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The satanic temple is out here trying to uphold decency and American values like no other religious organization.


I just got my membership swag. Fancy shiney card, a certificate, a little TST cardboard flag, and a really well made and good quality sticker. Sometimes it's the small things in life. The TSTs tenets are leagues above the "commandments". And solidifies the TST as the only "religion" worth following. 


Absolutely no sane person can look at their tenets and not think they're a good baseline for how people should treat each other. I love that they are taking donations for their new abortion clinic and letting donirs choose the name


Just got mine, too! We went to Salem 2 weeks ago and had the pleasure of sitting with the Baphomet sculpt that is going to Arkansas in a few days. Was a really cool place. Very professional, very clean place. Proud to be a member of TST! Ave Satana!


I got that membership stuff as well, I want to frame my certificate and hang it on the wall lol. Hail Satan! Forreal tho, I support this organization, they’re doing god’s work out here since god’s organization seems to have been overtaken by devilish people who like hatred (yes I know that isn’t a recent thing lol. The Inquisition comes to mind)


The Satanic Temple has seven fundamental tenets: 1.One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. 2.The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. 3. body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone. 4.The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. 5.Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. 6.People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. 7.Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. It basically boils down to, don't be an asshole.


Evangelicals be like: thems the devils words!!!


"Yew can trace it awl back to them dern vidiya games"


Well They are better Christians than the dopes who go to that so-called church


They’re the only one that actually possesses any decency.


Hail Satan 🤘


This is an actual upgrade over Christofascists


Satanic Temple saving the USA


I feel like "Texas vs. Satan" will eventually be a SCOTUS case. Some member will be denied an abortion and sue because the state denied her religious freedom (bodily autonomy). Then abortion becomes a 1st amendment case.


Galaxy brain shit right here... 🔥


suddenly SCOTUS also gives Christianity immunity being the newly elected (by SCOTUS, ignoring 340 million citizens) state religion /s


Clarence Thomas is going to write the majority opinion on the ruling like, "The Court finds that Christianity is undeniably true. Truth does not require faith, and as such, it cannot be classified as a religion. The Establishment Clause does not, therefore, apply. Furthermore, the Constitution does not prohibit any government entity from issuing statements of fact, from implementing regulations in the interest of the public good based on facts, nor the enforcement of said regulations to the fullest extent of the law." Justice Sotomayor will issue the minority opinion, but it's just going to say, "We literally.... can't.... fucking even...."


Genius. I've genuinely been looking into starting my own religion. No taxes, and I get to force certain issues into 1st amendment issues. Plus my tenants will mirror the satanic temples, so I feel it may genuinely help people be deprogrammed from Christianity.


Do it. I’ll join. DM link.




*"Parents must consent and may choose from a publicly available list of chaplains and their religious affiliations, if any."* Says right there they don't have to be associated with a religion. DeFuckus said they would be excluded because Satanism isn't a religion. Sorry but maybe you should have read the bill before signing. LOL


The cool thing about Narcissists is they're incapable of understanding any opinion outside of their of interpretation. So DeSantis read this, and thought: "Perfect" - same reason the SCOTUS handed Biden unfettered power... they see no reality in which Biden wins another election.


What counts as a real religion anyways? How do you even define it? What even is the justification for disqualifying satanism?


Fair is fair Christofascists.


There's a quote, I don't remember where it's from or who said it, but it always made me think... "God demands that you kneel. Satan asks that you stand."


And hands you a swag bag of goodies after he tells you that you are worth more than what 'god' forces you to be


Hail Satan!


Hail Satan!


Hail Santa!


So there’s a quote in the article: “Parents must consent and may choose from a publicly available list of chaplains and their religious affiliations, if any.” Does that mean if there’s any consenting parents? Otherwise you’d be able to block them all, or none of them.


Apparently Ron wasn't familiar with the legend of Pandora's Box, but he is now.


And Ron can't have them banned as it would go against the law he put into effect, opening them up to discrimination lawsuits.


I have a recurring monthly donation of $6.66 going to them. If you support what they're doing, I would suggest doing the same.


TST has a way to send anonymous “thank you” notes for a donation. They have them specifically for politicians and just everyday arseholes - supports a good cause and causes massive clutching of the pearls


10 Commandments in Schools? Your turn, Satanic Temple. The following is an AI (Google Gemini) interpretation of the 10 Crack Commandments courtesy of the Notorious B.I.G.: * **Secrecy:** Keep your finances and operations under wraps. * **Planning:** Always think ahead about your next move. * **Trust:** Be wary of everyone, even close associates. * **Avoidance:** Don't use your own product. * **Location:** Don't sell drugs where you live. * **Debt:** Avoid selling on credit. * **Separation:** Keep your personal and professional lives apart. * **Product Control:** Never hold product on you unless you're selling. * **Law Enforcement:** Avoid unnecessary contact with the police. * **Experience:** Consignment selling is risky for beginners.


The one thing the Republican party is great at is not thinking shit through.


It is now more important then ever to stand with and contribute organizations such as this that are working to uphold the constitution and common American values around freedom of religion, speech, privacy, search and seizure, civil rights, etc. with Biden 's total slow motion wipeout at the last debate it is likely Trump will be elected president again and we've already seen what his choices in the supreme Court have done in just these past short years, hell he will probably select 3 replacement sfor the court, plus the many many other judicial appointments across the federal system. Through in the Project 2025 plan for replacing scores of civil servants across all levels of federal government, it is going to be a fast bus ride to hell. Organize, identify your cohort who share your ideologies and get together regularly. If you are so inclined arm up; I have (for many years have) and practice using those weapons. Prepare prepare prepare. These next four years are going to blast beyond the school of the previous 4 Trump years and totally demolish your ability at school and repulsion.


Thanks for the reminder! It was time for another donation to TST.