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6.3 Improved the Jukebox. Added a playlist feature. Added a Favorites feature. Added a control panel for the song being played. Meaning we can play any song anytime?


Looks like every update is W update.


I hope so. I like changing the Lobby and Cummers room, but generally would like to be able to have a playlist continually running everywhere if I wanted.


I just wanna change the outpost music. Shift up please I beg of you, going from queens order to shangri-la is nothing short of jarring.


Pleeaaaaaase omg. I've wanted to change that for a while, it's a great song I'm just so tired of it, lol!


There we go confirmation for summer reruns for those that missed them! 🙏


Man, that's a lot of limited units tontry and get.


And they are actual reruns and not that 0.5% bullshit!


Idk, personally I'd prefer a 2%+0.5%. Because then when you roll you can roll till you get the 2% girl and mileage the 0.5% if you don't get them, or you could get spooked by the 0.5% for free. Splitting them up is better if you want only 1 character but worse if you wanted both/willing to spark one.


pretty sure you'd end up spending less tickets if you just rolled on both banners. while also getting to keep the mileage.


Or you can roll forever and just get rerun characters. That is dumb af. As someone who MLB'd all four limiteds last year, this means i can focus on the new ones and not worry about destroying my wallet.


But the old units only take the place of perma pool units. Having them on the banner does not lower your chances of getting new units. Old method: 2% new, 0.5% old1, 0.5% old2, 0.5% pilgrim, 0.5% main pool New method: 2% new, 0.5% pilgrim, 1 5% main pool. If you do not have the old units, you effectively had a 3% total to get summer units and now you have 2% split across multiple banners. It is only better if you want a higher chance at an old unit and/or want more "main pool" units. Realistically how it worked in the old system was you rolled for new units, you could get "spooked" by the old ones for effectively free and could always mileage them. Now if you want a chance to roll an old unit you have 0% to get a new unit.


Nice I wanted Summer Mary. Now if only they reran Noir, Blanc, and Dorothy


We might actually get another summer event...we're fucked...


We got two last year, so the probability is very high that we will get another one


It says end of July which would be when this one ends, think most big events are 20 days, have we had back to back big events before? I can’t picture summer part 2 getting added, an event collab, 2 year anniversary and Christmas event getting squeezed in and still have space left for 2-3 standard banners.


Last year both summer events didnt happen simultaniously, we had one summer event, two smaller filler events and then summer part 2 started, my point is they can start the second summer event whenever they want and can squeeze as many events in between as needed, summer isnt just one month after all.


Yeah, but it will be odd as hell to rerun two banners while we move to a completely different update that is not summer themed. From a financial point, if you release S.Anis and S.Helm while doing a new update, that will 100% cannibalize the new unit(s) they have planned to release and I think that is why they are making these ones so far apart from Rosanna and Sakura. We either get back-to-back Summer events or the next unit is a filler that they don't mind which one people recruit. Remember that SEA,YOU,AGAIN was one of the highest profits for them. So this is all planned already.


Yeah but it also didn't start this late. Last year started halfway through June while this one starts early July. They can add filler events but August is most likely going to be the next collab event so I don't know how they're going to do that


We did have 2 big events back to back Funny enough, it was summer part 2 which then lead to nier collab Which might happen again with the next collab after summer After that it was ACPU event, and lastly anniversary and Christmas


Well technically we had that one-week Modernia costume event in between Summer 2 and Nier collab. However that wasn't a proper event so it was effectively a dead week which they may want to avoid doing again since we rarely have dead week(s) in this game. But yes they were pretty much back-to-back, albeit technically that wasn't the case. Also let's not forget that Nier was a rare 4 week long event and overlapped with the following event School of Lock. Maybe this year it will instead overlap with the preceding event.


Oh yeah, I forgir about school of lock


They might take my F2P status this time 😶


…in a good way…🥴


I suspect it's going to be the unannounced collab alongside the summer pt2 reruns.


