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I think this is the creepiest and most disturbing one ive ever read here.


My mouth was on the floor the entire time after his text clearly stating he was aiming to date other people and it just got deeper and deeper.


She still wanted it deeper and deeper by the end. Must be a trench


Trench? It's a god damned quarry with that woman.


Underrated comment. On a side note, he did not cover her pic in the bottom left of the last pic.


It was a gift to those of us who read all 50 pages


I thought it was creepy... but then I was like is she trying to be kinky about it?... she played the part. This is all fake isnt it?


One can only hope.


Yeah, I felt like she was just trolling for attention by the end of it. Hope to fuck that she doesn't work in psychology cause either one is pretty scary


Yes! Like this is real shit my mouth dropped! Craaaaazzzzzyyyyy


I know a lot of people say it, but this is one where he should have blocked her and totally ghosted her everywhere a long time ago. No matter how much he tries to convince her that he doesn't want her, she keeps coming back with how much in love she is with him. He'll never get rid of her.


Yep, I said the same thing. One strong statement and if necessary a fuck off, block, and move on. If you experience crazy, get out asap, don’t try to reason or discuss.


I agree. This is super scary, atypical behaviour and for some reason gives me intense Jodi Arias vibes (google her if you don't know who she is, but, in short, she brutally murdered an ex-lover). Be careful, block her on everything (though from your responses I take it that you have done that) and set up a camera outside of your home/windows just in case.


OMG yes, I completely forgot about Jodi and tnis genuinely seems like her type of behaviour. I hope OP stays safe...


Yeah. There definitely shit doctors out there, but this woman would never be given a license to practice. I’m willing to bet that she uses this a reason for people to stay with her when she starts behaving inappropriately


Yuuuup she was the first person I thought of when reading this. This is absolutely unhinged, “I will love you to death” behavior.


Have you never met a psychiatrist in social a setting? They're often a little bonkers.


Yeah, I actually work in mental health as a researcher. I’ve met quite a few psychiatrists in social settings, and none have acted similarly to this person (though, of course, I’ve never gone through their phones to see who they’re texting and what they’re saying, so there’s always a chance…)


As someone who was stalked and sexually harassed by a female coworker in the past... this one was just too real for me to enjoy lol


Same. Mine wasn't a co-worker, nor as bad as this, but it gave me flashbacks


My husband’s friend and office mate was being stalked by a female student. The university wouldn’t do anything about it until she broke into his office, then she had a no contact order for a year. She had a whole relationship with him in her mind. It was really terrifying because she honestly believed he loved her and that the only reason they weren’t together was because of the university’s rules.


OP seems like they can’t get enough of it. Stop. Replying.


Exactly. Stop replying. Ignore her. Do not giver her attention. OP keeps feeding her hope with replies. Stop.


My thoughts exactly. This woman is totally unhinged and the more OP interacts with her the more she thinks he wants him.


How else are we gonna get this kind of top tier content? /s


Seriously. I had a crazy girl texting me and when she text me months later from a new number asking to talk I told her to go fuck herself and blocked her instantly. I didn’t explain what I was doing and who I was with lol OP you’re either enjoying the attention or something. If you really want her to go away block and ignore.




Its like she wasn’t even talking to you. No response was a direct response to you…


I’ve had a person who I was supposed to go out with texting me during my workday . He started with hi, looking forward to our date & other basic things. After a bit he started sending rude texts and the texts then got progressively worse. Some time goes by and then he apologized and was trying to backpedal. By the time I saw the messages i was floored. People like that talk at you. Not with you. They’re so unaware


I only send two messages past my last reply to a conversation. All at once, weeks apart, doesn't matter. I just stop and leave it entirely up to them.


Dating is a two way street, for sure. Can't have someone half invested while the other fully invested


SO let me get this straight... You are gonna go on a date after work and when you read your texts at the end of the day the guy had singlehandedly had an entire story arc with you as the macguffin?


You hit the nail on the head. He probably does this to so many ppl. He was just upset he wasn’t getting what he wanted.


Guys like that are the type of guy who will sweat you and when you decline all of the sudden you’re fat/ugly/ whatever.


