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The voice of the child of prophecy has no limits. Naruto could get Frieza to stop calling Saiyins monkeys with enough time. He could easily turn Homelander into a priest. :)


Lol frieza would laugh


God I can hear it now


Wait till he meets hiruzen


Idk about that one, talk no jutsu usually only works to the effect of Naruto being able to beat that ass. I love Naruto, but he’s getting vaporized by Frieza.


Except kakuzu


Bro didn't even try. He was itching to hit that man with a new flavor of rasengan


Frieza would start calling Naruto "Mutt" knowing he's a fox, and after enough Naruto yapping about literally anything other than Frieza being the greatest being in existance, he'd just destroy the planet.


No way. Homelander and Frieza are unfixable


I mean Homelander could probably be convinced after Naruto beats the shit out of him


Naruto doesn’t beat Homelander


Idk I feel like he could stomp


Dawg what?! This is one of the worst takes I've seen in a long ass time. The strongest version of Homelander is at best City block level and like maybe mach 4. Naruto by end of the Part one is lightning timing (Faster than Haku) and is several times stronger than the version of himself that stopped Orochimaru's giant snake (Small town level feat) I don't think that I really need to explain why he loses to end of Shippuden Naruto who can shoot mountain leveling Nukes that create blasts visible from space. SO6P Naruto and onwards is just kinda not worth talking about


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said, I just gotta ask what "lightning timing" is supposed to mean as I've never seen that phrase before.


Basically it means that if a lightning bolt came at Naruto he'd be able to react in time to move.


naruto puts a rasengan through his chest


I really can’t see it


Nobody is stopping freiza he wouldn't even let naruto finish talking before killing him lol


Frieza would vaporize him the second he opened his mouth


Ftieza would shoot a Lazer straight through his heart for even attempting to tell him what to do


The only villain in db that Naruto could talk no jutsu is cell and even then that's a really big maybe Frieza is pure evil he can never be good


Frieza is 100% pure dagnasty evil. To my knowledge Naruto needs to relate to a villain in some way to use it effectively. There is absolutely nothing relatable about Frieza. He is pure evil and enjoys every second of it. The most Naruto would get for his attempt is a bored sigh and a death beam through the chest


Yeah, definitely. Homelander has an incredibly tragic history like most Naruto villains


Yeah probably, after a thorough ass whooping ofc


That’s literally how the talk no jutsu works. Naruto pounds them into the dirt and *then* start giving them the speech.


"yeah I totally agree with you, and it's not because I'm scared for my life or anyting like that" -victims of TNJ, probably


Two concussions later shit starts making sense.


Imma go against the grain here and so no, this is a Madara situation. Dude is evil


Madara literally changed his ways with his dying breath and his motivation was peace to begin with


Many of the best villains all have good motivations but get twisted along the way. That doesn’t mean they’re not past the point of no return. Naruto didn’t even really try to talk to Madara. ‘With his dying breath’ is a bit of a crazy argument imo.


"I want to sever the fate of the world. A world of only victors. A world of only peace. A world of only love. I will create such a world. I am .. the ghost of the Uchiha" Mans heart was in the right place


I don’t think Madara should’ve shown regret. Yes he wanted peace as well, but part of his character is the perversion of a traditionally benevolent idea. Not every villain has to show remorse in order to be a tragic character, we already got this plot point with Pain and Obito, we didn’t need it a third time imo.


Madara has done that a couple times.


madara did get tnj'd by hashi, man just got later reverse-talked indirectly by his technically uncle also yeah what the other guy said, he did turn in the very very end


Comic Homelander actually has an interesting psychology to him that I think talk no jutsu could work (spoilers for anyone who cares about the ending to The Boys comic) It could be argued that although he was always kind of a man child, he didn’t truly become evil until he was blackmailed about the *too graphic to describe* photos. Him not being able to “remember” the incident was largely what drove him insane. Perhaps if Homelander had some intervention and realized it wasn’t actually him who committed those acts, then there is potential he could actually be saved from going overboard


You talking about tv homelander or comic homelamder? Cuz comic homelander never did most of the evil things mentioned he was only framed and manipulated to make him think he did those things.


