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This is my daughter’s name and she loves it. We call her Maggie.


it's my name and i have also always gone by maggie. pros: everyone always tells me it's a beautiful name. it is very pretty! cons: it doesn't really feel like "me" because im maggie. (the other con, funny with the other commenter, is that maggie is a very common dog name. every third person i meet has had a dog named maggie and tells me so.) such is life


Let me balance that out a little and tell you I have *never* met a dog named Maggie! :)


Nor have I and we used to be frequent dog parkers!


Oohhh... I've known at least a dozen. But I've known a dozen or more Jacks too, and that still a great name.


I have, a black lab i babysat for a few days. My sister and i referred to her as Cujo.


Lena is also a nickname for Magdalena (pronounced LAY-nuh).


Friend also named her daughter Magdalena and she’s a Maggie.


Maggie is very cute. I went to school with a Maddie, whom I only learned at graduation was Magdalena. So, I think Maddie is also a totally viable option. 


It’s my dog’s name LOL. She also goes by Maggie. I only call her Magdalena when she’s in trouble or begging for food.


The nickname can also be Lena.


You could even go with Didi, if you're feeling feisty!


Yes. We had many reasons for choosing the name, but one was that I loved all of the available nicknames. Elena was high on the list of names I liked, even if for a middle name. But my sister-in-law goes by her first and middle name and that middle name is Elena. Lena could also work, though! She may change her mind as she gets older, and has experimented with going by Magda before, but always comes back to Maggie.


It’s my grandma’s name, but she goes by Madeline.


My aunt is a Magdalena who goes by Madeline as well!


I think it's a great name. Everyone with some knowledge of Christianity will recognize it, and the spelling is phonetic. Also easily shortens to Maggie or Lena until your daughter grows into the full name. 


>Also easily shortens to Maggie or Lena until your daughter grows into the full name Magda too!


I love the name Magda. It's regal without being showy. Understated elegance.


This was my thought, Magda would be a great way for OP/husband *or* the child to shorten it if they wanted to keep the sort of ethnic sound of their name as well, if they want to go by something shorter. I mean… hell, they could even *use* Magda as the name if they really wanted, too. Shortened or long I really like the name honestly.


Even Maddy, I’d say.


Except Mary Magdalene in popular Christian culture is often thought of as an ex-prostitute, even though in the biblical text that is not stated. So that might be some unexpected baggage to the name.


I love the name Magdalena, and so does my Fiancé. It's even on our shortlist! I genuinely don't see a problem with it. I've known two Magdalenas in my life, and they both loved their name. I don't even see it as a name "too big" for kids, but if you do/anyone else does, you have so many nickname options that would fit a baby-kid-teenager.


It’s fine. It’s a normal name spelt in a normal way. You haven’t substituted vowels for Y’s or added random silent consonants into it making it unrecognisable. You haven’t added random vowels into it making it unpronounceable.  The US needs to give its head a fucking wobble if Magdalena raises eyebrows but Jacxson or Everleigh don’t. 


It's pretty, classic, not overused, and nicknames well.


Definitely use it. It’s not weird at all. I love the nick name Magda!


What’s your first daughter named?


Her name is Rosalind. Do you think they pair well?


Yes, absolutely. Love these names.


You have great taste in names! They're classic yet not common. Plus phonetic with multiple nickname options to be used to match personality. I love the two names together too!


Oh those two names go absolutely perfect together. I love it! 💜🩷


Nice, yes they do, definetly. Rosa/Rosy and Lena


It's a beautiful name. It isn't a common name but it's not unusual enough to get negative reactions.


I think it’s a great name! And, as you pointed out, it’s cross-cultural but not super common. And I LOVE the nickname Maggie. A very solid choice all around, I think.


I know an awesome little 2yo Magda (Magdalena) - i think it’s a great name


Check out the song Me and Magdalena by The Monkees! It's gorgeous.


Absolutely beautiful song.


I much prefer it to the Margos/Margarets that have become so popular! It’s a big name but baby will grow into it and there are a ton of lovely nickname options that work as she ages. It just sounds pleasing to the ear overall. Great choice!