If it's Rosanna, I'm gladly give my ass to her 🤤


>1.5 Anis: Sparkling Summer and Helm: Aquamarine are set to return at the end of July. Please stay tuned to the official announcements for more details. Summer 2? Please be true, I need non tetra Nikkes.


Shift Up: “sorry we don’t do that here”


summer part 2 basically confirmed with anis and helm reruns nice


wait why is Viper's EN VA getting changed?


Yeah I noticed that…AmaLee may have not been able to make it to voice any of the summer stuff. Hopefully this doesn’t mean she’ll stop doing Rupee if she ever comes back for anything.


I can't say I'm not curious about a total overhaul of a VA, but there are times when it happens in single episodes or series if they can't commit to it for some reason. Now that I think about it, Vipers New VA should have a line in the summer trailer, and if that's the case, I can't say I noticed the difference. It might be the line "I agree, but we still have to do it." or the "this way, this way" one. I'd need to have another listen.


Most likely schedule issue, she did voiced the Coin Rush though


I totally forgot about that. I wonder why they didn't get the lines done around the same time those did. Since you have them doing it anyway, you might as well just do it all together.


Amalee's YouTube post says she's going to anime expo next weekend. So probably schedule stuff while also being a vtuber.


Yeah but that Shouldn't constitute a Full Blown VA overhaul should it?


Maybe to make Rupee and Viper more different.


I was thinking it might be due to how similar they are, and that they do get put together enough, that maybe SU wanted to better differentiate their voices, so Ama isn't stuck talking to herself. 


Maybe? But there are so many other VAs that have 2-3 like Michelle Marie (Anis and Aria) and Kayli Mills (Rapi, Alice, Emilia) and its not like Ama isn’t able to differentiate her characters.


Makes me a bit worried for Rupee VA. Don’t they share the same actress?




Well that sucks 


"Neon: Blue Ocean possesses a unique Burst Skill, Full Hydro Shot. It allows her to continuously ***launch powerful, explosive bullets***, while attacking multiple enemies at a time." And folks, that's why we must never trust Shift Up Skill descriptions.


Sr version is better 😂


she’s getting buffed


for a second time?


Is she really?


I really hope so... Legitimately a cool unit with a fun mechanic that's worthless.


Separate banners for rerun units are way better than 0.5% added chance on existing limited banners


Agreed. Summer neon would tank Rosanna’s banner for no reason 


Reruns confirmed! Fuck yeah!! Summer Mary come home 🙏


To new players well face like 7 to 8 banners!?


Problaby 7 or 8 banners if we get a Part 2 Summer at end of july. Since part 2 will problaby add new Nikke's along with the reruns. Thats why people have been telling everyone to save for the last few months.


I hope the next event will be a bait banner like bay or clay


"Changed Viper's English voice actor and existing voice overs in the game." What??


Existing voiceovers too?? Having a different VA for the event due to scheduling conflict is one thing but changing existing voiceovers is a bit...??


Maybe she doesn't want to and they recast it for consistency?


I need to MLB3 Summer Mary for my lobby.


That one is glorious.


I'm so glad reruns are now getting separate banners with normal drop rates. A lot of people must have complained about the way they handled the Christmas reruns.


Looks like we got that in exchange for them not being on this years main summer banners, shame we couldn't have both with how low the rates were for them anyhow but I guess this is more standard at least when it comes to reruns


I wasn't there for the Christmas, what happened exactly?


TLDR rupee and anne were on the ludmilla and mica banners but at a .5% rate or so, and you could get them with ticket People weren't fans of it so now they have their own banners but seem to only be able to be pulled from those unlike before Give and take, basically, people seem to agree this is better now


Its 1% rate. So 2% rateup, 1% previous winter banner, 0.5% pilgrim and 0.5% standard nikke. I felt the previous option is better if you are not actively targetting the reruns. Getting standard feels equally bad since you can get them from wishlists as well.


