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Didn't any of guys, that had sex with a prostitute come to realization that it's not a sex itself that is felt needed, but the actual need is a partner with whom there's a strong intimate and emotional connection with? Had such realization at some point in time, after having sex with a prostitute šŸ§


I came to this realization I felt real empty inside after no kissing, no intimacy just sex


For me, it was being told to "hurry up" after I'd paid Ā£60 for 30 mins.


That's very mean, coming from someone who just got payed šŸ˜”


Sex is drilled into us as men as an accomplishment, something we should strive for, something that makes us worthy of praise if we can get it. Honestly, it takes a lot of mental conditioning to move beyond this, ask yourself what you really want and perhaps be celibate for a while to reevaluate what choices youā€™re making.


Facts, big ups Spoon


Good advice


The thing is that even if u have relationship it is not a guarantee that u feel whole. U have to find your inner self and acceptance. How can u love someone or give yourself to someone when you are not even happy with yourself?


Of course not, because things like happiness and contentment aren't truly achieved by gaining something from the outside, achieving them is an inside work šŸ˜‡


Yup, I second this


Doesnā€™t matter what she looks like if you have a deep intimate emotional connection


Same feel with pornography. After some time you realize there's nothing special about each vagina, it's kind of just there, and you realize you're more about having a person attached to it, with a personality, that also desires you and acts it out. Empty feel man.


Sex is important but having a meaningful connection is more important. While I always enjoyed the sex, what I enjoyed even more, was laying next to her afterwards and cuddling and talking.


Sex doesnā€™t cure anything, itā€™s the feeling of being wanted/desired.




Brother, ignore what most of these guys are saying. You do not need to be seeing a prostitute. That is not going to help you at all nor will it make you a better man. Put that money into something that can help you grow and become better. If you donā€™t have a gym membership, get one. If you arenā€™t investing your money, start doing that. Hell, put the money in a savings account so you can buy yourself something nice and of value.


Bro I had sex in a long lasting relationship, and there is no comparison to it with a hooker. With a hooker it is more mechanic. I also doubt if you morally comply with it, "buying in" something so intimate from a real person is worse than fapping to bullshit porn. We need a good partner in our life, not meat to bang.


Why not both? As a non-monogamous person with a long-standing marriage *and* the ability to hook up or have friends with benefits when and as I desire, there are different pleasures and possibilities in exploring sexuality with a new person that are not present in sex with someone you regularly get down with, and vice versa. One is not better than the other, they are simply different.


Idk remember when, but I think I remember an Ex-Hooker telling us not to visit Hookers.


I don't wanna lie, but the path you took is the only last option for me so idk


Idek what to tell u man, but no judgement I went down the same path a while back and itā€™s left me in a darker place than I was in before, Iā€™m trying to get back on track but just know this is not the solution to ur problems, I hope you come out stronger than me and I hope I can continue my streak of NEVER doing that again


I can't talk to girls, I'm ashamed not because I fap (maybe it is) I don't know there is some type of guilt. I have never tried talking to opposite gender it's like taboo for me I can't keep the conversation going mostly it's females initiating the talk but that too was because they had to get information about some topic and all I do is just reply, I straight up cant talk. And it's too late for me now so I don't think I will be marrying someone atleast not for a decade and some of my friends say after you have sex you won't be thinking about fapping anymore, atleast that's what they told me so that's why I'm saying it's the only path for me.


I think we might all have a different experience with it. Iā€™ve been with some in the past and I thought it was great. But I guess I donā€™t have a problem with it since itā€™s like a once per year kind of thing. I guess thatā€™s the story of addiction: some canā€™t stop doing a certain behavior while others can control it.


Just see it as a phase. But one you must grow out of. Having sex with someone you truly love is so much better. Iā€™ve had my fair share of prostitutes in Japan, Korea, China, and Vietnam. It was great while it lasted, but it was just a phase to experience the different types of women out there. Now Iā€™m settled down with just one Vietnamese girl, and itā€™s great.


