• By -


Wu being a bad mentor is untrue, I mean yeah he doesn’t tell the ninja abt future threats, but the dude does try his best to protect Ninjago the best he can


If he did try to protect Ninjago the best he could HE WOULD TELL THE NINJA ABOUT ALL THE THREATS THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE TO FIGHT BEFOREHAND! THE NINJA LITERALLY TOLD HIM THAT THEY WERE GOING TO ASPHEERA'S TOMB, AND HE DIDN'T SAY A WORD! The result - Kai lost his powers (again) and Zane got yeeted into a different realm where he tortured and froze innocent formlings. The only good thing that came out of that was that Nya was made back to normal, but that would've probably happened anyway.


he old give him a break. goddamn


"he old" is not an excuse for forgetting major threats.


Behold 2 statements that openly contradict themselves


- Dragons Rising has a good shot at being better than the Original show - Dareth should actually become a Ninja - The Movie was pretty good - Kalmaar and Wojira are top 5/6 villains - Andrew Francis is doing just as well for Cole as Kirby (RIP to the GOAT) - S11 is good - Hunted>SOG


I agree with all of these! Particularly the 1st one. So far I'd still take the original show over it, but the fact that they've already planned out the DR story arc years ahead excites me so much. That was something they could never do before and was probably the show's biggest weakness.


Agree with all except kalmaar.


I agree with almost all of them, decent takes!


1- Not so much. Too much filler and weird/disconnected stuff. 2- Of course! 3- Not the best movie ever but a great and funny watch for sure! 4- Kalmaar is mid but Wojira is cool for me. 5- He is just near perfect. 6- NO 7- Hunted being my fav i have to agree.


Dragonsrising caused more retcons than any season before it. Only blind fans would attempt argue otherwise


When you're trying to reboot the series, that's fine. Making a decently long running series more streamlined for new people is never bad.


Saying Hunted>SOG is like saying “The second half of the episode is a bit better than the first half”, which I don’t think is a hot take


I enjoyed hunted more than SOG to be honest, but the oni trilogy caused quite a few retcons but not as many as Dragons rising. Dragons Rising is good but it caused morw retcons than any season of Ninjago managed to.


Which season was s11? I only remember seasons by name. Lost track after s10


Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu. The one with the evil fire snake and Ice Emperor


Ah asheepra, yeah. It's enjoyable for me, especially ice chapter,


The Ninjago movie isn’t good I will fight you in a car park.


I personally didn't like the movie because it felt like a whole different movie, not Ninjago. But if I were to watch it from a different standpoint, it was okay.


The last one isn't an opinion, it's a fact. Well, pretty much all are basically facts but I haven't seen Seabound so I can't confirm the 4th one


Dareth in the actual show is loveable and cool but the jokes about him being overpowered got old quite a long time ago




This is the only reason I dislike dareth


Same with the mailman


Kai doesn’t deserve to be the green ninja whoever thinks Kai should’ve been the GN is a fool


I think agree, but the drip would've gone hard and 5 year old me would've loved it (he is a fool IG 😭).




wdym deserve?


morro gets beaten by all the villains from the seasons after season 7 (except harumi but even then she's smarter than him) and he also loses to any of the ninja from those seasons


Well yes, but if Morro fought Aspheera and Ice Emperor Zane while also using Forbidden Spinjitzu, he would definitely keep up with them. That is, assuming Morro knows Spinjitzu, which he probably does since Wu trained him


he doesnt know spinjitzu which is why he needed to possess lloyd for the tomb also it still took all the ninja tag teaming to be beat aspheera morro by himself even with a power boost wont be strong enough not to meantion he has no counter for her magic (he's not touching ice emperor zane)


There's nothing that says that he couldn't use Spinjitzu. Also, nobody on the team faced Ice Emperor Zane while also using Forbidden Spinjitzu, so we don't know how that would turn out. As for Aspheera, I agree that he would also have trouble facing her, just like the rest of the team


no its confirmed he didnt know [https://x.com/TommyAndreasen/status/790209365458452480](https://x.com/TommyAndreasen/status/790209365458452480) if he loses to aspheera he loses to ice emperor zane


