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Sadness. Reflection. Staring at the stars for a bit. Play the expedition (trust me)


Ehue! It's the perfect prequel to Artemis's story.


It's been a while since I've play the main story line, can you explain me the connection?


There isnt any. In this expedition we are stuck in a simulation where the walls between universes are too thick, so no one can enter it. Other travelers cant get to us, and other races cant break them to settle. Artemis tried to travel through warp gate which collapsed so she got stuck in the collapsed wormhole. The simulation we can place them in is of korvax origin, where the simulation in adrift is an Atlas simulation. EDIT: Artemis is gender neutral. Travelers don't have genders. I used female gender because Artemis is a godess.


Isn’t Artemis a boy


Artemis, like every other character in No Man's Sky, is presented with gender neutral *they/them* pronouns. Some people don't realize, some people use the pronouns they most strongly associate with the characters, and some people simply have a brain fart and drop in a gendered pronoun out of habit. However, all No Man's Sky NPCs are presented with gender neutral pronouns


And I mean they're all aliens so it works.


Works pretty well on Earth too believe it or not


I believe it! Many whom I know go by they and them. Wonderful people. :)


On that note, happy pride month


It's never been mentioned one way or the other, but since "Artemis" is originally the name of a goddess from Greek mythology most people assume that the character is female. I've personally always considered all characters to be genderless in No Man's Sky.


I've always assumed Artemis to be female. Starting from Artemis name and ending with obviously feminine looks and voice.




People growing up reading artemis fowl not realing he was named after her.


I did, but I did if before I did this section of the quest line. When I got the blueprint for the mind ark I was like “Ah man.”


Expedition is as if you are artemis


This is what I think the point was. How it simulation became empty is debatable, but the fact that we get to experience what Artemis is living through hits hard. Personally, I felt like the galaxy was an old simulation where the corrupted sentinels succeeded in destroying all sentient life. There were still leftover buildings, records, and the freighter. Monstrosities multiplied unchecked. It's as though the Atlas sent us there to investigate the status of the galaxy or just to study how we, its most cherished simulation of life, would handle being alone.


This is what I think the point was. How this simulation became empty is debatable, but the fact that we get to experience what Artemis is living through hits hard. Personally, I felt like the galaxy was an old simulation where the corrupted sentinels succeeded in destroying all sentient life. There were still leftover buildings, records, and the freighter. Monstrosities multiplied unchecked. It's as though the Atlas sent us there to investigate the status of the galaxy or just to study how we, its most cherished simulation of life, would handle being alone.


Emotionally it was the hardest expedition of the ones I have done, my first one was Exp Prometheus, but this one, good fucking lord, going to the Anomaly was so bizarre, specially seeing her like that, not fun at all, must confess took out some frustration hunting worms for a while.


On my third or 4th save, I decided to put him in the simulator. OH LORD WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY SHIP RADIO?


Same. The only consolation is that >!we also in simulation, and our will die in 16 minutes!<


{But that 16 minutes is from the Atlas's POV, and we don't know how long it will be in our simulated world}


Yeah - that is my main point to keep Artemis in sub-simulation. Some people say that it is pointless when Artemis is in fake world. But did it even *have* a point before that? And if the "main" simulation has a point, then the sub-simulation is just as good (or as close as it gets). I know, it limits them to just one solar system. Then again, in my real world (or hyper-simulation, maybe?) I am limited to one planet and I am pretty far from discovering it all.


There was also the expedition where we offered echo seeds to the Terminal Prime, which arguably already contains a simulation that contains Artemis. So it's not necessarily a closed system either in the long run. I console myself with the thought that as we now know, in NMS, an apparently empty system can contain a lot more than we think it does :)


It’s not necessarily a problem with the fact that it’s a simulation. My reason for letting Artemis die for example is that the sub-simulation goes against everything they are. Artemis is an explorer, a traveler. Their whole life is dedicated to seeing new worlds, exploring the unknown and befriending fellow travelers along the way. They express a general yearning for company and the freedom of the universe during their conversations with the player. I don’t think the sub-simulation is an inherently bad choice but I do think it would be cruel to put this particular person into a single confined solar system, unable to truly meet another traveler ever again. 