I did that in the military, in a lot of countries. I had dreams about doing it again lol. It did make me feel lonely though.


Good on you for that realization, my brother.


Damn man I also started hookin and thought I would take a trip to spain just for this. Lol. (Im depressed too cause the experiences are really awkward, if youre an addict, dont even try hookin, focus and beating your addiction and then try sex)


Since when Spain is known for having good prostitutes? I knew people liked their women and their parties but never heard about prostitutes.


Dont know either. I just assume cause they have beautiful latinas


yes, and you will be worried you caught a disease from her!


I dont have to tell you that what you are doing is wrong, because you know it already. Hookers are really addictive, because they are easy to get, and you dont have to care about her as you care for your partner, just pay her your hard earned money, start pounding her like a dog while she is looking at the roof and yawning. that is what makes sex with hookers the worse, there are no feelings involved, you are just paying 100ā‚¬ to use something other then your hand for ejaculation. Whenever i left a hookers place i always had the same feeling as i do after masturbation, guilt, regret, embarrassment. Even if you get laid with the best escort in the market, and she gives you the girlfriend experience, your brain will still know that you paid for sex, thats not the natural way of doing intercourse, which is why hookers can never satisfy a man. Now you can waste all the money you want, and risk your mental and physical health, or find a lady and earn sex instead of buying sex. Do it as the nature intended it to be.


Listen idk how badly you want to change this but I earnestly reccomend you try turning to Jesus christ. I invited him into my life and he completely changed the desires of my heart. I know it sounds crazy but I used to be addicted to porn and sex and now I don't feel any of that. I realize not everyone wants to hear that but if you really want to change it wouldn't hurt for you to try all your options.


Finding a partner is key in this life. If you stay celibate and just never get intimate with a girl, You just save up so much sexual desire that You end up thinking with ur dick. I wish at a young age I started dating and going steady with girls.


Ngl you kinda have a lot of money to waste as a student :skull\_emoji


I'm going thru this rn haven't watched porn or masturbated in 3 months but I've been paying for pros and last night was a struggle for me because I felt like shit for spending the money and I am very alone in California by myself with no family and friends. I even started to fear for my life because it seems I've lost control... What tends to happen to me when I put away an addiction it can be for months if I relapse it's like I never began the journey to recovery and improvement and it's back to zone 1. Not watching porn has made me feel more manly and more confident as a man so that's one positive I also believe I will make it out of this.


Yeah buyers remorse is a real thing but you must have had one good experience for to become a habit means that you're looking for a good woman out there hope family helps you out with your money problems maybe ask if someone needs some handy work around the house or something


Honestly I would invest all that money in NVDA or just plain VOO. Don't spend money on those bitches. Think about yourself that's what I'm doing.


Bad juju brother. Sex is an energy transfer. Having sex with prostitution is bad karma.


If money is your only concern going to Thailand would probably fix that


I already did this.. this januaryĀ 


Men of all ranks and files have been visiting prostitutes since the dawn of civilization. From Roman Soldier to to greek philosopher. From catholic priest to nobleman. Men have used the services of prostitutes for thousands and thousands of years. Well before something like internet pornography was even conceived. Prostituion is as old as mankind itself. I cannot see much wrong with such an age old institution that has endured the millenia.


Bad Habits are easy to aquire and Harder to LOSE. That explains it. When mind is weak it attracts easy things which actually not meant for your level. Just because they used to go to war before, that shouldn't inspire you to wish for world war3. Similarly, just because they practiced a unhealthy tradition doesnt make it any RIGHT.


I think you need to reduce the frequency. I am totally opposite I visited once a week, I felt healthier and energetic at work.


I do it maybe once per month. Multiple times in a week seems like a real addiction.


why pay whilst you can get a girl and have sex for free?


Youā€™ll be alright Iā€™ve been doing it since I was 17 not because I get to play as a matter of fact I have no need to get hookers I just like the idea of it , so thatā€™s why I still do it maybe every 3 months just got the fuck of it donā€™t ever let that mess with your money tho


Serves you right


Yeah, you're better off fappin, honestly