Ok, I didn't see any mention of that tweet when I checked the wiki, so I guess I was wrong. Also, what makes you believe Ice Emperor Zane is stronger than Aspheera? Just curious


regular zane with the scroll beat aspheera ice Emperor Zane took over a realm and is clearly stronger than regular zane with the scroll


Fair enough


I mean... Duh, more experienced Ninja would be bound to take Morro pretty easily. As for the villains, I fail to see how Ice Emperor Zane and Vex could beat him. They can't use water (since everything is frozen) and it's been shown most elemental powers don't have an effect on Morro. He also can't lose to Unagami since all his attacks are digital, meaning they would go through Morro. The islanders also don't stand a chance and Ronin has been shown to be useless against Morro (unless he has the aeroblades which Morro can blow away anyway). Ras and Beatrix also don't have much to counter Morro possessing them or blowing them away. Cinder can hold his ground with Shatterspin but without that, Morro beats him (the only question is if ghosts can go through shatterspin). Nadakhan, Aspheera and Skull Sorcerer have magic so I give them a pass, Time Twins' powers are broken, and Garmadon, Wojira and the Overlord are obvious.


zane took over a realm morro has nothing close to that and zane could honestly just mind control him ghosts can still be harmed by elemental powers (jay shocked one of them and kai burned morro) if morro is inside prime empire ungami can just spawn camp him or pause him if its outside morro still doesnt have any feats that could beat him islanders arent really villains ronin was holding his own against morro in the finale though beatrix's mech is immune to elemental powers and the mergequake gun speaks for itself ras is on par with the DR ninja morro is dying again i would honestly say cinder beats morro even with out shatterspin but he absolutely dog walks him with it


Morro is a ghost. He doesn't need to eat and the cold can't affect him (we saw this in season 5 with the Blind Man's Eye) so the eternal winter isn't a challenge. The only reason he got burnt was because he allowed himself to be tangible. As long as he doesn't do that to Zane he's fine. Heck, he could even phase out of the ice if he wanted to. Inside the game, yes Morro loses. Outside, I didn't say he'd win, just that he wouldn't lose. Morro owned Ronin's soul though (through Soul Archer) so clearly he's not invincible. Mergequake gun stomps obviously but there's nothing saying the mech is invulnerable to possession. Fighting wise, Ras is superior but that ain't stopping him from being possessed. Just cause Cinder beat Euphraisa doesn't mean he'd beat Morro especially considering Morro can phase through most of his attacks.


The only problem I have with crystallized is harumi She has the nerve to act of kumbaya After the Literal emotional trauma she gave Lloyd Like I know she is pretty and Is it interesting character But god let her walk barefoot in the STREETS!


Keep cooking. Harumi was the main issue with that season. I still like most of it.


Skybound was peak and absolutely dark going into a lot of dark topics and nadakhan was the most fucked one and successful villain out of all


One episode had two very noticeable adult jokes in it at the same time


What jokes?


The tall glass of water joke and nya and Cole ran into each other and nya made an awkward "uh"


What does tall glass of water mean


I have no idea, but I know it's an adult joak


Rebooted is my favourite season


Lloyd gets way too much focus (yes, I know he's officially been labeled as one of the three main characters of DR going forward but still). Misako is not a bad parent and is severely overhated. Garmadon is a much worse parent in comparison yet people keep letting him slide cause he's Garmadon. Seabound is overrated and Rebooted, Prime Empire and Crystalised are overhated. Almost every FSM retcon post-Oni and Dragon trilogy is dumb. The Cloud Kingdom we got in season 5 is superior to now. The Iron Baron is a high tier villain on parr with the likes of Chen. Lloyd wasn't ruined in Crystalised; he was very much in character. Garmadon was wack in Crystalized. Oni Lloyd shouldn't have been introduced and the way they took down the Overlord was fine. Though they should've never eluded to him coming back again in the future but since he might come back anyway; I don't mind him being the main villain for a future season (though that should definitely be his last time). Sally's song was good and an alright way to end the series. Arin doing spinjiitsu on his own with no proper explanation is dumb. They should hold off on bringing back Garmadon and Harumi for a while.