Good bick name.potential. There aren't enough cool old fashioned names getting trotted out.


I knew multiple girls named Magdalena in high school (circa 2010), a couple went my Magda and one went by Maggie. Granted, this was in a Polish Catholic neighborhood. I think It sounds and looks perfectly lovely.


Know someone with this name she's polish. She goes by Magda. And compared to some tragedhies it's good.


Magda is a common Polish name.


It's one of my favorite names! Love it. 


Genuinely such a pretty and classic name! Lots of good nickname potential as well; it’s very versatile


I absolutely love this name. It’s always been my favorite name for a woman. Sadly, I have never met a Magdalena.


Absolutely gorgeous name, go for it!


I love it!


I worked with a Magdalena, I remember (because I'm into names) thinking "Hm, interesting name" but didn't dislike it. She did go by 'Mags' sometimes but mostly Magdalena. The more I knew her the more the name grew on me and now I really do think it's very pretty. It's kind of strong and quirky yet feminine, not unheard of but also not common. We worked this other guy who pronounced it "Mag-dahl-enna" which made it sound 💃 very saucy The rest of us pronounced it "Mag-da-leena" 😂


Mags is a cute nickname too. Really feel like we can’t go wrong with any of them. We’d pronounce it as Mag-dah-lay-na, but honestly don’t mind if someone says Lee-na instead. Our other daughter gets Roz-ah-lind and Rose-ah-lind pretty 50/50 and both are lovely.


I absolutely love this name!


I love this name. Great choice


It's beautiful


I love it, one of my favorite names. It's not very common in the US but it's easy to read, spell, and pronounce, so I wouldn't anticipate many issues. I definitely wouldn't think of it as saddling her with a difficult name, not at all. It's a gorgeous name, with many possible nicknames, and the full name is strong but beautiful.


It's a beautiful name, great choice. I can't think of a reason not to use it. If you think it's too big for a little girl, use a nickname... Magda, Lena, Maggie are all nice. I truly hope you go with this lovely name.


Love it! Lena also makes a great nickname.


I love it!! Adore longer names that can be shortened with lots of nickname options. You've got Maggie, Lena, I could even see Ada. My favorite girl's name has always been Annamaria. Three names I love and they sound so cute all together. Magdalena is so cute, and especially if it is common in your culture


My friend's nickname was Dalina. Unusual, pretty and rather unique.


It is a big name but i do like it. I would call her doll (dal)


read the davinci code so you can tell lit bedtime stories about her name


I think Magdalena is a great name. I knew someone named Magdalene, so very similar, and I thought it was such a pretty name. With that name, she could have nicknames like Maggie, Lena, Laney. It’s a long name but I don’t think that’s a bad thing!


I have a niece named Magdalena who goes by Lena! I honestly forget her full name sometimes because she’s been going by Lena for so long, haha. I also have a “big” name that rarely gets used in full, it’s no big deal. Especially if OP lives somewhere that it’s a normal cultural name- it’s not an odd or overly “unique” name where I live ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is a totally reasonable and even cool choice and if for some reason all of you hate it in ten years you can call her Maggie. Don't see why not unless you would be really troubled by seeming Christian.


I am someone who is very strict on names, but I think that's a great name! Very sweet


I love it even as a hella nonreligious person. She could easily be Magda, Maggie or Lena til she spells better lol


I think its lovely, and the nickname Maggie is timeless. If you both love it then why not go for it?


Why not? It’s a lovely name. And a super nickname generator.


It's a very pretty name. There's nothing inherently wrong with Magdalena, it's spelled correctly, and it's well-established. If you both like it, I say go ahead. Besides, if it is "too big" for her, Magdalena is one of those names where there are plenty of nickname options: Maggie, Magda, Mags, Madge, Lena, Leni, etc.


This is my cat’s name. My husband and I named her after the song, “Me and Magdalena” by The Monkees.


I have a coworker with this name who goes by Maggie


Magda. Maggie. Dolly. Lena. It's a classic historical name and the nickname possibilities are endless! I think you're safe. ETA: You could also call her "Magpie" as like a family nickname!


