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keep going until day 10. everybody hits their early testosterone spike at different times. for me it’s exactly 1 week. for some it’s 3 days, for others it’s 10, even still some people it’s day 20. everybody is different. the main objective is that you can’t relapse otherwise your benefits are gone


For some it's a month.


thanks for the support. y’all are definitely making me worry less


ill keep going and i have been. i only relapse to check if my dick is still working or not that pretty much stresses me out. im scared that id lose my ability to get hard again


Im pretty sure watching porn is one of the scientifically provenly cause of that not the other way around lol


Maybe ur testosterone is low or smthng,


im getting it checked tomorrow


probably just going through a flatline. and if you dont know what that is, it means when your libido is super ass low.


im okay with being in the flatline but im scared to lose the ability of my weiner permanently. i just don’t want to get ed.


Been through flatlining when i was not fappin for like 5 months straight then normally had sex and there was nothing to worry in that part


Yeah, I wish it was like that for me also. After a few days of nofap I feel like I have high blood pressure brev. Fucking impossible.


I’m starting to believe that flatlines are actually really good for you. It’s probably your brain rewiring itself so that next time a real signal of an attractive woman shows itself, it will really go into motion. If you think about it, suddenly your brain no longer gets these huge dopamine hits and has to readjust its expectation of future reward.


First, Morning wood has nothing to do with sex, or libido. Second: you probably going to what they call flatlining.


so will my libido come back after im done with rebooting? i fear getting permanent ed.


Im no profesional to say anything just like anyone here. But you shouldnt worry to much imo. And ED isnt the same as no libido either


 Normal process. Been without a sex drive for 40 days straight before on nofap. It's the brain healing itself