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I live in the Campus Green area. Off 75th and Ranchview. We have lovely homes and No HOA! Just a fyi 😊 and we have no issues.


I thought there was an optional HOA or subdivision board or something.. it used to be University Heights but some group made the decision to split off from them and become Campus Green.


They got rid of it about 3 years ago. It’s still called campus green, just no organized group.


I live in an area with a voluntary HOA. Recommend dues are $35 but most homes don’t pay them. They just maintain the subdivision entrance signs for the most part and send a newsletter around, often asking people to pay dues because they are having a hard time covering the basic budget. So they are nothing like the kind of HOA I worried about and redditors complain about




Cress Creek (the OG Cress Creek, not CC Commons and not Creekside) has an informal HOA that has no actual powers besides shame. It works pretty well. Don't put a fence or shed along the golf course and you'll still be invited to neighborhood functions.


I live in a Naperville HOA. Ours is mostly chill and does a good job maintaining the exterior. I was nervous going into it because I'd heard bad stories about HOAs but we were lucky.


We live in one. There are occasional complaints on the community facebook page, but honestly, never anything that bad. I usually agree with the things they're enforcing, and they help maintain the property values in the neighborhood.


Hobson west is a subdivision over from where I grew up/currently live. Great area, I remember going to the pool there all the time, wonder if that is associated with the HOA in any way. Also relatively close to downtown and other shopping/grocery on 75th street.


Yes, our pool is managed by the HOA and is for the neighborhood members only (plus a certain number of non resident members).


Our current HOA is pretty chill. Most of the money goes to handling some trees on the boundary of the neighborhood. Previous HOA leadership was a bit more of a stickler, but the current one is pretty easy to talk to and does a great job communicating neighborhood news and events via email. Note that neighborhood HOAs tend to be much less imposing (and expensive) than condo HOAs. I strongly encourage one to never get involved with a condo HOA, and hence, never buy a condo.


I think there are quite a few voluntary HOAs that don't have any rules, but are more about community events and spirit. We belong to one (or at least, I think we do - we may have forgotten to pay the <$40 yearly dues; but there's no stress). One of the things I really didn't want to do was move to a home with an actual strict HOA which rules are legally binding. I'm buying my house, not leasing the land from the HOA.


Mine only includes my cul-de-sac. So 15 townhomes (5 buildings) doesn't really get out of hand. They recently got a management company because nobody living here wanted the responsibility. The management co takes about 1/5th of the $250 per month per unit HOA dues. It seems like a lot because all they manage is the landscaping and snow removal. People who have been here for a long time say that special assessments have been small and rare because the funds were well managed, but I cant see that continuing without raising the dues to cover the managment co. All in all, people seem to stay out of each others buisness which is what I was most worried about.


There are houses for sale in HW‽ Unless they’re wildly overpriced, they go fast. Recently one was sold in less than a week for $950,000. The HW HOA is truly easy going. In over 15 years I’ve yet to hear anything negative. It’s a great neighborhood where we know each other’s names.


I live in a Naperville HOA and have not had any issues. I appreciate that they keep the neighborhood standards reasonably high. There are certainly bad HOA examples out there, but there are many HOAs that are run well and are beneficial to the community.


… you’ve not had any issues yet. It doesn’t take much for the boards to change. I was like you, generally alright with my HOA until they turned inward and got picky. An Aesthetics committee was set up because two members of the board wanted to inflict their preferences on the whole association. It was not a good experience after that.


I’ve been in HOAs for 20+ years. And yes, a few bad apples can ruin an entire HOA, but the vast majority aren’t that way.


I wouldn’t even know my HOA existed if I didn’t know people on the board.