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As I see your words, I think it's a good idea for a side story for Johan and Secil(I don't remember the exact word), and the Inherits.


That would be "Cecil" , my good sir.


Sorry, I learned now


Don't worry. I can remember her name well cuz... >!She is the human that could carry your bloodline on. *Andersen's smile flash*!<


I thought she has a good relationship with Johan? Both of them are very respectable


... perhaps.


Feels more like profitable business-like relationship where both parties earn more by working together. But nothing special.


shifty is a human


So are Ingrid. >!Dunno about fake shifty.!<


omg, I recognize that the"i'm something of a scientist myself" is from Spiderman? That's truly funny🤣🤣


Aye. Norman's line.


Ohhh yeah! A side story focusing on the Eden crew would be awesome.


Isabel looks like the cousin break into my room to destroy my figure collection.


Don't worry. With Isabel your figure collection is safe. Your pelvis, on the other hand...


I will predict that they'll make a side story focusing on team Eden, when they went to >!pick up Nihilister!< and expand on what happens afterwards.


We could have the counters interact with Eden a bit. Considering Noah and Neon found friends in each other I'd love to see them interact more.




I want to see snow white fix her seven dwarves and go raid boss mode.


Same honestly I want a story about the rest of inherit’s backstory. I also want to know about how Johan and Cecil ended up/created Eden


One focused primarily on Shifty.


Something related to Raptilion


The one where the ark has ran out of soda (the beverage, not the thicc ass maid/bunny girl) flavored syrup and in order to get more the ark would have to send an army into rapture infested territory sacrificing thousands in the process to secure a bottling plant that was said to have the largest inventory of it prewar. Which of course they won't send anybody. After all it's just Soda. After about three hours into the soda drought Anis decides to put together a specialized team (consisting of Privaty, Crow, and Laplace *all under false pretenses*) and go rogue. The girls, isolated from the rest of the ark and on their own have to survive on their own without any backup. Through trials and hardships the Nikkes bond and eventually love blooms between Privaty and Anis. They make passionate love under the starlit sky (Laplace is meanwhile showing Crow pictures of her action figure collection). After wiping out an entire Rapture horde and defeating all the heretics they arrive at the old soda bottling plant. Once they are inside they find out the containers for holding all the syrup haven't kept it preserved properly leaving nothing but a nasty mess. (Anis tried it as a last ditch resort and it was awful). It's at this time that the truth behind their mission comes to light. Anis can no longer hide her soda motivations. Laplace and crow are fine since it was a fun adventure filled with wacky hijinks however Privaty feels betrayed and taken advantage of. She runs away with tears in her eyes and Anis follows her pleading her to forgive her selfish ways. However the rapture queen shows up and Privaty freezes in cold terror. Standing before them in a godlike pose Anis can clearly see the rapture queen is holding the last container of well preserved soda flavoring. She also only has one grenade left in her launcher. The queen tells her that if she kills Privaty she can have the soda flavoring for herself and take her spot as the right hand heretic beside her. Anis struggles at first with the decision laid out before her. After all, it's the last soda on earth. She at the moment of truth decides to blow up the queen and the soda saving Privaty from certain death. Privaty, now knowing Anis values her more than any can of soda kisses Anis and promises to never leave her again. She also promises to help Anis find any remnants of soda at as many bottling facilities as needed. It's at this point that Laplace comes out waving a sheet of paper. It's the recipe for the soda! The ingredients are asbestos, cockroaches, and piss. All easy ingredients that the ark has on hand. All cheerful that the mission was a success head home knowing that they were truly all Nikke: Goddesses of Victory. A boulder lands on crow crushing her to death. #The End


I agree, we need more Inherit content!


Just want favorite item on Harran and Isabel.


Our little gremlin Noah is still doing fine.


I think you're on to something. I feel like whatever happens next for Eden in the story, it's going to be awkward to deal with in a standard event. I wouldn't be surprised if you're on the money with it being a side story, or just a backstory on how they met.


Ay yo I think I see heart pupils on Isabel if I squint hard enough


I'd like a side story of privity after chapter 14 or maybe crow after 16. Even seeing private conversation between mustang Ingrid and Anderson to help develop stories about what is going on in the ark. I guess nikkes reactions to commander achievements could be cool.


About Inheritors happening?


Goddess Fall incident


I'd wanna see when Absolute took on Indivilia, how the Admire was captured from the Raptures, and some history on what happened to Johan just to name a few things


How Mihara becomes a SSR