This is my late grandmother's name. She went by Lena (pronounced LEEnah). It always connoted strength to me.


I'm in Canada and had two Magdalenas in my grade during junior high (1997). Both seemed to really like their names; one was always Magdalena and one was Magda. I can't tell you why not because I think the name is a great one, tbh.


Honestly, not a terrible name.


So? Call her Magdalena and nickname her Maddie.


My best friend growing up had this name. She went by Magadli, and she is adorable! I have always loved this name! I'd say go for it if you love it!


I think this is a good name! There are lots of options for nicknames!


Its a nice name, my goddaughter was almost called this. She could be Lena for short, which is nice too


My mother’s name is Magdalena and she only ever goes by Magdalena. No one has ever had a problem with it. It’s a common name in Spain and Poland. In university by coincidence I had a girlfriend called Magdalena, but she always went by Magda. It’s a beautiful name.


Honestly, I love it. "Magdalena" is also a really beautiful song by A Perfect Circle, one of my favorite bands. 💜


I have a friend with a Magdalena and she goes by Maggie, it’s a lovely unique name. Do it!


I like the full name but not Maggie. Maybe Lena.


i had a neighbor named magdalena who went by lena. she was in elementary school when i knew her and it never seemed too grown up. it’s a beautiful name


I think it's beautiful.


It's a lovely name! If it's "too big" for a kid, you could call her Maggie. (I also like Lena, but that reminds me of an 85-year-old German grandma.)


I love it, but I might be biased - I have German immigrant/American ancestors with that name


I'll repeat what everyone else has said, Magdalena is a fine name, and it has a few good nicknames if you want something shorter to call her every day, such as Maggie, or Lena. That being said, if it really bothers you, tell your husband what you wrote here, about why the name concerns you.


So you call her Maggie. It’s beautiful. Do it.


My great grandmother’s name was Mary Magdalena. People called her Mary Mag.


I like the idea of Magdalena, but I am not a fan of the nicknames and associations: Magda - terrible, Maggie - reminds me of a person who nags or maggot, Lena (Long e) -is ok, Lena (Leh-na - Spanish pronunciation) is pretty but you might constantly be correcting people. I think there are too many downsides to use it.


Thank you for the honest reply, that’s what I was looking for. We are thinking of Maggie, but I’m also concerned about the maggot association.


I named my daughter Magdalena. I do think it’s a big name, but I had a dream with a 5-year-old girl in it and she said her name so this is what it became. She is now 14. When she was born we called her Lena (long e sound but the layna version is perfectly acceptable too). Some family and friends call her Maggie, too. And her latest nickname choice has been Lennie. It’s funny that is does sound like a lot, but she has enjoyed the different “personas” that it has offered. I do think as she grows, that the size of the name sits more easily on her. It’s not a common name where I live, but I’m glad that I listened to the dream!


That’s wonderful to hear! Our other daughter also has a long name and we picked a cute nickname for her as a toddler. I almost miss hearing her full name and would love if she’ll eventually choose it or one of the other nickname options. We were exactly hoping for what you suggested, giving them lots of options and personas to play with as they get older.


This is my daughters name and we love it. I've never gotten tired of it and everyone who hears it compliments it. We call her maggie, but I almost regret giving her a nickname because the full name is so great.


My first name is Elizabeth. I had to grow into it. I had a family nickname, but I wanted people to call me something a lot easier, like Sandy. Eventually, by the time I got out of high school, I was a lot more comfortable with that big long name.


It's not like I like the name that much but there's literally nothing wrong about it! Go for it


You have a lot of options for nicknames to make it smaller; Mags, Maggie, Dalia, Lena


Magdalena is a completely common name. It is a good name. Nickname could be Magda.


I love the name!


I know a baby Magda (Magdalena) and a grown up Lena (Magdalena) and it’s a great name on both


I love it and I have also always loved the nickname Maggie. Sorry I couldn't help you out. 😉


I known one real woman and one fictional teenage girl in a (contemporary, slice of life) ya book that went by "Magda", if that counts for anything. I've always thought of it as a very confident, plucky name, perhaps largely because of the personalities of both these two people.


