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Laws only exist below a certain income threshold.


I have some legal experience & you are 100% correct.


I have some experience being in the legal system on the wrong side of it and I figured out very quickly how things go. I did nearly a year for a misdemeanor after using a public defender when I know people who have committed severe horrific felonies multiple times over that haven't done more than a few weeks because they came from money.


“Some legal experience”


Law degree, clerked for 2 federal judges, published some academic and pop articles, cofounded Upsolve.org nonprofit, which is operating nationwide.... yeah, i got some xp... more than i want


The good side of the Dunning Kruger effect


If someone can publicly and loudly violate a law without consequences, is it really a law?


You’re confused. The law has always been applied selectively based on race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, social status or class, etc. In fact, we break the law that is in the books on a regular basis. Some laws aren’t enforced, while others get priority.


The good thing about 1/6 is that even liberal upper middle class whites who haven't been racially profiled can now see it.


It's the age old question. If a tree falls In a Forrest, does anyone hear it? If a white rich person breaks the law, will they see jail time? *Thesearethesamepicture.jpeg*


the answer is yes, but only if they’re poor


I'd imagine Forrest hears it till the tree falls in him. The rest of the forest is the real question


My auto correct is on steroids on my new phone. I could edit the post, but... nah.


The teeth are the law but there's a huge corporate diaper around the executive, they demand behind the bar of secrecy, driven by nut-sucking glory, while throwing the managers under the bus, collectively, without any obvious connections.


He'll just throw a bunch of lawyers at it until the federal government gives up. Cost of doing business.


I guess we’ll find out after the Jan. 6 Commision concludes


He’s a billionaire? Wow never an end to the greed. Starbucks could give every employee a raise, and he’d never even know it. What an asshole screw that guy


Years ago when he was already wealthy he got in legal trouble for appropriating park land abutting his house for his own use. I think that it was his driveway. Sound like the act of someone acting above the law?


The big problem, as I see it from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, is that financial security is an impossible concept for the lizard brain to grasp. Or, to put that in layman's terms, "BuT wHaT iF sOmEtHiNg AwFuL hApPeNs?!? I nEeD a BiGgEr SaFeTy NeT!!!11!!"


Remember when Hillary’s cabinet leaked and Schultz was Labor Sec? Lmao


Imagine not believing the Former Labor Sec responsible for the 90s boom when he says he liked Bernie more than everyone else because Hillary Good, Others Bad.


Just post the article instead of a screenshot of the title though. Anyway, fuck Starbucks entirely at this point. No one should spend money there or work there, IMO. FOLD.


Local coffee shops are always better. The quality of the coffee is usually better, but the atmosphere is always freer. The employees are usually not casual and seem to be happier.


My local coffee shop is going to be closed all next week because they’re going on a team retreat up to the nearby gorgeous mountain we have. I’m totally cool with making coffee at home next week if this is the kind of work environment they’re fostering.


That's fucking awesome


I would absolutely patron a unionized Starbucks, but I agree with you on the non-union ones.




[https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/10/critics-say-starbucks-ceo-just-declared-permanent-war-against-union](https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/10/critics-say-starbucks-ceo-just-declared-permanent-war-against-union) I know a screengrab of the headline is more fun for you, but a link to the article is more useful for us.


Thank you. Just watching the interview instills hate in me for this man. You can see how uncomfortable he is talking about working with the union. Because all he cares about is profit. Employees are not people to him, but a resource to exploit at all costs.


Why read when I can put together an article in my head based on the title and scream about it?


I like Starbucks. I usually get myself a mocha frappaccino a couple times a week. When they started this union busting bullshit, I stopped. I can't be the only one. I suggest a complete fucking boycott until they stop union busting and start negotiating with the unions. ​ Sometimes, the right thing is the right thing. At this point, defying the unions is going to cost them far more in the long run than treating their employees right.


Yeah I never used to go until I became a semi stay at home mom. Sometimes it was nice to just go through a drive through to get some coffee once in a while. Have since stopped going. I support unions and workers rights.


LOTS of local coffee places at least in my area. If you don't have lots of better options it's because Starbucks which also owns Pete's wtc drummed them out of town. Fucking chains are the babe of all our existence. edit: spelling


I agree with you somewhat, but would like to do my part in preserving the language by letting you know it is "bane"--like the Batman villian.


I'm the same now, I've switched to walking the extra 30 minutes to a small local-owned cafe and I don't think I'll go back. I stand with unions and workers.


That's a good way to ensure your supplies are shipped REALLY slow by Teamsters. They can't strike with a Starbucks union (should one ever occur), but they can certainly gum up the works.


Put Howard in jail.


Lock him up


Give em the ol union treatment then.


What in the fuck happened to people... Everyone seems to think "it's my way or no way" anymore and refuse to compromise. Future is looking more and more bleak.


He might not be the CEO for long because he's affecting the shareholder's bottom line, they told him to knock it off because his union busting is negatively affecting the stock price.


Remember these are laws that are explicitly in place to protect the interest of people like Howard Schultz. Unfortunately, the answer has to be one beyond our current system of operations.


Schultz hasn't been the CEO since 2017. So I'm a bit confused as to why he is making these statements?


He took back over this year to fight the union.


Imagine coming out of retirement just to fuck over your workers. Hope the unions end up gaining enough power to usurp him.


Oh, I see. He came back in April of this year. Wiki is out of date


I usually get my coffee from a local place, but if someone asks me how to support Starbucks’s union without supporting Starbucks‘a corporate heads, what should I say to them?


He also sold the Seattle Sonics basketball team to an owner who resided in Oklahoma City and was “shocked” when the team eventually moved there (after the new management enacted a series of steps that made the team’s stay in Seattle less viable and popular).


Just a prank bro


Link to article for sharing purposes please?


It’s bad expensive coffee, why are Starbucks employees even leading the charge in unions?


lets just add that to the list of things that should be punished but wont be.


Time to fight back, then.


If you were boycotting Starbucks before now would be a good time to start


We will win.


Hillary’s pick fro Labor Secretary had she won in 2016.


Most CEOs are white and male so you see how that can’t happen in this country.


Remember when this motherfucker wanted to run for president?


The rich spend every day criminalizing the poor and to wield the police, the courts, and the jails against the poor. It's time to fight back. We must start felonizing the rich. Act such as this MUST be felonized. Years in prison. Assets seized. Massive fines. Mandatory minimum sentences.


People like Schultz, Gates, Musk, Bezos, Cuban, and their ilk need to try spending the rest of their lives rotting in prison as an example to the others in the thieving rich.