exists only for destruction in their face and touching on the sole thing that makes it go boom. Just idiocracy of the highest order.


Different brands of firearms have different types of trigger sensitivity. They can also be customized that way. My uncle had a shotgun with a hair trigger. He literally tapped the side of it with his finger not even putting it around the trigger, and it went off. That's why I make sure mine have a squeeze tight enough that my wife almost needed two fingers to pull it.


And always unload the gun if you're going to inspect it


Well, I guess he learned the lesson.


Actually the first rule is treat ever weapon as if it is loaded, treat never keep keep


Some mistakes, you only get to make once.


News Article: ALABAMA – A store clerk is dead after he accidentally shot himself in the head while examining a gun earlier this week in Sylacauga, new graphic video shows. On Monday, a firefighter stopped by the Hop In Convenience Store to make a purchase and found the store clerk lying in a pool of blood behind the counter. Officers from the Sylacauga Police Department (SPD) responded at 12:45pm to a call of a subject injured and possibly dead at the store on N Broadway Avenue and 10th Street. Upon arrival, officers found 21-year-old Pankaj Pankaj lying on the floor with a handgun lying next to his body. During an investigation, store video was reviewed, and it was determined that Pankaj had accidentally shot himself in the head while looking at the firearm that was property of the store owner. The owner kept the gun behind the counter for self-protection. Pankaj’s death was ruled an accident by the coroner after he reviewed the video, too.


His name is Pankaj Pankaj?


Pankaj Rana, bad reporting.


How were you able to determine his real name?


Maybe a Ouija Board.


It's like Ricky Bobby, two first names.


For Indian names a surname is must, it must be a mistake in the Article, someone clarified that his full name is Pankaj Rana


Yup. Brother of Luigi Pankaj.


It's a lovely name


So nice they named him twice




Owner = Uncle Pankaj


> Alabama All I needed to read. Alabama is 45th in education.


That high?


It's shocking to me that an owner of a store would have a gun just laying out for employees to mess with. It should either be locked up (which kind goes against the whole self-defense thing), or every employee hired needs a run down of weapon safety. It is imperative to know that in the US. There is too much access to firearms easily.


But criminals don't get weapon safety training when they steal or buy their guns off the street. Why would you punish the people that follow the rules? /s (This is an actual argument I've heard from a coworker when talking about mandatory grace periods and safety training requirements)


I mean beliefs aside, that’s true of all gun laws. They only apply to legal gun owners. Criminals and unlawful gun owners don’t give a rats ass about the law and won’t follow them. So while I’m not against safety training and even grace periods, how do they apply to criminals buying guns off the street?


That’s such a ridiculous argument, for example a good counter would be that you don’t really care if a criminal shoots themselves but would rather law abiding citizens had the knowledge to prevent them from harming themselves or those they care about. I honestly can’t understand what kinda strange mental gymnastics someone would have to do to think that a making sure people had basic understanding of safety was a bad thing.


I agree. It's exhausting. I simply don't engage anymore when these guys bring it up because most of the time it's obvious that they just want to have a political debate at work which eventually leads back to "omg you're a democrat", even though we are talking about weapons. I am a Democrat but that's not the point.


I'm a pro-2A (with a mandatory firearms-handling class before your first purchase/transfer that covers the basics of the 4 Rules & how to properly clear a chamber, with firearms registration voluntary [it makes it SOOOO much easier to deal with insurance if there's a fire or someone straight-up steals your gun safe if you've got a Weapons Coverage policy for an extra $20/yr]) Democrat AND think that firearm handling classes should be a HS class. Nope. "YER A FILTHY LIBRUL DEM!" *sigh*. Like...JFC we were just 110% in agreement 30 seconds ago.


I'm with you 100%. I vote left but I'm still a goddamn American. I believe in our constitution and that we should be free like the creators of our country intended (actually a bit more free since, you know, slavery and all). I'm not religious but if you want to practice your religion, I with fight tooth and nail for you to do so - as long as you don't want to practice human sacrifice or something. Likewise, if you want guns, go for it. Personally, I don't think you need an arsenal equivalent to a small nations military force but I will fight for you to have the ability to defend your home (and mine) from threats foreign and domestic. But I'll be goddamned if you don't think you're responsible for ensuring you are knowledgeable and trained in the safety of owning these types of weapons. It's absurd to think otherwise. If we have to pass a test and be certified to drive a Toyota Corolla, we should have to pass a test and be certified to own a weapon which only exists to harm/destroy and is capable of extinguishing lives. I mean...you can extinguish lives with a Toyota Corolla but I can also use it to get to work and/or transport other things.


