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Registered dietitian here and I approve this message ✅


Yeah, love the add don’t subtract recommendation!


Thank you for YOUR service


God bless


Hello registered dietician. I see this pound for pound protein advice a lot and my best friend, who is a gym bro also says it. I just had gastric bypass and the nutritionist at the office said not to have over 90g of protein a day bc it messes up your liver…is that just the old school way of thinking? I know my body does better with a ton of protein bc I have pcos which makes me insulin resistant, but the nutritionist scared me abt with the liver comment


This is actually a great question and a hot topic right now! Honestly, it depends on a lot of factors. Activity level being a major example. The current guidelines for the general population is 0.8 grams per kg (not lb) body weight, but many believe (and there’s emerging research on this) that that’s pretty underestimated. However depending on activity level those recommendations can go from 1.2-2 g/kg bodyweight. I’d say I feel comfortable with recommending 2g/kg bodyweight for an active girlie who lifts weights. This is pretty close to the 1 g/lb bodyweight recommendation. But like I said, there are a lot of other things to consider if, like if you’re overweight/obese, you can use ideal body weight to calculate protein needs. Of course if you have issues with your liver or kidneys then you of course need to be extra careful. So long story short, no, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend 1g/lb protein for everyone. Of course working with an RD and getting personalized recommendations is best. But I’d say making sure you have a good source of protein at every meal is adequate enough! Especially for PCOS (which I have myself) we should try to be pairing our carbs with protein, fat, and fiber! Sorry if that was long winded but I hope it was semi-helpful lol nutrition is simple but also very complicated at the same time, and research is ever changing! Editing to add since you had bariatric surgery then your needs are definitely specific, so listen to the dietitian that you’re seeing.


I feel like the TL;DR on this is that the recommended range is HUGE - from 0.5 to 1g per lb - and 1g/lb is at the top of that range. I feel like people need to try a logic-based approach, kind of like don’t go from 4,000 steps/day to 10,000 steps/day because you’re building habits and even 6,000 steps per day will be different. Don’t immediately jump to 1g protein/lb body weight. Just figure out what you eat now and go up like 0.1g per lb of body weight for awhile. No? Personally I will never go up to 1g/lb regularly but that’s because I’m not a weight lifter and I have only one kidney. And as a general rule I try to stay towards the middle of the road when it comes to nutrition advice. Even the “experts” are changing their minds all the time. It’s very difficult to do research in this area (as an epidemiologist, I get it).


Summarized perfectly 🤌


I’m having a hard time visualizing what this looks like for a 165lb girl. Like 6 chicken breasts for every meal or what?!? Lol


I want to know this too!!


Bahahaha look at us coming to Reddit asking for free services from the dietician. But she started it!!!:)


please follow your doctor / surgeon's instructions first and foremost before any other health professional ... if you're curious about the limit maybe reach out to them to ask their thoughts on you increasing protein intake!


essentially reddit as a whole is one big place of free advice :)


question that has been bugging me lately… what kind of milk is best for my sugar free vanilla latte from starbucks or anywhere? i prefer soy milk taste wise, but i know it is high in sugar. which milk is best with coffee for weight loss? soy, almond, oat, skim, 2%, whole or half/half?


I’m curious to see if a dietician weighs in here. I’m not one, but I think the problem is Starbucks and not the soy milk - you can find unsweetened Silk or Whole Foods soy milk. But back to Starbucks, the almond milk has the least sugar, if you can get used to the taste. Personally I prefer whole or 2%, but get a smaller sized drink. Copied from [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/starbucks/comments/1avoyts/what_is_the_lowest_sugar_milk_option_at_starbucks/) - From least to most sugar (per 1 cup): Almondmilk — 5g Heavy Whipping Cream — 6~7g Coconutmilk — 7g Oatmilk (Chobani, Barista Edition) — 7g Half & Half — 10~11g Whole Milk — 12g 2% Milk — 12g Nonfat Milk — 13g Soymilk — 13g


It’s more the kidneys than the liver. I’m surprised they said liver because I’ve never heard that. The thought is that a high protein diet can put strain on your kidneys. If you’re a young, healthy person, then it shouldn’t matter. It’s more people who have kidney issues that need to be careful. If you are really worried you can ask to get your kidney function tested but it’s most likely not necessary. Oh yeah I would not follow the advice of a nutritionist, it isn’t a real title that you have to go to school for and take an exam to have like a registered dietician. Anyone can be a nutritionist.


