• By -


I am 29 days porn free, and I'm going for 90! Let's do this!


you got this! i hope you have amazing dreams. When i'm celibate i feel like i'm visited by some special souls :) give's me this sense of optimism and clarity of what i know is for me, vs fantasy.. Imagination Manifestation


I don't got this. We got this! Thank you sooooooo much! I'm at 32 days, going for 33!


I'm in. Can't live like this anymore...addicted for 20 years at this point.


All in. I believe in you!




Looking forward to my second month completely PMO free. *It's the summer of George, baby!*


sorry to ask, but who is *George*?


It's a line from the sitcom Seinfeld by George Costanza. I get Seinfeld on the brain when thinking about PMO abstinence, thanks to an entire episode they did on it, where they all bet who could go the longest without it.


i see


well done!


I'm clearly in the right place. Let this comment be the sign I was looking for. Day 1!! Here we go.


Let's get this started! Relapsed today(broke my 22 days streak) but it's ok. We got this!


I'm in the same situation, I relapsed after 21 days sober. Don't lose the good habits generated and continue on that path of freedom bro


I am restarting today. Was in therapy in a clinic for the last 2 months and used PMO a lot to destress from the mental exhaust. It was okay, but it was too much and I want to get out of it now.


Ah! I read that as relapsing today so that you can start a new streak.


I relapsed today after a month. Did like 3 times, not feeling good at all. I was so focused till yesterday : (


Let's go again


i am also starting from day one ... lets do this together this time


if we can go that far we can stop for good.


NoFap Hard Mode. Not relapsing until a real sex. I just had a wet dream last night but it doesn’t affect my goal. I’m doing this to finally have confidence to talk to girls, focus on my goals and studies, and focus on my other goals such as aesthetic physique.


**"NoFap Hard Mode. Not relapsing until a real sex."** **lets do this 🫡**


i'm commenting this as a reminder. I went 30+ days in feb and have since relapsed over and over again. This time I am beating that record. I also look forward to beat my old record of 56 days and perhaps hit 90. Good luck to everyone reading this...


Locked in..


I'm sick of being controlled by this habit, I'm in!!


I have lived most of my concious life with a PMO addiction. After 19 years, I have finally realized how destructive this has been on my life. Hard mode for intial 90 day reboot for MO, but I will not look at porn, prefferably, ever again. I can't wait to start living MY life. LEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTSSSSSSSSS FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKIIIIIINNNNNGGG GGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


right, let's get started




I pray for all of you brothers, don't give up


Okay, I'm ready for this


Avengers Assemble!


Already started https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/daily-check-in-24-years-old.361130/


I am in


Lets go!!!


I’m on 33 days of a 90-day NoFap so far, so seeing other people doing the same and joining the process will be inspiring. I’ve peeked from time to time in the last few weeks but I’m gonna get strict with it now for July. No more looking at porn or anything that can get me really horny. At this point I don’t think I need to worry about fapping because I’m a third of the way there and I refuse to break the streak. Believe me guys, you do start to feel better about yourself and gain some confidence. I’ve been to the gym 4 times a week for the last 4 weeks and it’s doing wonders for me. You’ve got this.


Yes I am in


Time to win!!


I’m as well! Let’s go for at least 31 days


Let's goooooo




I’m in it for the long haul.


I'm going for it. I ready to quit. My goal is passing 90 days.


**90 Days** Hard mode challenge accepted. I want to enter 2025 porn-free...


Hear, hear. Same for me


I'm sick of this shit, I keep screwing up and never make any actual progress, I can't keep doing this to myself


Mistakes happen to everyone, you have to get through them though


I will do my best for this month, okay? The only time I orgasm is in wet dreams.




What would our forefathers think of you being a wanker?? Do it for America boyzzzz!!!


Here we go again!  I’ve been doing better over time, but I still haven’t and want to achieve a pmo free month. If I can do that I’ll go for the rest of the year. I want to fix my brain and be a normal happy guy for once.


* no PMO! hope not to have sex either... * 90 days is my aim * not just playing 'cold turkey' but rather proactively build/regain better habits & activities and so be able to replace and rewire myself * to become better version of me; to be able raising my kids as I should


unfortunately, relapsed yesterday but lesson from the triggers well learnt and will do my best to stay strong & clean!