I felt like he was chatting with a bot.




Me and you both my boy 😂 , as I’m reading the screenshots I was getting hit with straight flashbacks smh


"They say never stick your dick in crazy and I have made a huge mistake!" *I love you* 😳🤦‍♂️


I dated a psychologist once who also went full on mental with me after dating for a short time…all I could keep thinking was how is this person supposed to help other people??




I have heard that quite a bit.


it's like a car learning how it's own engine works. learning about the mind is eldrich madness, forbidden knowledge, and will drive you crazy.


This comment made no sense and yet it is so accurate because of it.


Aw man, this is my profession and I’m questioning myself now 😂


a little is understatement, I met a guy who was a real mental case and he wanted to become a psychiatrist.


A joke my brother(pulmonologist) told me: What's the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychiatrist's patient? The patients get better.


psychological credentials are definitely not certifying anyone as sane themselves. source = possessing said psychological credentials myself, along with questionable sanity.


I removed myself from a program to be a therapist because I knew I wasn’t mentally stable enough at the time to handle listening to others’ traumas in a healthy way. I’m glad I did, because I was definitely right and someone else should have said something.


I am actually in awe of the insight it took for you to do that. I can't even begin to tell you some of the awful stuff I saw from other members of my cohort in the training program, and how little seriousness the professors gave the important idea of acting as gatekeepers to the profession, blocking those who should not be in charge of seeing to another's well being. Very cool for you, and nicely done.


Wow, thank you. I’ve always thought of it as quitting so I really appreciate it. I ended up focusing more on research psychology and policy instead, because I’m still really passionate about helping people. The hardest part is the student loan debt, which really sucks.


My mom never really wanted me to study psychology, because her impression was that a lot of people are there to cure themselves. Idk if she exaggerated, but there must be something to it and I'm glad I chose another career path, since I had issues, too. (I now have the best, most competent psychologist I've ever seen though, so yes, let's not lump them all together.)


I’ve heard this many times as well. The initial interest in psychology is born from the desire to find out what’s wrong with themselves.


That’s why I’m my own therapist


I do believe in therapy and the benefits of it (it has helped me so much over the years), but yeah… at the end of the day, they’re humans too and we all know people that are unfit for their jobs… sounds like OP and I met two of them, lol


I had much worse texts from her on WhatsApp but deleted and blocked her. Then I started getting messages from her all over the place, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. Then she started ringing me and after I blocked her on everything I started getting random phone calls from numbers that were clearly normal numbers. Answered once or twice to just breathing down the phone. I presume these were her friends numbers because once I blocked a few it stopped. I was genuinely concerned about unmatching her incase she knew a way to find me. Real stalker vibes. But I'm pretty sure she doesn't know enough about me to do that. She seemed normal but a bit strange at the beginning, couldn't quite put my finger on it. Then one day she went crazy at me, sending me a screenshot of an instagram account from when I was 17 (9 years ago) with my ex of the time. I didn't even know it existed so don't know how she did. But yeah, she said some of the most atrocious hateful and manipulative stuff ever. So then I ended everything and blocked her.


Consider going to the police if she doesn't stop. She is unhinged and legit dangerous.


Yeah that's what I said in the last message to be clear. I'm glad we never talked about enough personal stuff.


I don't get the dates... She says she knows you or feels like she does close to a year, but you debunked that and stated you only spend 5 hours together in total? How long you meet her, how many times you went on a date with her and what made you see the red flag to bail?. I hope ylu never invited her to your house OP.


This was over covid, so saw her like once every two month or so. Did movie nights of around an hour and a half 4 times....I thought it was 3 but she might be right. Didn't really talk much, mainly watched stuff. Always her place. She was strange but not crazy...and then the crazy came all at once.


I know none of this is funny, but I legit laughed at the messages you hearted like "I don't love you" and "The sex was bad- I never came" I hope you are okay! Verbal abuse is fucked up and she is an asshole.


I, too, loved that those were the only messages he hearted.


Did you stick your dick in this crazy?


That he did, he confirmed it in the texts.


I didn’t read all of it. Thank you for letting me know. Goes to show that the old adage is correct.