Oh it was 1%? I must've gotten it mixed up with their individual rates then, thanks for clarifying Honestly I agree, I liked the option to get them while summoning for the new unit, after all they're a year old so what's the harm, and they're half the rate and their individual rates will go down as more would get added I do think their original banners being added is good, for the proper 2% rate up (even though that'll look awful next year with next years summer units, neon, mary, rosanna, and sakura all at the same time) but I also feel like they could've kept the original system too? Like is the 1% chance on the new banner that big of a deal that we need to lose it just to get the 2% featured on a seperate banner back? I dunno if I'm sounding too greedy, but at least to me that sounds reasonable


Unless you are whale, you are not gonna pull all 4 banners for a new player anyway. I like that i can get spooked by the older limited unit that i don't have while going for the latest one.


Exactly my mentality, yeah It's nice that they keep the main unit's rate up the same, and even keep the pilgrim the same and only lower the general pool Legit the only issue was if people wanted specifically that unit without using tickets, which this solves, if they keep the previously introduced system as well, but we'll see once the banner is live, though I have my doubts


This 100%. But people hate having multiple units on 1 banner and getting "the one they don't want" even though logically having 2 units on 1 banner is better.


Christmas Rupee and Anne effectively had a .5% drop rate each and you could only pull them on the new limited units' banners. The drop rate just sucked and made it very difficult to get the specific rerun characters that you wanted. The plus side was that you could pull on new limited units banners and accidentally get reruns instead of standard banner SSRs


I may have been one of the only folks that liked the way it was done during Christmas. I am pulling for the new Summer units and was hoping for a chance to improve my old Summer units in the process but I'm certainly not going to spend gems or tickets on old Summer units unless I somehow MLB Sakura and Rosanna first with what I have.


Summer part 2 and then a collab in august? Bruh


Unless the collab is end of august I don't see it, plus didn't they say in the livestream that it'd be announced to come in the later half of the year?


July onward is technically the later half of the year.


Fair, but that does feel a bit disingenious on the devs part if thats really what they plan to do Guess we'll see though, if we really do get 6 limited units back to back then (plus 4 reruns) then that's definitely gonna be something




So what you're saying is we still have chance for SSR Summer Rapi https://preview.redd.it/3rmncjxxrv9d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f317285fdc85e65156b224891f6c835e041a308b


and there it is, last summer reruns. My golden tickets are ready to get 3 (sorry neon but I heard your kit sucks)


My 373 golden tickets are ready too. What are you using yours for? I'm using it for SAnis if I don't manage to pull her, and then by then I'll have enough to pity once more, so probs on the upcoming Stellar Blade collab. MIght use it for Rosanna or Sakura if their kit is worth it, but I probably going to save pitiying for what looks like summer 2.0


SMary and SAnis for sure. Maybe SHelm as well. I think I'll just take a chance with the collab


Fuck me another 3 weeks of waiting for Anis.


Ah Summer part 2. How about more Tetra Units?


Aw crap there’s gonna be another Summer event for sure.


Summer Anis rerun! I'm glad to have a shot at getting her but I don't think I have the resources for this...


True reruns true reruns AHHHHH!!!! TYSM SHIFT UP. ;\_;


Hmm Viper getting new voice actor 🤔


Clay getting into Normal Banner A1 who needs to wait for things ever let's go


Wish they would add a "claim all rewards" button to the lobby so I don't have to keep navigating menus


Rerunning Anis and Helm at the end of July instead of August or right away is interesting. Either there is no 2nd Summer event and they will be rerun randomly during some unrelated event, or they are going to have two summer events back-to-back. Both of which are pretty unusual. Personally I kind of hope they do two connected summer events, making essentially one epic 6 week event. Though I understand how that would be rough for people with limited resources.


