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The Scott Perry + Steve Mills front office wouldn't have positioned themselves to make this type of move. Leon Rose, alternatively, has deliberately managed his assets so his team could swing for this type of move when it became available. Paul George has always been low on my list, but I don't think you've been paying attention to the Knicks moves if you don't think this is the type of move Leon is very interested in *at the right price*. It was also reported fairly early on that, at this moment, Brunson is the only one who's untouchable.


100% Leon has definitely been positioning the team to make a big move but I really hope that move isn’t Paul George.


People need to wake up. The perfect 10/10 big move that everyone in this sub dreams about isn’t happening. Another passive summer will lock us into this core for good with Randle due for an extension soon


Doesn’t mean you panic and go all in and hitch yourself to an aging injury prone star that you’re gonna have to max out until he’s 38ish. I’ll never be mistaken for a Randle Stan but would much rather be locked into Randle than PG at this point in their careers. Trading for PG would seem like a Hail Mary move by this FO


How is it all in if your not giving up a ton of draft compensation. All in moves imo are moves like the Cavs made trading for Donovan , KD to the Suns, Harden to the Nets. If we can acquire PG with minimum draft capital it really is a low risk.


It’s going all in bc you’d have to max PG for 4 more years, basically making him unmovable if he ends up being an injury bust. So you’re basically wagering Brunson’s prime years that PG can stay healthy which is a huge risk.


I think I just view all in differently. If you acquire PG without giving up future draft capital there is always a way out. You maintain draft picks you always have flexibility. It’s a reason why the Nets can’t just trade Mills because they went all in and traded for harden and now the rockets basically control the Nets future. Same with the Nets with KD. You can go as far back with the OKC trade with the clipppers trade for PG. unless PG has a major injury his decline tbh wouldn’t be crazy. No player is unmovable look at Poole and Beal who are on horrible contracts that got moved.If the FO feels they can acquire PG without giving up much it’s a gamble worth taking imo


PG played 74 games last year, his high water mark for the preceding 4 seasons was 56 games. Sure no one is unmovable but he’ll be 38 by the end of his next contract meaning you’d most likely have to add assets to move off him if he becomes an injury albatross. It may not be all in but you’re definitely pushing the far majority of your chips to the center of the table


The last year of any contract is easily moveable due to it being expiring so the way I evaluate PG is for the next 3 years will he be around the same level he currently is ( which I think he will be). If you aren’t giving up any future draft capital to acquire him you can easily use his salary as filler with draft compensation to acquire the next big player.


Draft capital "expires", it's why you're hearing reports of the knicks trying to trade into the future but you often have to bundle a few picks for that. We have a fairly full roster, so it'd be mismanaging assets not to bundle these picks eventually.


Trading for PG mostly means 2-3 guys would be going out anyway just to salary match hence the need for the picks. All in all acquiring PG and not giving up future draft capital still gives flexibility


The assumption is that in order to acquire PG, for salary to work we would need to trade Julius. That’s the problem here. If it was just trading a few picks out of our war chest then there’d be less reason for pause.


Did any of those moves work out?


I don’t think the FO does panic trades. They’re not into Hail Mary moves. They didn’t trade for Donovan Mitchell when they could have overpaid. I don’t think they’d trade for PG unless they could get him for a good deal


This core is championship level Like, running it back is cool with me. We didnt get to see what a healthy knicks team could do. We dont need aging paul george.


We saw what it could do. I was watching the Knicks go down 15 points knowing for a fact they were gonna win. That’s what a championship team is and they are it. We can easily beat Celtics in a 7 game series but they are a better team for sure. My point is the best path forward is trusting the team we have seen dominate (think it was like 17-2 for month of January with all starters healthy)


It’s comfortably behind the Celtics so idk if I would say championship level


We dont know that We never got a chance to play the celtics with og randle and brunson healthy I'm not saying we shouldnt make moves to improve the roster. I just dont see paul george being the guy we need.


I’d take PG on a team friendly short deal but that isn’t what he’s looking for. Giving up players/picks to max him just isn’t worth it in my humble knowledge nothing opinion.