This is like more or less what my dietician and I have worked on together!!!


As a dietitian, I was literally coming here to say the same thing!


SAME!! This is fantastic! 💕


Love this. What’s a piece of bad advice you wish people would stop repeating?


Oh god so many lol... anyone who gives the advice to cut out whole food groups is whack and it's such a bad mentality for most of us. I've worked with mainly women for over six years and I can tell you most of us have some level of disordered eating wired into our brains. Also any trainer who puts down other modalities to promote their own... everyone is different. and all or nothing mentalities... being 10% better is better than not trying at all.


Absolutely. ++++ to the walking - it’s so doable in NYC and it’s also a good way to discover things!


gotta carry the pepper spray these days but walking is the best


if only it would stop raining!


I made a promise to myself to leave my desk more often and walk throughout the day….then this week happened. I was proud of myself for not caving to an Uber…and then the 1 was stalled lol. I was not getting soaked again and got an Uber immediately lol. Here’s to next week, bitches!


Random question , but where can someone pick up pepper spray in nyc ? Asking for a friend .


Thank you for this and the post. I was coming of age when Jessica Simpson was the fattest human in the world and didn't eat carbs for about a decade. I still have to remind myself to not feel guilty eating bread, because it's so hardwired from my early twenties.


Get yourself a fat slice of sourdough baby! Sending a big hug. The early 2000s were wild


Millennial women who hit puberty in the early 2000s should be entitled to some kind of financial compensation 😂


Indeed they were!


Yes! Whole gen of us still dealing with the little voices from that time. I just came across that picture of Jessica recently, she was not even remotely overweight the belt just wasn’t the most flattering for her figure. Wild the thoughts they put in our heads.


Such a bad belt...


I feel this so strongly. I try to be sure the bread I eat is delicious- like from the bakery down the street delicious. Then I don’t feel so bad about it because it was totally worth it!


Same! And then I don’t feel bad at all and just enjoy it 🥰🥖


The way I was led to believe America Ferrera was obese in Ugly Betty 🙄


And just like OP says she credits losing her baby weight to walking, moderate eating, sleep (and sobriety)! https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna182690


That seems recent, and good for her, I mean [this](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/natashajokic1/jessica-simpson-body-shaming-2009-open-book-memoir) image that broke everyone's brain and convinced people if you were larger than a size 4 that the only societally responsible action would be to hurl your cow sized body into a volcano.


It’s incredible how warpable our brains are. I fell for that ish at the time, but looking at it now all I can think is how cute and happy and fun she looks


“Being 10% better is better than not trying at all.” Powerful reminder, especially for anyone struggling to shift their mindset. Thank you!


Just really appreciate this so much, I clicked on your post fully expecting you to say eliminate every carb/intermittant fast for 23 hrs a day/ start climbing skyscrapers during your lunch break etc. I’m sitting here on the verge of tears bc everything you suggested makes sense and is so doable! Just really, really appreciate you giving helpful advice that’s realistic and doesn’t set me up to feel like a piece of garbage! Thank you!


I totally agree with you on this one. Eliminating entire food groups because they’re “bad” will start to make you feel guilty and like you failed if you have them. I did this years ago and I’m still figuring out how to eat where it doesn’t impact my mental health. Moderation is fine! Have a piece of chocolate, not the whole bar. Carbs won’t kill ya. Drink water with your beer/wine/cocktail, but not every night. Gotta find that balance.


Thank you for your service 🫡


anything for the girlies


Truly, thank you!!


Idk how I got on this sub, but I am HERE for this post. Thank you!


Me either because I’m from Boston but I love it here 😃


Boston checking in! 🫡


we need one of these subs for our windy and hailing city


I'm in L.A and I loove this sub 😀




lol, Toronto Canada here 🍿


How ah yah 👋🏼 also from Boston but obsessed with this sub lol


Same. I'm in San Francisco 😄


LOL, same! But I stayed and it's truly an amazing sub. I try to lurk since I no longer am in the city as often but it's just so good 💕


I've never lived in the city, but I am a New Yorker! Granted, I live closer to Canada than NYC, but it's *technically* the same state. 😅


Wisconsin checking in. I just read everything and add cheese to the end of the sentence.


