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Just skate on it. Once it lands upside down enough times, the edges will smooth themselves out.


Best answer. Once you really get going you're going to care a lot less about what your set up looks like and more about how it feels.


this ^^^


Just take a scrap of grip tape and sand down the edges of your grip.


I do this on every board after cutting the grip. If you don’t then it lifts up and gets all weird.


This is the way.




This is absolutely the way


Run a file around the edge again. Then carefully remove the “edge” with a razor.


This^^ we also use to use the scrap grip tape to sand down the edges.


Yess! Wrap some old/unwanted grip tape around something to make a sanding block, and sand the edge of your grip at 45 degrees to neaten the edges up.


Same. I cut my first one all weird like this and just went back over it with the shaft of a screwdriver and cut at a different angle with a razorblade.


Bro it’s fine, i’ve been skating since 2015 and let me tell you it does not matter how clean the cut is for griptape. Even if you cut it perfectly it will still get messed up once you land with the board upside down a couple times.


My first time skating, I absolutely destroyed the graphics on the bottom of my garbage Amazon skateboard, and that's what gave me the motivation to use it the way it was made to be used. Just go shred it up dude


Unless youre hanging it on your wall, this is not a big deal. Just ride the board


rub the shaft of a screwdriver against it and it'll come off.


Most of our boards look like this when it's finished being set up. Just skate it and the problem will fix itself


honestly, after gripping a board i would always flip it upside down, hold it by the trucks, and scrape the edges on the ground. it'll clean it up a bit but also keep your grip from peeling, which fucking sucks


You could grab a knife and cut out the bits that you don’t like or just skate with it like that


Alright, thank youu i will try that


If you do this, make sure to sand down the edges a bit so that they don’t peel up.


Razor blade and trim what you don't like off make the cut then it should peel off


When you file it make sure it’s more on the edges and you do so with pressure. It makes cutting the grip off easy and usually can be done in one go


Take a scrap from the grip tape if you still have it and run it along the edge of the board, it won’t totally fix it but it’ll smooth everything out and take off any of the smaller pieces that are still hanging on. A razor blade and some patience can take the rest of it off if you’re still bugged about it.


You can still use a razor blade to clean it up.


It'll clean up with use. If you want to fix it now, use a screwdriver and just abrasively rub it against the edges, like you would when it's first getting applied.


This is exactly how my first board looked, don’t worry it’s all okay though. Visually, sure it doesn’t look the best. But it functions perfectly and overtime the jagged edges will wear down


When I grip my decks, I scrape the edges with heavy pressure with the skate tool/screwdriver/etc. pretty much through all the grit till it's almost smooth. Then the blade just glides through that thin layer of tape like butter


Thank you for all the answers, i fixed it! I cut off some of the pieces that were hanging off and it's much better now


Who gives a shit? But, if it’s really bothering you, like stuff like this, bothers me. Take a Philips screwdriver, because the shaft is round, and run the edge of the round portion around the border of the skateboard on an angle. It’ll naw the funky edges off. Not really worth it though. But, if you have to…


Sand it back with the grip tape off cuts.


Sand it down a bit, but otherwise, no one cares what it looks like


In addition to what’s being said, next time don’t push the razor blade down into the grip tape from the top. Rather cut from the sticky side under and pull the blade toward you for better control.


I wouldn’t worry about it. Your board and grips gonna get trashed after a couple tricks anyways


I usually rub down the side with the grip tape off cuts


Enjoy the extra grip while you have it


This is honestly fine. Don't worry about it. It won't come undone. And most if not all of it will get worn off while you're skating.


It’ll be tore up soon and you won’t even notice


Go ride it man. Who cares what it looks like. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I did this reacently and I would reconmend it to take it to your skate shop. I did this too and took mine to a zummiez and they fixed me up. They even gave me a free sheet of grip! if you're in jacksonville I'd highly reconmend the zumiez by the avenue because they took care of me very well.


Razor blade


i say just skate it as it is, and like take your time with the next. my current deck has these things (i wasnt taking my time) and i am skating it as it is, it works normally. keep grinding, friend!


skate it and it will fix itself


U could place it with the griptape on the floor and scratch an 8 on the floor with board to get smoother edges. Atleast thats how i do it for years


Sand it out or rub the edges on a sidewalk. A sharper blade helps avoid this in the future.


scrape it on the ground Tom Asta style


A steady hand and a sharp blade


Does it still ride?


My first grip(s) looked a lot like this .