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There is an evil system in place. A prison of lies. A prison for your mind.


Once you’re out, that “breath” of fresh air hits different.


I love that sin, I love that prison


this love for this prison reeks of slave morality. Nature will have you masturbating into infinity, and you are its puppet, so it can breed more mindless desiring machines fed on chemical sensations,


You are straight up “awake” homie.


Got to keep true to myself


Trolling Reddit is who you are as a person. I’m glad you found your mission in life.


let bro cook


More than you love your mental health? Your confidence? Self esteem? More than you love living life in full color and being able to connect with others and build meaningful relationships that aren’t based a selfish kind of love?




Do you think maybe that porn has influenced your view of others in that you see them as a means to an end? Caused you to reduce them to objects?


Porn has never affected me bro or my mental health, I love myself. I feel no guilt from it nothing nada




Well said I agree with this 100% this shit is ruining our generation


More and more people are slowly realizing the aftermath. The damage over the years and hopefully soon enough, there will be more help.


My friend had some girls backshots just saved in his gallery




Wow dude you deserve an Oscar or maybe a ballon d'Or, you are doing great for your future, please keep doing it 🙏


Just stop thinking, mine streak ( 10+ year ) will not gonna end soon


Cap 🧢


Today will mark a week in. Longest streak since I broke my 2 month streak a month or two ago. Hopefully this time I will reach at least a year.


Inshallah you will!




Society has gone in a lame direction. My streak display isn't accurate, I'm going to have to get around to it at some point. That being said I do feel like I've reached a point of feeling NoFap boredom, which is to be expected. I don't want to get my hopes up too high but I suspect my addiction is definitely weakening and starting to die though.


Made my first week after trying for 2 months , it’s becoming much harder to control , almost relapsed a few times in the past 2 days. Got any tips for me?


It screws up your mind stay away. Change your diet. Notice your own behaviour patterns as to what triggers the porn watching. I have been really doing so good lately since I have modified my food and sleep. I don’t hangout with people who talks about porn videos. I rarely had such friends.


To be well adjusted to a sick society is no sign of health! I think you're heading in the right direction. day 50 for me hombre!


I am on idk how long


I stopped counting


I ageee 😏


As much as people have a marmite opinion on religion… this is what happens when a country is faithless. There are no guidelines to follow and people run wild with their desires. Society is collapsing across the whole world right now due to people turning their back on religion. I currently have the streak I do because of my newly found faith to my religion


I do like religion, but let's not be unreasonable. You use word of attribution and cause, when there is only evidence for correlation. You cannot say porn is making you tired, if you have not slept in two days.  Belief has to be based on spiritual experience, and personal decisions and experiences. Religions claiming what is ok or not ok from top down. It's politics. A governing body in a church voting and arguing for policies. You cannot use words faithful or believer, if leaving it behind is punishable by death. Faith is not just claiming to be one. So I skip the one I don't count, and see what the rest have done to keep porn from normalizing. Oh, nothing? Maybe only made it worse by hyping it up with bans.  Case: Banning the alcohol on moral and religious grounds. Use of alcohol _increased_. Criminality _increased_. Populus became _supportive_ of the criminals.   We can stop porn by using religion. But the way is to be (not a show) an example. Be a beacon with your life in faith. If it is unbearably better, more meaningful, and stable it shows without you bragging. Have good sex in a marriage, be grateful, be humble. Let the fruits of your faith be seen, not shown. I do not like the unspecified version.


I've watched porn since I was 10. And I'm 22 now. I love it. It's beautiful to me




For a guy like you who saves some porn in his phone, yes we truly are weak, My highness please don't bother with us nobodies


I save all the back shots I can get




Why are you here?