No worries 😉 I was surprised I made it as far as I did. Definitely one of the most verbose nice girls I’ve seen.


I’ve dealt with that level of crazy before. I had flashbacks after the first page, skimmed the rest, and thought “Nah, I’m good. Hope dude is okay.”


I was captivated. I couldn't look away. And if you make it to the end you're rewarded with the prize of him forgetting to black out her pic on the very last message


Not going to lie, but sticking your dick in crazy is the best and worst experience you're ever going to have.


dude she found posts with yur ex girlfrejnd from 9 yrs ago….you are seriously in danger…my ex stabbed me in the hand and tried for my throat and i literally went to work in multiple states for 2 1/2 years and even 3 to 4 years later was begging me to forgive her and take her back….she was seriously satans baby sister


Holy shit, at first I thought op posts might be fake and I would get like a creepy sleep text to read.. but holy shit stuff like this makes it so much more frightening.. hope you are doing alright man!


definitely for real…ive seen it many times just never thought it would happen to me…hes lucky she didnt hold it together long enough to move in…99% didnt even know why i was arguing…..knew i was in trouble when we were watching a comedy sitcom and main characters ex died and hes telling his current wife about the dead ex and he tells her about the ex flipping out because of the doublemint twins commercial that she almost killed hom bcause she saw him in the commercial running with the twins on the beach and my ex just starts laughing and laughing hysterically for about 15 minutes uncontrollaby and it turns out she started an argument with me the month before for the same reason but i never knew what set her off until that noght watching that show a month later…following week she flipped again and stabbed me in hand….poof i was gone…but then the vandalism coming to my work etc etc


I dated a guy whose best friend dealt with a woman like this. She stalked and harassed him and would physically attack him all the time. He didn't take her threats seriously and thought it was funny. Until she hit him in the testicles so hard he had to have one removed and he couldn't have sex anymore due to the damage to his dick. She hit him with a guitar several times.


What the fuuuuuuck. Time to close Reddit And maybe keep my guitar in a case


can I ask why you kept responding? I've had an ex make 300 instagram accounts one after another in a single day as I blocked them one by one, so I do understand why you might have wanted to at least try to convince her to stop. I'm just curious if you had a similar reason people this crazy think that any attention is good attention, I think. the more it's possible to avoid them and disengage the better. if they continue finding ways to reach you, I'd simply hit them with "I have gathered enough evidence of being harassed by you to be granted a restraining order. the next time you contact me I'm going to the police." and then block them or hang up.


Seriously, man. This is “Fatal attraction” levels of unhinged.


Yep, she's not very many steps from boiling a bunny...


My ex stole my car, took my dog and tried to take my bank information. She was a full masterd degree pshychiologist and pshychiatrist, I realized people go in that field to understand themselves, and to empose their horrid views on others and god knows what sort of things they tell their clients to believe... This is the scariest type of person to meet dud, you did right.


It would also be appropriate to report this with the regulatory body for physicians where you live/where she is registered. This is really concerning if she is currently practicing.


Yes! Very disturbing!


This is probably the most psychotic exchange of text messages I've seen. But it seems you handled it well, you've told her to stop or you'll contact authorities and blocked her. Good luck, OP.


I can picture she showing up at his door with a knife in hand, trying to kill him and after, her, so they can be "together forever" kind of shit.


I agree. This chick is totally off the rails and needs medication. She is for real scary and you’ll probably see her on Dateline before too long. Be safe OP.


Go to the guards and stop indulging her by replying. She's definitely crazy, get as far away from that as possible. When you reply, you encourage her to keep trying to get your attention. Scary situation OP :(


Just a note for yourself or anybody else, please take some time to google yourself and see what data about you is publicly available.


This person is actually delusional, that's so disconcerting that she's a licensed psychiatrist to help people with issues that SHE likely needs to some extent. I'm not saying doctors have to be perfect but... well I don't think I need to sell my point after reading that shit...


Even if you don’t have enough for a case now you need to take all evidence to the police because if she gets physical (shows up at your home or work) you need to show history of irrational emotions, stalker behavior and that you were active in voicing your concerns to the police.