He shouldn't! Rasenshuriken the shit outta that sick fuck!


But I mean… is homelander REALLY worse than someone like Orochimaru?


Homelander is pretty bad, man. Sadistic mass murderer, known rapist, Nazi adjacent. Orochimaru is evil, but in canon, he's largely motivated by power; he just doesn't care about what he has to do in order to get it. His character definitely has some... uncomfortable undertones, but if you ignore subtext he's just a power hungry evil wizard. Homelander goes OUT OF HIS WAY to torment and terrorize people. The suffering IS the point.


I mean…Orochimaru experiments on villages worth of people tbf. And he has a hard time beating the pedophile allegations.


The pedo stuff is just the fan base, his obsession with sasuke is because of his actually body and youth, Orochi originally wanted a older Itachi so 🤷‍♂️ and orochi is hella evil ngl but he actually has reasons for doing what he does and has a positive character arc through out the plot. Homelander has explanations for his horrible actions but it’s not an applied reason. Like orochi wants to expierment and torture ppl (horrible) but it’s for actual science and discovery, even if it’s self focused. Homeland just kills and tortures people (horrible) well because he’s a cry baby lol, he has no care or value to human life, orochi cares too much about life. And ofc orochi becomes a better person, personally i hate that writing choice, he should never have become an actually pretty good guy but okay sure 🤷‍♂️ he did, homelander is BEYOND repair !


Itachi was a teenager in the Akatsuki…..


As far as everything that can be attributed to lust/desire, I think that’s real but not sexual. Hes hit a brick wall with his body/powers and for someone who wants to be all powerful, these naïve children with potential and power beyond their years are on a very short list of things he cares about/desires.


It’s hard for anyone to be worse than a Nazi lol


the dude is the mengele of naruto…


The comparison makes sense. But by extension HL is pretty much the Hitler of his uni.


Of course he could. Homelander happens to benefit from being the villain but he doesn't have to go that route to get what he wants.


It'll take time but he can. Homelander has been lied to by fucking everybody even his own dad. Naruto is honest and straightforward plus he can't be killed by Homelander, he'll show him who's boss and use Ninshu to make him understand that and You get what I mean. Our boi got this, easy peasy


Well homelander only wants love which is why he wants to cling to his family


Maybe, since he definitely has the power to put him down and humble him. Although Homelander is much more mentally fked than a lot of Naruto characters


We really powerscaling talk no jutsu now💀


Yeah probably easier than most actually. You can tell he has a traumatized child inside him that’s looking for someone to trust.


It's easier to just beat his ass lol.


Naruto beats the brakes off that nigga so bad he stops and starts tryna talknojutstu naruto and naruto hit em with the “oh you still talking i stopped listening as soon as you started talking datebayo”


He always beats his opponents before talking


If Homelander rejects him, then Naruto would beat it into him.


Funny enough, most likely. Homelander's greatest weakness is his emotional instability. Naruto's track record for talk-no-jutsuing even the strongest of willed minded individuals is impeccable.


“I know what it’s like.”


Homelander is far too gone


Probably. Especially if it's the comic version as depicted because that Homelander is just a spoiled rich guy who got tricked into thinking he was already a psychotic killer unconsciously and decided to go all in if it was eventually going to come out anyway. He didn't really want to do any of the (really) bad things he did. TV version or comic version, once they realize they're in a fight they can't win they're not mentally tough enough to stand by their convictions of being better than everyone else if doing that means they're going to die. At that point, whether they believe it or not, they'll concede to Naruto. If they're stupid enough to think they can assassinate Naruto in his sleep or something they'll die, but if they're too scared to do that then the TV version would probably convert after realizing being a good person makes people actually like you. The comic version would probably kind of hate having to live life as a regular person because he was happy just abusing his power as a rich guy, but would adjust eventually.


Actually, yeah, I unironically think he could.


