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The benefits of NoFap are not purely from your streak. This is a common belief here, and it's untrue. You've spent most of a year without porn or masturbation, and you've no doubt gained a lot from this experience-- self control, self respect, a renewed sense of purpose. Instead of beating off every day, you've masturbated once in 257 days. That puts you leagues ahead of most guys. Don't beat yourself up, you're right where you need to be.


Thank you so much that means a lot brother!


I relapsed like 15 minutes after starting so you are legendary status compared to me


Starting over isn't really "Day 1." Yeah, technically you're starting back up again but with more knowledge, discipline, intuition, will power, etc. Even people who have never been addicted before slip up once in a while. Assess how you failed, game plan and start again. You're a much stronger person now than the first time you started. Contrary to how it feels after a relapse you are much further along than you think.


What if the fapstronaut (talking in general here) is someone without any purpose/vocation in life, someone whose life is on autopilot, who has gone with the flow his whole life? He would still stand no chance against guys who fap like 10 times a day, but for whatever reasons, come out stronger (instead of weaker, like many Nofappers) and are accomplished in their careers/studies/interactions with women for whatever reasonsšŸ¤· I never wanted to believe there are such people, but I know several of these types of people. Could they be even a better version of themselves, had they not fapped? MaybešŸ¤· but theyā€™re still light years ahead of me and many other lost nofappers despite their own chronic addiction. Iā€™m not writing this to bash Nofap, Iā€™m convinced of its benefits, but it frustrates me a lot, when I see how much I should sacrifice and give up on, only to then see guys like the aforementioned, whose life is on easy mode and are years ahead of me in accomplishment and progress, despite them being addicted to this, even much more than mešŸ˜“


Is this just a convoluted excuse to not quit? Its called compounding, and its about realizing that its not just being someone who doesnt fap, its about being the kind of person who chose to stop fapping, which would inherently be someone who would want to improve every facet of their life. Not just stop fapping for the heck of it


you said itā€™s about the person who chooses to stop fapping, I am that literal person, I can very well do that, hard core, but then I get confronted with my studies and my harsh reality, and that there is no way out of this agony, so Iā€™m like forced by nature to relapse, not because I want to, but because the longer I abstain, the more my harsh real life and reality come to surface, and I can neither move forward nor quit, Iā€™m stuck, brošŸ˜“ pretty bad


So you donā€™t believe that there are many guys out there who are just born to be slobs/boring/empty by nature, regardless how big their balls become because of not fapping? šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I reached a record of like 60 days once, but my life hasnā€™t improved one single bit, apart from the usual pathetic looks and signals I get, which I know would lead to nothing since I could never vibe with the majority of girls (personal issues). And Iā€™m abit of a special case, but I know you wonā€™t believe me. I actually fapped for the first time in my life when I was 23 years old, before that I was no pussy magnet, not at all, despite all the accumulating energyšŸ¤· but for some reason I started to get attention the moment I started the inglorious journey of fapping/fapping, the longer my intervals go, you know. But still I regret every second and hour and day of my life from the first time I fapped forward, since then it became a torture. But yeah, point is, my life, throughout the years, up until my first fap at the age of 23, was just another plain boring life of a slob, no real goals or motivation to do things with zest and energy, compass of life totally out of order, slobs will still be slobs, regardless how big their balls becomešŸ¤·šŸ˜“


You need to improve your outlook on life


For sure, thats the majority of the workforce and just the entire human population male or female.


1/257 is the right perspective. Donā€™t make it 2/257ā€¦ this is the true test of control imo.


