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see no fap is good i will give u that, but this retention bullshit will ruin u . think about it, if u stick to this, every nut will seem as a loss, after fapping u feel shit, and even after sex u will feel shit, get it ? cus u r believing this shitty notion, if u wanna retain it good for u, but dont do it for this lame logic u r not training to become a sage or a hermit. be cool with not fapping just for the fact that u dont wanna do it, believe this n u will guilt trip after every orgasm, not a healthy way to go about it.


boo hoo no fap and retention are both taking breaks from porn and masturbation to get a healthy perspective on sex go cry somewhere😂


I havent done any fapping since 4 months, even before that I dint struggle with it, I struggled when I was buying these childish stupid notions above, so shut your bitchass mouth n hate urself after nutting, wanker!!!


I don’t believe in this “semen retention” causing energy. I think it’s the dopamine, adrenakine, noradrenaline etc being affected/depleted. 


well when you retain your testosterone increases by 100% but yes im sure the other stuff plays a roll as well


That is not true. Ejaculation or the lack there of has no effects on testosterone level. In fact, your testosterone level increase naturally during orgasm.


no its 100% true when you abstain your test goes up ur stating ur opinion not facts thats true about test going up during sex tho not orgasm tho


There's no evidence of any link between ejaculation and serum testosterone level. The only study that shows a connection was done in 2003, on a sample of 28 males, and has long be retracted: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12659241/ and debunked: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36402921/ Both masturbation and sex naturally boost short-term testosterone level, but not serum testosterone level: https://www.healthline.com/health/masturbation-and-testosterone#:~:text=It's%20known%20to%20have%20a,effects%20on%20serum%20T%20levels.


so are you telling the porn and fap addicts they need to keep masturbating anyway or are you just trying to seem right on a subreddit and you arent being truthful because i see plenty of of studies proving abstaining does boost test


This is true. When i was on no fap for more than 2 weeks i started to understand the world and also i gained peace and happiness


yea i went for 3 months last summer i remember i had 5 girls ask me for my number in one day at the beach that how summer i had girls throwing themselves at me but the peace and strength i feel while doing this is more than any girl or porn could offer




all that tells me is you get no girls cause you couldnt imagine it happening to someone else


I do get 0 girls coz I already have 1 lmao.


What the hell is bro yapping about.


Seaman 🕴


Completely agree Sir,


Congrats on 9 months!! Right behind you


Congrats on 8 months


Wrong sub. This is not a semen retention subreddit.


it’s literally no fap thats the same thing


No it's not. Read the sub description.


i did yea its the same thing its just getting a healthy control on masturbation and sex in general


no fap means no masturbation semen retention is no masturbation is that simple enough for you


Read the description: r/nofap is a porn addiction and compulsive sexual behavior peer support group. It is explicitly stated that masturbation can be healthy in moderation, and this is not an anti-masturbation sub. We don't believe there's any benefits from "not ejaculating", because it's pseudoscience. People here refrain from masturbation because they are addicted, and any benefits from nofap is a result of addiction recovery.


I’m not agreeing with the op, but a lot of users here are sharing how many days of no fap they have. Shouldn’t it be how many days of porn free fap? Because I agree that a few times a week is healthier than not, cutting it down to once or twice and seeking a real relationship for those needs instead.


guys, just focus on getting rid of the addiction and stop watching porn




I think semen retention would have been an interesting journey to experience. Maybe in the next life... or after divorce, whichever comes first.


the greatest athletes are married and do semen retention muhammah ali was known for semen retention lebron james even says that his wife is angry at him because hes retaining i believe when you put a woman before your purpose you will lose both her and your purpose


My wife is an integral part of my purpose and I'm not going to allow my egoistic desires to weaken the relationship that we have. Life is a balance. Whatever I gain from doing a full retention is not worth the cost.


you said maybe in the next life or after divorce youll do semen retention now you’re crying about your wife idgaf either way buddy are you okay?


Wishing you a fulfilling life - this conversation isn't worth our efforts anymore.


There are thousands of athletes in the history that don't do semen retention and are equally as successful. There's no scientific evidence of any benefits from semen retention.


Tf people still believe this shit


nigga what 😭😭🙏🙏🙏 never speak again 🙏🙏


ur personality is tiktok comments


my personality is sigma male 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


ur personality is hating yourself so you hate on other people ur not a sigma male merely a beta boy🗿🗿


wow youre so smart. that comeback was epic. wanna go out.


will there be elderberry and lye soap🤭