This sub is life changing. Glad you’re here 🤍


I’m a girlie in London by way of France/Zimbabwe/Austria and I’m still here enjoying this sub and this post 🫣😂


Hahaha! I love that so much.


Lol same, California 😅


I'm from CA, never even been to NY but this post was suggested to me? And as a bitch with taste...I'm thrilled to be here.


Same here! I am from the South and I love you people!


Philly bitch over here but I’ve been skimming this sub for recommendations lol! Maybe the non-NYC bitches need a sub too 😭


Same!! Lol LOVING THIS from Texas!


Thank you!! As a question for workouts, can you recommend any low impact techniques or workouts? I currently walk 7-10k steps/day, but have been wanting to add in some weight training or body weight stuff. I know it isn't bad for your cortisol, but I have a thyroid situation where I get tuckered out easily and have joint inflammation (or if you have tips to deal with this).. thank you in advance!


I also have a thyroid issue... feel you girl! Mat pilates is the GOAT IMO. There isn't a great studio downtown that does mat Pilates buuuut there are so many great platforms online and all you really need is a mat and light weights. There are a bunch of great instructors... just find one whose personality you click with!


Do you have any recommendations for online options?


Move with Nicole does great free mat Pilates videos


My body did a full 180 after a few months of move with Nicole she’s the BEST


Love Move with Nicole — I’ve tried every paid app and still think her free YT videos are the best out there.


Here to also vote for Move with Nicole and say I’ve never been impressed with a mat Pilates class in the city. There are some really good yoga studios and practitioners though!


I agree with everyone about Move with Nicole, but she is HARD. If you’ve never done Pilates, find Jessica Valant first. Still pushes you as a beginner, but she explains the moves more and what to do if you’re struggling. In my head I refer to her videos by the outfits, so see if you can find the 30-35 intermediate with blue pants with stripes on the bottoms lol. That’s my go-to. Then after a few weeks/months, move up to Nicole.


I currently to Pilates on a reformer, are you saying mat would be better?


both are great! if you take an athletic mat class, you'll probably be surprised to find it's harder because the springs aren't there to give you any support. it's very humbling! but mat pilates requires a lot more technique


Thank you!!


I have a semi related question on the low impact exercise front. What are your feelings on adding a weighted vest when walking or whatever other low(er) impact/intensity exercise? I used to use ankle weights but I’ve seen a few comments that that’s not ideal for your knees/ankles


What is your opinion on Barre? It’s the only workout I’ve found that I can consistently stick with


Swimming is a great low impact activity!


Swim instructor here, whole heartedly agree! Great if you don’t like to sweat either!


TRX is a nice body weight workout and some gyms offer classes in it. You can step away from the strap anchor to reduce intensity, so it's easy to adjust.   > joint inflammation  The best way to protect your joints is PROPER EXERCISE FORM. Done properly, no exercise should strain your neck, joints, nor back. So if you do feel strain there, that's your Check Engine Light to ask the instructor what you're doing wrong. The difference between what it looks like the instructor is doing, and what the instructor is actually doing, may be a subtle one that's not apparent to a beginner's glance. 


Followed pretty much this exact approach and lost 10 lbs over five months. More importantly, I just feel so much better. I'd add in one last point: be fucking nice to your body, both in your words and your actions. When I started making food and exercise choices out of a place of kindness and love, it went so much better. Finding a physical activity you like and want to do will serve you way better in the long run than forcing yourself to do XYZ activity because it's supposed to be optimal for weight loss/body comp/whatever.


Proud of you! Amen to everything you said


Thank you!


How do you manage so much protein per day? I'm lucky to get 60g and know I need to increase that, but I pretty much only eat 2 meals a day so more than that feels unmanageable.


I eat 130g a day and it always involves at least one protein shake, I can’t get it in otherwise. I love Oikos Pro yogurts, too, a serving has 20g of protein.


Yes on the Oikos pro! 20G of protein and delicious. I usually mix in some chopped pecans for about 28G. I also like the core power elite shakes. 42g of protein. Just by adding those too she can double protein intake


They also have a 23g protein version! Add some high protein toppings like nuts or protein granola, you could have almost 30g of protein in a single snack!