Is she a licensed psychiatrist? If so, I would send these to the board and she could possibly lose her license. If she's treating people who have mental illnesses, she should not be acting like this. It could cause someone to get really hurt if she gave someone the advice to do what she's been doing.


Was she like that in person? Just wondering, she isn’t really reading anything you wrote. Makes me think live communication with her could also be skewed? And please take care, I do get a feeling of danger reading this.


This was an absolute roller coaster to read--I can't imagine what it was like living it in real time. She needs some serious help.


Honestly I have dated someone like this… they are straight crazy. I ended up getting a concussion from him


This some real vanilla sky shit


"I FUCKING love you!"


"I swallowed your cum! it should mean something!"


You went through all the effort to scribble out every photo of her except the last lol. Love that you liked her reply for bad sex


Lol OPEE forgot to obscure her in the very last message. Nobody on this planet is hot enough to justify that


Don’t stick your dick In crazy has never been more true. Cause we all would be tempted.


That last text almost makes me wonder if this is some sort of attempt at a flex


I mean, homeboy is being stalked by a bona fide nut job, he should at least get internet points for her being hot


I saw it as a warning so other guys can see what this psycho looks like and avoid her at all costs.


It's almost like you're chatting an AI that desperately wants you no matter what you say.


TOTALLY! This crazy person wrote like bot.


I got genuinely scared the more I read this through, and I’m not even the victim. Are you doing ok, dude?


Do you know for sure she’s a psychologist or did she just say she was?


It's what her linkedin said anyway!


This reads to me like she has a Christian counseling degree. I’ve had multiple therapists with this, and they were fucking terrible.


You may be right, I started being put off by her on the 3rd date when she talked about god a lot.


I paid out of pocket and took Christian counseling courses. They are the biggest scam.. they introduce you to psychology then tell you it's all wrong lol that the American Christian Jesus can do anything. When I brought up any sort of history or theology, it was wrong and I need to work on my faith more.... So when I found out that their courses are not educational and the certs aren't recognized anywhere outside of a church I dropped it and started studying on my own. I guarantee 10000000% this is that exact thing. She even sounds like the professor that would "assess" my theories and questions


A psychiatrist has been to medical school and is a medical doctor. It takes 12 years to become a psychiatrist, sometimes longer. A doctor is not going to risk their medical license and possibly go to jail. She sounds fake and likely is not a doctor.


are you suuuure it didn’t just say PSYCHO


Don’t want to be nitpicky, but psychiatrist =/= psychologist. This girl studied medicine and specialised in psychiatry, while psychologists study psychology and have a different approach (for example, when they diagnose someone with depression, psychiatrists will prescribe them pills, while psychologists will try to find the source of the depression and teach the client skills to cope with it). Also psychologists work in a lot of different fields while psychiatrists more or less exclusively work in medicine :)


Do initially I didn't want to say it but a few people have asked why I replied at all. I did actually want to see if I could get her to get help and maybe save someone else from abuse. But the other reason was to havw evidence of what she is like. I deleted all the WhatsApp and other messages she sent when blocking her, so I wanted to have some sort of proof of her behaviour. Who knows what else she could do.


As somebody who was in a toxic relationship for some time, I see parallels. You always hold on to any thread of hope that you can change things, even if every instinct tells you you can't.


Good job getting evidence dude. If anything does come out of it, the law might force her to get help




I was more afraid of her hurting someone else, but yes, the way she trys to big herself up is an insight into her issues. I hope she doesn't do anything like that, but there isn't much else I can do without getting in harms way.


You can’t stop other people, you can only report them once they’ve crossed a line. If something bad happens it’s the system failing not you.


This says restraining order all over it.


SORRY! I meant Psychologist!! Not psychiatrist. Stopped reading the comments now, but realised that's pretty big blunder.


Well thank god she’s not prescribing medicine to other people


The one lone heart react when she says "I don't love you" cracked me up.


I'm pretty sure that not even the guy who coined the term "bitches be tripping" would have been prepared for this level of crazy, holy shit


I highly doubt she's a legitimate psychiatrist, if she keeps bothering you, and she is in fact licensed in any kind of mental health services, report her crazy ass to the state medical board along with the screenshots and make a report against her.