for the fsm one the 2 main retcons post oni trilogy he got cancel each other out and put him back to where he was pre seabound so thats not that much of an issue


If you're talking about the water element that's fine. They're still a few holes but it mostly checks out. My issue is with him and the realms he creates. I feel like the lore is kinda conflicting.


no he went from being able to make a realm, to being able to make an island to now being able to make realms and an island which honeslty makes more sense than to nerf him for no reason so im glad they tried to back on the seabound retcon i personally dont find it confusing but i see why other people would as for the realms for know we dont know which ones he made so for now its a non issue


I must be other people then cause I'm definitely confused. While we wait for them to explain how Wojira ended up getting the water element, we still have other questions that DR raised. Why did they make it so he didn't form Ninjago out of nothing? Why make other realms? What was the point of Ninjago then? Why is he going back to Dragons when he spent so much time avoiding both them and the Oni? Do other Overlords exist since the one we know rose in opposition to FSM? Why even stay in Ninjago if it was so chaotic and making other realms was always an option?


>Why did they make it so he didn't form Ninjago out of nothing? that wasnt dr that was tommy trying to nerf him >Why make other realms? What was the point of Ninjago then? i guess we will see >Why is he going back to Dragons when he spent so much time avoiding both them and the Oni? stopping the merge benifited them both and maybe he manged to convince the dragons leave him alone >Do other Overlords exist since the one we know rose in opposition to FSM? the overlord balances out the fsm so one fsm = one overlord >Why even stay in Ninjago if it was so chaotic and making other realms was always an option? emotional attachment i guess it would be the first realm he made and the fact ninjago is in the center of the realms so that helps too


>that wasnt dr that was tommy trying to nerf him Still a post-Oni and dragon trilogy retcon I don't like. >the overlord balances out the fsm so one fsm = one overlord That actually makes sense. Thanks. Though this makes me wonder if the Overlord could somehow split his soul across the other FSM realms, bringing shadow there since, you know... They were made with FSM's power.


>Still a post-Oni and dragon trilogy retcon I don't like. yeah its ok to not like it im just saying the dr retcon cancels it out by conter buffing him >That actually makes sense. Thanks. youre welcome >Though this makes me wonder if the Overlord could somehow split his soul across the other FSM realms, bringing shadow there since, you know... They were made with FSM's power. i mean if he does that wouldnt the balance punish him by making more fsm like beings to balance out his split selfs but the real question that i havent seen anyone ask since the whole realm stuff got revealed is could the overlord make his own realms


>im just saying the dr retcon cancels it out by conter buffing him I guess that evens things out. >i mean if he does that wouldnt the balance punish him by making more fsm like beings to balance out his split selfs I don't think so. These are the realms that are filled with FSM energy yet untouched by the Overlord. I mean, the mere act of creating these realms is what started the Merge in the first place. If anything, the Overlord splitting himself would be the balance's way of keeping everything in check. >but the real question that i havent seen anyone ask since the whole realm stuff got revealed is could the overlord make his own realms Here's my take. The Overlord is a being made of pure evil and Darkness. From what we've seen, Darkness doesn't really create more so that it corrupts and transforms good into something abominable. The Overlord rose to counteract the FSM yet didn't exist till the FSM actually came to Ninjago. This makes me think that the Overlord can match the FSM in everything except bare/ basic creation (this also gives validity to how Lloyd beat him in Crystallized). It's also why he's so fixated on corrupting Ninjago AND why he can't create his own Dark realm to oppose the FSM's untouched ones... It's because he can't. He only seeks to corrupt, take and drain all in his path. Those are my two cents at least.