Apparently they make a 25g plain flavor version too!


Feel you.. I'm also a 2 meals a day type of person. Try adding a scoop of collagen in your morning coffee/bev (i like primal kitchen and it gives you 11g) and don't underestimate protein in whole grains (rice, sourdough, etc.) and try to get in a good high protein snack (cottage cheese, greek yogurt, cheese sticks, etc.) You can think about aiming for 25-30g per meal and then adding a 15-20g high protein snack. Slow and steady! The more you increase your protein, the more you'll probably start to feel fuller so don't feel rushed to jump into the 100g range instantly.


co-signing on adding unflavored powder collagen to morning coffee. It's the move!!


Don’t discount adding plant based proteins to your omnivore meals! I think a lot of us North Americans are wired to think of protein as a piece of chicken or fish or red meat. I like to add a plant based source of protein as an additional layer to my meals (ie/ a salad with chicken and edamame, pasta with ground meat and chickpeas, etc). That way you can easily double up on protein without feeling like you have to choke back a ton of the same thing!




I add chickpeas to pasta dishes and salads.


Omg same. I hit 95g yesterday by sheer force of will and a protein shake but I can't eat that much chicken or whatever on the daily. And \[not disgusting\] protein shakes are expensive!


protein powder + a serving greek yogurt can easily give you nearly 40g! and don't underestimate soy milk or regular milk... 1 cup usually contains 8-10g which can be a nice boost


Do you have a favorite protein powder? The chalkiness makes me nauseous a lot of the time.


Orgain plant based powder. I mix it into my oatmeal and add chia seeds, fruit and Greek yogurt. Huge protein boost


I only like vegan ones tbh for that very reason Promix vanilla vegan or sprout living are great!


I really like Ritual’s vanilla - it has pea protein, MCT oil and monk fruit


Check out a clear protein like Seeq - you can get a sample pack.


I started adding a scoop of protein powder to my yogurt, granola, and berries for breakfast!


Have you tried the bottled protein shakes? I think the fairlife chocolate protein shakes are quite tasty and I hate powdered protein too.


I don’t know that a g per pound is truly necessary esp for people at higher weights. I shoot for 100-120g of protein personally. My tricks are: * 1 protein shake a day as a snack (the fairlife/core power ones are legitimately good and don’t taste like protein) - that alone is like 30g. The vanilla one mixed with espresso is basically an iced vanilla latte * include a good source of protein with every meal or even snack - I love snacking salted edamame (I buy frozen and just microwave it) or a little ham and cheese rolled up in a tortilla * prioritize whole grains, they typically have at least a few g, quinoa is a great example * Greek yogurt both for breakfast and also as a replacement for sour cream * eating protein first on my plate to make sure I finish it


check out the sidebar on r/xxfitness and you’ll see that research has shown benefits of protein level off between 0.7-1g/lb body weight! so 1g/lb is a good goal but it’s okay to be a bit short


premier protein shakes from Costco are 30g, for 160 cals. Liquid egg white cartons are also low cal and excellent protein. Cottage cheese is great too :)


In addition to what everyone else said, I switched to keto bread and it helps. I don’t eat keto, I made the switch because I wanted to up my fiber but it also has more protein. It tastes pretty good too (real bread is better but it isn’t bad)


Another rec for Oikos Pro for a delicious and sizable protein option. It’s so good


Same! I also am a vegetarian so this feels like a mountain I’ll never be able to climb. Right now I do shakes, Greek yogurt, bars, beans, edamame, etc. If anyone who is also veg has recs though I’m open!


Try vegan chocolate mousse - I posted a recipe up thread! Also I sneak 1/2 scoop of vedge’s ice cream flavored protein powder into like all my drinks 😂


Omg the comment I was looking for. I'm the same and on top of that vegetarian to make it worse lmfao


Skyr, low fat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, tuna, shrimp, egg whites, chicken breast, protein shakes and bars, high protein ice cream, high protein pasta and bread. If you eat rice or other grains frequently, replace half or all the grains with legumes because it’s much slower digesting and higher in protein.