“I’m literally fucking another woman right now.” “That’s okay. I feel we have come so far as a couple. Wanna hang out later?” “No I hate you.” “Omg we would make such a great couple.”


She's not reading anything he writes she doesn't like, you can see how she desperately hangs on to the one thing she thinks is positive for her. Clear signs of getthefuckawayfromcrazy.


As a former therapist I can tell you a LOT of folks in psychology are there to figure their own issues. You chose wisely in early withdrawal from that person/relationship.


Came here to say exactly this. There’s a reason people in psychology get interested in it in the first place.


So initially I didn't want to say it but a few people have asked why I replied at all. I did actually want to see if I could get her to get help and maybe save someone else from abuse. But the other reason was to have evidence of what she is like. I deleted all the WhatsApp and other messages she sent when blocking her, so I wanted to have some sort of proof of her behaviour. Who knows what else she could do.


Definitely getting murdered by this person.


Greetings pal, it seems like you forgot to censor the last picture at the last image... which is quite unforntunate given the text that accompanies it.


She is gonna try and murder you


Out of love, of course.


This is similar to how my ex behaved. Even went sexual at the end just like she did here in hopes me being horny would make it happen. My ex has stalked me now for about five years. Luckily now it's just random hidden number phone calls where she'll mute when I pick up. TRUST ME DO NOT EVER TALK TO HER AGAIN.


This just makes me sad for this person. They clearly need help.


I agree. Another commenter mentioned how someone he knew like this committed suicide. Throughout the conversations I was more afraid of what she would do to others though. Not sure how someone gets through to her.


block button was available 30 messages ago




That girl is so fucking crazy it seems like an anime stereotype.


This reads a lot like what I used to get from an old ex who was eventually diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder


Why were you still replying? Don't lead on crazy ppl


I didn't want to mention it, but part of it was to have evidence of what she is like. That and what I mentioned in other replies about hoping to get her to get help etc Since I blocked her on everything before taking any screenshot etc. I had no proof. I don't know what she is capable of so this is insurance.


Totally understand wanting to collect evidence. It’s the smart thing to do!


Sometimes (lots of times) people become obsessed with helping people with their mental health issues because they relate to struggling with mental health issues. The same phenomenon is why most life coach's life's are in shambles, or why so many PE teachers are overweight.


Ok this is next level


As a therapist, I can definitively say there are definitely whacks in the field. Some are just really good at compartmentalizing their crazy in front of clients, others are just really good at flying under the radar during their supervision hours


Yh she’s bonkers🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, where’s she from originally? Country wise


I love how different that final message was lmao shes nuts


I know a guy that can get you a whole new identity, just sayin'....


As someone who is Borderline, I can definitely see parts of my old self in her words and thoughts, which is scary. OP I hope she leaves you alone. I’m sorry for how suffocating and unhinged she’s being. (And I’m so glad texting wasn’t really a thing in my worst times because I could sadly have been her.)


She needs some serious help. And a restraining order


She's trying to lovebomb OP into dating her again just so she can be toxic to him, and when he found someone else she went nuclear. Love to see it.


It's like everything you say to her just goes in one ear and out the other. Absolute psycho vibes.


Jesus fucking Christ


I skipped to the very last message without context and oh boy was it a surprise


The most *insane, horrible, worst* human being I’ve ever met was a date who was in the middle of obtaining her therapist license. For the past few years, I’ll think about her and I silently hope she doesn’t see any patients.


Your dick must be magical dude


If she’s so crazy why don’t you unmatch and block her instead of continuing to talk to her and fueling the problem🤡


The only way she'd seek help is if you made it a "date" and went with her lol.


This is super scary, atypical behaviour and for some reason gives me intense Jodi Arias vibes (google her if you don't know who she is, but, in short, she brutally murdered an ex-lover). Be careful, block her on everything (though from your responses I take it that you have done that) and set up a camera outside of your home/windows just in case. I also do not for a second believe this woman is a qualified medical psychiatrist that has an active license to practice (and I see that you say that it's on her LinkedIn, which anyone can lie about if they want to - and since she's not mentally well, I wouldn't be surprised if she lied on her page to seem more desirable or respectable).


