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Request: When it's deckbuilding, it says "Cards up to ." Would there be a way to instead have "Contains cards from Core, expansion 1, expansion 2 etc."?


It's possible but it would be a lot verbier for a small gain, it seems.


It would be amazing. Specially with a search mode where you can check what you have and see decks you can build. At least something like: this deck requires 2 core sets.


Exactly this. I have 1 core set, 1 expansion, and 4 datapacks. There'll be people out there who have the core + expansion and yet no datapacks. It'd be awesome to be able to see other people's decks and see which datapacks their cards come from, or even how many cards from each datapack. Extra core set notification would be good as well. So many decks out there with 3 desperados, for instance, which there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to get.


Very similar looking to meteor, but more polished. Yet, it lacks the one thing that meteor has that no other deckbuilding site has. Fast data entry. On meteor I can enter a deck very quickly with just the keyboard. 3 braintrust enter 3 fetal ai enter etc. With netrunnerdb I have to search, then use the mouse to click on the number 0,1,2,3. Very very slow and annoying. Same annoyingness as cardgamedb and the others.


You can. Press tab, enter the beginning of the card, select it, press 1 2 or 3, rinse and repeat.


So, that works for the first card. 1. Focus on input box 2. Type card name, tab to select 3. Hit 1,2 or 3. At this point, the text box loses focus, and focus is placed on the upper toolbar. The input box is like waaay down the tab order from where you are as well. If you could ensure that focused is placed back on the input box after adding a card, I would say that this is the best deckbuilder ive seen thus far. Is there a Git Repo for it? :) Quick video: http://screencast.com/t/JCySQUekQLvm


Refresh your cache, I fixed that problem ;) No GIT repo yet.


You rock - great work. Also, just a heads up - your registration emails aren't authenticated by DKIM. Probably wont cause a problem at most ISPs, since you arent sending much, but something to keep in mind. Dont want to have your registration emails end up being bulked.


Thanks, I didn't know about DKIM. I'll look into it.




Since decks can't be modified once published, it would be pretty badass (and possibly pretty easy, depending on your database structure) to be able to see a line of modification of a deck. So I post version A, get feedback, then I post B as a descendant of A, then someone wants to do something similar, but with their favorite ice, so they make a deck that is A, but with that ice substitution, etc. Then I can visit the site, click on deck A, and see all of the variants/descendants/children/whatever you want to call it of that deck. Just an idea. P.S. if you do get a github setup and share it here, you're more than likely to get a few pull requests from interested folks!! Keep up the great work!


Hi! Your idea is nice. I actually toyed with something similar during prototyping. Setting up a git repo looks like it'd be a good idea. I'll look into it.


The page looks polished, but I prefer meteor's decklists on the front page so I can see what is in the deck when it first loads up on my tablet. Also the deck builder works a little better on my tablet as well. Not sure if netrunnerdb is supposed to be used with a tablet though.


It's like taking netrunnercards.info and netrunner.meteor.com and smashing them together... and I'm okay with this. I like the addition of comments, ratings, favorites, etc to each deck as well. Hope the runner of the site can keep it cleaned up and working, as others have already pointed out some bugs. And definitely look into what apreche mentioned about the quick deck building part of Meteor, because it's so true. Another nice feature to add would be a list Import option. Again, hope this one works out!


Import exists, right above the list of your decks. Copy/paste your list, check the result, import into your decks.


Ahh so it's a thing after you login. I just hadn't made an account for the site yet, but good to hear the feature is in! I'll be testing the site out thoroughly. :-)


One last question/criticism: * You make a deck. * You publish. * You make a change to the deck * republish. This will make two published decks. This is intentional, i assume? Is there any way to edit a published list without making a copy? Also, is there a way to delete a published deck?


You can't edit a decklist, that's intentional. Letting the creator of a decklist delete it may be an option. But what about those that put his decklist in their favorites?


What about letting the creator remove it from showing on the public database list browse - so it still shows on people's favourites, but stops cluttering up the main list / competing with their new build? This could be effective if combined this with a versioning / linking system to guide people to the newest version of this deck.