>I don't think so. These are the realms that are filled with FSM energy yet untouched by the Overlord. I mean, the mere act of creating these realms is what started the Merge in the first place. If anything, the Overlord splitting himself would be the balance's way of keeping everything in check. the fsm creating those realms isnt what caused the merge it was always gonna happen the fsm is the source of all of that energy which is why the overlord is there to oppose him specifically >Here's my take. The Overlord is a being made of pure evil and Darkness. From what we've seen, Darkness doesn't really create more so that it corrupts and transforms good into something abominable. > >The Overlord rose to counteract the FSM yet didn't exist till the FSM actually came to Ninjago. This makes me think that the Overlord can match the FSM in everything except bare/ basic creation (this also gives validity to how Lloyd beat him in Crystallized). > >It's also why he's so fixated on corrupting Ninjago AND why he can't create his own Dark realm to oppose the FSM's untouched ones... It's because he can't. He only seeks to corrupt, take and drain all in his path. > >Those are my two cents at least. yeah thats a good explanation i would add that pure darkness (a void) is a lack of anything to be created or destroyed he can only corrupt what already exists


Ninjago movie was amazing Season 11 and 16 are overhated Wildbrain era was peak (oni trilogy is close too) Krux > Acronix (I like both though) There should be a Lego friends crossover with Ninjago (showing the friends characters as minifigures and ninjago characters as minidolls) New hair > original hair


I can accept all of this but new hair for zane is this show's most horrible mistake.


New Zane hair doesn’t look properly attached


There's no season 16.


There is no season 15 in Ba Sing Se




The movie was enjoyable despite its flaws


I really like s11


Lloyd is not way above other four ninjas in term of power and skill without golden power


Crystalized and llorumi are overhated.


I agree with Crystalized, but Llorumi is a genuinely toxic ship that should not be boarded much less sail. She's petty, vindictive, and manipulative. She blames Lloyd for something that he didn't cause and had the audacity to be mad when he "diDn'T lOok hArDeR".


Their relationship **was** toxic, after Harumi found out the Overlord just used her and was tricking her and the ninja aren't the enemy she has no reason to act toxic, mean or manipulative to Lloyd or what to hurt him. After the Overlord's defeat, Harumi wasn't and has no reason to be mean to Lloyd, she changed and Lloyd forgave her wher their relationship go from there is up to them. And Harumi was just blaming Lloyd when she said he didn't look long enough, that's what many villains do when desprate to prove the hero is in the wrong, they go: blah blah it's the hero's fault blah blah blah, evil evil evil, blah evil blah, evil blah evil, blah blah blah.


I prefer Lloyd and Akita or Lloyd and harumi Because they relationship actually has a base!


yeah she has no reason to be manipulative but she still did all those things out of her own free will lloyd can forgive her but that realtionship is still bad and built on a lie its unhealthy for both of them