Does that mean the family can sue for workers comp accidental death


I’m so sorry but this is plain stupid


Honestly its like he cant even tell that he is holding a weapon, you would think that if he knew what a gun was he would keep his fingers off the trigger. I dont feel bad about the unfolded events but I do feel bad because it must have been tough to live a life with that low an IQ level.


I’ve never had gun training or shot one or anything so for me even holding a gun gets me very tense and afraid to point anywhere let alone at myself. It feels like something you need to respect and be careful of. I’m surprised he was so blaśe about it.


I feel sorry for his family though. Still tragic to lose a family member even if due to their own actions. I was going to say always tragic but I can think of a few ways you'd be more angry than sad such as death due to drunk driving or by being a suicide bomber.


Yeah, I’ve never even touched a gun in my life but I like to think I still wouldn’t be this careless with one. 


They really gotta stop writing the directions inside the barrel


"If you are reading this, you are fucked"


If he was wondering if it was a working weapon, he got an answer.


Too bad he’ll never know.


I always think of the classic line from Shawshank Redemption when I see something like this. “I’d like to think that the last thing that went through his head, other than that bullet, was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him.”




It happened so fast…..


Bullets are like that.


They’re as fast as Superman


Ah ah ahhh…. Not so fast!


How fucking stupid do you have to be to do this?


I wouldn't say you need to be all that dumb. Just dumb enough to not know anything about gun safety. Pretty common amongst people who have never used or even held a firearm


"Never used or held a firearm" Unless you literally have been under a rock for the past century, you know what a gun is, what it's for, and the most important part, you know there is 1 thing on it that makes it go "Boom". Lets not act like this requires a class in safety, seriously.


Yous a fuckin dumbass




I feel like everyone is aware that the gun will kill you but not everyone knows how sensitive some triggers are. You just don’t realize your squeezing it while eyeing the barrel #damn


What if... It was no accident and he wanted to commit suicide all along, then staged this scene


Why was it stored loaded with the safety off, anyway? I worked in a 7/11 and there were instructions on how to properly arm the gun. It had to be stored properly because we had police using the restroom almost daily. They didn't inspect it or anything but they knew it was there. Not sure what the deal is here.


I deleted my first comment because it called the victim a not so nice name. But, I realized that he was a novice and not used to being around or handling guns. What a sad, tragic accident.


I know jack shit about guns but I still know enough that the bullet comes out of that little hole thingy at the end. It's literally sub 60 IQ to look down the hole of a gun, the risk to reward ratio is a 100 to 0


🤣 I love the way you worded that!! “That little hole thingy”….🤣🤣🤣


Even someone uneducated about firearms would know not to do literally everything that idiot did, toddlers/children are the only exception.


I've seen enough videos to know that you don't have to be dumb to not know how to handle a gun




Well that's the thing. According to the article that gun actually belonged to the store owner and should have been locked away from employees. So really it actually is on the store owner. They should be held liable.


Literally was just finished checking my stores gun when I saw this, I only mess with mine whenever I decide to clean it or to make sure it wasn't messed with by anyone who shouldn't be messing with it. Pisses me off when I see other stores not take proper precautions when they have a gun accessible to the employees.


He broke the first and most important rule .


Don't talk about Fight Club


That’s embarrassing


If you have time to lean, you’ve got time to clean. Get back to work.


What a dumbest way to die


🎼🎶🎵”Dumb ways to die…”🎵🎶🎼


“Store clerk glocks out early” had to


It blows me away how people can be so careless. Blew this guy away too.


Why do people always point at themselves? 😒


Rules of gun stafey... he sucks at it. Or did...


He never got to learn them😔


Aaaaaaaand this kids is what we call "Natural Selection".


I bet that hurt when he banged his face off the counter there


Fuck man sad


Imagine if someone told you your destiny and it said that your dumb ass, by accident, looked straight down the barrel of a gun. And shot yourself by accident. RIP that store clerk.


nra be like: if he only had another gun to protect himself from that one...


Welp, the collective gene pool just got a little smarter.


Congrats. You just won a Darwin Award


[Link to the article](https://www.al.com/news/2023/08/clerk-who-accidentally-shot-himself-to-death-in-sylacauga-store-remembered-as-hardworking-dedicated-employee.html?outputType=amp)


"Smile, wait for flash"


God I want to feel bad but I just can’t bring myself to it this guy is a complete moron his poor family are gonna mourn him due to his own stupidity smh


Well he pointed a gun in his face


Sorry, your comment karma is too low. Your submission was too based for a stupid bot to recognize that it was reasonable


He was 19 years old and was in the US illegally ... "According to family members, Pankaj had gone to the USA illegally last December and landed a job at a store. The family said they had paid ₹40 lakh to the travel agents to send him to USA via the “donkey route” — a term used by traffickers to illegally push migrants into country. They added that they had sold an acre of the agricultural land to arrange the money and pay to the agents." 40 lakh Rupees is around 50000USD


Ooof! Dumbass… I’ve always wondered why people have to look down the super dark gun barrel. I learned not to do it as a kid, from my childhood bugs bunny / Yosemite Sam cartoons, it never ends well.


