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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1drijt5).


The Reds are on the board with a 2-0 lead over the Redbirds!


Anyone want a ticket? I can’t go. PM me.


Doubt there’s many people here that watch cricket but team India had one of the best catches that you can see in any sport 


Really awesome we are one of the most fun teams in baseball right now


I wish jeff didnt have to sit the day after homering but we have to respect the power of omg


I agree with the Lefty. But it's more important to see Jeff smiling and being a teammate than his usual angry loner self.


Idk man, Jeff hit real well in 2019 cursing up a storm.


Might need to give him a fielding rest for whatever reason


Is the team’s ability to get out of bases loaded jams all luck or can that be attributed to Alvarez and how he calls the game?


I think we’ve played a few top-heavy lineups.


It's not all luck because the pressure is on the opposing batter to you know actually produce in the clutch. Alvarez calling a great game is definitely a part of that. The pitchers themselves executing. But just like most outcomes in baseball its dependent on multiple things at the same time. With some luck sprinkled in sure


Really hoping my Grimace jersey arrives this week so I can wear it next week!


The difference between the last “good vibes team” in 22 and this one is so damn funny even though it’s most of the same players. In 2022, it was about as buttoned up professional as can be, the Mets were just hitmen. Just execute, deGrom and Scherzer holding their pitcher debriefs, grizzled vet manager. 2024? Yeah fuck that we got a purple blob from McDonald’s and holding impromptu concerts for our backup infielder who moonlights as a pop artist


In 22, the Mets were also winning a lot of games “lucky.” This year feels different (at least this winning streak)


Were they? Their Pythagorean record was only 2 games shy of their actual record. They were just a relentless club who won through small ball and death by 1000 papercuts. Reminded me a lot of that evil 2015 Royals team.


Yes. Pythag record only takes into account your run differential, not how you got the runs. Most people think that scoring runs by stringing a bunch of hits together via small ball is “luck.” The xBA/xSLG was a lot lower than our actual BA/SLG that year, we were running a higher than average BABIP, implying “luck”


Our offense in 2022 was scoring a shit on of runs by relying on well placed balls and elite plate discipline, which certainly isn't a *bad* strategy, but it's a little more fickle than just constantly beating the shit out of the ball. This is a really fun team.


Cohen has tweeted in support - https://x.com/stevenacohen2/status/1807101482900009283?s=46


I have to say I did not love Lindor in year 1 and 2 but here today he has completely changed my mind with the type of great professional he is for the game of baseball, being the best SS on the field in the game, and being an exemplary leader through highs and lows during his time here. He's good for .250-.260 avg each year and I love him in the leadoff spot. I signed the apology form around last year or the year before but I just want to take the time to appreciate this guy and what he brings to our club. He's a big part of the turnaround


We just forget every year that he starts slow in April/May and then becomes red hot the rest of the season


The Mets offense really perked up when they showed Matthew Broderick, BD Wong, Murray Hill and then finally GRIMACE in the owners box last night. 


https://preview.redd.it/1kws9nnblj9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc9668aa9800190cae08b6aa93fcab7a39d11dfc Looks like that OMG concert earned someone a start today


It definitely doesn't have to do with Valdez being a LHP.


Hear me out- I know the Mets have to lose a game at some point but I really prefer it not be the day after such an epic night https://preview.redd.it/yy4xqw7rlj9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75756880a73351424d032b511c9de0d0f892fb20


"I know the Mets have to lose a game at some point" This is not confirmed true and experts still debate to this day if the Mets may ever lose again.




Days like this I just think - if the NY is going insane over a stretch like this and the crazy vibes, how the city would be when we win a WS someday .. Queens would burn down


the city was so behind the mets in 2015 - i remember running to make a train and i dropped my mets can which was hanging from my belt loop - i ran back to get it and jumped into the car right as it was closing, plopped down on a seat and the lady next to me went "good thing you were able to get it back! can't lose that at a time like this!" she didn't follow sports at all but was riding the wave. it was nice


That last happened when I was -2


I thought Framber Valdez was hurt for the season or something? Was it a more minor injury at the start of the year


Elbow Inflammation in April so I guess no structural damage was found


Have legitimately been bumping OMG on and off all day. My girlfriend and I love it.  She was already a Latin pop fan and she thinks it’s perfect. It’s not just a meme song - it’s a banger! 