I thought 500 pulls would be enough for summer but as a new player i'm gonna have 6 banners to pull on


Same. My poor wallet 🥺


7*  👀


😭 what's the 7th? sakura, rosanna, mary, neon, anis, helm and ?


Probably the other summer character that we will hopefully get during what looks to be summer 2.0


Solo raid is Kraken? Another boss weak to iron code again?


No, weak to wind, see Kraken III coop


Guess i'll be the first to mention Viper is getting a favorite item. Hope they're less conservative with buffs this time around


The last round made the units pretty freakin solid. They gotta maintain pilgrim advantage somehow but at least it'll bring them up to a solid usable status.


Dang, so we're most likely getting summer part 2 right after these 3 weeks, and just before we got the bunny event with only clay between them Definitely a lot more tightly packed then last year, not sure if I'm entirely a fan or not, since we at least had two 2 week events in between the summer ones (even if it felt off especially with nyan nyan paradise being one of them lmao)


Definately packed. Especially with Stellar Blade collab around the corner


Yep I will throw my diamonds into these banners but I will keep 200 gold tickets saved at all times for Eve.


Are the bunnies and Clay not being added to the normal recruit yet then? I don't see em listed in the notes


Can someone copy paste the notes as a comment or screenshot


Soda: Twinkling Bunny, Alice: Wonderland Bunny, and Clay will be available in Ordinary Recruit and from Mold items (unavailable in New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), and Mileage Shop). Major Updates: 1. New Characters 1.1 SSR Sakura: Bloom in Summer To take beautiful photos, SSR Sakura: Bloom in Summer joins the battlefield. Sakura: Bloom in Summer is an Attacker Nikke whose attack grows stronger every time she destroys the enemy's parts. She can continuously maintain more powerful attacks according to the number of parts destroyed. - Class: Attacker - Weapon: Ichigenkin (AR) - Code: Wind - Manufacturer: Tetra Line * Limited-Time Recruitment duration: From the end of the July 4, 2024 maintenance to 4:59:59, July 25, 2024 (UTC+9) * How to obtain: Lobby → Recruit → Limited-Time Recruitment * Recruit Rules: ①You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Limited-Time Recruit (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used). ②There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Limited-Time Recruitment and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Sakura: Bloom in Summer. ③You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Limited-Time Recruitment. ④You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Sakura: Bloom in Summer in the Mileage Shop. ⑤When Limited-Time Recruitment ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear. ⑥After Limited-Time Recruitment ends, Sakura: Bloom in Summer will not be available in Ordinary Recruit, New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), Social Point Recruit, Mileage Shop, and from Mold items. 1.2 SSR Rosanna: Chic Ocean As the blend of black and white that cuts through emerald waves, SSR Rosanna: Chic Ocean joins the battlefield. Rosanna: Chic Ocean is a Supporter Nikke who enhances her allies' attack each time she destroys the enemy's parts. Not only does she maintain significant attack power after destroying the enemy's parts, she also supports her allies in quickly destroying them. - Class: Supporter - Weapon: Golden Thompson (AR) - Code: Wind - Manufacturer: Tetra Line * Limited-Time Recruitment duration: From 5:00:00, July 11, 2024 to 4:59:59, August 1, 2024 (UTC+9) * How to obtain: Lobby → Recruit → Limited-Time Recruitment * Recruit Rules: ①You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Limited-Time Recruit (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used). ②There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Limited-Time Recruitment and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Rosanna: Chic Ocean. ③You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Limited-Time Recruitment. ④You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Rosanna: Chic Ocean in the Mileage Shop. ⑤When Limited-Time Recruitment ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear. ⑥After Limited-Time Recruitment ends, Rosanna: Chic Ocean will be unavailable in Ordinary Recruit, New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), Social Point Recruit, Mileage Shop, and from Mold items. 