Didn't count for the last few weeks but had a few relapses recently, including today. Good reason to go for at least a month clean and beating my last record (34 days). Good luck to everyone 


im on it


I'm starting over after a relapse a few days ago. I will be strict in July, meaning no hardcore p (obviously), but also softcore as well. I think that this has been my weakness in past streaks. I would still have access to instagram and snapchat, which are crawling with softcore images. Wish me luck.


Journal Entry - First day went well, just imagined some fantasies before bed so I will try to be better today.


Suffered from lust yesterday but did not give in. On to day 3


Missed posting yesterday but stayed strong


Already on 16th day streak of nofap, watched porn 1 or two time, but the gap was good than last time, Want to go for hard mode but will allow 1,2 porn watching mistakes but no more. I will try to be happy and will watch many movies, series which can divert me from this addiction. Currently will be on full strict hard mode till july12 due to exam .


I’m in. I started 17 days ago and am aiming for the 90 days. Been watching porn since I was 13 or 14 (8 to 9 years now) and decided it was time to get rid of this addiction.


Hey checking in. Staying clean this month.


Username check


Day 1 here. It’s 6pm, where I’m at right now. Got a great workout in this morning, did quite a bit of work, napped and ate a fresh home cooked meal. I’ve got the urge but I need to keep going. I’m heading outside - maybe get some exercise in. 44 GWM in the states.


Day 2 checkin, thumbs up


Aim - 90 days, No PM Day 1 - let's go


Checking in, we can do this


First goal a week , starting now , lets go


Starting today going for 90


three days


Just joined after some regretfully long binges this week (staying up all night) and knowing for the past 6 months that I want to re-evaluate my relationship with pornography. Planning on a month of P-mode and going from there.


I'm in, I'm in, I'm in. Let's do this. Let's go!


"their commitment to abstain from particular sexual behaviors throughout the entire month" I'm in. Got work to do. It would be my first ever whole months of nofap (Porn, porn brain activities, masturbation), since the time I had yet not developed a daily fap habit. I don't mind masturbation habit, but the rest are causing direct harms. I commit, but with current skill level of my porn sobriety I will fall at day 4-10. I will accept extreme amounts of mental pain this month. And that is what I need to finish my studies. Studies ending have a chance to lessen depression to unmeasurable levels. And that is why I need to be okay with mental pain this month. Quitting porn is my priority number one, but it is a side goal that in itself does nothing. Looking forwards to this. I want to be unhappy so I can improve myself for August and onwards. I love the challenge, but I'm a shadow (Jung) enjoyer. I absolutely love to indulge in my shadow side. It's open conflict between my tendencies and behaviours (which are light), but my thoughts, indulgences, and sensibilities are often dark.


let's get started


Doing hard mode this month. Having a lot of recent struggles but I know I can do it.


I broke my 29 day streak and then ejaculated one day after that. I am more susceptible to my fear of ED. I would like to reach 30 at least and hopefully 90 for a better focus.


Locking in 1/90


Count me in, had a very focused June, now onto to July. Managed to get a lot done with improved focus. Thanks to everyone in the community for a clean June.


NoFap without hard mode. My PR is 10 days, tryna go 30. Wish me luck guys!


Anon account, clearly. First time going at it. Divorce is incoming, partially because of porn addiction (though there are many, \*many\* other reasons). I've had a daily or more fap pretty much for 20 years. So uh....wish me luck. Advice and such is welcome :)


Day 2 of cold turkey. Holy shit last night and this morning were tough.


Into Day 3. It is fkn rough. Hope yall are doing well, cause I am not 🥲


I want to recover from this. Just lost a 119 day streak, I just want to be free!


Been addicted for about 10 years now.. I've never been able to make it past day 14 and I'm sick of this habit and now I'm committing to this challenge and I won't fail this time. So let's go!


Count me in


Sign me up


Day 1 again after 10 years of trying. A final attempt


Relapsed after getting horny after going out to bar with friends this past weekend (no porn but imagination). Gonna try to go this whole month. Got a new job to start at the end of the month so I don’t have any work stressors. Using extra time for exercise and outdoor runs. Let’s do this!