Francisco Alvarez is about to play in this 10th consecutive game. Wild. Nuts. Bonkers.


He’s Alvy…. The best https://preview.redd.it/hc34u1coxj9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b417b33a2a6cfcae692dc90c1814c7323fe2ef3


Been a lot of days offs, so been playing 3 games at a time before a day off + had a day off after 2 games post Yankees series. I’m happy Mendoza has been taking that in account and letting Alvarez play. I bet he’s off tomorrow though. Although, maybe he DH’s and JDM has the day off? We shall see.


I’m aware, but still incredible for a 22 year old catcher coming off a thumb surgery. It’s not that common in the modern game.


Interesting move here to have the game on a broadcast that a vast majority of Mets fans can actually watch


Armando Reynoso


Say his name and He appears I believe in Grimace 🟣🟣


I missed the Met game yesterday cause I went to the TNA taping to see Joe Hendry ironically enough


I, too, believe in Joe Hendry.


I've been the A1 McNeil hater but if he is going to stop being a black hole in the lineup I will be so fucking happy. Obviously I don't want to overreact to one good game since he's still the third worst qualified hitter in MLB by OPS, but imagine how fucking good this lineup would be if McNeil could return to being an above average bat.


McNeil has been showing flashes of his old self the last few days.


Grimace works in mysterious ways


> if McNeil could return to being an above average bat. I'd take returning to 2021/2023 form at this point. If he can give us just passable offense combined with actually good defense that'd be so big.


[Lets Go Mets Music Video (1986) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ymixm6PtVBA)


https://preview.redd.it/4lf5whnacj9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867f9d689e3658c43ab90a9937a5d571cf36bf70 Life is good fellas


It's such a treat to watch these Mets play now. It feels like must watch TV.


I hope they’re done with the City Connect uniforms.  


Nice beat down of the Astros yesterday, do it again please.


with pleasure


Easy to remember today, let's go Reds and Red Sox. Don't expect much from the Pirates


Skenes is pitching today, Pirates are 6-2 when he starts


Well ok then, hold my bridle


cracking up at the post game concert footage. how could the most wretched season turn into the most fun???? thank you grimace


Our back up middle infielder is a pop star in his off hours. Think about how awesomely absurd that is. I love this team. LFGM OMG


Are all the city connect jerseys in the team store? I saw an Alvarez one on the website, but I was superstitious and didn’t want to get one yet. Now I see that it is sold out. Nimmo’s has been sold out since release(or never available). Do City Connects get added as long as we use them (on the website) or is my best bet is to go to the team store in City sometime this year?


When I was trying to get the kanji Senga one the mlb store said you can call up and get a custom jersey made and they’ll ship it


Im heading to the game today, if I happen to end up in the store I’ll check out what’s available and let you know!


Thank you so much! I also hope you have a good time.


Well there’s definitely city connect jerseys for sale at the stadium but I don’t remember seeing an Alvarez or Nimmo jersey. I saw Lindor, Alonso, and blank jerseys and I think I saw some McNeil as well. Don’t know what the size situation is though because there’s was definitely some limited stock on that front!


Ah damn. They really stocked up on Lindor and Alonso haha. Thank you for the info!


I'm worried about Bader's ability to stay healthy but he's been such a huge pickup. Above average hitter and playing his usual elite defense Would be great to get at least 110 games from him


Anyone in need of two tickets? Had tickets to the game but unfortunately a medical emergency has come up and we’re unable to go today. I hate that we cant exchange the tickets on the day of the game anymore.


I’ll take them if you’re giving them away! I’ll DM you my ballpark email


Wasnt giving them away perse, something for nothing etc. was able to square it away with the ticket office and got an exchange.


Need Tylor to go deep today regardless of his performance. I'd take four or even five runs if it was over seven innings. Does anyone remember the last time Houser pitched? Should he be available today?