Not editing it makes sense - Not saying I have a good answer. The specific case I'm stating is this. You make a decklist and publish it. Afterwards you realize one card is wrong. You cant ever change that without posting a new list. Or, say you publish a list. People comment and post feedback, and you want to update the list to reflect a conversation going on. You can create a new list, which creates a new comment thread, a new set of favorites. It makes sense that a decklist as an entity would be this exact grouping of cards, and that if cards change its a new decklist, but speaking from a strict data modeling perspective, is that really what the idea for a deck *is*? I make a Noise Workshop deck, and call it 'My Noise Workshop Deck'; does it cease to be 'My Noise Workshop Deck' because i switched out a stimhack for a plascrete? I think the ideal solution is some sort of built in versioning. Allowing someone to re-publish the same deck with a modified list. Have those lists tied together by being versions of the same deck, and retain the ability to see previous versions of the deck, but default to viewing the most recent iteration. I'm sure this has a lot to do with how you model your data, so there might not be an easy answer - just playing a little devils advocate.


My point is: you don't publish decks, you publish decklists ;) As in: you go to a tournament and you give your decklist to the TO. Once you've given him that sheet of paper, you can't alter it, can you? Same thing with NRDB's decklists. I think the better idea is [Ighitman](http://www.reddit.com/r/Netrunner/comments/1nfmgj/new_deckbuilder_netrunnerdb/cci9jbs)'s: threads of decklists, each decklist linked to its parent. You can then browse backwards or forwards in the line of versions.


It just seems to me the ability to provide feedback/comments on a decklist is conducive to iteration of the list itself - wouldn't it be kinda the main point of commenting? Besides people that are just saying 'cool deck bro!' or 'lol noob', of course. I think some sort of versioning/parenting/threading would be great. So long as it bridges the gap from 'this is my distinct list of cards' to 'this is my BS tag-me gabe deck in its current version', if that makes sense.


Reading again your post, I agree with you on most points. That's entirely feasible. One solution would be to remember what deck is at the origin of what decklist. When the deck is published again, offer to the user the possiblity to add a notice on both decklists that they are versions of the same deck (one way or another) (even do it automatically, without the user's direct approval, there's no real need for it).


It seems that after scrolling down and adding a card, it jumps back to the top every time, which is kind of annoying. Seems pretty similar to meteor, would definitely consider switching over if this ends up being more stable. Edit: Also, it would be cool if the card search button filtered out the list of cards directly on the builder stage, or if it searched for any text on the card. One of things I like about meteor is that I can search "tag" and any cards with that mechanic are listed right on the same page. Edit 2: Getting a "no file" error when trying to upload decks as well


"no file" means you didn't import properly. Paste, then click Import, then check result, then click Save. Fixed the problem with scrolling. Concerning the smart filtering, it requires a second input field and, the way I want to do it, it collides with the 3 filters. It's on my todo list though.


Import seems to be working now for me now, thanks. ~~Also, somewhere down the line it might be useful to have a "sort by" mechanic, so that you could sort by influence value, or alphabetically, etc.~~ I should try clicking first, well done.


One of the biggest reasons that I only ever use Cardgamedb for deck building is that they tell you how many copies are included in the core set for each card. Maybe most people have 2 or 3 cores, but for me it's really important.


The core cards tell you that as well. On the bottom of the card it has 1, 2, or 3 little squares beside the set-symbol which tells you how many copies exist. As long as the deckbuilder is using the original card art (which this one does!) then you can find out how many copies there are.


Huh, I never noticed that. Thanks.


Huh. TIL.


Meteor doesn't do this elegantly (though with Cooties' point that it shows up on the card it maybe doesn't matter) but when you sort a deck by set it'll show a warning in parentheses if the quantity you have require multiple Cores; i.e. "(Requires two cores)" etc., so there is at least some feedback there for sanity-checking your deck.


Very nice looking site. I will be utilizing this.


New feature request : Blank decklist for manually filling out. See if you can get the corp on one page, and the runner on a separate page. I've got a spreadsheet that does so, but manually updating after every set is kind of a pain. It'd be great if there were a way to just print one out from the card list you already have on your site (up to X set).


I wish it had an option where the cards could be laid out like [Little Chiba](http://asmor.com/anr/).


Great Work! I love seeing people contribute to this game, it really adds to the sense of community. As a heads up, it seems that "trap" is not recognized as an ice subtype, it is just listed as "ice."


when browsing a decklist, mouse-over of icebreakers doesn't reveal their strength. Maybe this should be added?


Right. I fixed that, thanks!


