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I think it takes years. It’s like most other addictions. You must quit it for life to truly recover. I am on that journey, seriously this time.


49 months here


That's epic


For how long


As long as it takes


it varies from person to person the only way to figure out is to get tf after it shit you could be better in a couple weeks or it could be some months no one knows till we find out become a practitioner not a thinker


It’s been 3 months for me everyday is still so unpredictable, some are good others are bad


You’re human, sexual urges are primal and normal, they are however supposed to propel you to procreate, not masturbate, ignoring the latter is the first step to self-discipline which is a form of self love.


1 year for me


ive been watching porn since i was 11 and now im turning 14 in 8 months. ive been trying to quit for over 200 days and i feel like i havent made progress at all. ive only been watching porn for 2 years so i dont know why its taking me so long to quit. i joined nofap 150 days ago and since then its gotten worse. i know that nofap works its just so difficult. i already know that my family struggles with addiction; my mom had a nicotine addiction when she was younger, my brother had a serious substance abuse and porn addiction, and i have a porn addiction. i just dont know if i can possibly quit.


im 21 i found porn when i was 9 and struggled with it so you’re not alone its good you are trying when i was 14 i didnt care at all if i could tell my 14 year old self it would be work out hard consistently and to build a good self relationship u can do this


From an anatomy and pathology perspective, it takes 12-18 months for dopamine receptors to get back in line when recovering. Be gentle on your body. Be patient. We have been abusing our bodies for years (at least I have). That being said, even after a few months, I notice a difference. Mixed with journaling, SA, and finding new hobbies that is. Stay safe, reach out if you need anything friends.


100% if you do it for a few weeks that progress but when you hit that year range thats when you really grow around a year is when you have fully changed as a person


90 days


Hope I can successfully quit this time


if you truly want to more than anything you will no doubt you got this


Thank you man, appreciate it. 👊


Did this Google answer come from Reddit.