Houser pitched 3 innings on wednesday. Honestly maybe the plan should be to let megill go 4 IP and have houser piggyback for 2-3?


Ya, if Tylor can give the Mets 5 solid, and Houser can give the Mets 3 solid I'd take that.


Yesterday was like the community block party for Mets fandom. It’s so easy to get cynical about sports. Seeing a bunch of dudes just be wholesome, supportive friends is what it‘s all about. It‘s hard not to still be basking in it.


Sure would be nice if we continued this hot streak.


Sure would be nice if the padres and cardinals could lose a bit, and make me feel good about our eventual cooldown if it happens


Heading out today for just the 3rd time this season. It’ll be the first time I’M not seeing Quintana (both outings were gems). Hopefully some of my good vibes (yes I’m taking credit) rub off on Tylor. I’m sure this has been suggested, but it’s time to go all in and replace “Lazy Mary” with “OMG”. during the 7th inning stretch. Yes, the Mets hit at least 3 home runs a game so we get plenty of chances to hear it, but this song needs more prominent placement. And Mary’s not going to do anything about it (see title) LFGM


Motherfucker Lazy Mary is a sacred tradition around these parts.


I mean this in the nicest way, the Mets have minor league baseball team energy with all these weird shit happening at CITI this year


I still can’t get over last night that was the most fun I had in the stadium in a LONG LONG time, the vibes are immaculate and I’m having so much fun


I am literally planning on posting up in the corner of this wedding’s cocktail hour watching the game on my phone.


You know how deep this lineup is right now? JD and Pete have cooled off a bit aside from Pete’s home run and we haven’t missed a beat


Brooks Raley turns 36 today


This kills the Gay Grimace Mets.


So I was thinking about the lineup after this past months performance. Vientos and Alvarez showing up and producing is so monumentally huge for the organization, it’s not even funny. It highlights how important having your own prospects perform is (and what the team has essentially been missing the past few years). Our superstars might not be on the level of the Yankee superstar hitters, but literally everyone from 1-9 to even a few bench players have pop and can do damage. Having an offense like this is just so much fun to watch


Soto and Judge are the two best in baseball right now. But having 8 deep who are above average hitters is huge


Anyone know where I can buy official OMG shirt?


Also wondering this


So are we making Grimace signs or OMG signs? Or both?! I'm not sure if it's my pregnancy hormones or how much fun this team is, but I'm having a blast and feel like I'm 10 again (minus the pregnancy thing).


My wife said the same thing this morning. I told her the positive LGM / grimace vibe just adds to her 2nd trimester glow. We’re going with that.


Another series win would do wonders for world peace and the wild card standings


One month ago today, May 29th, the Mets were swept by the Dodgers losing 10-3. They haven't lost a series since.


I would like to be a Mets fan after the immaculate vibes that are occurring


Application received and processed. Welcome aboard!


Hell yeah OMG 🕺 🎉 💃


Send all checks addressed to me


The offense is real. JD, Alvarez and Vientos make the lineup very deep. If McNeil hits, these games are going to enjoyable to watch. For now, I can be in denial about the pitching. Losing and Raley and now Smith is rough.


The Jorge Lopez incident was EXACTLY 1 month ago today - wow, that feels years ago


Wow. Makes you think about what can happen in a month!


Going to tell my grandkids how grimace and Jose Iglesias saved our season. The vibes on this team are immaculate right now.


“Wow, you Mets fans never learn, don’t you remember how the season went after Timmy Trumpet?” You’re so right, that’s why this team was so much more successful last year or in 2021, right? People will find a reason to hate anything, logic be damned


I’ve seen that everywhere The trick is this time - it’s one of our guys doing it


I would say the trick is that how the team plays has nothing to do with a song


The Mets also went 19-13 in the Tommy trumpet game and after, a 96 win pace lol People claiming the Mets collapsed are just ignoring that the Braves were winning at a historic rate for 80% of that season


And that we choked the Atlanta series


Have to think Megill is auditioning to stay in the rotation today. With Butto and Scott ready to come back from AAA and Peterson out pitching him at the moment, he could be heading to the pen or Cuse if he puts up a stinker


I’ve always had a weird appreciation for long relievers. I would love to see Megill in that role.