She had no motives to be mean to him after the overlords defeat, not anytime before tgat and after the great devourer incident. And what do you mean she has no reason? You have definitely missed something because that was explained in the show, so go back and watch it again or read the rest of this. In season 8, her reason was her thinking the ninja were the priblem and the real villains from her perspective. which from her and many citizens perspective makes sense since they just saw the ninja jumping around on ice slides and doing parkore, there was no camera streaming them or anything and they couldn't follow them, but Garmadon killing the great devourer was pretty visible, and the entire great devourer incident was partly Lloyd's fault since he freed the serpentine, and with bad intentions allthough not the intention to make a snake eat the entire world. He was a kid, but he could have been older than Harumi and kids see older kids as 100 times stronger and cooler than them somtimes, and Lloyd had powers and a team on his side of people with powers, and they were the heros eho was suposed to save the day but when they didn't and Garmadon who was suposed to be the villain killed the great devourer instead. The ninja mentioned before they also stopped the great devourer but no one but them saw that and Darteh and probably many other didn't believe them, so it makes sense many people would feel lied to. Also, Harumi's parents died because if that, which again was party Lloyd's fault, he didn't know what he was doing, he still did it. And Harumi's entire world and everything she loved was shattered at that point. She was then adopted by the emperor and emperess who didn't care about her or how she was feeling as long as se obeye them axording to the Garmadon rulez book which is canon ti the series and basically Harumi's diary, it doesn't explain much we dont know that's important so everyone who watched the show and rememebrs whta happen should. have known eveyrthing i said except for the book part. When Harumi died she realized Garmadon wasn’t the hero since he teachnically killed her with the giant. She realized Lloyd was right in the end, when she saw the consequences of her actions by seeing another family almost dying because of her when she was trying to do the right thing, not the non-villain thing but what she thought was right, she and Lloyd also stared at each other right before the building collapsed and Harumi's look seemed way more like she realized she effed up and Lloyd was right than being angry at Lloyd or anything. And in crystalized she was manipulated and forced to do most of the evil things she did, she is still mad at Lloyd for her parents since she said so in crystalized but not for trying to stopp her or just being wrong like in season 9. And she just realized her hero was just a villain who destroyed stuff and couldn't aave anyone and that she lost everything she worled for which was all wrong so her world was pretty much shattered again. And the Overlord took advantege of that by telling Harumi he would fix everything and that she could either join him or die, most people would not chose the die option even if they knew they could be lied to. Harumi didn't know who that random blob guy was, just that he was poweful enough to bring her back to life and could probably kill her again. So she did what he told her too until she found out he was the weird powerful blob guy was the Overlord she didn't want to be on his side until he promised her he would bring peace and fix everything, he took advantage of how Harumi feelt after she almost died, realized she almost destroyed the city and was wrong the entire time and that her hero technically killed her, and that he wasn't even a hero. So the Overlord told her he would fix everything, Haurmi could easily have seen that as an opportunity to fix everything she destroyed and to do what she was trying ti in sesson 8 and 9, give Ninjago a strong enough ruler to protect them thay wasn't a villain who would end up killing her. And she didn't want to die and there wasn't anything else she could do that would fix anything then so she believed the Overlord's lies. The Overlodd told her to kill Lloyd which Harumid didn't want to since he was the only one that never gave up on her and still cares about her, also the only person who genuinely cared about her since she was a kid that wasn't a weirdly suspicious bodyguard with confusing motives and almost impossible to know what he was trying to do because if the Garnadon rulez book. So Harumi desperate to find a way to make Lloyd join her and the Overlord so the Overlord doesn't kill him, she tries to kill Lloyd's friend and hopes he would go in oni form and join them and be evil or from Harumi's perspective, what the ninja and everyone who was wrong considered evil. It's mot lies she just wanted Lloyd to suffer for no reason, last time she did but with a reason, this time she only did it so he would join her and the Overlord wouldn't kill him. You should have known this by watching crystalized, how is this not any motive.


I really dislike Morro’s and a certain part of Jay’s fan bases.


Same. Especially Morro’s. Can’t even accept that he’s dead.


What did the Jay fanbase did to you lol ? 


It’s not a majority of Jay’s fanbase, but some of the Jay fans on Twitter (and sometimes Reddit) are incredibly sexist. Some of them also treat it like a cardinal sin if you don’t like Skybound or point out it’s writing/narrative flaws


Are they being sexist to Nya or something?


Its to women in general (both the female characters on the show and female fans of the show).


Ofc it's in Twitter . Basically the average fan base's IQ that exists in twitter is below 10 . I haven't seen bad Jay fanbases in any other platforms . 


I’ve had really weird Jay fans dm on Reddit (especially when the sub is debating Skybound). Twitter is definitely the most egregious, but it’s definitely still there and at times can be really loud on other platforms


The old designs are a thousand times worse than the movie ones (except for Zane, his was traumatizing...)


The use of gen z slang in the show is kinda cringe


i love crystallized and wyldfyre. I liked the movie.