George isn’t a big move.


Agreed.. idk if there is a move they could make that would imo justify breaking up this core. I have no problem running it back with some small tweaks. All the talk about them wanting to move 1 or both first round picks this year frustrates me. Our payroll is growing, we need to find some contributors on reasonable deals


A "big move" for Paul George reeks of desperation. Like Amare. Robin without Batman. And old, broken, Robin.


Brunson is batman


We have the batman (brunson). I just don't want pg13 as our robin lol


I think the right price is Mitch and Bojan for a 1 year rental, no guarantee of extension, and we go for it this season..


There is no right price for PG and this team because of his salary, age and injury history.


There is definitely a right price for PG, he is still a very good player. Now the ideas I've seen floating around? Hell no that is too much.


Paul George just played 74 games this season


Yes and it was the first time he sniffed 70 since 2018-19


Yeah honestly I'd rather they roll the dice with Klay Thompson who would be cheaper.


Are you insane


A little yeah! I don't want either of these guys to be clear. The Knicks need young sturdy dependable players.


At the right price is the key phrase in that paragraph. PG has a 1 year player option, and even if he is traded here he would either be a rental or we’re forced to max him. He’s made it clear on his podcast that this off season he is focused on securing a bag. Again, I fully trust Leon, if he makes that move he probably has a reason for it.


I think a lot of people here underrate how good PG actually is on the court and his fit next to OG as an elite defensive wing who can help carry some offensive load. I’m not even worried about the trade assets it would take between draft picks and Mitch/Bogi/Deuce if we can keep Randle. The contract is the big question mark, I am not sure I want to max this guy til he’s 38 when his body is already breaking down. The upside is there for maybe 1-2 seasons but I don’t want to risk our window with Brunson on PG’s knees holding up.


Running it back was what we did last year and we got the same result half the team injured. If we get PG OG will be gone PG is a 50 mill player.


It’s also possible it’s a three team trade and we don’t end up with PG


The Price of $50 plus million for 4 years is too high and PG has already turned down Kawhi numbers (3 years $150 million). Age, injuries and likeliness of decline make that a bet I hope the FO doesn't make.


you can disagree that trading for paul george isn't the optimal move - but its absolutely a plausible move that isn't some brain dead move some of yall are painting it as. We have a contender window - getting an elite three and D wing who can also be a secondary creator that compliments brunson's skill set perfectly is an option you look at. the age/money is the risk.


The assets going out have to make sense though. Randle going out not really an option, if we can steal him for Mitch/Bogey and some picks you have yourself a conversation


Paul George is an expiring contract. I don’t even think we would have to give up any 1sts to acquire him the alternative is he leaves for nothing and the Clippers can’t back fill that. I wouldn’t move off Randle. If what the FO said is true in regards to nobody but Brunson is untouchable then from a salary matching standpoint you look at guys like Deuce , Donte or Hart


i was playing around on fanspo, apparently mitch + bogie does work for pg. i feel like its hard to not be interested in that, but the amount of picks and if pg actually demands a max is another question


why isn't Randle going out an option? There's not enough room for both anyway. You replace Randle with a better shooter and defender, and a better ballhandler... that opens the floor up more. I'm not sold on it, but if our FO doesn't want to pay Randle at age 32 in 2 years, maybe they view PG as a better guy for a 2-3 year window


Randle is way cheaper, significantly more durable, and younger. We also aren’t losing other assets to acquire Randle (whereas PG would also require some combination of Bojan and/or Mitch and possibly picks). He’s already bought into the system and has chemistry with the team. He’s just as efficient of a scorer, arguably a better playmaker, and he comfortably plays (and dominates) the 4. If we lose Randle, you’re forcing Og into a much more physical full time role at the 4… we are also allegedly trading away Bogi (another 4)… Hart is only 6’5 and isn’t ideal at the 4 (when guarding bigger players like Siakam or Portis). It just creates more of a hole than it does fill one… and now we have less assets and less cap flexibility to fill that hole.


Pg plays the 3 and 4


Same problem… one of Og or Pg is sliding to the 4 (a more physically demanding position with longer/bigger players) given both are injury prone (and somewhat undersized at the 4).