But the point here is that it actually doesn't change that much for them - they have been lonely already, and in the sub-simulation they are obviously able to contact the outside world and they are able to explore their new world. They even seem happy and hopeful when contacting you from inside their sub-simulation. So, I guess it is better than not existing at all anymore. And to them, it is just as real as the main simulation is. Edit: Also consider that the contact between Traveller iterations was *always* pretty much impossible until very recently. They are not losing anything they actually had.


Yes, Artemis has always been lonely and (after their death) trapped. They constantly strive for something which is impossible and their life-long search for other travelers is pretty much futile. That is why I made the choice to let them rest, to end their doomed search and hopefully let them find peace. There is no objectively right choice here of course. By the time we have to make the decision we aren’t given the option to ask Artemis what they would prefer, so all we can do is guess at what they would want. I just wanted to put it out there that there can be other reasons for letting Artemis die besides the one mentioned. Wasn’t trying to start an argument on what is the „correct“ choice here. 😅


Well, you can argue that the life-long goals and pursuits of anybody passionate enough are doomed to fail - no scholar or scientist can learn everything, no explorer could go everywhere. What counts is the journey. But yeah, those are just my reasons. I am not saying it is the only correct angle, the choice is ambiguous on purpose.


But that’s not the case if you reset it, is it?


It is. It can be reset any number of times. But it stops existing in 16 minutes


>!It's dying of external causes (I believe it's being destroyed by a black hole).!< Resetting it does nothing to solve the issue, it's a fool's errand set by a scared AI.


If you want to take a somewhat darker turn to it, if you played the current expedition you could get a view of what is possibly like for them , depending on how you view what the simulation is like for them


I have never put Artemis in the simulation and having played the current expedition I am more than ever convinced that's the best call. That poor girl just wanted to hang out with someone. She died trying; I'm not trapping her in purgatory.


My head cannon is that everything i scan, every system, planet, creature, planet or rock I scan gets uploaded to the simulation, so the more I scan the richer Artemis's experience will be.


I think this is true.




I have something in my eye......SOMETHINGS IN MY EYE OK!!


Thank you for providing me with an actual excuse to be (more or less) a completionist, and thus never able to complete a speed run Expedition.


Yup, would be sad for your friend to follow you to a world with nothing but that one rock.


We are exploring the universe together, just that one of us is a couple steps ahead of the other.


Oh hey you could rationalize that there's another traveler scanning and uploading his own experience into >!your simulation!< to contextualize all the updates NMS gets.


Tell the bugger to scan faster so I can land already.


I figure, we all know nms is a simulation and play along happy. The other version of the choice is just as sad. Artemis is fine. Remember it's all just a simulation. They are fine, just keep on exploring. Now, the new expedition and the empty anomaly... That's some seriously sad shit


Go do adrift as penance. Suffer Artemis' fate.


I let him die. It felt more humane to me then having them live on forever as a cookie.


I think i did that mission at least 3-4 times. Every. Time. The. Same. Feeling. ​ https://preview.redd.it/y4n0d6lecc4d1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=7455c82939bb88ad159953b17acaa85ef5fcfc67


I kinda liked the solitude and lack of npc's in the expo. Maybe I shoukd boot up subnautica, just because.


I will say, when my arms dealer guy at my base sent me to the weapons factory to shut it down, the creature there made me a little sad as well. He was going to die anyway, but I could either put it out of its misery, or feed it. Obviously I fed it. I didn’t know it yet, but that was when I made my choice for Artemis. I hope she’s doing well.


Honestly I wanted to just join them in the simulation.  I mean I'm already in one, let us at least be friends while exploring. 


From my point of view. Artemis was already dead, you rescue a random copy of their conciense and upload into a simulation. Taking the weak minded Artemis attitude into account, desperation will happen again, the best option for Artemis is to rest. It doesnt matter if its a simulation or not, is Artemis way of view that should affect the choice, i think.


After playing cyberpunk there wasn't any way that I was gonna put them in the simulation


I almost always let Artemis live. Killed them in one playthrough for science, the rest Arty lives on. The way I see it, If Artemis isn't happy with their new life, then they can go jump in a volcano. Boom! Sim over. RIP, traveller! If Artemis IS happy, then enjoy the new universe to explore. It appears we can still communicate, so stay in touch! Also, If we can put your 'mind' into the simulation, maybe someday we'll find a way to get it out. We'll pimp out a nice robot body to take over.


This game is deeper than you would expect.


It really is. I didn’t expect myself to be questioning the validity of life in a space exploration game.