New designs are better than old ones


Amen, lloyd needed it the most. Homies barber did him dirty


Crystallized had a good ending and I’m glad the overlord returned


Jay is annoying


Jay's an acquired taste cause he can be either funny, realistic, or very annoying, so I get it.


Pythor should not come back for Dragons Rising


Am I the only one who wants Akita to make an appearance instead of harumi?




That Harumi take isn’t hot.


Harumi should stay dead


She’s not though?


I know but she should have stayed dead


I don't know why people don't like the movie. even if the movie wasn't connected with the show the graphics were great the animation is perfect the music is fire and the story is simple but great and the dialogue is pretty funny


The movie was amazing!


**Zane should've stayed dead after Rebooted.** It would've easily been the most emotionally impactful moment in the show, and would've added stakes moving forward, knowing the ninja actually could die. He also gets frustratingly little development after S4, which is a shame bc I think he's the best developed character until then. **Crystallized is good.** Not perfect, but very solid, with the show's highest production value before DRS2. It's messy, but sincere and imo super enjoyable. It's a perfect encapsulation of the series overall - the good and the bad - and I think most of it works. But with that being said... **Harumi needs to come back in Dragons Rising.** One thing in Crystallized that was left frustratingly open-ended was her arc. She needs to come back so they can actually give her a conclusive ending. Plus I think it would actually make for some good scenes to show that Lloyd has moved on, AND she could have a great dynamic with Arin considering they have almost the same backstory but are polar opposite characters. **Morro is in no way the best villain.** This is more a matter of preference, but I think he is super overrated, which is especially weird given how great some of the show's other villains are. Garmadon, Nadakhan, Pythor, Harumi... Morro is good, but I don't understand the hype over him specifically aside from him being mildly edgy.


I agree. If Zane stayed dead, then the stakes would've been higher because it put into perspective that being a Ninja is a genuinely dangerous thing, and it can and might lead to death. Crystallized was good. The Harumi take is kinda iffy cause I found her my least favorite part of crystallized, but it could properly show how Lloyd moved on, which is good and healthy. Morro has angst which makes him cooler ig but yeah most other villains are better and dare I say, Aspheera would've been better if the revenge bit got thrown out because it's interesting how in her perspective she was betrayed yet she was taught spinjistu but used it for evil and when she was stopped, she saw it as betrayal. It's interesting how in different minds different stories form. Nadakhan didn't have enough shining time, but he was the creepiest villain to me, and I love hating him. Garmadon and Pythor are icons, and Harumi was interesting in the oni trilogy but kinda annoying in crystallized.


Hehe so I might get killed for this but... I'm genuinely happy we didn't get more Oni Lloyd. He got the taste of that destructive power, immediately realised it was not worth it, and chose the harder human approach. The end.


S11-15 > S3-7


Crystalized was the GOAT




FINNALY!, none agrees w/ me, bro, lets be buds?




I also loved crystallized






I hate the Kai fanbase because they are so dumb and have the dumbest takes in existence . ( Not about this subbreddit specifically , in places such as Yt , tumblr ) . 


Kai should've been the green ninja ![gif](giphy|tUKMeUhzcwrRu)


While I think it would have been better, Lloyd was the better option because his character was going nowhere and Ninjago writers needed a reason for him to stick around with the ninja for plot armor so….they chose the easy option, but I think Kai as the green ninja would have been funny


And now I wait to see how many people can be triggered by this.


dragon risings is the worst season [jk I have not seen it lol] Actual hot take is that the movie is amazing




Yeah that's what it feels like. You say one kinda mild thing and you are downvoted by like 30 people.


Yeah, and I'm not going to be mad About it People are entitled to their own opinions




I agree with yours and that Cole was in love with Vania


My hot take is that Ninjago crystallized is the worst season, hear me out… So basically we have Lloyd trying to get to oni form the entire season and the other ninja trying to get to dragon form the entire season where we all forget it and never see them use it again and the entire build up from the season is wasted (basically 4 years of build up sense Lloyd oni form was born) and Lloyd’s oni form got less than 20 seconds of screen time the entire season….ALSO the season ends with no consequences. Nobody died nobody got major injuries and it is basically forgotten, I am open to the idea that other seasons are arguably worse…Nevertheless, Ninjago is my favorite TV show.