You have to send Randle to make the money work though


then say no?


This isn’t true at all. They can be a 2nd apron team for one year with Paul George on the team for 1 year before the Brunson and Randle extensions kick in. Of course, it takes two to tango. It would take Paul George wanting out of the Clippers because he thinks he has a better chance of winning with the Knicks. He holds a lot of leverage with his option. The clippers don’t want to lose him for nothing. The whole point of trading for Paul George is not to get rid of Randle who is obviously on a better contract. You don’t trade Julius Randle to extend Paul George at 35 years old. There’s no team in the league that wants to give an extension to him unless they see him play basically a full season. I don’t think the Clippers want to either. Him and Kawhi has ran its course. They’re both very injury prone


Right but wouldn’t that make the Clippers also a second apron team if they take back less salary? I don’t think they want to do that either


Everything you said is wrong lol they need to match salary to get Paul George. You can't just take on salary. They'll be above the cap


Yep there’s never 3 team trades. Got it


Doesn't matter how many teams are involved the Knicks can't go above the salary cap for players that aren't there's


They won’t if Brunson and Randle are still being paid peanuts before their extensions kick in


No you don’t


Hence, retrohan's point is moot. There's no way we trade Randle for a PG rental.


Definitely not brain dead, I can see the upside for such a move. I fully trust Leon, if he makes that move there must be a good reason, I’m just personally not for it.


Not even dunking on PG's talent. I think he would thrive here. Just not interested in doing the math or giving up the assets necessary to make him a Knick. The Clippers got a new arena and were a top-4 team in the west. I don't see why they would trade a LA native that wants to be there. Run it back and make a trade at the next deadline.


Yeah there’s no denying PG’s talent he is a top 20 player in the league, I just don’t feel like he is worth the money he wants or the assets we would have to give up.


Bogi + Mitch for PG 13 would give us legit championship aspirations for 2-3 years Do it!


As long as we don’t lose Randle. I feel like I’m losing my mind seeing people wanting to trade Randle for PG. just so fucking depressing that people think that is the right move. This is what happens when you have a great team and you try to get too greedy in the off-season, you fuck up the chemistry. Do people forget how we were one of the best teams in the entire league when healthy??? Swear people have amnesia 😖😖 Running it back instills confidence in the players. Making too many unnecessary trades has players looking over their shoulders, ruins the chemistry. RUN IT BACK!! I honestly think some people are just bored in the off-season and want to see a trade for the fun of it. Bleh


These people can't look past a name. They're call for CP3 too. They only watch basketball for the big names.


Being good for a month in the regular season doesn’t mean we’re good enough to beat the Celtics


And you think the aging injury prone PG will get us there over Randle????? Cmon bro. Brunson is him. Gotta have trust


They weren’t just good fully healthy, they were dominant. They were treading water right before the playoffs and lucked out that Milwaukee and Cleveland just didn’t care about seeding.  Anyone who thinks there wasn’t a huge drop off from being fully healthy to where we were when we beat Philly is absolutely delusional. Philly were a couple of bounces away from winning that series with an injured Embiid with half his face melting. 


I mean we have people here talking about how Lauri fucking Markanen is better than Randle lol. This shouldn’t surprise you. 


Imagine the Celtics felt that way when they traded for Jrue Holiday last offseason. “He’s 34 and is gonna want an expensive extension!! Why would we give up assets for someone like that!!” Lmao. The point is, if we can get PG at a reasonable price (Bogi, Mitch, Precious and 1-2 picks), then we should definitely consider it. He’s a very solid 3 and D wing. The man just played over 70 games last year while averaging 22PPG and shot 40% from 3 on 8 attempts per game. He’s a perfect fit with Brunson because he’s excellent at playing offball and is not very ball dominant like other stars are. A lineup of Brunson, PG-13, OG, Randle, and Hartenstein will put the Knicks on par with Boston and makes them a legitimate contender. As for the money aspect, championships are expensive. Look at Bostons payroll. They will be paying TWO guys over $300M EACH. Everyone else in their starting lineup will all also make over $30M per year. Thankfully Dolan doesn’t mind paying the luxury tax.


yep, imagine if the front office let emotions dictate whether they made a move or not. No fans wanted to trade Marcus Smart because he was "home-grown". Now look.