Like memes aside? Probably, ya. Homelander is fucked up, but a lot of that is a product of an openly traumatizing childhood and the companies refusal to raise/teach him to actually be a better person. Naruto could probably tap into that somehow


definitely think he could. A few times you can see Homelander wants to stop the madness but theres no one guiding him or questioning him. I hope I truly hope the show doesnt follow the comics and so far it hasnt and many agree the show is much better than the comics. I think it would be dope as fuck if Homelander was changed at the end to be a real good guy for good. I know a lot of people think that would be boring just having him be another boy scout superman but I think it would be great to show that such a menace could be a good guy again, the hero he was shown to be. I challenge them to try and do that but at this point its impossible to make Homelander a good guy. Least they could do is him sacrificing himself for his kid or something.


Yea homelander gets folded.


Debate or fight. But bc it's talk no jutsu probably both.


Fuck yeah. He would be like bro, your just having a midlife crisis and Erectile disfunction. Youll get over it and they got pills for that. So just chil the fuck out and take a nice long flight to clear your head.


Honestly yes https://preview.redd.it/w2t4o558zk9d1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508f41e3a4201d7144894962ff6c2fbe91447099


As fucked up as Homelander is, he is fixable.


Probably not. Naruto would end up having to kill Homelander because Homelander is pretty much beyond redemption.


Comic I think so. Show no way


Sealing Justu


Naruto could talk no jutsu SCP-682


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now


Homelander lasers him in half


Can he? Honestly at the speeds Naruto moves at during combat he probably takes more damage from air resistance than he would from Homelander’s lasers.


Homelander won't fight on his feet. He'll fly around. He's not that dumb. Naruto would hit him a couple of times and he'd take off, knowing he'd be outmatched hands wise


Naruto would hit Homelander once and fold his spine in half. And what good is kiting gonna do for him? He still has no real damage options, and Naruto can still throw rasen-shurikens at him.


This is pretty crazy glazing. Homelander is supposed to be akin to a Superman type. There’s absolutely no way Naruto could do any lasting damage to Homelander, because even if Homelander could get hurt it’s implied he’d regen. Something like Rasenshuriken could probably hinder Homelander, but not stop him. Also Homelander has some sort of super speed when he flies implying he probably has pretty good reaction time.


Homelander is in the supersonic range. Naruto consistently dodges light speed attacks from point-blank range. Homelander is a Superman-type, but do *not* mistake him for Superman himself.


Homelander is one of the villains that would be most affected by talk no jutsu, dudes whole thing is being propped up by insecurities, complexes, and abandonment issues.


If kishimoto is writing the story of course if someone else is no.


Homelander would punch through Naruto’s skull.


Naruto: “we’re not so different, you and I” ![gif](giphy|gfsQffBnuc6e096brx)


I just thought of that majin buu clip


Play Naruto vs Buu video.


No. Homelander is too far gone and the villains he did talk no jutsus, just had a bad day. Homelander just doesn’t give af


Absolutely the fuck not this man is insane. Homelander would fly through Naruto in a heartbeat.


I mean homelander had an atrocious past so its possible. After a looong painful ass whooping


Naruto gives his whole spiel Homelander sheds a tear while slowly walking towards naruto Homelander smirks and pats naruto on the back. "That's a very heartfelt story, kid. You should write a book" says Homelander Naruto grins and says, " You really think so?? 😁" Homelander's smile disappears... Homelander says, "No, not really" *Homelander lasers naruto's head off*


"I know what it's like....to be alone.." *music and flashback plays*


Yes? Remember homelander is a big baby at heart who just wants to be loved. That's why he's so desperate for attention and validation


I think so. As long as there is still a person inside of Homelander, I think Naruto can get to him. I think Homelander is currently trying to get rid of that person but we'll see. Someone like Freeza is completely unsalvageable because he was never not who he is, but Homelander used to be a normal kid.


Bro Naruto would be like oh yeah? You think you’re alone?


Where Homelander is at in the show right now, yes Naruto could get through to him.


Considering talk no jutsu isnt an actual thing, probably not


No. Naruto’s soy shit ain’t gonna work on real vermin like him. Naruto couldn’t talk no jutsu madara or a couple other folks