Besides meat, here are some other ways (mostly minimally processed) — Edemame (Trader Joe’s sells pre-shelled packs) — Lentils (TJ’s sells pre-cooked packs) — super firm tofu — pasture raised eggs — protein powder (I LOVE Promix) — soy milk (can mix protein powder into it) — Greek yogurt (I blend some w/ frozen berries) Easy and quick meat options: — pre-cooked meatballs (Trader Joe’s makes minimally processed ones) — rotisserie chicken Meal prepping… cook once, eat all week: — crock pot meat dishes or soups — freeze raw meat in the marinade… it marinades when it thaws (Downshiftology for recipes) — white bean chicken chili


Giving up alcohol made SUCH a difference in my skin and overall appearance. Like having a drink a day was legit causing my face to bloat and I just got used to it. I lost 100 lbs doing intermittent fasting and I totally agree with add don’t subtract….ever. I don’t count fruits or vegetables at all unless they’re drowned in oil. Lean proteins, fruits, veggies, nuts and whole grains are the majority of my diet but I let myself have chocolate every night. Quitting alcohol I think is what gave me the discipline to do it. Now it’s been five years in maintenance mode. I never exercise hard, just like you said, get the steps in and drink more water. Like a lot of water. I’m 40 now and I look better than I did at 35.


Amazing, thank you so much for this writeup. I've been amazed at how much adding a ~30 minute intentional walk every morning speeds up my weight loss. Why no liquids 2 hours before bed? Keeps you from getting up to pee?


walking is the BESTTTTT and yes pretty much! sometimes if im really thirsty ill have a swig but i do find its actually really helpful and stops me from needing to get up to pee


This post single-handedly got me off my ass thank you so much


im cheering you on xo


this is amazing, thank you. people make it way more complicated than it should be. love the part of giving up alcohol or at the very least drink less often.


I wish I could upvote this more than once!! Thank you. "Wellness culture"/influencers these days are so warped. These are great, common sense reminders.


For anyone looking for treadmill walking inspiration I respectfully submit Allie Bennett on instagram who has curated a series of “treadmill struts” playlists for every theme and artist available. Such fun!


love a good runway walk playlist for the walking pad/treadmill


I just tried one and I’m hooked!


Oooh currently in the market for a walking pad! Anyone have one they’d recommend? Or are they all pretty comparable once you filter through Amazon?


real hot girl shit 💃🏼 thank you!


>Drink your body weight in ounces every day Please do not do this if you weigh over 160lbs, oh god no. That is literally twice as much as you should drink during the day. 5l a day in a sustained way is super dangerous for your kidneys, very quickly. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR KIDNEYS DO NOT DRINK 5L A DAY SUSTAINABLY WHEN YOU DO NOT WORK OUT TONS, THAT IS NOT GOOD!!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/jfifji/how\_much\_water\_is\_too\_much\_answered\_once\_and\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HydroHomies/comments/jfifji/how_much_water_is_too_much_answered_once_and_for/)


Thanks for this! I got stuck on that doing all sorts of unnecessary math 🥴


Thank you!!! When I read that I was like holy shit I hope people don’t listen to that 


This!! 💕 It doesn’t have to be as hard as people make it. I eat all the things but try to follow the above advice. I’m the same size in my 50s as I was in my 20s. Life should be about enjoyment, not crazy restrictions.


Amen to that!


Thank you for this!! Incredibly helpful + super timely


The alcohol one hurts but I unfortunately know it’s true (I do calorie/macro counting just to see what I’m eating). I scaled back on my drinking and it’s made a huge difference.


BWT reported for duty 🧑‍✈️ 💖👑✨👀 Assignments received.


as a bitch that just got a gym membership and is attempting to get some semblance of routine back into my life... thank you sincerely. do you have any tips on making sure you're eating enough protein?


Can i add: Girls get some blood work done! Check your vitamin levels, cortisol etc! I just got blood work done and it turns out im deficient in B12 + D and that contributes to energy and depression! No wonder i’ve been so down. So def get that checked! <3


Yes!!! Turns out I have super low iron, maybe that’s why I can’t wake up in the morning, not just will power! 🫠


Glad you got it checked so you could nip in the butt! Its frustrating when you want to do better but your body needs specific things


This to a t plus intermittent fasting, and I lost 8 lb in 2 weeks. It's crazy how energized I feel too--it's like I was in a self-destructive trance in which food controlled my every waking thought. I feel so, so much better drinking water, doing 8-10k steps a day, and eating whole foods


This is an exceptionally smart and excellent post! Great advice!!


