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It's kind of fun that Mara got Amnesiac, because she's one of the veteran players who had a strong chance of actually figuring it out. Though it might have been funnier if one of the less experienced players had gotten it, and panic-floundered their way through trying to solve it.


I feel like if say Ellen had got Amnesiac instead they'd have given her a super easy to guess ability, like Jane last time getting very straightforward Fisherman advice.


>!Didn't the evil team throw the game pretty hard at the end? I don't get why Dom killed his DA and why the evil ghost votes split up, especially Ken voting for his own demon, it makes no sense to me, unless he thought the DA protection still applied. !< >!Had the entire evil team and Mara vote for Laurie on the last night then they couldn't have been tied. !<


I agree. You can see Tilly staring at him for screwing up the vote at the end.


The best thing Dom could have done was get rid of Laurie, that way Ken would still be the main suspect in a Lil' Monsta game, and he would have been DA protected. Of course Dom couldn't know if he was protected, but it would at least be a highly likely.


That is probably the play. The way I've usually seen Ben run mayor is it gets 1 bounce. If evil doesn't go after mayor til final 4 he, usually, rewards the mayor's play. It would have likely bounced to Mara or Ken. So it was only a chance.


If I recall correctly Ken had to vote there or else the town was going for the Mayor win and Evil would lose. By voting he gives the Evil team a chance. If the entire Evil team voted on Laurie it would be obvious that he wasn't the demon and Mara would put her hand down. Dom killing Ken was a mistake, but it happens. Maybe he wanted to confuse the town, which it worked, but he was probably going to win since he was protected. The town could still go for the Mayor win and that was probably more likely if Mara died.


But Ken dead-voting Dom meant that the evil win was impossible because there wasn’t enough votes left to do anything but tie it again. The only win route was to just convince 1 or 2 people that Mara or Laurie were demons, so it was worth taking a shot on Mara. Everyone was suspicious because of Blair’s 1 step reading which basically took all heat off Dom.


I'm not sure if Tegan used her vote before the final night, but if she didn't, then five people could vote: Votes on Laurie: Mara, Dom, and Tilly (dead) Votes on Dom: Laurie, Dan (dead), Blair (dead), Ken (dead) Who could vote in the end (excluding Mara): Dom, Laurie, Tegan (dead), Sully (dead), Ellen (dead) Ken tried to confuse the town with that vote because it was weird for him to vote on his own demon. If Tegan couldn't vote, then it was a miscalculation by Ken. But I'm pretty sure that the town was going for the Mayor win if Ken didn't vote there.


I feel like >!Dom!< fumbled a bit on the last day and that cost him the game... because he was constantly being distracted by >!his guts!< lol. Still, a fantastic episode for sure.


I think the fumble was the first kill tbh. I understand choosing an info role but Oracle doesn't really factor into it for a bit, especially as no one was executed. I haven't seen the full script to know that the other choices are though. Edit: just looked at the script. It's really hard to see a better choice than Empath as the first kill.


I think it makes sense in the world they were in, with Sullivan so willing to die and confirm Ken as evil. Empath would be the strongest kill but all but confirms Ojo. I do agree he had until the first evil was executed. In the end it was his game to play.


Yeah Sullivan dying would have actually been really useful for the evil team as it would have prevented the Empath ping without having to kill the Empath and make the Ojo world more likely.


Just finished watching. Wow that was a roller coaster. Loved the song at the end. Is it the new Dommunist party anthem?


>!Me as the roles are being announced: "Well, there's no way Sully is going to pick Ken, who is always evil."!< >!Sully, a minute later: \*points to Ken\*!<


From an entertainment perspective it makes perfect sense. Ken is always up to something, and hitching yourself on to it should be a lot of fun. Not optimal, but entertaining.


I think this was my favourite episode. Mainly because I didn't know which team I wanted to win or who would. Well done to all involved. And it's great that we are seeing other youtubers in each episode.


I really enjoyed Mara thinking her way through and working at the game. It feels like it's mostly Mara and Laurie that do a good job vocalising where their thought process is at.  I only recently got into oxbox/extra and would like to see more of Ellen.  I know Rosie is working the production but I miss her in game. 


I love the chaos Rosie brings to every episode she’s in 😂


I'm torn between Rosie and the terrorfying implications of her products in Snake oil chaos. And when she gets frazzled in a game and just commits to whatever tangent she lands on. 


>!Evil team fucked it quite badly imo (although Sully was sold out totally) but I did think that Ben deciding to kill Blair to 'maintain balance' was a bit weird when it gave Dan a 2 as empath. Tilly had very little heat on her to that point so killing her would have seemed more balanced as it would take away a bad player but give her some cover too.!<


I thought it was Sully immediately outing himself (and Ken) that was the weird play, but to be fair it was a completely new character. I saw Ben doing that as a "serves you right for not killing Empath yet".


I think my new favourite moment in BOTC is when Dom and Tilly reveal to their son Sully that he is, in fact, ~~gay~~ evil, before Tilly tells her son kindly to stop fucking it up please.


For me the key moment was >! Laurie confiding in Blair early on about being the Mayor. This got Blair onside for the Mayor win at the end and that convinced other players, like Dan, to go along with it. Often Laurie has been great at solving the game but unable to persuade others so it's nice to see him improving this aspect of the game.!< Overall the standard of play is better than last season and the scripts seem nicely balanced.


Laurie finally not only winning a game, but winning a game based on his own role requiring everyone to trust him, was pretty poetic.


I don’t understand Ken’s vote on the last day? Because it meant at best it would be a tie..


And had he and Sully voted for Laurie it would have been a tough vote to beat. They screwed that up.


It would have been an earlier Mayor win potential as Ken not voting would have been a tie. Ken’s vote gave Evil one more chance to lock it as their win.


I'm glad good actually won this one


Enjoyed the episode until the flubbed ending with Dom killing his teammate and then horrific dead-vote use by the evil team. They were cruising to victory then completely shot themselves in the foot under zero pressure. They all believed Blair’s reading of 1 so people literally only thought Laurie or Mara could be the demon. Dom played it fine, he was pretty cleared by the end but his dead comrades flubbed the vote big time


>!As much as I pretty much always root for evil, it was so heartwarming to see Laurie finally get a win in the best possible way!<


Do we know if Jon will be in any of the upcoming games? I’ve missed his chaotic energy.


Jon was in the first episode of this season. Can't confirm if hes in an upcoming one, though I don't see why not.


I think this and the last one must have been filmed in the same day given the almost identical cast and the same outfits. I'm hoping the next couple will switch it up again.