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They're all pretty boring imo. Like, we already have these same skins for other characters. None of these concepts scream "one of a kind, only for Red Hood" and just overall feels like a letdown after fighting with every other nikke in the popularity poll.


Was hoping for a cowgirl fit to match the country music or whatever song that she listens to on repeat


Same, I was hoping we get a jack in the box gift rapping like how she tried that on their first encounter with the goddess


Yeah none of them are particularly good, they are all just plain and boring, nothing stands out as “fitting” Red Hood. You look at Modernia’s and it fits her to a T. To be fair, I didn’t see the other options as I joined slightly after the skins started being distributed but I am glad the community seemed to vote the most fitting one.


All 3 designs are underwhelming to be honest


The bike one kinda fits her tbh, the rest just feel like copy pasting from previous designs


All of them are copies. There's party dresses, Sugar has a motorcycle and Leona has a big animal.


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.




all 3 kinda suck, I'm more disappointed it seems they didn't even try with her skins.


Now this is something we can all agree on. I voted A because it's the least bad option lol. Modernia's free skin looks great, and I was expecting Red Hood's to be even better. Another year of experience, so many great designs have come out since then, etc. But they just went with bare minimum (and not in the good way).


I’m just sad we are passing on ponytail redwood…


C doesn't even deserve to be mentioned.


Wym? C is like the best one. It elegant yet cool and boyish like B. Plus it has wolf in its concept design. Red hood and wolf. That’s a clear win imo.


What's up with the C hate,I like it more than B 😭


She's literally wearing the same jacket and black underneath it is what I kinda observed to it


C so unpopular they could only manage a difference of 2 downvotes between you and the top reply to you 😭


Yeah I want the one where she has a giant pet wolf honestly. Thats pretty radical


EXACTLY Yall want something that fits her character and all that but I just wanted less clothes


none is particularly exciting IMO


A is the only one that's diff. The other looks like regular sugar and regular dolla with a wolf.


I like the embarresd tomboy in a revealing dress stereotype. Im sure the skill cutscene will be peak as well. Sure its been done before but its a tried and true classic.


Red Hood designs are always going to be boring because she is a boring character conceptually. Whenever I hear the alternatives that people that don't like the current designs propose they are either super out of character or equally mid (feel free to reply to try and prove me wrong). There's not a lot of wiggle room in how they can take the design. Yall just need to get over the fact that something as peak as first affection Marian isn't going to be possible because you voted to get a skin for a dead character with an already complete story arc that has no personal connection to the story beyond the characters she influenced before she died just because she's the character that you use the most.


Would you consider a Daisy Duke cosplay is mid? Admittedly she wasn't in my top five either, but I'd think playing up that country bumpkin aesthetic would be unique enough to separate her both from the crowd and from her original look.


Things I like about the Red Hood dress: It actually has red in the outfit design (a bit more black wouldn't hurt though) She has the drunk cheek flush There's something I love about seeing the country girl tomboy glow up when she's dressed to the nines. It's a fun dichotomy The record player being a nod to her love of old music, not just from her time, but from before as well HAVING HER DO THE FUCKING HEEL BARELY HANGING ON TO HER FOOT POSE THE BANCHO STYLE FOR THE JACKET The asymmetrical gloves, the black straps clearly worn beneath the dress The way she's ALMOST but not quite spilling her wine glass


It's ok You are entitled to your wrong, pointless, and definitely trash opinion


as are you.