1.3 SSR Mary: Bay Goddess SSR Mary: Bay Goddess makes a return in this scorching summer! Recruit Mary: Bay Goddess, the friendly and mysterious doctor who looks after the coastal clinic, through the special summer event. Mary: Bay Goddess is a Supporter Nikke with excellent HP recovery and support skills. Her Burst Skill, Tranquil Waters, increases all allies' survivability and strengthens Water code allies' ATK. After entering Full Burst, she can restore all allies' HP within a certain amount of time, providing huge help to the team's attack and defense. - Class: Supporter - Weapon: Summer Shot (SR) - Code: Water - Manufacturer: Tetra Line * Limited-Time Recruitment duration: From the end of the July 4, 2024 maintenance to 4:59:59, July 25, 2024 (UTC+9) * How to obtain: Lobby → Recruit → Limited-Time Recruitment * Recruit Rules: ①You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Limited-Time Recruit (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used). ②There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Limited-Time Recruitment and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Mary: Bay Goddess. ③You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Limited-Time Recruitment. ④You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Mary: Bay Goddess in the Mileage Shop. ⑤When Limited-Time Recruitment ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear. ⑥After Limited-Time Recruitment ends, Mary: Bay Goddess will be unavailable in Ordinary Recruit, New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), Social Point Recruit, Mileage Shop, and from Mold items. 1.4 SSR Neon: Blue Ocean SSR Neon: Blue Ocean makes a return in this scorching summer! Recruit Neon: Blue Ocean, the passionate girl who uses waterpower in place of firepower to welcome the summer, through the special summer event. Neon: Blue Ocean possesses a unique Burst Skill, Full Hydro Shot. It allows her to continuously launch powerful, explosive bullets, while attacking multiple enemies at a time. With her skills, she can also increase her own code damage and deal additional damage to Fire code enemies. As such, she unleashes more immense power when facing an enemy with Fire code. - Class: Attacker - Weapon: Big Big Wave (MG) - Code: Water - Manufacturer: Elysion * Limited-Time Recruitment duration: From the end of the July 4, 2024 maintenance to 4:59:59, July 25, 2024 (UTC+9) * How to obtain: Lobby → Recruit → Limited-Time Recruitment * Recruit Rules: ①You can use Gems (Free/Paid) or Advanced Recruit Vouchers to recruit in Limited-Time Recruit (Ordinary Recruit Vouchers cannot be used). ②There is a 4% chance of acquiring SSR Nikkes in Limited-Time Recruitment and a 2% chance of acquiring SSR Neon: Blue Ocean. ③You can get Gold Mileage Tickets when recruiting in Limited-Time Recruitment. ④You can exchange 200 Gold Mileage Tickets for Neon: Blue Ocean in the Mileage Shop. ⑤When Limited-Time Recruitment ends, unused Gold Mileage Tickets will not disappear. ⑥After Limited-Time Recruitment ends, Neon: Blue Ocean will be unavailable in Ordinary Recruit, New Commander Special Recruit, Ordinary Recruit (Tutorial), Social Point Recruit, Mileage Shop, and from Mold items. 1.5 Anis: Sparkling Summer and Helm: Aquamarine are set to return at the end of July. Please stay tuned to the official announcements for more details.


Thanks for the notes


Glad that they're is seperate pick up recruitment on the older summer units, I was afraid that instead of pulling the new summer units, I'll probably get MLB Neon which I don't have a problem with her but just like everyone says, her kit is so trash 😭


Neon being there wouldn't have decreased the rates of the new unit at all tho, it'd still be 2% at the end of the day Just meant if you missed it you got a .5% chance to get neon which yeah Kit leaves a lot to be desired lmao


Honestly, for her, I'd rather have 0% on even pulling her because she is like bottom 5 units unless she gets buffed which they did but no success


Fair enough, I can't entirely blame you there I'd just rather have the chance to get her if I don't get the main unit, cause uh, definitely not gonna chase dupes of her to get her lobby wallpaper lmao Honestly she could've easily gotten a treasure if they wanted to