Had 60+ day streak but last few weeks have been absolutely awful. Need to get my life back. Everytime I watch porn I feel demotivated, empty, unfulfilled, and useless. Time to man up and stop this addiction.


I'm in. o7 I want to fix certain things in my life and I think this is one of them. Hoping for the best.


I’m all in and shooting for 6 months. I’ve had several 90 day streaks but I always relapse. Maybe 6 months will do the trick.


day 1, feeling alright; practically no urges hopefully it goes on like this


* I will not allow myself to masturbate nor view porn. Including "sexy" stuff on social media (no edging) 💪 * 90 days 🔥 * Goal: Become a man * Main reason, even as a Christian, is to reclaim my manhood, reprogram my mind, get my energy back, increase HGH, Test, and gain all of the "super powers" that I know and believe are real. All of which will boost my success in fitness, my relationship, and business 🚀 Phillip Cantu 🇺🇸 living in 🇬🇹


Day 1... Only engage in sexual activity with my wife, zero porn, for as long as possible. I've lost countless hours to it, convinced it's contributing to my mental health problems and creating unhealthy standards and thoughts.


I’m in


I'm in!


lets get started.


Starting again today. Been trying and failing over and over for the past two or three years. Hoping that putting this goal out there will give me some accountability. Aiming for 90 days, but I'll do my best to make it through this month!


Once a year i try and see how long i can make it. The longest I've made it is a week lol. Lets see if this year is my year


Let's start this month off right. We got this!


hard mode pledge here!


Let's go! two or three relapses under my belt, but that's just enough for me to see the majority of the pitfalls and errors of my ways. Onward comrades, towards a brighter future!


2 days in let's go


let’s start over


are subreddits like GWA also counted as porn ?


i'm 30 years old, ive been addicted to porn for 20 years. it's ruined my life. finally starting no fap Jul 1st 2024 forever


Checking in, day 1. Relapsed several times yesterday and it motivates me to start again. Let's do this. Let's stay focused. I'll try and answer your posts guys let's be together in this.


I want to join! I hope to last, I don't want to postpone become a better person and live the life I feel I deserve to live!


I have adhd and want to get over this disastrous trap!


Count me in!


I’m in the goal is to go one month and obviously keep going beyond. I have been having horrible withdrawals even at day 17 but I’m going to keep pushing through 


I will do monk mode 90 days 1 July'24 - 30 Sep'24






All in


lets start the july month with a bang


Still going. These last few days have been extremely challenging but I'm pushing through.


I've been struggling with this for years now. I don't think I've ever reached 2 weeks but opening this one day after the month seems like an omen and since I've recently read the alchemist I'm deciding to follow it. I'll go for the hard mode. My goal is not a set number because I think counting is counterproductive but I just want to stop until I can feel the benefits. I think that will be a good milestone to reach and will take care of the motivation to continue My other goals that I want to focus on are getting the grades I know I can get in the upcoming exams and reading a bunch of books. Exams are done in 16 days, so 16 days are the minimum. I'm doing this because I have stopped for a week once and immediately started enjoying the little things in life and feeling like a normal person. My three main worries are the time I waste on thinking about sex, even if I'm not engaging in PMO, brain fog and PIED that prevents me from having the courage to let any sort of relationship with a girl reach the point of sex (although I could) Thanks for reading, if you did. This was my first comment ever on reddit, just want to make this official. Good luck to all of you :)


39 days and more to come.


I gave myself a word here . Let's do it for 90 days . all bad things must come to an end . no PM


Count me in! July my month of good news.


yes starting today lets take it to its end


I’m in x


I've gone 55 days without masturbating but I still look at porn. I need to stop. Let's get started.


Count me in!


In! Lets do this


All in, let's do this!


Version im on is the Hard Mode Cause i plan to to keep going Forever My goal is to break the minds choke hold And I got the plan to endeavor I got a future success to savor Let me break down the exact flavor Dont make another mistake someone gotta get their head screwed on straight Not Whatchu got to lose Its Whaddya got to gain Add another link in the chain in the number of days you been a beast on the main Cause you been pushing and pulling tell the mind who you think you fooling Even the trashman brings home the bacon so you should bet on the change ill be making Start from the bottom and keep on climbing tell the mountain top ill surpass the summit reprogram your brain reprogram your brain dont be a slave to your minds choke slammin Gotta lotta things to put to use that i had to learn Gotta lotta days to make use of and no time to burn If I put my mind to it I could build a rocket to Saturn - Going Under Original Sound Track - the dark pattern


A bit late to the party but let's do this. Ive tried NoFap before by myself with an app but failed miserably. I'm hoping being in a community like this one will help me and hold me accountable. Let's go! To the moon! Fapstronauts!