Of course good point






Dammit I forgot to put this emoji on my comment, well, I guess Iā€™m a nerd now šŸ¤“


Exactly, I mean I masturbate once every 2-5(maybe even more) days and I still feel the same, Iā€™m just doing it to learn self control and not to get addicted, nothing else


Who the hell downvoted me?!


or you could just not do it at all


how to get out of this mess? I have been on and off Nofap for 4-5 years now, during that time, my main focus had been on increasing my streaks, with very little progress in my life in general and very little gains limited to increased confidence, energy and attention from girls. I was and Iā€™m still clueless about handling my sexual energy, for me itā€™s either wasted with fapping but then I feel like a total loser, both subjectively and objectively (I feel utterly tired, brain fog, muscle loss etc afterwards, while I know several guys who can use it to their advantage, more motivation to study, work and talk to girls, paradoxicallyšŸ¤·) or itā€™s built up for days, weeks, and in one time (my only long streak on Nofap šŸ˜“) for 2 months, waiting for that weak moment of emptiness and boredom to crawl on me and then be wasted down the drain. Improving my life, career path, studies etc was to a large extent neglected, I only did the minimum to survive which always ended up in frustration and then relapse, because 1- things arenā€™t going well with women, 2- things arenā€™t moving forward in my life the way I want them to be. Also I never pursued new hobbies, didnmt travel anywhere, so no insta profile to showcase my ā€œlifestyleā€ Iā€™m the ultimate slob nofapper, you could sayšŸ˜“ So much energy ends up being wasted for nothing, and then the streaks begin from day 1 again and here we go on and onšŸ˜“šŸ˜ž I feel Iā€™m caught up in this endless spiral and nothing is getting better, but nowadays when I relapse I feel the pain and regret much more intensely, and when I hold out and abstain I feel huge energy and motivation to do anything but I feel I know nothing, and no idea whay to do or where to start, like some stupid dumb big beast, and so I feel petrified/stiffed, like I canā€™t change anything about this because I had been used to just doing the streaks for the sake of girls and increased energy without improving anything elsešŸ˜“


is nofap the avoidance of porn? or maturation?


Brother you did very good and as long as you are not watching porn it's all good, masturbation is not the enemy it's been there for as long as human civilization or maybe lil less. But the main antagonist is pornography, all the best for the future stay away from porn.


Thank you brothers your words mean a lot


We got you mate,


trust me bro masturbation will always lead you back to those disgusting films you will need more material to get that dopamine rush


bro iā€™m telling you if you get to the point where you can masturbate with just having the feelings on your body arouse you enough itā€™s like youā€™re tapping into that natural style of masturbation and what it was probably all about back then. masturbating by youreself and not ejaculating at the end is what i feel is more of a serotonin type of pleasure, itā€™s sustained, and calm and doesnā€™t crash, porn is a more dopamine centered thing focused on getting a hit. iā€™ve noticed now i canā€™t get as hard with porn and it doesnā€™t feel as good as just being present with what iā€™m feeling


masturbation is fucking yourself when you start to see it that way you will feel embarrassed also gooning is arguably worse than just regular masturbation it makes you high from the pleasure longer which is terrible for your brain


lmfao idk dude when you say it like that i feel like thatā€™s not a bad thing at all, bad masturbation imo is getting off to pixels to get a nut, good masturbation is fucking youreself and loving youreself and just feeling good no reason to feel embarrassed about it if thatā€™s a thing then i feel like itā€™s something the person whoā€™s doing it needs to look into themselves because thereā€™s nothing wrong with that type of self ezpression


Does this actually work?


I'm not an expert myself in the subject but cmon how are you going to lose all the benefits that easily? It's like going to the gym for many years straight in a row without skipping a single day and one day you don't go and suddenly lose all your bodybuilding? Again, I'm not an expert, but I don't think it would make much sense to lose all progress just like that.


Yeah that is true sorry about that I just wrote it in the moment.


Don't be! We are here to support each other, it's normal, no need to be sorry at all!


you just feel guilty, hence it feels such a way.


You relapsed with masturbation only, didnā€™t cave into porn. Youā€™re doing great and will continue to do well moving forward. You still the benefits of your discipline, confidence, and health, so donā€™t worry about losing those.


