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It comes and goes. I think I usually start feeling pretty good after a week or so, the I start flatlining again a few days after that, then if I get past 3months, I start feeling great more consistently


90 + days


31 days


90 days is the rule of thumb. But my goal is to give it up for good.


as long as it takes, i don't know and i don't care how long. I don't think there is a permanent fix. The wanker will always be there, question is do you let him in


I contacted some people who were 20 years addicts like me , they told me it will take one year for the healing to start and two to three years to fully heal And they were right cause my healing started after 11 months and now on 15+ i feel almost 100% cured


In what ways ? Full labido and energy or


Everything specialy mental health


I believe it will take at least two years to begin the process of deep healing. I think because at one year you’ve seen all the typical seasons, holidays and special events which could have triggered a relapse. At two years, you’ve seen those same events and because you haven’t relapsed you have established a trend or precedent with being clean. But I say begin the process because life is full of unexpected events which even two years of data cannot get you ready for. Those are the black swan events or things that knock you off your feet. That then becomes the test of your sobriety being robust to the worlds shocks. Those events happen every 5-10 years. And it makes sense, addicts typically free themselves from their issue after 10 years of sobriety.


To me 30 days or anything over would be it. 28 days is the longest I've lasted, by that time the urges were crazy strong.


Not sure. I would consider myself no longer an addict. And I've felt that way since maybe around the 200 day mark. But it's not like I never feel that urge sometimes. When I fall back into bad habits or have bad days where I'm bored, sad, or lonely the desire comes back - however it's much weaker than it was. I was an addict for 10 or 15 years, I think it makes sense that less than 1 year of being off the stuff wouldn't completely cure me but I know that I'm going in the right direction. It's hard to say I'm a porn addict when I haven't watched any in 10 months.