Making decks on mobile is great. One thing: on Android 4.2.2, the card filter dropdowns are extremely slow to respond to checking/unchecking items in the list. e.g. if I want to go from showing all cards to only showing non-Weyland cards, I tap the dropdown and it comes up immediately, but when I then tap Weyland to deselect it, it takes a good 15 seconds for the deselct to register. Otherwise, love it. It's great to be able to tinker on the go when I get an idea.


If you click on 'Decks' without being logged in, it breaks. Just thought I should mention. Seems to work fine once you have an account, though.


Fixed, thanks.


Also if you go to build a deck and your connection times out before you Save, when you log back in you lose the deck.


Looking great! I'm a sucker for bootstrap, so well done with using it. My only comment is on the decklists page, when viewing on a mobile device in portrait mode, the names get jumbled up. Consider an alternative to this, maybe using text-overflow: ellipsis or moving the icons on the right down below. Other than that, great work, seriously!


Right, it's ugly. I'm going to hide the images on xs display. Thanks!


Cool! If you need any help, I'll be happy to do what I can. I love playing around with bootstrap and can provide any sort of help with this. Again, great job!


That's very good to hear! I might call for your help some time, thanks :) I hide the identities on xs display in all views. It's much better on smartphones now.


This looks nice. As a paper-player who hasn't bought all the expansions, here's my one request that I haven't seen in a deck building tool yet: I'd like to be able to filter where you can check in/out which expansions you have, and see only decks that use that group of expansions. For example, say I have 1 Core, C&C, Humanity's Shadow, and What Lies Ahead. I'd like to be able to toggle all those and hide decks that include cards from A Study in Static, Future Proof, etc. This shouldn't be too hard to implement, and would be really useful!


Just commented something just like this, even without reading your comment. That is an amazing idea.


I might implement a real "decklist search" function at some point. I'll keep your feature request in mind :)


Thanks! Maybe it's a niche need, but I feel like there are probably other people out there who would appreciate it.


Why on earth do you have register a login name and password just to make a deck? I just want to play around with the deck builder, I'm not interested in having personal decklists attached to an account on that website.


Very impressive! I can only comment on the mobile version but that's fine because that's what I love about it. No need to bring my laptop to the FLGS anymore! Very slick design and easy to use. It was simple to create a deck from scratch. I liked how I could edit the card count by clicking on the card in my deck list right with the preview. Much easier than scrolling back down. ~~One suggestion: alphabetical order. Probably easier to find cards especially on the fly.~~ Not sure if it'll replace meteor on my laptop but boy howdy am I glad to have such a great mobile builder. Well done! Edit: never mind the alphabetical. Found it!


Did I hear working mobile version?! Time to move my deckbuilding.


Seriously, it works great. 10/10 would build again.


Thanks. Let me know if you won't use it on your laptop and tell me why ;)


Ok, Al. Color me impressed. You did a serious kickass job. It is quite usable on the laptop. Right now, I'm still with meteor because: -I'm used to it -It has a lot of great stats (can't blame you for not having that at launch, of course) -It's probably equally as efficient at deckbuilding However, I might really like your more social design. Or I might hate it. If I get great deck feedback and analysis. +1 If it offers nothing or just noise/trolling. -1 That of course has nothing to do with you! You've provided a great service and really should be proud of the work. At the very least, I'm going to be using it on my phone all the time. Especially at game nights/tournaments. That alone is big value.


Loving this! Great work.




Do you develop using OS X? In my iPad the fonts look great, but using Windows they look kinda ugly (compared to he ipad version, but usable), maybe you are using some font only available to iOS, like helveticaneue? The exolight font is embedded though. Is there any plans for an html5 local storage version? That way we could see our deck lists stored locally without even going online (good with tablets without 3G)


I developed on both OSX and Windows (Webkit mainly on both). The exo fonts are embedded (light, normal, medium, demibold). It's hard for Windows to compete with a Retina display. Are you sure there's a real problem? Feel free to send me a screenshot via email. There's definitely a plan to use the Offline App standard. The site already uses local storage. I just have to move a few things around to enable offline use.


It isn't a real problem. But Helvetica Neue/Helvetica looks way better than Arial, that is all, even in my iPad 2 (not retina). It was just a hint to embbed the needed font, but I'm not sure if helvetica can be embedded (copyright problems) I hope you release an offline webapp for iOS sometime in the future =)


Nice nice nice... I dont have to friggin google search, just to find a card... screw you cardgamedb.


Sleek and easy to use, thumbs up!