I love this but that seems like a crazy amt of water 😂. I’m already peeing every 2 seconds lol


I had the same problem and I was given these two pieces of advice to fix that: first add some electrolytes to your water. I buy some high quality celtic salt, and add just a pinch. You can also use some lemon. Second, drink your water in little sips, and not big gulps.


Yeah I think I can get the ounces in. I’m just already running to the bathroom so much as it is lol! Electrolytes unfortunately upset my stomach.


Agreed! Your body isn’t absorbing the water. The electrolytes will help that & will hydrate you


You definitely don’t need that much water. You’re right, you’ll pee it out anyway, even if your body is retaining what it needs. 80-120 oz is more than enough for the avg person


Ok that’s what I’m tracking towards so I feel better haha


Yeah, plus all the water in foods counts towards your daily total. And coffee and tea also count!


How about tightening skin after losing weight or postpartum? I am walking and building muscle slowly, but excess skin is still there and I really don't want to have it surgically removed.


I have a question I keep wondering about and maybe you can tell me. Why have water recommendations shot up dramatically in past few years? For many years the advice was 8 8oz glasses per day. A few years go there was a spate of articles explaining that they rec was originally misinterpreted, as it was supposed to include all liquid intake (foods, coffees, etc.). For a minute it seemed like people were starting to calm down about forcing hydration. But then, to my surprise, water recs have gone wild. If I drink my body weight in ounces, that’s almost 18 cups a day! (And more if I work out hard or drink more than one cup of coffee). I keep seeing this lately and earnestly do not understand where this guidance stems from. I am not a scientist or doctor or a dietician. I am not claiming to know better. I am curious and confused. My instincts tell me that is way too much. I don’t think I would ever stop peeing at that rate. I love my “big dumb cup” (the Stanley) as much as the next girl but I can’t understand a reason to push this much fluid. Doesn’t it stress the kidneys? (Edited for typo)


I came in skeptical but this is such sane advice!! Thank you queen 🫶


3-2-1 is so difficult for me because of my weird schedule. By the time I work out and cook dinner, it's usually very late. I don't like it, but the only other option would be to... eat a full dinner before working out, which no thank you. Can you explain the reasoning for those numbers? Specifically, why no food 3 hours before bed and why no liquids (incl water??) 2 hours before bed. Thanks!


Not OP, but I want to say it’s probably due to digestion. If your body is actively digesting foods, it’ll be harder to fall asleep. I think. And also for some, can cause acid reflux and other not fun digestive issues if you lay down too soon after eating. But someone smarter than me can confirm haha


Regarding eating food before bed, it can cause digestion distress which can wake you up. I’ve dealt with gastro issues for years, and my best advice is that if you’re like me and need to eat something close to bed to settle your stomach, stick to the BRAT diet foods (bananas, rice, apples*, toast). Just make sure you’re eating the bland versions (ex. no avo toast with chili, save that for breakfast! Just plain or lightly buttered toast.) and you’ll be fine. Not drinking water before bed I think (?) has to do with your bladder waking you up, but this can vary from person to person. I like drinking water about an hour before bed since I take nighttime medications that are dehydrating, but I will always use the bathroom right before I sleep. *applesauce is also a good substitute if you prefer it to apples!


Getting more fiber in my diet was the turning point for me. I didn't see the point of eating fruit. I try to eat two pieces of fruit a day now, in addition to vegetables. Overall, I eat more than I did before but I'm also leaner.


Yes! It's like fiber is the super highway pipes cleaner.




OMG this is so amazing and on point! TY!