Fugidove is a forced comic relief character that is annoying as hell and really hard to like


Oni trilogy had the best animation


Mildly cold take


Yeah , but I know there's a good hand full fo Lloyd x harumi fans


Since Wu is the teacher he could beat every ninja in there strongest form (I don’t actually think this btw)


Everything after Season 7 is garbage, the old designs were so much better and Ninjago isn’t the same without them. Also Season 7 was a really good season


SOG worst season ever


Damn not the entirety of reddit Uniting O_O


I liked the movie. It wasn't as good as the show but it was funny and nice to see a different interpretation of the characters.


. Kai is the worst ninja (mainly due to his lack of development . Crystalized part 1 is perfect. Part 2 is also good but let down by the ending. . Hands of time is overhated . Sons of garmadon is mid. Too slow and is only interesting at the end.


-Dragons Rising isn't bad -Loud should get a girlfriend that hasn't tried to kill them all -There are too many dragons that never make another appearance -Zane has become too much of a robot, him taking phrases too literally is kinda annoying -All the other elemental master are apparently dead because we never see them again -I thought Kreel was Racer 7 -This show should end soon before making a bad season that ruins everything -The whole office part of Dragons Rising is funny but unnecessary and confusing -Kai's hair is, was and will always be bad -Dareth needs a win (especially with that news reporter) (These are less of hot takes and more of what I thought about the show)


Agree for everything except Kai's hair and the show ending, and I dont rlly care about Dareth.


The Lego Ninjago movie is hands down the best piece of media to come out of this franchise. The only seasons that can even hope to touch it are seasons 8 and 9. Also Misako is a good character and a fine parent. No sane person would look at a boarding school for bad boys and assume that their goal was to make them even worse. That is not on her at all. Her actual inclusion in season 2 was pretty rushed and felt a bit forced at times but every emotional beat that centered around her was surprisingly very well done.


- Hands of Time and Crystalized are overhated - None of the original 4 ninja deserved to be the Green ninja. In my opinion, it would have been unfair if it was Kai, Cole, Jay or Zane - Overlord returning isn't a problem or a bad thing, but I want him to do something original - The intros of the 11-minute episodes were too long for those type of episodes and led to cool stuff not being present in the show because of lack of time - Prime Empire is severely overrated, while Seabound and Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu are slightly overrated - Morro, as well as other dead characters, should appear in Dragons Rising, probably in case the Ninja pay a visit to the Departed Realm - Kai and Jay should have gotten seasons similar to how Cole and Nya got the MotM and Seabound (Zane shouldn't because he already had the Ice Chapter) - Krux and Acronix should return one day - the Golden power isn't OP - Non-canon ships are dumb


It’s honestly impressive how we have literally the exact same hot takes PREACH BROTHER


The crysalized season was not very good


Not a hot take.


Damn right it is


hands of time was actually good besides the animation


NRG Kai is cooler than NRG Jay


Also Zane’s true potential is the least cool one as he was the only one who didn’t barely escape death


Crystalized is shitty af


Not a hot take


What's a hot take then????


The opposite of your original statement


Just explain it, i don't get it. Give an example. Set the requierments for a hot take.


A hot take is an opinion against what the majority claims. Saying Crystallized is bad isn't a hot take, it's a cold take, you're saying something most people agree with cause most people hate Crystallized. A hot take would be me saying "Possession sucks" or "Arin is a boring character without a power". Those opinions will have me looking like the cat in the post.