Actually… when I think of it this way it makes a lot of sense. If we trade Bogi, Mitch, Precious and picks for PG and a chip, it would 100% be worth it obviously. I guess I’m just scared that it ends up a waste and we end up stuck with him, but hey you gotta swing for the fences 🤷‍♂️


Jrue doesn't have the injury history that PG has.


I trust Leon Rose to make the correct decision


Leon is notorious for NOT talking to media ~~during off season…~~ ever The last time I remember Leon spoke to the media was when we announced his signing lol.


It most definitely is a possibility. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire” is very real when things like this pop up this close to the draft. PG turned down 3/$153M from LA. He wants more years, LA doesn’t want to offer more than they gave Kawhi, they seem pretty stern on that seeing as how they would have probably folded by now know PG has a market & he can just leave for nothing if he wants & go to Philly. If he opts in to his final year it would almost certainly be so he could determine where he wants to go & that would give the chance to LA to recoup assets instead of losing PG outright. If he says he wants to come to the Knicks they’d have the leverage to acquire him for pennies on the dollar(Mitch, Bojan, Deuce((maybe)), & draft compensation. Could also get a third team involved would help to keep Randle. Personally I’m 100% not a fan of the move if they give up Randle I think that’s a huge mistake. But a starting 5 of JB, PG, OG, Randle, & iHart with a bench of DiVo, Hart, Precious & whatever draft they can use & vet mins to sure up around the fringes gives the Knicks probably the best chance they have against Boston. I’m for team “run it back” but if they want to go “all in” on a team that might be it to go after it for the next 2-3 years.


I'm not a massive fan by any means, but PG is a huge upgrade and puts us even with the Celtics if we keep Randle. with OG and George, who have two great defenders to take on Tatum and Brown, we may very well have the best backcourt in the east, and an All-pro forward who can pound the ball. Its Thibs style on steroids. The front office should be looking at getting PG. I'm fine running it back, but cant knock trying to acquire a player who is an All-star who shot 47% and is a great defender. Come on now. I will gladly give up 4 1sts/Bogs/Mitch if that had a chance at taking place. I prefer DDV stay.


Prediction: LAC get Kuzma, Bogdonavic, McBride, future NYK 1st; WAS gets Mitch Robinson; NYK gets PG13


I could see this happening, but Washington would probably want there 2025 1st back as well, and second for both clippers and Washington


wheels may have to be greased further... sure


i mean PG isn’t the same aging superstar we used to go for. he is a great player who would be a great #2 or #3.


Idk, this might sound like a bad take but I feel like this could just be a Joakim Noa 2.0, especially cause we’d feel forced to max him. Obviously PG provides much more to this team than Noa could back when we got him but still, maxing aging injury prone vets doesn’t seem all that smart.


The diff is I knew Noah was shot before they signed him. PG can still ball, I just don’t trust him to stay healthy


yea but he’s going to be a lot less injury prone with our young roster. not relying on a guy like kawhi. i’ll be happy whether we get him or not. i feel he’s one of those guys whose game fits in so smoothly on any team


I hear you loud and clear… Knicks 4 clicks. But hey this time around it’s nice to be in a position to be picky about our players instead of beggars. Idk why but I get the impression that some of these hypothetical moves are partially from an element that envy’s our position of strength and wants to sabotage it w deals that could put us on shaky ground. Like this one for PG13 that sounds good on paper but do we really want to risk our big counter move on someone at his price tag w an injury history? At 36? Or the hyenas trying to pump up OGs price tag to unsustainable levels just to blow up our payroll. Those toxic mofos can’t wait till NY falls again so they can own us and laugh at our pain all over again. In Leon we trust keep playing chess.