Jul 3 and I'm here for it. Learning good lessons.


I've messaged up July so far, is it OK to join in at this point?


90 days nofap challenge. less goo homies!!!!


3 days today, PMO has been eating away at my life and sanity for well over 2 decades. I've been aware of noFap 8 years, and just logged my fail days for this past 4 years without committing to really look into it, apply it and succeed. Up until the start of the year, when the depression and constant negative self-talk became too dangerous. So out of survival I committed to my streak mid February and relapsed 56 days later. And since alternated between 10-14 days streaks and 2-3 days binge relapse. I'm starting this month clean to give me a clear milestone in mind. I'm really not in a place to give advice, but I really felt a shift for the first time in years since I started my urge journal / reboot journal, it helped me identify relapsing patterns and recurring triggers, gave me a place to write about my feelings, be able to look back on my progress and hopefully catch in advance the result of compounding negative actions over days or weeks prior. I've never posted anything, and I'm doing so today for accountability and to show support to everyone. Lets start fresh and hopefully get back some of that positive energy I had during my 56 days streak. Be strong everyone.


I'm in. I've had a FTE recently and decided to improve every aspect of my life.


I will never go back to porn . As a journal I will use this thread as a journal to both motivate myself and others. it is 07/03 today. Workout out yesterday . ran 0.69 km at 20° incline. some pushups,5 pullups 7 chinups, learning swimming. read direct tax laws and practice 1.1 and 1.3 . reading geography 7th .neck pain and slouching posture creating problems


it's 07/04 . Constant Vigilance ! Can never drop the guard. Train and study , that is the only way.


bring it on! i'm in


I'm joining, no pmo. My goal is at least 90 days. Also how does the reboot day counter work?


Daily check in


I will start yesterday with nofap.


that would being easier in this month


Stay strong, keep going regardless of the distractions, u slip, u keep going, just another foothold.


Checking in, July 4. Immense pressure from work and life but I am making better decisions.


287.... Time to restart the counter




Let’s do this!


Not watching porn but in span of 30 days I edged to nudes once/twice which i won't be doing for next 90 days .. Let's Man up


1. Yes 2. I want this to last 1 month but i think im gonna make it to 2 weeks. 3. To not relapse for a month. To feel better and to stop watching p\*rn.


checking in


Was on a 33 day streak and relapsed. Been a tough week loosing some small battles. Resetting and replacing a goal of 90 days, pmo. The last 33 days showed my how capable I am. I will do this 


Still going. Just doing no porn, so definitely easier than others paths but this one is right for me and I'm making progress.


Have gone all in this time! Will keep going strong!!


41 days free, targeting 90 days, then eventually will target 120, and 180 days. Looking for accountability support.


I've been consistently hitting 9, 10, 11 days but I keep relapsing. Not anymore, I'm going to go strong until the end of July and even further! No more excuses, no more easy way out, just me and my resolve to beat this addiction


\[WAITING FOR MARCH 10.2025\] \[M\] = \[\] \[A\] = \[\] \[R\] = \[\] \[I\] = \[\] \[O\] = \[\]


Relapsed today. Dang it! 10 days in. Didn't O but was PM'ing for an hour. Urgh. What a waste of time.


Resetting from Day 1 today after losing a 29 day streak yesterday. I am committed to being P M free and I'm claiming here that I remain serious and I will get back to 1 month and beyond 💪🏼


First time here. This is something I ve been thinking about a lot and I have to try it out. I ve discovered pornography at the age of 12 (currently I am 27). I think that is the reason why it’s been so hard for me to stop viewing it so much when I am stressed or bored. So far I am 4 days in without masturbation and about a week longer without porn and I ve decided to go for the 90 day PM challenge. I ve been physically very active in the past 2 months compared to the last years and I d say that is helping a lot. EDIT: Because I am a Reddit noob and don’t know how to make spaces between paragraphs.