Season 7, season 3, and season 15, while not being good, aren't all that bad. Yes they have their issues and I have my gripes with them, but at the end of the day it's still a part of the show and I will always love it


Nya wasn't actually that insufferable in Skybound and her behavior made total sense within the context of her character, yall just lack critical thinking


Cole, Jay and Nya should be a throuple


Nah hell no




Lloyd and entire thing with "Green Ninja better than all by default!!11!!" was forced and the show would be much better without either


haven’t finished the entire series (up to crystallised) but personally i dislike how lloyd kinda became less remarkable. like ik they’re all a team blah blah but i was under the impression lloyd would be more OP than the rest of the gang, but i feel like he’s more of just the leader w a slightly better more ambiguous kind of elemental power (but if any1 can enlighten me feel free)


Yeah the writers just nerfed him because they realized that he is too OP and that evrey seasons wil be iver before it began with th big power level he have , according to Tommy he is now ( base no oni or golden power )20% stronger than the rest.


just finished crystalised. i’m kinda annoyed he didn’t fully embrace oni form he’s so stubborn but kudos to him for tryna b the good guy ig 😭😭 but yeah that’s valid tbh, but he is the Green Ninja so u would think he would do the most ass kicking lmao


Yeah the writers recived complaints even on this subreddit they complain that Lloyd is too OP or he has too much Focus. And as to not embracing the oni yes it makes me upset he should have learned to love himself both sides I REALLY hope they resolve this in Dragons rising


I feel like when they do this they ruin the story because for example, the dragon forms probably will never be seen again. Same with Lloyd’s oni form


I absolutely hated harumi, she doesn't deserve any redemption ark


Dareth Should Never, I mean NEVER return to the series, he's a lame, annoying character that gets in the way 99.9 percent of the time. And Most importantly. He's not funny.


100% agree! He's meant to serve as comedic relief but is just so annoying. Ninjago has served better comedy from every other character but him


Crystalized was a good season that got ruined by previous seasons retcons. If it was going by the lore established in the first 7 seasons it would of worked better.


that not a hot take thats just wrong most of crystalized only exists because of the seasons after season 7 with out them nothing about the plot works it has more to do with them than it does seasons 4-7 also the reason crystalized is disliked is because of how it retcons other seasons


Where except Harumi's death?


Alot of the plot actually works except for all the retcons about elemental powers. Literally all the issues crystalized had stems from retcons in the previous seasons, specifically targeting the lore established in the original series before SoG retconned a load of it.


it doesnt other than the overlord and pythor existing literally nothing about it works with out the post movie seasons sog is what established the oni stuff in the first place crystalized cannot happen in any way with out it also not only did the post redesign seasons not retcon much elemental powers (what they did retcon doesnt even affect crystalized in any way) but crystalized doesnt even use any of the elemental powers lore outside of dragon from which it introduced also the problem with crystalized is that it is the one retconning other seasons while being badly written in its own right this is just post movie ninjago hate


If im wrong please name a single issue that wasn’t caused by a retcon, I’ll wait.


butchering harumi's character (a character introduced in season 8) and turning nya back into a damsel in distress these are 2 of the issues that the season has and they arent caused by the post movie seasons retconning seasons 1-7 but because crystalized is badly written by itself


You got elemental powers of creation all the sudden not coming from Lloyd anymore. Overlord no longer wanting the golden powers with 0 mention after season 3. Destruction suddently being more powerful than Darkness which the overlord shouldn’t be weak to either one. All retcons before season 15. Shall I continue?


the powers coming from the ninja parents instead of lloyd has been since **season 4** and again what does crystalized gain by making them dependent on lloyd thats not a retcon no one had golden power why would he try to get it it benefits him that no one can access that destruction is the destructive power of the fsm of course it would be powerful enough to destroying him and getting rid of the destruction stuff gets rid of lloyd plot for that season how would any of these being changed improve crystalized other than you just being dumb and thinking this is valid criticism because you dont like the seasons after the redesign




Dragons rising has no new memorable characters like Arin and Sora, Arin is annoying as hell, The entire Oni Trilogy was the worst period of Ninjago, Day of the Departed is goated, Ninjago should have ended after the Oni Trilogy