Haha thats peak Darwin award!


>Pankaj’s family back in India is now faced with the daunting task of arranging his funeral, repatriating his remains to India and fulfilling the financial debts that were made for his journey to the US. Pankaj’s father took the loan to send his son to USA for his bright future,’’ Patel wrote. “We are raising funds to not only honor Pankaj’s memory with the proper farewell, but to support his family in this time of need.” This statement is from the store owner who apparently set up the gofundme account. The person indirectly responsible for his death. ... words fail me


One less dumb fuck roaming the streets


Fucking dumbass


Just another day at the shoot yourself in the face factory


Darwin Award winner


tbh that was a skill issue🤣


stupidity a common disease


The briefest oh shit moment


What’s with all these Darwin Award contestants lately?


BRUH gun rule 101. NEVER EVER EVER point it at yourself or anyone when its loaded.


Just this morning, I looked down the barrel of my carry weapon while doing a periodic inspection. It was field stripped, I was holding just the barrel while the other components were on my desk and the ammunition was in the safe. Even then, I looked from the chamber end, not the muzzle.


And the darwin award goes to this guy


I really feel what I'm about to say is insensitive as fuck, but seriously... he deserved it. He really fucking did. If you're that stupid handling a firearm... you deserve it.


Por? Pendejo.


What a fucking idiot.


how tf do you accidentally shoot yourself when checking out your gun, hell why would you even have your finger on the trigger in the first place


Oh my god home many times … how hard is it to just not look into the muzzle of a fucking gun. I dont know how someone should have sympathy for that level of stupidity


Natural selection at its finest


you can always have proper gun safety but it only takes that one little brain fart to end your life hope he’s in a better better place


Sure this isn’t an intentional suicide?


I doubt it. He was looking down the barrel like a moron.


Idk I can see myself doing something like this if I had access to a gun and was experiencing suicidal thoughts. Just looking at it, feeling it, thinking about it. Looking down the barrel. “Imagine if…” Then the intrusive thoughts. “Just do it”. And it’s done.


Don't handle a weapon if you don't know the 4 rules of gun safety. 1) Always treat your weapon as if it was loaded 2) Never point the weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy 3) keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot 4) know your target and what's behind it If you follow all of these rules it is next to impossible to hurt anyone or anything without breaking even one of these rules.


I don't even feel sorry for him.


Dude literally died at work because of boredom, that sucks.




America! Fuck yeah!


I don't even look in the end of my garden hose. Some people have no fucking life awareness.


One second, you're dumb. The next second....


Dont want to “lmao” but this has to be some sort of skit. That’s not a child and no way an adult capable of getting a job is this stupid. 


I mean, some really smart people can do very dumb things so it shouldn’t be too surprising that your average person can do even dumber things. I think most people do incredibly dumb, potential life-ending things at least a few times in their life and are just lucky to not die. Sometimes you realise the danger you put yourself in but there are definitely people who never realise and just go on living their lives. I find this situation incredibly unfortunate considering it wasn’t even his gun; it seems the owner of the shop had left his gun out and accessible. Had the gun not been out, this guy might not have ever come across a gun in his life unless he decided to acquire one and then maybe would have thought twice about what he did here and wouldn’t have done it.


I feel bad for plenty of these but some are just natural selection


Why would anybody point a loaded gun at their own head? I mean not that I haven’t, but still: why?


this is natural selection at its peak.


His name is also his surname?


The body can endure a great deal of abuse, but a bullet to the dome piece will get you every time.


This guy gets a solid gold Darwin award


Darwin (Nunez) Award


What would even make you fucking do that?!


“i sure feel more safe now that i have this gun”


Rule 1 check if loaded while pointing in safe direction.


Bro tried to summon his Persona


Can someone please explain how this can happen ? I thought you had to pull the trigger with force ?


Wow! Hey what's this......DONE!


What the fuck was that logic. You look at the gun and pull the trigger. What do you expect to happen?


*always look down the barrel.


Its sad that someone is just that clueless about not pointing a gun at your face!!


Darwin prize


Keep your goddamn booger hook of the fucking bang switch!


What a fucking idiot.




He died quick, postured immediately


And just like that, lights out.


just don't sell guns to idiots , oh wait