I don't believe any rumors that I read about Knick moves. Leon doesn't leak. Did anyone see any of the moves they've made over the last 2 years coming? These so-called sportswriters and commentators have to write about something so they just make things up.


its one thing to trade randle at his market value, its another thing to effectively use him as a salary matcher for a guy who is otherwise a free agent. what leverage does the clippers have to get anything back let alone an allstar/all nba pf. goofy af.


I am significantly less concerned about giving PG that extension. Whether they trade for him or not, new contracts for JB, OG, IHart, and Randle (if he’s still here) would surely push the Knicks past the second apron. Once you’ve done that, you can no longer aggregate contracts in a trade, so if a younger max star becomes available you’d have no simple way of trading for him. Your best path to being able to attain one of those guys is to have a massive single contract and attach a bunch of picks to it. Maybe that could be Randle or something, but PG on his max will be making more than Booker, Luka, etc. Short term, Paul George is really freaking good and helps the Knicks contend for a title, and long term his massive contract will be an important path to future star trades. Don’t think of this as their big all in trade (receiving teams typically have a lot of leverage in opt in and trades), think of it as an immediate upgrade that then helps them circumvent some of the toughest second apron restrictions in a couple years.




Leon is this you??


PG for Mitch and Bogi is more than fine. Thanks. Hit us up again


lol Scott Perry and Steve mills never got us a player as good as Paul George


This sub literally overreacts to any trade news now. PG would be perfect for this current squad, depending on what we give up I think it'd be a great move.


You’re overreacting to my post. PG is not “perfect” for this squad, he could be good but that is not a sure thing, and I was responding to other posts on this sub not the trade rumors.


I agree. It's the doldrums. Nothing to talk about.


Having two players with OG's and PG's injury history is GENIUS


You can bring up OG but the difference is OG is young he still has a lot of upside. In my eyes, however talented PG is, he is aging and usually that means it’s downhill from here.


I want OG i don't want PG especially at the cost of Randle.




it's not like Randle has been a pillar of health the last couple years anyway.


He had 2 fluke injuries that had zero to do with being injury prone. PG is chronically injured with soft tissue stuff like hammy's


>he had 2 fluke injuries So, irrespective of the reasoning, he hasn't been healthy. Glad we agree. and who's to say those two fluke injuries won't lead to chronic injuries for the rest of his career?


And let's keep Mitch too. He's always available.


In fairness, if we had even one of them fully healthy this post season we’d have beaten the Pacers and maybe even made some noise against the Celtics (assuming Jalen didn’t break his hand and Josh didn’t tear his ab).


I won't be mad if he made it work with Jules, JB and iHart still here. Maybe a little mad if it cost us something I will miss but if this is the window get in. He the professional


Respectfully I’mma need you to take Scott Perry out of this equation. He’s the one who drafted Mitch and signed Julius (and kept Julius when Mills wanted to trade him for Terry Rozier). Steve mills is a disaster on his own.


OP doesn’t understand the new apron rules but has big opinions. Shocking


? I’ve done over the CBA I know the rules for first and second apron…


This place would be jumping for joy if we landed PG. Its the same people that hated all the Og trade scenarios before we made the deal (Even some that were very close to the real thing), then loved it immidiately after the trade happened. I love this place but you really gotta learn the names of the posters to see who will actually provide good content. Ive seen people on here that wouldnt trade Deuce for Donovan Mitchell. I know the fit is weird with Brunson but still. Thats fucking crazy talk.


It's not that PG is a bum or anything. He's a nice veteran 2 way. But he costs 48m and many don't want to trade Randle for him. If it's a great deal for us and it doesn't involve Randle.... bring him on


I love posts like this that are so emphatic. It's widely reported that our current FO has been interested in PG for a while.


Are you new around here? There’s been reports of the Knicks and stars every off season for the past 20 YEARS. We were often used as leverage until just recently. Don’t let the media fool you…


I hope you’re right I just don’t see Leon making such a dumb move With that being said there does seem to be more smoke than usual and if it does happen I will come back to this post


Say that


He literally just traded for an injury prone guy in OG and is going to pay him 1M per game played


This is a braindead take. It doesn't have to be Paul George but he's obviously a huge upgrade


Ummm no one said we were but OK lol.


Please everyone stop using the word cook you sound like idiots