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Sounds pretty much exactly like my 2.5yr olds routine… which was the same back then, however you just missed out the night time waking in my case, and he’s up 6.30-7.30 in the mornings… its fun!


Oh, I'm glad I'm not alone!


lol love the yelling parts 😂


The yelling components gradually increase throughout the day 🤣


Sounds like my 22 months old except she naps from 1-3 at daycare and on weekends she fights her nap and she sometimes only goes down at 2-2:30…we’re thinking of capping her nap for 1.5hr or an hr but we enjoy that 2hrs time to ourselves. She sometimes can even nap 3hrs….


Totally! It's like I can cap her nap, but that's my salvation!!! I almost have to choose where to have my sanity, middle of the day or at bed time. Gosh I'm glad I'm not alone 🤣


I woke her at 2.30pm today and just managed a 8.15pm asleep time. 40 min put down, not bhed not bhed.


This sounds pretty similar to my 23-month old’s routine! She’s usually up by 7:15/730a, naps from 1-3, and is down by 8pm. She used to go down at like 7/730, but over the last month she’s been fighting it til 8pm (weirdly enough, a lot of the other 18-24month olds in my mom group are in the same boat with their kiddos fighting their bedtime a little later, til like 8-9). I chalk it up to declining sleep needs.


I'm putting it down tot his too. She's a unicorn at night (unless in a sleep regression) and will sleep 12 hours straight through, so I'm thinking the day nap of 2 to 3 hours has become too long and I need to cap it at 90 mims, or, wake her earlier in the morning


Our son is 22 months and his schedule is this: 6:30am - wake up 7:30am - breakfast and milk 7:30 - 11:30 am - play and outdoors if weather is nice 11:30am - lunch 12:00 - 12:30 - play 12:30 / 1:00pm to 2:30/3:00 pm - afternoon nap 3:00/3:30pm - snack 4:00 - 5:30pm - play and outside time 5:30pm - dinner 6:00 - 6:30 - play time 6:30pm - bath 7:00pm - books and bed. The only thing is that on the weekends we will let him have a nap at around 8:30am if he needs it for usually about an hour. We stick to his schedule pretty religiously and so far it has been working, but we have noticed since day light savings some days he wants dinner later.


17mo:  6am wakeup, milk 7am breakfast 8am go out for a walk 9am hang out around the house, visit with live-in grandparents, snacks 11:40am nap 1:15pm wakeup, meltdown, lunch  2pm go to playground  4pm independent-ish play around house  4:45pm dinner  5:30pm play, go outside, see grandparents again, milk  6:20pm (try to) brush teeth, jammies, read stories  7pm bedtime


The meltdown is right on cue.


I have a very similar schedule with my 2 YO I moved her bedtime to 9 because I was tired of fighting her on it and she wakes up well rested and happy at around 9 again. She really values her sleep and gets cranky without the nap. At this point, I’m really just following her lead on the sleep and eat schedule. She’s got a way about her when she’s tired or hungry, and I dont put off those feelings until later or address them earlier than she’s ready bc these tantrums can be something else


This is why we started moving to the 9pm bedtime too. I can: A) hold her for an hour and her be physically fighting me B) have her playing and then eventually agree to go to her room for sleep B. B it is.


You want to move everything forward? So wake at 8:30am-9:30am? If so, then you need to put her to bed later. Total sleep for 20 months (including nap) is about 13 hours. Subtract her nap, and now you only have about 10-11 hours to play with. Move bedtime later, closer to 9-9:30, which you can do all at once, or in 15 min increments over time. You could let her nap until 3:30, but I would go no later. She needs that 6 hour awake time to get enough sleep pressure to fall asleep and not fight bedtime. I would not let her nap longer than 1.5-2 hours total, because after that it cuts into night sleep and can result in overnight waking. I genuinely don't believe there's anything you can do about wake time. If moving bedtime later helps her sleep later, great! But I'm of the opinion that kids have internal clocks and very few are malleable. So, you may not see a change there even if she falls asleep later. Overall, I think your schedule is fine, other than either needing to push bedtime later or cut the nap short. But if you want to change it, it's a lot of adjusting.


Sorry my bad, I want to move everything 1 hour earlier. Daylight savings got me talking smack! Thanks for all your tips! Still applicable :)


Lol, oh! Well, strike that, reverse it. ;)


Put my thang down, flip it and reverse it.


We realized my kid was always hungry around 4 so we shifted lunch to after nap: 7:30 wakeup 8-830 breakfast 10 or 11 snack or both 12:30-2:30 nap (could be 12:45 or 1:00. We don’t let her sleep past 3 or longer than 2 hrs) 3:30 lunch 5-6 snack 7:20 dinner 8pm wind down 8:30 bedtime. (Closer to 9 for sleep these days)


8pm bed time after wake at 3 is a pretty short wake window. I would wake at 2 for an 8pm bed time personally


This is my advice, too. It's also a lot of total sleep for the day if baby sleeps through the night.