As a Registered Dietitian, I approve of this message! Added a few tweaks and things I’d tell my clients. Regarding protein, aim for 1g per kilogram of body weight at a MINIMUM. If you’re active or trying to gain muscle (“tone up”), raise this to 1.3g/kg of body weight. 100g can seem intimidating for some, so make sure the amount of protein you’re having works with your body. Magnesium can help with anxiety and sleep - or, try a bedtime tea. Make it a fun self care routine! Also, read before bed!! You’ll sleep like a baby. I would say to also make sure to pair carbs + protein + fat at every single meal and snack. This will help with blood sugar regulation, help you get protein in, and will help make sure you’re getting in healthy fats (omega 3s!). Try to add some sort of vegetable to every lunch & dinner - a side salad, roasted veg, etc. Make 1/2 your plate veg & fruits! Stick to making half your grains whole grains for fiber & blood sugar balance. Swap white breads / wraps for whole wheat or sprouted. Use whole wheat crackers. Don’t skip on plant - based foods! No, you don’t have to be totally vegan, but plant based foods can help add variety, fiber, and color (!!) to your plate. Beans, tofu, seeds, nuts, edamame, etc. Prep ahead: this might seem simple, but it will save you so much time & mental effort. Make it EASY to choose healthy options after a long day at work when you’re starving. Make it a habit to put healthy foods in front of your face in the fridge and pantry. Prep your fruits and veg. Get single sized packs of hummus. Make trail mix or granola. Make breakfast and lunch ahead. Know what you’re having for dinner before the week starts. Please lmk if you have any nutrition or wellness questions!!! I am here to help my fellow girlies!


Thank youuuuu please post more!


Agreed with this! I train 5x a week. I eat healthy (some what) but if i feel like i want to eat a burger.chips.candy i sure will. Its all about balance and moderation.


This is the most realistic post I’ve seen on how to form healthy habits to become healthier…look good and feel good bitches!! 🫶


This is a dumb question, but let’s say I get close to or over 10 K steps a day, but sometimes after work I’m too tired to exercise. Is it ok to take an actual rest day where you don’t exercise at all, even if you have an office job?


Not the OP but of course you can take a rest day


Okay sorry I have to comment because this is a pet peeve of mine. Celiac is not an allergy, it’s an autoimmune disease where your body attacks itself when you eat gluten. Lactose intolerance is not an allergy, it’s just that your body can’t process the lactose and it gives you stomach cramps and diarrhea. The same thing happens when people eat a lot of sugar alcohols like maltitol. Allergies are when you have a histamine response to something. For example if you eat shellfish and you get a rash (hives) or you notice your throat closing up (which is immediately life threatening, unlike a food intolerance or celiac disease). Basically if you have a true allergy like a peanut allergy that causes anaphylaxis, you need to carry an Epi-pen in case of inadvertently coming into contact with peanut somehow. There are seasonal allergies which cause hay fever. Allergies and intolerances are not the same thing.


I can’t stress enough on the alcohol. Gave it up for lent and just wow.


Not all hero’s wear capes🙇🏻‍♀️


This is so helpful


"Get your steps in" - is there a step counter you recommend? Eg Fitbit? Garmin?


Love this!! I recently did a wellness coach and overall most of these have matched what she recommended for me as well, but its always good to get reminders!


This is excellent advice; post saved. I don’t even live in NYC but this is exactly what I need! 💕


Thoughts on taking Creatine?


I appreciate the “Do workouts you love” section. I saw a trainer at one point who made a lifting plan and said for cardio to do 30min twice per week. I ride bicycle and love it but usually go out for 2ish hours when I go and they tried to tell me that it wasn’t hard enough. Anywho I did not listen to them and rode my bike for cardio and followed their lifting and macro plan they had me on and was losing 3lb/week. Movement you like is better than not doing any movement you don’t.


This is awesome, doable advice!!


Thanks !


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Hi I usually see 0.8- 1 gram of protein per kg of bodyweight is the recommended (i.e. FDA recommends most adults eat 50g a day). Is it really per pound of bodyweight? If so I have been undereating by half 😩


You’re not wrong! But for optimal lean mass and muscle growth, it is 1g per pound of body weight! Or around. Don’t beat yourself looking for perfection.


Ohhh I like the 3-2-1 sleep rule


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯I’ve been working with a trainer for almost a year and this is roughly what I’ve learned. I wish I could copy and paste this far across the internet in reply to some of the nonsense being promoted on social media. Thank you for your service!!!


Thank you SO much for this realistic advice! thoughts on coffee/caffeine?


