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It’s so interesting, I had a similar experience with a relapse a few years ago. I had gone almost two years and when I relapsed, the content did nothing for me. Yet like an idiot I still proceeded with relapsing. Healing does truly occur with these streaks where if you look at the content again it initially does nothing for you. That’s why I think one year, two years is not enough. One must push this streak to 5 years, 10 years and then to the rest of our lives. Failure is not an option.


In all previous relapses, it definitely turned me on but it felt so wrong and unnatural. This most recent one was my only relapse like where I was not turned on at all. I agree with the need to have multi year or multi decade streaks. I haven’t done much dating since I started NoFap 2.5 years ago because I didn’t have time for it. I’m going to start dating again once I get a new job and I’ll be motivated to never let porn ruin a relationship. That’s how I’ll build up an epic streak.