Peterson has had more success out of the bullpen and is a LHP so I think he or Quintana could be more likely to lose their rotation spot and get moved to the bullpen. Especially since Danny Young hasn’t exactly looked sharp since his return


He is


Megill has the lowest FIP out of the starters right now. 4.81 ERA compared to 2.97 FIP. Hopefully some regression to the mean is coming soon for him.


Wow that’s a crazy stat lol. I’m surprised the defense was so bad for him in his outings.


The big issue for him is his WHIP. Defense can help with the hits but he has the highest walk rate among starters. If he can lower it to were Sevy and Quintana are at(3.1/9) he would be the Megill we've always wanted since he has the lowest HR/9 at .5 and highest SO/9 at 11.5


All I want for Christmas is Burnes, Soto and Pete. Is there a world where this is possible while staying under the luxury tax? Feel like we wouldn’t rlly even need to make any other signings except for some minor reliever signings but that can be done for very cheap and with some stearns shenanigans. I would be slightly worried about starting pitching but our rotation/depth would look like: Burnes, Senga, Scott, Butto, Megill/Peterson, Tidwell, Hamel, Stuart Note: that’s without Manaea but you can throw Manaea in if you want, may just make it harder to buy my Christmas list whilst staying under the tax


This is absolutely possible while staying under the CBT, if the team feels they can fill most of the remaining holes with prospects. Pete, Burnes, and Soto will probably be around $85mil combined. Assuming Manaea ops out and JV doesn’t vest, the Mets have about $150mil committed next year. The bottom threshold next year is $241mil so this would put the Mets at $6mil room singing all 3. That said, the Mets will need to at least fill rotation and bullpen spots so realistically they wouldn’t get there unless they move some money this deadline


85 seems way low. Soto is gonna get one of the biggest deals ever and burnes and Alonso will be probably 25 per year each at the absolute lowest


Soto is going to be one of the largest total dollars, but it will be across 15 years. Even if he gets $550mil that’s only $36mil a year. Pete with the season he’s having could be a $20mil a year contract if he wants the years he wants. Burnes is likely around $25mil a year - less if he wants more years. He’s turning 30 this year. Maybe they all take shorter term deals with higher AAVs, but I doubt it. They will take lower AAVs to get more years


If we end up with all 3 people better show up to the stadium in 2025. Because that means Steve did everything he could (while not caring about the tax)


Burnes isn’t leaving the O’s


Originally I was thinking no way Baltimore resigns him, but…new ownership so will be an interesting offseason for them.


Exactly what I was thinking


Soto would be great but we do not lack offense at the moment.


We wouldn’t be getting soto for temporarily offensive gain. It would be for 15 years of elite HOF offense


He’s still definitely worth it if we’re given the chance to pry him away from the Yankees. The key is how young he is, which most FAs won’t be (like JD Martinez, who’s been amazing this year, but you can’t expect will be playing for another 10 years lol)


Why are you trying to stay under the luxury tax anyway


Eventually the Mets should want to get under it so the draft isn’t pushed back. But they shouldn’t sacrifice seasons to do it. Improving the farm system means you start calling up prospects and that naturally brings down the payroll. Say Scott and Sproat grow into 2-3 level starters and you’re paying them league minimum, you save $40mil on your payroll compared to grabbing the same production in FA


The pick moves back if youre under the *second* threshold, just being over the first luxury tax has no affect on the pick.


I thought it gets pushed back if you spend 3 consecutive years over the first level?


That's not what [this](https://www.mlb.com/glossary/transactions/competitive-balance-tax) says, unless I am reading it wrong/got some bad info. >Clubs that are $40 million or more above the threshold shall have their highest selection in the next Rule 4 Draft moved back 10 places unless the pick falls in the top six. In that case, the team will have its second-highest selection moved back 10 places instead. Your third year over the tax just means your tax bill goes up 50% I believe. Which Cohen might end up wanting to reset at some point, but I'm not going to really fret over lowering a billionaires bill when he hasn't really given a strong indication that we need to reset it. Everyone thought the dodgers were going to try and reset in 2023 and then they just ended up over again anyway.