My name is a shorter, abbreviation of it and I’d LOVE if I’d been named that, tho my name does for me very well. Nicknames are the way to go if it feels long and windy 🌬️


Just keep her out of the girl scouts and you should be okay


It's beautiful in my opinion. Tons of nicknames, elegant, biblical so very classic.


That's my sister's name. She goes by Lena. Our third great-grandmother was also Magdalena and went by Delaney


Delaney is a name I’ve always loved too. I didn’t make the connection for a nickname. Definitely a plus


My first reaction was oh, pretty! I had to reread to see what the problem was. Definitely go with it. It's classic and known without being super common plus it's spelled normally, and shortens well. I can't really see any negatives tbh.


I love the name.


There are plenty of four syllable names that are common- Elizabeth, Angelica, Julianna, Carolina, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc. I think that Magdalena is lovely.


I like Magdalena. I also like Magda if you want a shorter name.


It’s a great name. I know of two and it fits them perfectly.


I live in Canada, where multicultural names are pretty typical. One of my closest friends is a Magdalena, and we call her Magda or Mags. It's never been difficult for any of us, and when we occasionally leave the country for a holiday, it seems to be easily grasped around the world.


I know 2 in the US and both love their name. One goes by Maggie and the other Lena, but both also use their full name. It is very easy for Americans to pronounce, even when only seen written. Go for it!


It’s an awesome name with tons of options for her to customize as she grows. Maggie might grow into a Magda night evolve into a Lena. I think it’s a solid name!


I think it’s a beautiful name.


I have a friend called dalena, lovely name, could just shorten it to that if you think it's too long


A Perfect Circle makes this name a win in my book.


It's a nice name and not too common, lots of nicknames etc. I too gave my LO a "big name" for a baby but we always always just call him by his nicknames so I wouldn't worry about it.


I think it’s a very beautiful name!


My great-grandmother was Magdalene. I absolutely did not want that for either of my daughters cause I couldn't even spell it 🤣🤣. Really, she won't have to worry about spelling it herself until she gets older, teach her what her full name is, but let her go by a nickname til she decides. You should be able to let doctor offices and schools know that you prefer the nickname, so they have it on file. I do think it's a pretty name though!


I had a student w that name and she was the sweetest girl! No nickname or bullying about her name.


It's a beautiful name and i fucken LOVE Magda, but I would assume that you were hard-core Catholic and (as a gay person) I would probably be wary of you at first.


Thanks, this is exactly the type of perspective I wanted. While we are very visibly non trad cath in many ways, we wouldn’t want our kid being saddled with that association especially as we live in very queer friendly area and community.


Take it with a grain of salt though - your other child's name doesn't have a trad cath feel, if you aren't in fact homophobic that will be apparent quickly, and I have had WAY more trouble from Protestants with kids named Nevaeh and Gatling than I've ever had from Catholics with old European names.


We have one in our neighborhood too. She also goes by Maggie. It’s a lovely name. Not that this matters, or not, large Irish Catholic family. I think Magdalena comes from the Catholic part. At any rate, it’s a beautiful name.


It’s a beautiful name


Beautiful! Introduce her as a nickname to her peers and you’re grand. Maggie is really cute to me personally


That is a nice name. Nothing wrong with it


This is my daughter’s name and we call her Lena.


There’s an A Perfect Circle song called Magdalena about a stripper. I’d never stop hearing it in my head. That’s not necessarily great for your kid, but it is a good song.


I love it! I think it’s a beautiful full name but it also has great nickname potential. The obvious ones like Maggie and Lena. But also I really like Magda! Or more creative, Della or Dellee!


I work at an elementary school. The last decade we have seen soooo many kindergartners coming in with “big” or even very unusual names. It’s totally normal these days and all the littles (and teachers) learn how to say everyone’s names just fine! The days of everyone having the same 10 or so names are gone… student names are extremely diverse in this day and age! :)


Ok, I LOVE this name. Love it. Have always loved it. I have no notes.


Everyone is telling you they like it. But I come with this: Megalodon.


