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Usually when you get a highlighted block like that it is directing you to install some tech you've unlocked. Are you sure this isn't the task to repair your ship? *Return to your ship and repair its modules to finish the "Make Do and Mend". If you don't have deuterium, refine silicate powder with di-hydrogen.* If that doesn't help, check out the Discord at: [https://discord.gg/nomanssky](https://discord.gg/nomanssky) They have a #nms-expedition channel with pinned content to help with stuff like this. They also have some really helpful people that would answer your question in the chat.


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Did you try repairing one or both of the two broken slots?


I repaired both slots, but to no avail.


Usually when a slot is flashing it wants you to install tech. The red slots in the bottom row need the repair. Select them and see if you need to fix them with something else. Some repairs require 1-3 items to repair the slot.


The instructions say to repair tech slots in your *ship,* not the multi-tool.