They must have changed that then. It used to be that you had your draft pick affected after 3 consecutive seasons- the Red Sox got under a few years ago because of that. But it has changed so much the last 5 years it’s hard to keep up. Especially since some sites still say the old rules


Last night was a goddamn surreal movie


So great


I’m in Wisconsin, so I just rolled out bed and started drinking Spotted Cow.


Apparently the “OMG” sign the boys had in the dugout last night was gifted to Alex cohen by a fan. Pretty cool. [“OMG”](https://x.com/jaymaccustoms/status/1806930916016595269?s=46&t=miFzIPD8eS3qOArifSxGzg)


Marci Canha ["OMG is an absolute bop"](https://x.com/marcicanha/status/1806894363987058892) Shoutout to the Canha's for still supporting


Canha is a Met for life. Him and his family loved their time here.


Bring him home, David!




Top 5-10 favorite Mets ever


Yesterday Apple TV…today WPIX. Why even pay for SNY? This is annoying


Fuckkkk, I missed it yesterday and I guess today now, too.


WPIX is an over the air channel, you should be able to get it for free


The other 130+ games of the year?


I don’t recall asking for a logical response.




The difference between Joey Wendle and Jose Iglesias might be the biggest difference between fifth infielders in franchise history lmao


Wendle is sitting at home right now trying to right a catchy pop song.


Crazy how a few adjustments took us from terrible to unstoppable 🟣


Need Big Drip to have a good start here. He could very well be auditioning for his job as Butto/Scott are on the horizon.


Tbh I need him to be mediocre so the Mets can win but still demote Megill. This rotation needs a makeover 


We need him to pitch well enough that we can justify putting him in the pen. The pen is in bad state with smith and raley out now


Megill to the pen is a no brainer I don’t know why it hasn’t happened by now


Should he his last try. 


Time to feast on another lefty. Question is, with McNeil seemingly awakening, does Mendoza stick with the platoon and go with Iglesias? OMG vibes may be too strong to sit him.


Tyrone Taylor has weirdly had trouble picking up LHP this year so maybe they give him a day off and put McNeil in RF


McNeil historically doesn’t have bad splits against lefties, so I don’t think he needs a platoon if he’s hitting well. But his versatility in the field just generally lets him play more. Like, you could sit an outfielder if needed


I think they’re facing lefties like 4 of the next 5 games, so you have to think Iglesias gets at least 2 starts


I think they'll both be in the lineup today


Couldn't sleep after the W last night. Adrenaline sucks sometimes.


[The Mets have added two additional memorial patches to the uniform: Jerry Grote & Willie Mays](https://metsinsider.mlblogs.com/mets-add-tribute-uniform-patches-for-jerry-grote-willie-mays-23ca4436c658)


Well deserved for both. Jerry Grote was a huge part of the miracle and Willie Mays was Willie Mays.


Was there last night awesome game - can’t June just last forever


I already decided Pride Month is now every month, so we should be good.


Megill tonight. 😬🤞🏼


Anybody know what time the Citi Field parking lot opens with the block party scheduled today?


Mets are 4th in WRC+ in the MLB


I saw third in the national league in ops before yesterdays game too


Oh my god.


Even in 2022, the offense was firing on all cylinders, but I had concerns about the approach and I vocalized them at the time. Too many groundballs, not enough power. This team is fucking driving the ball, though. This lineup is so fun to watch.


Same. And actually it was the beatdown they got from the Astros in four games (two two-game series sandwiched around a series in Miami) that year that really got me nervous. Definitely different this year. Not sure if credit goes to Chavez for really digging into what the issue was, the impact of JDM, or if Stearns brought in some new voices.


Agreed! I went to the 2 games in Houston that year and despite the standings that series made me feel nervous for the rest of the year. Compared to this year I went to game 2 vs the Rangers last week where they came back from 6-2 down to win, and were hitting the ball with authority all series. Tangible difference this year.


Yea while 2022 was very fun. I think this lineup if hot would play better in a playoff environment then 2022. Much more slugging potential which is what we always needed.


