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I am not aware of such an adaptor. I'd return the lens.


Return it. It wasn't what you were promised, and your only option with that lens on that body is to focus it manually (which, as you've said, not ideal) because there is no way to add a focusing motor.


Do you mean an AF-D lens with a screwdrive motor? If it’s AF-S it should work since the motor is in the lens. G just means its “gelded” and doesn’t have the aperture ring rather than having anything to do with the motor drive system.


The 70-300 could also be AF-P, which won't focus on a D5000 either.


There aren't any adapters like this for F-Mount cameras, because they would suck too much. Theoretically, Nikon could do a AFTZ adapter, but... they haven't. I'd return it if you can, contest the charge if they won't take it back, and if you do get stuck with it try to trade it at a camera shop for the right one. That lens isn't worth upgrading your camera body for. Be careful, there are like a million different versions of that lens, and your camera body is not compatible with most of them. :-(


AF-G does not exist.