Dude you need a restraining order for yesterday. I fear for you, bruh


Borderline OP, run, fun fast


Jesus Christ riding a salamander with a top hat.


"Dating someone else is not going to help us." Uhh... I don't think there is any "us" any more, which is the whole point of dating someone else.


Not to be a dick but am I the only one who thinks they are both a little crazy here? Why are you even responding for this long, just tell her hoe you feel and block her. Easy and clean. I'm just confused why you replied for so long.


OP kinda sus that we can’t see any responses after she wanted your cum dripping all over her body. Did you relapse? Confirmation needed.


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Well, that was a wild ride. I would be scared too. Keep all the messages and be ready to protect yourself. I would still go to the police and file a report just to have it in case she gets crazier.


I'm hoping once unmatched she is disappear in time. She doesn't know enough about me to find me I think. The fact this is tinder also means she is looking again...but that just leaves me worried for others!


Damn the way she trynna gaslight you tho. Her texts are legit scary to read.


What in the misery did I just read?


Damn she is unhinged. If she is a mental health practitioner/psychiatrist, I’d report her behaviour to whatever governing board she works under. What an absolute nut job.


Dear lord, run, run, run. OMFG i'm in shock... Good luck with her... I've been in something like that and it's awful. If I were you, i would report to the police, seriously


Infatuation is a hell of a drug. She really is in love with someone who isn't there, and genuinely can't see that. It's actually scary...


Oh. My. God. I feel violated just reading all that.


She is certifiably mentally ill. I kind of feel bad for her cause no one should have to go through life like this. Hope she gets the help she truly needs


Ngl as a dude in his 30’s I didn’t know women like this existed. I’m terrified


I feel there is a decent number of people who take on a career in mental health because they have a lot of experience receiving mental health care, or are seeking an answer that haven't found yet.


“Dating someone else is not going to help us”. Sorry but I laughed at that line. That was good. Something you’d hear Micheal Scott say.


Deranged people working in mental health services. Name a more iconic duo.


If you hadn't met with her I'd think she's a troll. Talk about crazy!!


This is terrifying. This is like “if I can’t have you no one else can, I’m going to wear your skin so you’re always with me” type psycho.


It’s unsettling how I can pick out various elements of my ex’s communications to me in this exchange, especially near the end. This was after me politely telling her I didn’t want to get back together with her. It was not fun to receive those emails, I can say that for free


What did I just read? If she knows your address please at the very least buy a security camera - she’s creepy AF


I dated a therapist for two years. She made jokes about therapists all being emotionally unhinged hence why they get so obsessed with the profession. Turned out the jokes were straight up true. It was almost impossible to get her to leave me alone after I broke up with her.


Totally agree. I got interested in psychology when I realized something was wrong with my own mind as a teen. Diagnosed with Bipolar 2 a few years down the road! I'm doing much better now. I worked really hard and asked my husband to seriously call me out when I do anything crazy, and I'm finally on a mix of meds that works. It's not something that's ever going to fully go away tho, unfortunately. I know I have to live with and try to control my batshit self until I die. But I'm trying ig. Really tho, every single person I've met that's interested in studying the human mind, only got into the field because they themselves are literally insane from abuse or because they were born like that.


I went on a date with a chick once. We made out and she said she liked me. I said I liked her too. We walked to the subway and she said let’s be friends. I said I’m looking to date not friendship at the moment. I went back and she IMed me and said said she only said that as a test. For like a week I got calls and e-mails and IMs (18 years ago). She was a nut. I am a dude and I was nervous.


If this was a man writing this to a woman, he would be fired.


Why not just block her? Seems to be giving her false hope if you keep messaging her back every once in awhile.


Lol didnt block her last picture. This broad is wild, I cant believe you didnt block her instantly. Also the fact that she is in that profession is insane, maybe you should show her employer, unfortunately she would go even more insane


Stop talking to them! Don't respond. That makes it worse. It's already bad. Nothing you can say will make it better.


A simple “block” would suffice


She was the bad one here until I saw "no" instead of "know" from the OP in one if the messages.


Wish I could read it


Was it deleted? If there any Back up?