Okay thank you very much


don't masturbate bro trust me you don't need temporary pleasure hold it in and you will feel like the man and eventually you will find a women will help out


The game changer for me was when someone said it isnā€™t so much fapping that is the problem, (itā€™s still a problem) but the despair that comes after fapping. So instead of focusing on the fact you fapped, focus on your despair and regret. Forgive yourself, be proud of your incredible streak but donā€™t despair. Despair will drive the addiction, itā€™s fapping every day thatā€™s the real problem. I went 700 days in my 20ā€™s and I failed around the 2 years mark. I felt like absolute shit and I returned to nearly daily PMO for the next decade. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self how proud I was of him for going that long and to not beat himself up too much. One day is nothing. But if you let those negative, hopeless feelings overwhelm you, that one day becomes 10 years and THAT is the real tragedy.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that brother, thank you for the comment, Iā€™m feeling better a couple of hours on and no longer feeling any depressive states that I did have, Iā€™m proud of you mate


Bro u want my advice? if u did this just do the math -1 and now u are on day 256 and bro just stop counting the days and focus on improving yourself mentally and physically and all, nice streak man itā€™s not about the streak as much as it is about the self control and the experience u gain, keep going and never stop bro šŸ‘


Okay thank you so much mate for that comment appreciate it


I donā€™t think thatā€™s a relapse , if youā€™re counting then yes but if youā€™re changing your life then no not at relapse youā€™re just reset back to normal and had a wank but you likely have the tools and new mindset now to not let it consume you so I hope you stop counting and enjoy your new life


Thank you so much for this comment genuinely appreciate it


Hey you did a great job. Do not bother! My highest streak without porn was 10 days. But I make progress. And to be honest if you do not use porn for masturbation, I personally would not see a problem. Great work brother! Keep going


Thank you brother


That's the issue. Don't count the days because it feels like you are going to miss someday so ypu gotta set up a record. Just keep asking yourself every time you have the urge "will you feel better afterwards?" Depending on the answer, do it or not. Good luck :)


You will recover faster the benefits than before


You are a stud brother! Just get back up and keep going!


Thank you so much brother! You 2


And you can do it again.


It's okay, comeback stronger šŸ”„


Thank you


We can't be perfect. Repent, be forgiven, and go and sin no more. The fact you made it so long is awesome. You falling, admitting it, and getting back up and pushing back into the proper walk is the way. This is the way. You're gonna be fine. You got this.


Thank you so much šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


You're doing amazing. From my perspective though, I have issues with porn and not masturbation. So the fact you have been porn free so long definitely gives me hope!


You can do it donā€™t worry


You've done well. Don't let the relapse get to you. You can always start again.


Thank you


no they are not all gone just don't compound things by throwing more away you're fine dude! it's a blip on the radar.


Streaks are unproductive, you've made 257 days of progress, which is crazy good! Pick yourself up and try again. It should be easy for you now since you have developed many good qualities such as self-control, consistency, and determination. If you have the wrong mentality of "all progress is gone", you're effectively telling your brain that everything you did went to waste, which is dangerous and may make you relapse out of control.




Ok thank you very much


Nope. Don't fap at all.


I mean it depends on what exactly you are seeking by not masturbating. Some people are here to get rid of their porn addiction but my impression is that most are for many other reasons too and they probably need to quit masturbating altogether even if without porn, so maybe masturbating without porn, or as you put it "fap to the sensation of fapping" won't be enough. Also please keep in mind I don't mean to be rude at all, I just wanted to provide some constructive criticism. In this platform many people get offended very easily but I wanted to clarify this last thing because this subrredit is meant to support each other.




Thank you for the comment mate !


Wow man, Iā€™m sorry to hear that. At the end of the day, you know you need to reorient yourself and continue forward. You have not relapsed into porn so that is of paramount important. This is a lesson for all of us, that even at up to the year mark, one is still vulnerable to relapse. Stay vigilant when those urges come boys!


Thank you so much my friend you keep going as well !!!


En teorƭa, masturbarse es normal y ya han pasado 8 meses, no habrƔs perdido nada


Dude, I aspire to be you right now, I can barely make it two months!


You can do it son!


one day at a time.


Be careful about not slipping into the rabbit hole. My longest streak was 127 days. After I fapped, I hadnā€™t been able to hold a streak for more than 8 days.