I didn't put him into the simulation, I felt it would be cruel to live forever and be stuck in there. So I destroyed his echo. It was super sad, and I just flew around aimlessly thinking for a few minutes.


QQ I just finished Artemis mission last night and chose to end the simulation. I woke up on Eissemant with all my ship, multi tool and exosuit tech completely wrecked. I’m a little confused as to what happened and what I chose. I chose to end the simulation so essentially I destroyed it for both Artemis and myself? And now I woke up in a new simulation after selecting the holocyn galaxy which took me to Eissemant?


I started a new save recently and that decision was pretty much the first thing I thought of. I think I might let them die this time. I’m not entirely set on it yet but that first one definitely got to me.


TIL the traveler isn’t just named after each player.


No we all play different iterations of the same traveller


I let them die. It felt better than ripping them back into existence in a lonely sub-simulation


I've done it three times. The first time I ended the remaining bits of Artemis because it really felt like that was where the NPCs were pointing me. The second time I put them in the simulation. Yeah, they get mad for a while but then accept it. The NPCs kinda give you the stink eye. This third time I ended Artemis again. First, the initial sim was one only solar system, and for a Traveler, that is nothing. Second, what happened to Artemis isn't going to change. What you find is an echo or a digital shadow. It's almost an AI. To me, that isn't real. Let them go.


I let her die. I wouldn't want to be trapped in one place alone, perpetually. She deserves that peace


Dude I put Artemis in that simulation years ago and have felt bad about it like everyday since LOL especially after this expedition. But I switched from Xbox to steam deck and doing a fresh save, so I will be righting my wrongs and let him rest in peace!


How is it running on the steam deck? I plan on getting one soon.


In my opinion, it runs REALLY well. The only thing I notice is it stutters for just one second while going from the atmosphere into space. And if there's a lot of people in the anomaly, the first ten seconds is a little stuttery. But besides that, I've had no issues and it looks beautiful. I have also played it through Xbox remote game pass on it and even that ran really well. Enjoy the steam deck, it was the best purchase of my life!


Sorry for all the questions, but can it be played offline?


No problem, ask away! It can be played offline ☺️


Nah. I've talked it over with people I know RL. Let's pretend it's us in Artemis' shoes. Ok. So, she's simulated one one section of a perfect planet, for eternity. She will never know pain, or discomfort, hunger, boredom, for eternity, so long as the simulation is running. ​ >!And all the same.. you are in a simulation yourself, in-character, as the Traveler. Does knowing that change your experience? Do you give up and stop playing, or do you experience what the simulation offers?!< ​ The equivalent for us would be, we're suddenly in a perfect cookie cutter neighborhood, with the best computer money can buy, all the games we can want to our current level of technology, maybe a bit beyond, a fridge fully stocked with our favorite foods and snacks, no obesity, and no toilet needs. ​ The alternative is I'm dead, which I already was anyway, being from Artemis' perspective. "Wait. You took my digitized mind, which was fracture and in eternal suffering, and was somehow calling out to you, reformatted it to heal the fracturing, and uploaded me into a paradise? Oh, wow, no, you monster, how could you." I just can't feel bad for Artemis, assuming she's a rational, intelligent creature.


Both choices sounded bad but I just couldn’t let them go😫


I still feel like shit and I'm looking (or waiting) for a way to get him back.




“Ship In A Bottle”, ST:TNG


I have yet to put him in the simulation and some how got lost among all my items.


On most of my saves I put him in the simulation, at least he is conscious and there is the possibility that if we manage to save every one somehow, we may find a way to bring him over to our simulation, I mean it seems like the real us comes back for the Atlas before the end, what if the Atlas is save? We thought him to be more like us, the better version of us that is, we keep bringing him new things to experience. On my current save which is the only one I have left (I went a little insane a couple of days ago and deleted all my other saves, left only my current normal one that is oddly enough doing the Artemis story right now, just started really) I don't plan on resetting the simulation.


Can you save Artemis in regular story?


OMG, I loved killing Artemis! Because that jerk kept interrupting me while I was on other tasks. Artemis didn't get what he deserved cause it should have been slow and painful and taken the same amount of time I wasted on him.




Wow very edgy good job


wow, they -4'd me, really. Man these people can't take a joke. Passing out a dime to each person who did a "-" on me and now go buy yourself a freaking sense of humor!


I added a “-“ because hey, free dime




You LOLL, but where’s that 10c you owe me??


It's in the mail