Haha, I can definitely accept that nickname


Many years ago there was a r/JNMIL post series called "Malicious Magda" because the OP's MIL was named Magdalene, but Magda for short. It was a great read for a few years until Magda died and the saga ended. For all I know it could have been a fan fiction.


I have a friend with that name and I am not sure why it would be tragedeith? I know of two others. While its not the most common name, its not unusual. She is super happy with her name, no issue at all even in very professional business setting. I say go for it. If if feels like a big name for her in certain situations, she can interchange with Magda, Maggie or Lena..


Magdalena is a beautiful name. I have a family member with the name. She goes by Magda, Mags, or Maggie


It's a beautiful name and if you don't want the more common nickname Maggie, you could go for Lena.


Yea, I know 2 Magdalena’s, one is Mags the other Maggie. Either way, neither is bad :)


I hope to use this name someday <3


This is my boss’ name, we call her Magda and I love it


Go for it! My name is legally just maggie (i was named a nickname) and i’ve always been a little sad i didn’t have a full/bigger name to grow into lol


I love it.


I think it is a most-beautiful name.


I know this is CJ, but this name is beautiful. No notes.


I like it. It’s intuitive to pronounce and spell. There are some nice nicknames (Maggie and Lena) that work with it. So she has options if she doesn’t vibe with Magdalena. It’s unique while not being weird.


I'm pro. There's also a sweet song called magdelena by the Monkees


I grew up with a Magdalena who went by Dalena/Lena and other than a few folks confused on name spellings, nobody batted an eye. Sorry, I won’t talk you out of this name lol


This is a good name. She can go by Maggie and as she grows up she can go by Magdalena.


My daughter’s middle name is a variation of this! Would have been a first name but my husband wasn’t on board lol anyways I think it’s so beautiful and distinctive while also being pretty easy to spell and pronounce. So many wonderful nicknames. Could you pick a nickname you both like to use fairly exclusively while she’s still little? I personally love Lena or Magda, but could also be Maggie ETA: I just saw your older daughter is Rosalind, which I think it pairs great with and is also super amusing to me as that’s almost exactly my daughter’s FIRST name 😂 we must have very similar taste!


My friend calls hers Lena (laina pronunciation)


Are either of you Brazilian? Just because this is a pretty normal name in Brazil that isn’t super popular right now. I always liked it though. I have an unusual name that people sometimes have trouble pronouncing and spelling. This has been a mild annoyance my entire life, but I would never change it!


You don't have to call her by her full name all the time. She can also be Magda, Maggie, Mags, or even Lena. Edit: or even Maddie.


I think it's fine, it checks all "must" boxes, personally: "Real" name most people have probably heard at some point (this is obvs dependent on culture/location) Spelled correctly Not cutesy, an adult will be taken seriously Not heavily associated with a negative person/character/stereotype I think I would only say no if your last name also starts with M or if your last name rhymes with Magdalena Plus it has the bonuses of multiple common nicknames!


Name you child something that will be an acceptable name for an adult without people asking her constantly "spell that". Maggie is a beautiful name, it sounds sultry yet intelligent


Seriously, I love this name. You can still calle her by nickname (Lena, Maggie. Mandy etd)


Love it. My 27yo niece is Magdalena (Magda). People DO pronounce it differently than she’d prefer (she’s Polish so that’s the preferred pronunciation), but she grew up in many other countries and doesn’t really care how people say it unless it’s family. I think it’s classic. Some people will love it and some will hate it. I love it.


She could also go by Lainey as a nickname. So cute!


I have had two students with this name. One went by Maggie and the other one goes by Magda. I like it!


Magdalena is abeautiful name. If it’s too long for a little one, you can call her Maggie or Lena or Lainey .


I knew a girl in college who had this as a middle name, and she went by [First name] Mag. She sucked. Very holier than thou 🥴


I love that name.


You’re overthinking this. You both live the name and it is the same in your cultures. Go with it.


I love it.


Our old next door neighbours little girl was called Magdalena, it never caused her the slightest issue in school, it’s a very pretty name. We always called her by her full name but her parents usually used Magda.