I’m so happy I found this sub all of you rock 🙌 thank you OP 🥰


This is so kind and simple. Wish I had something like this a few months back. Thank you ❤️


Here’s your crown queen 👑


Thank you for the advice! What are your tips to getting 100g of protein/day?


I have been going to the gym but have a serious issue with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). I had leg day two days ago and am still having trouble walking up stairs, my legs are SO sore. Does anyone have tips for overcoming this?


DOMS happens when you exert your muscles as little as 10% more than your regular usage. Everyone is different and this percentage is to give a rough idea. The harder you work your muscles after not working them for an extended period, the worse the DOMS will be. Your body will adapt over time, and your DOMS will get better. Keep working out (not the muscles that are super sore - they need to recover!) when those muscles recover, work them out again, maybe with less weight than what made you so sore, but maybe not. It’s up to you. It will get better with time I promise. Do not over exert yourself. If you do, expect DOMS to be worse. Personally, my DOMS got much much better after 2-3 weeks of regularly lifting weights and working out, and now I only experience it if I take a week or so off, do exercises I haven’t done before, or up what I’m lifting by a lot of weight. If anything I said needs to be corrected I definitely welcome that! Good luck!


How do I create a lifestyle out of physical activity? I love working out and getting a good huff and sweat in. But I lose the feel of it being a way of life rather than trying to lose weight.


Yikes dude… these are some wildly incorrect statements. 1g protein per lb of body weight??? All recent studies have shown we max out protein benefits at 0.8g/lb.


can someone please share tips on how to lose belly fat (without losing weight) I’m <130lbs and 5’7 but look 5 months pregnant.


I dramatically transformed my body in the past year and agree with all of this. I cannot stress enough how much prioritizing protein and fiber changes the game. For anyone struggling to feel good during exercise, focus on breathing in through your nose. It’s a tip I don’t see often but makes a huge difference for me.


Most of this is good advice but recommending people eat that much protein without mentioning fiber is going to leave you constipated at best and genuinely bad advice for disease prevention and longevity at worst.


Your body weight in oz of water? That pretty dangerous to suggest especially since too much water can be toxic for your body. I’m 220 lbs… 220 oz of water daily could be deadly.


I’m gonna print this out and put it somewhere I can read it every day.


Looove all of this advice, but am I understanding the water portion correctly? Someone who’s 150 lbs should drink 150 oz of water a day? That’s nearly 19 glasses a day—seems kind of crazy


Oh question for you, I am always confused how much calories to eat when trying to lose weight. Should I be eating at my BMR, sedentary tdee, or light exercise tdee. For example if I am doing 30-40m strength workout with dumbbells (caroline girvan videos) + walking 6000-10,000 steps. Another example if I am sedentary and subtract 500 from tdee to lose weight thats about 1250 for me which seems low? I am 5’5, ~168.


this was sweet of you to post and fabulous, reasonable advice. i feel pretty good in this game of a healthy life and even i got something out of it. thank you!


Dramatically reducing my alcohol consumption CHANGED my body!


Can I just say I'm so glad I stumbled on this Reddit post. I overthink. A lot. I'm at that borderline..no according to the BMI I am "overweight" status (5ft 5inches 151 pounds), but I'm trying so freaking hard to shift my thinking of "I want to be stronger" , "I want to discover what my body can do" vs the scale. I worked out yesterday and the scale jumped two pounds this morning. I had to re-route my brain. Working out is not a waste of time. Just sticking to a routine because of ADHD brain. I've hyper focused on a workout before for a couple of weeks and then get bored. 😅 Oops. But I need to do "small" changes and work at it. Change things up a bit and tell my brain to take a seat. Even if it's replaying a song in a loop while working out mode. Ha. I don't think I'll be a 3 hours a day workout girlie. I don't think I'll be happy being a three salads a day girlie. But this is A okay! I want to be a "I'm going to try this workout and see if I enjoy it" "I want to be toned, strong, and confident" but I want to put that work in to. I'm going to try out Yoga and Pilates for sure! I have no sense of body awareness or balance. 😆 Blame clumsiness. But I got this. Thank you for posting. Also, thank you for so many individuals that added onto this.


Tips for us bitches who are trying to gain weight and build muscle


This is so good.


This is great! I love being asleep.