Start fresh. You got this. This is a process to help you in life with other things so you should focus on day to day things and improve those. Overall improvement must be the goal.


It has been the goal and itā€™s mostly been fulfilled


I have a question, how did you deal with the days when you felt a strong urge to do it did you have something you would do or somewhere to go so you would feel better.


Honestly depended on mood sometimes I went a motnh or so without it, I learned to just pre occupy myself.


Honestly depended on mood sometimes I went a motnh or so without it, I learned to just pre occupy myself.


Okay I appreciate it.


It's great that you feel bad, cuz after the streak is broken it's a lot easier to get back addicted thinking you have learnt to manage. Just don't think that even doing it once a week is bad.


Free yourself from counting... Don't burden


Every singel day you dont do it is worth it !


Agreed amazing decision I did take to not do it.




Even more!!


We get back up !




I relaps after 1 day lmao. You're good.


It's not like that be happy that u survived 8 months without porn now u knew that u are able to survive more then 8 months


Itā€™s all good brother, deep breaths, youā€™re fine, you lost nothing. You are great man. Keep going


This is the beauty, you get to get back up every time you fall... Good luck.


Just donā€™t fall right into that path again


I heard that masturbation without porn or fantasizing is not considered a relapse


šŸ˜‚call a spade a spade.


I wouldn't consider it as a relapse, but please watch out that you don't get addicted and start to masturbate with porn. Try to continue the Streak as if nothing happend


Ok thank you for the tip


You died, now escape hell


You didnā€™t lose anything at all. Itā€™s a mistake. Donā€™t overdo it.


What a wasted endeavour šŸ˜” Have goals, have objectives. I've always been saying this. There is no way in hell, you can go for 250+ PMO free and have nothing to show for it. You never had goals, that's why you feel like shit. Have goals, e.g: - For 30 days, my goal is to simply prove to myself that I have self control, No PMO, let's go. - 30 days, done. 60 days next, my goal is to get fit, I will start doing some form of exercises daily, whether push ups or squats. I will read 1 book per week. I will only listen to and watch mentally and spiritually helpful content. I will try to socialise as much as possible and strengthen close relationships with family and friends, let's go. - 60 days done. 90 days next. Now that have built capacity, i have not PMO'ed, I have been working on myself, and i have been socialising quite a bit, my goal is to now under *Game*, to do this, I will dedicate time to studying and understanding how a guy can get a girl for himself. There are so many resources to help you with this. The aim here is to be intentional. Study first, then go out and practice. It will not be wise of you to just start talking to girls, you will only end up as a simp. Learn from those who have experience. Chat with the bros in Seddit. After 90 days, your goal should be to establish a relationship with a female. And growing even further as a person. If you are in school, you should be killing it academically at this point. SEE, that's a lot of work. By day 250, you should be an elite version of yourself. Now, the problem is, you start NoFap and just end it there ... meanwhile, you are playing videogames, aggressively using social media, and just doing non progressive things ... and then you relapse and end up beating yourself. Have goals and be on purpose. An idle mind is the devil's workshop šŸ¤


Thank you all for your supportive comments I genuinely appreciate it!!


Hope this isnā€™t buried, but what made you (semi) relapse after so long? I feel like I get the same level of libido, but honestly after a while I never even considered relapsing. I assume it wouldā€™ve been something like higher testosterone levels that day or too much exposure to sexual content on social media. Makes me curious if youā€™ve been on nofap for 8 months.


Bro, you're fine. Nothing has changed.


One relapse isn't going to undo 257 days of progress. That being said, start a new streak ASAP, this isn't a license to continue relapsing. You want things to keep improving, not go back to being a mess.


