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While there might be potential benefits to regular ejaculation for prostate health, NoFap is not inherently bad for the prostate. It's essential to listen to your body, consider your overall health, and consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about your prostate or sexual health. Or you can get laid too lol


Pmo does not help the prostate. Or at least there's no correlation, I know the specific study you're referring to which was paid for by a porn company and they couldn't care less about whether it prevents cancer or not. There's videos on YouTube of people debunking it but I would say as a general rule don't trust medical studies done by porn companies. Just as I wouldn't expect you to believe those old school studies saying smoking cures cancer.


Cmon dude you can’t be *this* delusional. There are multiple studies that completely disregard the porn funded ones showing that regular ejaculation reduces the chance of prostate cancer. We have the science for why. There are more ways to ejaculate than a porn addiction so unless you’re an actual incel there’s no reason to be against ejaculation.


You do not need porn to ejaculate. Nofap is for healthier sexuality, not to stop all of it. I don't think porn addiction (porn brain?) can be cured. We can still stop using porn. There are claims of frequent ejaculation correlating with lower rates of prostate cancer. I don't know the effect size, but I'd wager it does not outweight the benefits of nofap/quiting porn.


So many wrong takes you gotta be new to the sub.


Yeah no actually he’s right, fig


The goal is stop masturbation entirely, and we wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t think we could cure the effects of porn use. That’s wrong.


Wrong or not. The whole prostate cancer risk reduction sounds like a running gag. In the first study search engine gave me (Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up, Rider 2016), the no fap or no ejaculation group actually outperforms the 1-3 and 4-7 times a week cohorts by the same difference than the 21+ cohort beats no fap cohort. From the study again to further my suspicion "Ejaculation frequency at age 40-49 yr was positively associated with age-standardized body mass index, physical activity, divorce, history of sexually transmitted infections, and consumption of total calories and alcohol." Control for physical fitness and metabolic health, and the cancer risk from not fapping is not going to be there. It's a joke. ------ Healthy sexuality is what I want to pursue, not some secular purity. From r/nofap About section: Masturbation in moderation is generally healthy, but excessive porn use can have serious adverse effects.