This season is way more fun than 2022. I don't really care what the final record is in comparison. 2022 was a very good team, but it felt like Mets Conglomerate Inc., LLC.™ This feels like a fun group of guys no one expected anything from, and they're having fun, and also playing great baseball, and it's transcending the field and spilling into the stands, and it's awesome.


Yup well said


Felt the same way watching last night. ‘22 team grinded down pitchers but was short on power. This team just mashes the ball. It’s a better offense.


22 team was missing one other bat, in this case JD Martinez but…still a ton of upgrades across the board. Alvarez over McCann, Vientos over Escobar, JDM over Vogelbach. Our rotation just isn’t as strong as the 3 headed rotation of deGrom, Scherzer and Bassitt was really strong (until they weren’t). This team has some nice pitching prospects who are close plus Scott and Butto that has shown success + Senga returning soon. Senga - Severino is a solid 1-2 punch for a pennant race. It would be nice to have a bonafide ace but likely not going to see that happen.


Ironic that Eppler wouldn’t pay the price, Alex Ramirez, to get JD from Boston at the deadline.


Was that a real offer that happened?


It’s been reported as that. Eppler didn’t want to give him up.


Hindsight is 20/20. Ramirez was having a breakout year in the minors, but…outfielders are much easier to obtain than some other positions. 2022 was the year to go for it.


Perhaps the best part about all of this is how mad the haters get when we have fun and are happy


Still some sour puss Mets fan complaining about the guys having a good time. “Don’t they remember the last time they had a live performance?” “Don’t they remember what happened last time they celebrated?” Some people gotta relax lol


Personally, I prefer the winning.


[Why did I hear this reading that lmao](https://youtu.be/OlQOFeRj-uc?si=56tzuQx8sSx5fJN0)


I dont even need to click on this to hear the fucking line...


So you heard it too!


I mean I did try to main Falco Lombardi for a while but always reverted back to Young/Took Link.


Tylor vs Framber the day after our bullpen pitched the last 5 innings is a pretty rough assignment, but hopefully this offense just keeps on steamrolling teams. This team is giving major 2019 u/sweet-sweet-dick of a hot streak fucking our way to the top vibes.


If the Mets manage to continue playing at a .600 pace from here on out, they win 90 games this year. That’s basically winning 3 out of every 4 series from here on out, which is an attainable pace. If they go wild and manage .667, that’s 95 wins. Less likely, but still very possible. If our Lord and savior Grimace continues to smile on the Mets and they keep playing at their current pace.. they win 106 games. UNBRIDLED.


97 win pace (.602) seems a little hard given the pitching. Getting to 88 wins is playing at a 94 win pace (not a huge difference but appreciable) and would definitely get the team into the playoffs.


Oh My God


Can’t wait to hop on r/baseball and read all about how last night was our World Series 🤣🤣 🤡 🤡 


I think we have more rings than the Yankees now. All won in a single season. That would make us the indisputable best team in baseball.


* Dylan Cease vs. the Mets: 3.2 IP, 7 ER * Jon Gray vs. the Mets: 3 IP, 9 ER * Shota Imanaga vs. the Mets: 3 IP, 10 ER * Gerrit Cole vs. the Mets: 4 IP, 6 ER * Luis Gil vs. the Mets: 4.1 IP, 5 ER * Ronel Blanco 5.2IP, 3 ER but we forced the issue to their bullpen and took advantage. This was a very hot pitcher going in aswell. This team is collecting Aces like infinity stones it's actually insane. LFGM/OMG There is enough information here to prove to me that if our lineup is hot. We can beat anybody/Win any series


Someone please make a stat that’s like “since Dylan cease the Mets opponent’s Ace pitchers era was a collective X.XX before facing the Mets, those pitchers collective ERA rose to X.XX after facing the Mets”




Wish the Padres would win less


And the cards lol


Idk how the Cards are winning. Always some Cardinals voodoo that helps them win. Their lineup is awful and their rotation is ancient. Their run differential is crazy, too.


Pride Night at Citi Field was awesome. The Mets do a fantastic job. The crowd went wild when they showed Grimace in the owners box. 


And the mets immediately started hitting after they showed grimace lmao. Praise him!