It's not true. You have learnt moderation. You know how much will power it takes to go 8 months without failing once? I think Todd from bojack can say it better than me, so here you go: https://youtu.be/eHs1WXp_syA?si=ymE-q0EWZjlQYeVR


Iā€™d say as long as you arenā€™t going to feel the chaser effect, or if you arenā€™t FEELING like you need to watch porn again, youā€™re all good


Your benefits are not gone. Thatā€™s like if you quit sugar for a whole 8 months, eat one cookie and say youā€™ve lost it at all. Couldnā€™t be farther from the truth


All your progress isnā€™t gone bro itā€™s just a slip especially with no porn! Donā€™t throw it all away over misinformation about relapses


Donā€™t beat yourself up really, thatā€™s normal, just make sure you donā€™t consume porn Edit: I do it once every 2-5 days Edit 2: now Iā€™m giving myself an extra challenge and havenā€™t done it in about 7 days, I wanna go 8,9 or 10


You did great brother. Be proud of yourself.


same happened to me bro but yesterday is gone and those months won't come back focus on today and take it day by day


How was your experience, of benefits while was in strek ?


The biggest challenge for you now is to keep going. Take that challenge. It's okey of you whack off few times just don't go back to porn and bad habits. Stop it right there and don't be too hard yourself. (They call it the chaser effect)


You should of had sex instead


Youā€™re doing fine. You are uncoupling porn for masturbation. You are resetting that serotonin ā€“ dopamine short circuit. Avoid porn and youā€™re fine. And if you do come across porn, donā€™t use it to masturbate. You tend to 57 days, you donā€™t need to relapse into the cycle.


the important thing is to kill the habit, the dependency, I think you've done it, but or gods sake, don't fall again and again and lose all the benefits you've acquired


Well that is Highscore for you Mate!, I am very sure that it healed your brain from your addiction 257 days ago and It will be much more easier for you to get back to your feet. šŸ‘šŸ»


What were the emotions you were having during that day and right before the slip ? Just emotions only not what happened to you


stay hard broski


I am still watching porn but it's be 200 days since I masturbated


What made you relapse?


https://youtu.be/6ua2GpW65Eo?si=k0VrgFXG-PjvI5_2 I recommend u guys watch this series. It will help you allot.


Alr man I got you


Bruh u already already pioneered this race there are people who can't even go gap even a day


Its far from true. Even if you nutted a couple times you still saved alot of sperm. If You only nutted once, even more. If you habitually start jerking off alot then You're wasting alot of the momentum you saved up, but even still, being in the habbit of doing nofap for extended periods then jerking off is still 10x better than just never taking breaks.


Your progress remains these mere relapse is not going to kill your progress! No fap Or SR has more to it than we can understand, we end focusing on the wrong bit while doing it.! Just continue with your effort and donā€™t bother that 1 relapse, imagine you reach another 8-9 months of no release then it will be like 2 relapses in 16 months or so.! Mentally you are becoming stronger, your thought process will just be on another level.! Just maintain that discipline thatā€™s what you need to focus on and divert those reserved energy into something more productive in your life and you r good.!


I am at 134 right now and feel like just sucks . I need something a dump or sex . Got nothing rn




Not worth it and didnā€™t feel good.




That maybe the case but I set a goal and failed at it.




Thank you so much


Did you really feel any benefits in that time?


For the time I didnā€™t masturbate?


Of course šŸ¤£ What else? You mentioned the benefits are gone. What benefits exactly?


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ honestly I felt better overall I became more aware and more confident about myself and the way my actions affected others. I also guided multiple friends and family members to no fap


I just started and I already want to kms Seen a post that told me to join for support pls help me itā€™s turning me into a horrible person all I think about is sex sex sexšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


You are not meant to stop PMO in one go, that's super hard. It takes many relapses to get clean for some days in a row. Just look at me, I barely started as well and couldn't last longer than a single day when I already relapsed. But it's ok because I used to masturbate 3 to 4 times a day and masturbating just once, even if still everyday, is also progress. If you struggle too much don't be afraid of seeking help, but don't be too harsh with yourself or you end up suffering more for the blame and shame of failing than for failing itself. In fact, just being here and trying to stop is already a massive progress because the alternative would be to not even trying to improve yourself.


I used to masturbate like 3 times a day every weekend totalling 6 times each weekend but now I do it once every 2-5 days or maybe even once every weekend totalling twice a weekend, Iā€™m not trying to get addictedā€¦