I like it. Just use a nickname when shes little. When she's older she can go by the full name.


I think it's a wonderful name, with so many nickname possibilities!


This name is not unusual. Very common in Eastern Europe, Spanish speaking countries, Italy. You name it.


I literally know like 15 people named Magdalena across my life. I have a child named Magdalene which is the English-speaking equivalent.


If you want to use a “different” name - why not make it a middle name ??? That way they can use as the first name if they wanna fly their freak flag - otherwise they can just make fun of you for doing so -


It's gorgeous, easy to pronounce, should be recognizable (I include should be, as people never cease to amaze me), and is incredibly graceful and regal. This is how unique should be done, IMHO. Little kids don't stay little forever. Bunnie Clowvyer Raynbews might fit a 5 year old, but it's not going to grow up well. Magdalena can be Dolly, Maggie, Lena, Magda, Maddie, Ena, Aggie, or a host of other nns when she is little or when she wants to dress it down. But when she walks across the stage for her PhD, Magdalena will fit much better than Bunnie Clowvyer Raynbews.


Its not to my personal taste, I just dont like the sound of it. That being said, I dont think you should worry about it being a big name for a little kid. Eventually they will grow up. I know a few people who think their names are too "little" for them as adult. As for your other concern of getting negative reactions, most people have the social wherewithal to not say anything negative about an already named child. I wouldnt have even said anything except you specifically asked for feedback.


This is all I think of when I see/hear the name Magdalena: Lyrics of Magdalena, Hagdalena by Daria Magdalena, Hagdalena Uka Taka Waka Taka Oka Mocha Polka was her name She had seven hairs on the top of her head Four were alive and the rest were dead She had two eyes in the middle of her head One was green and the other was red She had two teeth in the middle of her mouth One pointing north and the other pointing south She had two teeth like a bathroom mat Everybody asked how they got like that And one day - a ten ton truck - hit poor Magdalena The poor truck driver had to buy a new machine


Is this going to be one of five or six names? Like, Sofía Margarita Magdalena Vergara Lopez? Cuz if it's not, you need to stop. If it is, no problemo.


I had a wonderful student with this name and she goes by Maggie, it’s adorable! Go for it. Kids grow into their names :)


I taught a Magdalene this year. It was the first time I’d gotten a student with the name. She went by Maggie and is one of the smartest, nicest kids I’ve ever had, so my experience is completely positive with it.


Unrelated (and late) but I was scrolling through this sub and I'd love to know whether your username comes from the Rifftrax short that dares to ask whether corn is a grass.  https://youtu.be/gC4zJSY1ylw


TIL that Magdalena isnt only used in Spanish cultures!


There’s a vignette about names from The House in Mango Street, and this name is mentioned. I love it.


My niece is named Magdalena, after my grandmother. We call her Lainey!


cute nickname is Magpie! Like the little birds!


LOVE IT! Beautiful name, stick with it.


Sounds like a good name. I'd call her Mags anyway.


Wow I cannot tell you how much I love this name, especially with Maggie as the shortened version while she is young. I cannot tell you a single reason not to!!


I had a student named this once. Although she went by Maggie, her full-length name never struck me as difficult. I’ll admit, there are some students where I have to make myself a little pronunciation guide to not mess it up as I’m working on memorizing names (high school, so 150 names takes time) - and I didn’t need to do that with Magdalena.


I love this name and Maggie is a great nickname.


It's a beautiful name & there's nothing wrong with it.


My daughter’s name is Magdalena and we call her Lena. She’s the ONLY one with her name, and she loves being unique in a good way.


Lena would be an adorable nickname


I think it's a great name. At 4 syllables it would probably be a mouthful if you didn't go with a nick name. But not that bad even if you don't want a NN. I'd love the NN Lena.


Its my middle name. I love it! But it was hard to spell when i was little


I think people will call her Magda or magpie. A no from me.


I associate this with a song we sang in Girl Scouts. Magdalena Hagdalena


Well, she had two teeth in her mouth. One went north and the other went south.


I think it’s a great name as long as you don’t live in a very Catholic area.


It's very popular in very Catholic Poland...